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1 above-mentioned a /əˌbʌv ˈmenʃnd/ mentioned or named earlier in

the same letter, book, etc.

The + Tính từ = Danh từ số
2 above/below the fold a /əˌbʌv ðə ˈfəʊld/ in/not in a position where you see
/bɪˌləʊ ðə ˈfəʊld/ it first, for example in the
top/bottom part of a newspaper
page or web page
touched on the history of intercultural
communication studies.
Heterogeneous /ˌhetərəˈdʒiːniəs/
Building blocks in understanding các nền tảng trong sự hiểu biết
intercultural communication: culture, về giao tiếp liên văn hóa: văn
communication, context, and power hóa, giao tiếp, bối cảnh và sức
As noted previously, Như đã lưu ý trước đây,
foreground noun the part of a view, picture, etc.
/ˈfɔːɡraʊnd/ that is nearest to you when you
look at it, bối cảnh
pro-life <>pro-choice (a) những người ủng hộ sự sống opposed to abortion <>
khác với những người ủng hộ sự believing that a pregnant
pro-lifers differ from pro-choicers lựa chọn woman should be able to
(nghiên về sự phá thai) choose to have an abortion if
she wants
, and on and on. , và cứ thế tiếp tục.
Simultaneously /ˌsɪmlˈteɪniəsli/ at the same time as something
else, đồng thời

We all eat, sleep, love, pursue

friendships and romantic
relationships and want to be respected
and loved by those who are important
to us.
Men and women often do not see the
world in the same way.
and the old adage “When in Rome do
as the Romans do” implies that
Merely ˈmɪəli/ adverb used meaning ‘only’ or ‘simply’
Culture is more than merely one aspect to emphasize a fact or
of the practice of intercultural something that you are saying
nation state /ˌneɪʃn ˈsteɪt/ a group of people with the
nhà nước quốc gia same culture, language, etc.
Japan and Italy are different nation- who have formed an
states independent country
Perspective pəˈspektɪv/ a particular attitude towards
SYNONYM viewpoint something; a way of thinking
Interpretative /ɪnˈtɜːprətətɪv/adjective connected with the particular
/ɪnˈtɜːprətɪv/ way in which something is
understood, explained or
performed; providing an
Advocate Bieen hooj
an advocate for hospital workers a person who supports or
speaks in favour of somebody
or of a public plan or action

v: to support something

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