Text MC Webinar BAHAS Lifesaver Indonesia 2023.id - en

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Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillahirabbil alamin wassalatu wassalamu ala asrofil ambiyai

walmursalin waalaalihi wa shahbihi ajma'in

Praise be to Allah SWT who has given us health and the opportunity so that we can
attend the Basic Life Assistance Webinar and Talkshow event organized by FIMA
Lifesaver Indonesia in 2023

Shalawat and greetings, let's together pray for the great day of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who
has brought us from the realm of ignorance to the realm of Islam.

- Our respected chairman of the Indonesian Islamic Medical Association, Dr. H. Iwang Yusuf,
- Our respect to the chairman of Imani Care, Dr. Ahmad Jamaluddin, M. Kes
- Dear Chairman of the International Lifesaver Program, Dr. Muhammad Wajid Akhter
- Our tribute to the head of the Australian lifesaver program, Dr. Omer Shareef
- Dear chairman of the Malaysian lifesaver program, Dr. Noor Hafizah Bint Abdul Halim
- Our respect to the Chair of the Indonesian lifesaver program, Dr. Fakhri Haidar
And to all the invited guests, our honored guests.

By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, we will begin the opening ceremony of the

webinar and talk show on basic life support soon

To bless our event on this happy day, let us together listen to the recitation of the
holy verses of the Koran which will be recited by Diva Mardevian, at the time and
place we invite you.

Allah is true in all His words

Furthermore, the report from the chairman of the committee in this matter will be
submitted by Brother Muhammad Ilmam Bariqi, to you at the time and place we invite.

The next event, remarks from the head of the Indonesian lifesaver program, in this case will
be delivered by Dr, Fakhri Haidar Anis, to you at the time and place we invite

Next, let's listen to the opening remarks at the same time as the opening of the event from the
chairman of the Indonesian Islamic Medical Association, Dr. H. Iwang Yusuf, M.Si, we invite the
doctor to the time and place

The next event, we inform all participants of the webinar and basic life support talk show
that we will carry out a pretest, we ask the committee to send the pretest link in the zoom
chat column
Next, our event today will be led by a very extraordinary moderator, let's call our
moderator Ns. Rona Firyal Ilyas, to Ns. We welcome the color of time and place

Next, we urge all participants in the webinar and talk show on basic life support to carry
out a post test, to the committee to send an evaluation link.

Next event, let's together immortalize the moments of our activities today with a group
photo. We ask all the audience to activate their respective cameras and to the committee to
be able to guide the photo session with us.

Next, the prayer reading, in this case will be read by Diva Mardevian, to you at the time
and place we invite you to

Amen Amen Ya Rabbal 'alamin

With the end of the prayer reading, our series of events for today also ends. We as Masters
of Ceremony apologize for any shortcomings, billahitaufiq walhidayah, Wassalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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