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Answer the following questions as a guide in your presentation in depicting a community you

envision. Use the format provided. (20-minute activity)

1. What makes an ideal community?

A secure shelter for the people and a reputable social framework define an ideal society.

provides a wide range of options for everyone, including excess products and services, as well as a

Much affection amongst the residents of the neighbourhood It's a place where your race, sexual
orientation, and ethnicity don't matter.

Instead than being criticized, orientation and viewpoints are explored and welcomed a location
where you can. You will have access to services that will assist you in getting through the day. A
place where everyone is welcome attend religious services, educational events, and leisure activities
a community in which Generations of families take pride in their town, value the environment, and
participate in community service. active participation in projects aimed at making it more livable,
pleasant, and ecologically friendly. A location that provides a mix of current services while also
reflecting the history of the foundation An ideal situation In my perspective, a community is one in
which people take pleasure in their surroundings and make an effort to improve them a concerted
effort to ensure that all inhabitants live in a safe environment. This includes constructing a barrier-
free environment. People of various mobility levels can obtain all they need in this setting. A perfect
community is a collection of people that live in the same location yet have different skills and
talents. Regardless of their differences they’re both forward-thinking. To do this, members must
collaborate. In the event that the If members of a community don't cooperate, it isn't a community
in the first place, and it isn't a community at all. It is far from a perfect community. All members of
the community must work together to establish an ideal community. Should participate in and be a
part of all community events. To put it another way, if you're looking for a unique approach to
express yourself, In each manner feasible, members should be unified.

2. What is the role of each institution/ community participants in the establishment of peaceful

and orderly community?

Many institutions have a role in maintaining peace and order in any given area. There are much too
many in society to name them all, even in a single town. Each locality has its own distinct culture.
own collection of establishments There are several responsibilities within the community that
contribute to the success of the organization. The establishment of a calm and ordered atmosphere
Community policing participants, for example, are anticipated to collaborate closely with local cops.
Each neighbourhood has its own set of rules. Institutions that link the members of a community
together each institution/community participant's involvement they serve as the foundation for the
formation of a calm and harmonious community. Cultures, beliefs, expectations, aims, hierarchies,
goals, and policies, both formal and informal among other things, constitutions, unwritten laws, and
codes of behaviour exist.

3. How do you relate each community participant with the attainment of the common vision of?

the people there at?

I can connect each community member to the achievement of the shared goal of Individual interests
and collective interests can be blended by the persons present to empower community people to
realize a shared goal by collaborating with the government Community. As a whole, the
communities share common values and visions. Each and every team member In order to attain the
community's goals, community members must work together. As a result, to connect each
community member to the achievement of the common objective of

People who are present must work together.

4. What are the aspirations/interests do the community participants have?

People's hearts and minds are opened to new possibilities when they have well-crafted communal
ambition opportunities, act as a "north-star" for community activity, and guarantees that the
community's needs are met. In the creation of a shared agenda, the community's interests remain a
point of reference. Common objectives a strong sense of community produces a "big tent" in which
a varied set of people may come together. To address an issue, people may collaborate. Small
victories on the way to a common objective might add up. Be conveyed and shared, resulting in an
infectious feeling of goodwill.

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