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Concept Attainment Lesson Plan

Your Name: Oshawnda Hines-Searcy Grade Level: (circle one) K 1 2 3 4 5 6

Subject: (circle one) Language Arts Social Studies Mathematics Science

RULE §110.5 English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 3

(9) Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple
texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics,
structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional,
contemporary, classical, and diverse texts. The student is expected to:
(iii) organizational patterns such as cause and effect and problem and solution;
(E) recognize characteristics and structures of argumentative text by:
(i) identifying the claim;
(ii) distinguishing facts from opinion; and
(iii) identifying the intended audience or reader; and
(F) recognize characteristics of multimodal and digital texts.

Lesson Title:

Materials Needed:

 Materials must include examples and non-examples of the concept being taught.
Classroom Overhead



Blue Tape



Pictures showcasing Segregation

Pictures showcasing what is NOT segregation

Prerequisite Skills:

Lesson Objective(s):
Concept Label (name):

Critical Attributes: [yes] Non-Critical Attributes: [no]

A feature of a certain concept that distinguishes it from other concepts

Features found in some but not all members of a category

Definition of Concept

1. Present objectives: (What are students going to learn?) Time:

2. Provide examples and nonexamples to the class: (Input/modeling) Time:

3. Test for attainment: (Do the students understand the concept?) Time:

4. Analyze student thinking processes and integration of learning: (Are they able to provide additional examples

and nonexamples?) Time:

5. Assessment/closure: (How do you evaluate student progress or provide closure for this lesson?) Time:

6. Adaptation for students who need extra help, time, or attention:


Extension for students of high ability. Time:


References Consulted (Curriculum books, teacher resources, websites, etc):

Concept Attainment Lesson Plan Form

California Baptist University School of Education

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