EEE373 MID Sample

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BRAC University

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

EEE365/ EEE373 [Embedded System Design]
Mid Exam, Summer-2023
Time: 1 Hour Total Marks: 40

There are 2 questions and all of them are mandatory. You must proceed with all the
relevant steps for calculations and analysis.
1. A 4*4 Keypad and an Alphanumeric LCD are connected to Atmega32. When any
individual button is pressed, the corresponding representation is displayed on the
Alphanumeric LCD.

i. What is the significance of sending 0 to only one pin during keypad [4]
scanning? [CO1]
ii. Draw the required interfacing circuit connection mentioning the [4]
ATmega32 pin numbers you choose.
iii. Write an embedded C program for the system. [CO2] [12]
2. 2 seven-segment displays and 8 LEDs are connected to 2 different ports of
ATmega32. Initially, the LEDs will be performing a left shift operation as long as
the power connection is maintained. While the switch-1 is pressed, the seven-
segment displays will show 15 for 5 seconds. After displaying 15 for 5 seconds, the
left shift operation will resume again.
NB: The 2 seven-segment displays exploit the multiplexing operation and both of
them are common cathode and active low.
i. What is the significance of ISC00 and ISC01 bits? [CO1] [4]
ii. Draw the required interfacing circuit connection mentioning the [4]
ATmega32 pin numbers you choose.
iii. Write an embedded C program for the system using INT0. [CO2] [12]

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