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(a collection of teaching grammar activity on 4th semester, 2021)





TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................................................................................................2
CURRICULUM VITAE....................................................................................................................................3
WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT.................................................................................................................................5
WEEK 2:...................................................................................................................................................5
WEEK 3:...................................................................................................................................................6
WEEK 4:...................................................................................................................................................9
WEEK 6:.................................................................................................................................................11
WEEK 7:.................................................................................................................................................13
WEEK 8 (MID TEST):...............................................................................................................................14
WEEK 10:...............................................................................................................................................21
WEEK 11:...............................................................................................................................................22
WEEK 12:...............................................................................................................................................23
WEEK 13:...............................................................................................................................................24
WEEK 14:...............................................................................................................................................30
WEEK 15:...............................................................................................................................................32
WEEK 16 (FINAL TEST):..........................................................................................................................39
REFLECTION ON THE END OF SEMESTER...................................................................................................40
I. Personal Data
1. Name : Adrovvy Jonathan
2. Place and Date of Birth : Kendal, May 17th 1999
3. Gender : Male
4. Religion : Islam
5. Marital Status : Not Married
6. Nationality : Indonesia
7. Address : Pintu Air St. No. 05 Weleri-Kendal
8. Phone Number : 087700123457
9. Email :
10. Zip Code : 51355
II. Education
Periode (Year) School / University Major
2000 - 2006 SDN 1 Penaruban -
2006 - 2009 SMPN 1 Weleri -
2009 - 2012 MA Ma’arif NU Kepung Science
2019 - Now UIN Walisongo Semarang ELT

III. Work Experience

Periode (Year) Agency / Company Position

2012 - 2015 Hafin Comp Mechanics
2015 - 2016 UD Tawakal Alumunium Production Unit
2016 - 2019 Krupuk Barokah Factory Sales Marketing

IV. Mastery of language

No. Language
Reading Writing Speaking Listening
1 Indonesian Native Native Native Native
2 Javanese Native Native Native Native
3 English Advance Advance Advance Advance
4 Japanese Beginner Beginner Intermediate Intermediate
Lesson planning is at the key of being an effective teacher. It is a creative process that
allows us to produce our understanding of a foreign language acquisition and language teaching
pedagogy with our understanding of our students, the proper teaching strategy, and context
(Jensen 2001). It is a time when we visualize a course we want to carry and analyze how all the
pieces of the learning experience should fit together to make that visualization a classroom

There are many benefits to writing a lesson plan. First, lesson planning produces more
combined lessons. It gives teachers the chance to think purposefully about their choice of lesson
objectives, the variation of activities that will run into these objectives, the arrangement of those
activities, the materials necessary, how long each activity probably take, and how students
should be taught. Teachers can reflect on the relations between one activity and the next, the
relationship between the recent lesson and any past or future lessons, and the correlation between
learning activities and assessment practices.

Lesson planning allows teachers to assess their own understanding to the content to be
taught. If a teacher has to teach, for example, a difficult grammatical structure and is not sure
about the rules, the teacher would become conscious of this during lesson planning and can take
steps to gain the necessary information. Likewise, if a teacher is not sure how to pronounce a
new vocabulary word, this can be remedied during the lesson planning process.

A teacher with a plan, we can say that, is a more confident teacher. The teacher is ready
on what necessities to be done, how, and when. The lesson will be likely to flow more efficiently
because all the information is gathered and the details is chosen earlier. The teacher tends to not
waste class time searching the materials through the textbook, thinking of what to do next, or
rushing to make copies. The teacher’s confidence will enthuse more respect from the students, in
that way reducing students’ discipline problems and helping the students to feel more
comfortable and more open to the learning.
Lesson plans can also be useful for other people. Substitute teachers sometimes face the
difficulty to teach other teacher’s class and very grateful receiving a detailed lesson plan to be
followed. Knowing that the substitute teacher is following our lesson plan gives the regular
classroom teacher belief that the class time is being productive as well.

In summary, learning how to make Lesson Plan is an important thing. From the reasons
that have stated above, so many advantages if we can make and use lesson plan.
1. Referring to English curriculum for students in Junior High school, do you think that the
curriculum is relevant to students’ need? Why? In what aspects do you find that the
curriculum is an integrated curriculum?
2. What do you know about reflective teaching? Elaborate your answer of how to be
reflective teacher!
3. Write a reflection what you have learned in this meeting, what things you haven’t
1. Since the students in Junior High School don’t need any particular Goals and just Study
the basic skill of English, I would say ‘no’ to the relevance between Curriculum and
Students’ Need. A curriculum is considered an Integrated Curriculum if it connects
different areas of study by cutting across subject-matter lines and emphasizing unifying
concepts. Integration focuses on making connections for students, allowing them to
engage in relevant, meaningful activities that can be connected to real life. For example,
the pronunciation of some English words is taught in science to mention something.
2. Reflective teaching is a process whereby teachers reflect on their teaching practices to
examine the overall effectiveness of their instructive approaches. Improvement or change
in teaching methods may be required, depending on the outcome of this analytical
process, which is based on critical reflection. There some ways to be a good reflective
teacher, such as:
1. Write journal once a week
2. Take students’ feedback
3. Record your lesson
4. Doing peer observation
5. and the most important thing, Be honest with yourself.
3. In this meeting, I learn so many things. Before doing my assignment, I learned the
definition of the curriculum and 5 types of curriculum organization. After doing my
assignment, I learned about the integrated curriculum and reflective teaching. So far I
learned this subject well.
1. Choose a basic competence
2. Identify theme based on the standard the basic competence
3. Choose appropriate methods or media to deliver the material
4. Identify some characters integrated in the learning
5. Devise indicators of each character
6. Arrange the character assessment
1. Base Competence:
Class: VII (Junior High School)
mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyapa, berpamitan,
mengucapkan terimakasih, dan meminta maaf, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya
menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan menyapa, berpamitan, mengucapkan terimakasih, dan meminta
maaf, dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
2. Theme: Greeting, Thanking, Apologizing.
3. Method: Communicative Teaching Learning
Strategy: Role-Play
Media: Picture
4. Creativity
5. Creativity: Students are able to create proper sentences including greeting, thanking, and
Communicative: Students are able to answer greeting, thanking, and apologizing properly
Politeness: Students are able to distinguish the difference between formal and informal
6. Creativity: Students are asked to give an example of greeting, thanking, and apologizing
based on a story or picture.
Communicative: Students are asked to apply the expressions of greeting, thanking, and
apologizing with their partner.
Politeness: Students are asked to present greeting, thanking, and apologizing in different
1. Design learning activities by implementing the genre-based approach
2. Write a reflection of the meeting

Learning Activities

School/Class: Junior High School/7th Grade

Writing Skill: Descriptive Text
Basic Competencies:
membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan deskripsi orang,
binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
teks deskriptif
menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait orang,
binatang, dan benda
menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait orang,
binatang, dan benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks
1. Identify the generic structure of descriptive texts.
2. Identify the language features of descriptive texts.
By the end of the lesson students are able:
a. Understand the meanings, the linguistic features, and the text structure of written
b. Create written descriptive using the appropriate linguistic features and text structure.
c. Work cooperatively in doing exercises in a group or pair
Learning Material:
1. Descriptive text
2. Vocabulary related to the text
3. Picture related to the text
Teaching Method: Genre-based Approach
Learning Activities:
1. Pre-Activities
a. Greeting
b. Praying
c. Teacher States the objective of the study
d. Teacher Decides the learning activities

2. Main-Activities
a. BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field)
1) Teacher asks students questions related to the notion of descriptive text.
2) Teacher asks students to mention example of descriptive text based on their
3) Teacher shares picture about some people and ask the students to describe them in
simple way.
“Look at the following picture. Do you know them? Who and what are they? How
do they look like? Write your answer in a table.”

Robert Patinson Dwayne Johnson Daniel Radcliffe

Emma Watson Leonardo DiCaprio Angelina Jolie

Robert Patinson Actor, tall, handsome, smart

Dwayne Johnson
Daniel Radcliffe
Emma Watson
Leonardo DiCaprio
Angelina Jolie

b. MOT (Modeling of Text)

1) Teacher asks students to read a descriptive text and answer some question to help
them understand the function and the generic structure of a descriptive text.
has a 4) .... body that can really figure a
super hero. He has big round 5) .... and black
6)... hair. His physical 7) .... really supports
his role as a super hero. Moreover, he is
very 8) .... that makes him loveable

Tobey Macquire
Tobey Macquire
Tobey Macquire is an American 1)
actor. His 2) .... name is Tobias Vincet
Maquir. He is known for his 3) .... as Peter
Parker/ Spider-man in Spider-man film
series. He stands about 172 cm. Beside, he
 actor (n) :
 appearance (n) :
 age (n) :
 friendly (adj) :
 full (adj) :
 muscular (adj) :
 role (n) :
 straight (adj) :

2) Teacher asks students to discuss the grammatical features of a descriptive text.

c. JCOT (Join Construction of text)
1) Teacher gives some picture to students.
2) Teacher asks students to write a descriptive text in groups by choosing one of the
pictures given.

d. ICOT (Independent Construction of Text)

1) Teacher asks students to write a descriptive text about students’ idol

“You must have idol, it can be actor, actress, politician, or etc. Make a
description about your idol.”
3. Post-Activities
a. Teacher asks students to summarize the learning materials with the teacher’s
b. Teacher asks students to reflect on the learning activities with the teacher’s
c. Teacher asks students to pay attention to feedback given by the teacher
d. Praying
e. Teacher Closes the class

Genre-based approach is defined as the approach to teach genres moving through stages
including Building Knowledge of Field (BKoF), Modeling (MoT), Joint Construction (JCoT),
and Independent Construction of the Text (ICoT). All stages are combined and called
“Curriculum Cycle”. Teaching text types will be done step by step, in order to students are easy
to comprehend the different text.
Stage 1: Building Knowledge of the Field (BKOF)
In this stage, the students are introduced to the social context of an authentic model of the
text type being studied. Then the students will be expected to explore features of the general
cultural context in which the text type is used and the social purposes of the selected genre.
Stage 2: Modeling of Text (MOT)
Modeling of text is the second stage of curriculum cycle. During the phase, the teacher
strongly directs the interaction, introduces learners to models text belonging to the target genre in
the context they have been exploring. The activities in this stage focuses on introducing
particular genre through a model of a text that deals with the field that the students have already
explored in the stage of Building Knowledge of Field (BKOF). In addition, in this stage the
students will also investigate the structural pattern, cultural context, social function and language
feature of the model and compare the model with other examples of the same text type.
Stage 3: Joint Construction of Text (JCOT)
The third stage is Joint Construction of Text (JCOT). In this stage, the teacher and the
students write a text together, collaboratively constructing a piece of writing in selected genre, so
that the students can see how the text is written.
Stage 4: Independent Construction of Text (ICOT)
The purpose of this stage is to enable students to practice their writing skills and
demonstrate their understanding of the chosen genre. Teachers ask students independently to
write a text.

Hopefully, at the end of written cycle every student must be able to produce written texts
of genre they are learning. For instance, if the genre is narrative, at the end of written cycle every
student must be able to write a narrative text.
School: Senior High School (SMA/SMK/MA)
Grade: 10th (1st Semester)
Language Skill: Grammar (be going to, would like to)
Base Competence:
Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan
dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait niat melakukan suatu
tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan be
going to, would like to).
Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait niat melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
Teaching Approach: Text-based Approach
Teaching Strategy: Using Dictogloss
Teaching Form: Online
Media: Zoom, G-Form, E-learning Website, and a Picture.
Topic: Idul Fitri Celebration
Learning Goals: By the end of the course the students are able to tell and ask information in the
state of willingness in the correct structure, pronunciation, and manner.

Teaching Activity:
1. Teacher opens the meeting via Zoom and Greets the students
2. Teacher Shares the link of Google Form and asks the students to submit the attendance
via Google Form
3. Teacher Shows the Basic competencies and Tells the Learning goal
1. Teacher Introduce the topic by showing picture via Screen share

2. Teacher asks students about their feeling about idul fitri
3. Teacher asks the students about their favorite activities during idul fitri
Main Activity:
 Phase 1: Building the Context:
1. Teacher asks the students to take out their pen and notebook while he/she is preparing to
read his/her plans during idul fitri. (teacher will go with some phrases with “be going to”
and “would like to”)
2. Teacher asks the students to jot down the phrases, tags, and sentences while the teacher
read out loud her writing that he/she has prepared before.
3. The Teacher starts the dictation
4. The teacher asks the students to reconstruct their notes into full sentences
5. The teacher asks some of the students to share their works to all of the class member via
screen share.
6. The teacher compares the students’ works with his/her writing. (teacher should be focus
to the grammatical structure of “be going to” and “would like to”)
 Phase 2: Modelling:
1. Teacher explain the use of “be going to” and “would like to” in the dictation to express
future plans via Screen share.
2. Teacher uses the dictation to be example of “be going to” and “would like to”
 Phase 3: Joint Construction of the text:
1. Teacher asks students to recall the dictation using their own sentence which contains “be
going to” and “would like to”
2. Teacher divides the class into some 4-5 group using breakout rooms
3. Students have discussion in their group
4. Teacher asks the students to re-join in the main room and check their works and corrects
any grammatical errors
5. Teacher asks the students if there is any question about the using of “be going to” and
“would like to”
 Phase 4: Independent Construction of the text:
1. Teacher set the home work to the student by asking them to make their own plan in the
next idul fitri
2. Teacher asks the students to submit the assignment once they have finished it in the E-
Learning Website
1. Teacher Summarize today’s learning.
2. Teacher asks one of the students to reflect what were they learned in today’s learning.
1. Teacher tells the students what will they are going to learn next week.
2. Teacher leads the praying
3. Teacher closes the meeting

Song: A Little Piece of Heaven – Avenged Sevenfold
1. “Before the possibilities came true I took all possibility from you”, “You had my heart, at
least for the most part” – simple past tense.
2. “Our love had been so strong for far too long” – past perfect tense
3. “She was never this good in bed even when she was sleeping” – past continuous tense
Song: Dear God – Avenged Sevenfold
4. “Dear God, the only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around when I'm much
too far away.” – to invinitive
5. “We all need that person who can be true to you” – relative clause

Design a set of teaching and learning activities based on KD for SMP / SMA students using the
teaching methods you've learned.

School: Senior high School
Class/Semester: X/2nd Semester
Base Competence:
3.9 - menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja
4.9 - menangkap makna terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan secara kontekstual lirik lagu
terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK
Time Allocation: 2 × 45 mins
In the end of the course, Students are able to:
1. Estimate the social function of a song text related to teenager life well.
2. Present the linguistic elements of a song text related to teenager life well.
3. Determine the meaning of a song related to teenager life well.
Teaching Method:
 Approach: Scientific Approach
 Model: Discovery Learning
 Techniques: QnA, Group discussion, summarizing and presentation.
Teaching Media:
 “Count On Me” Song Lyric text
 “Count On Me” Song Video
 Power Point Presentation
 Students’ Worksheet
No. Learning Step Teacher Activity Student Activity Time
1 Opening 1. Teacher enters the class 1. Students greet back 10 mins
and greets the students teacher
2. Teacher checks the 2. Students answer the
attendance teacher’s call
3. Teacher checks if the 3. Students bring out the

students bring dictionaries
dictionaries or not 4. Students listen to the
4. Teacher inform the teacher
competencies that will 5. Students pay attention
be achieved to the teacher
5. Teacher presents the 6. Students listen to the
outline of previous teacher
6. Teacher informs the
scope of the assessment
of this meeting
2 Main Activity:
(Observing) 1. Teacher divides 1. Students are divided 10 mins
Discovery: students into groups into groups
Stimulation 2. Teacher plays “Count 2. Students listen and
On Me” Song Video observing the “Count
3. Teacher asks students to On Me” Song Video
watch and listen the
(Questioning) 1. Teacher guides students 1. Students with the 10 mins
Discovery: to ask questions related teacher’s guidance ask
Problem to the information questions related to the
Statement contained in the video information contained
in the video
(Data 1. Teacher asks the 1. Students (in groups) 20 mins
Collectioning) students (in groups) to complete the “Count
Discovery: Data fill-in-the-blanks of On Me” Song Lyric
Collection “Count On Me” Song text (Task 1)
Lyric text (Task 1)
(Associating) 1. Teacher asks the 1. Students (in groups) 10 mins
Discovery: Data students (in groups) to interpret the meaning
Processing interpret the meaning of of the “Count On Me”
the “Count On Me” Song Lyric text (Task
Song Lyric text (Task 2)
(Communicating 1. Teacher asks students 1. Students (in groups) 20 mins
) Discovery: (in groups) to present present the translation
Verification the translation of of “Count On Me”
“Count On Me” Song Song Lyric text in the
Lyric text in the front of front of the class
the class 2. Students (in groups)
2. Teacher asks students sing “Count On Me”
(in groups) to sing Song together
“Count On Me” Song
3 Closing:

Discovery: 1. Teacher Reflects the 1. Students listen and 10 mins
Generalization materials that students pay attention to the
do not understand yet teacher
2. Teacher confirms by 2. Students ask teacher
asking materials that about the materials
have been taught before 3. Students listen and
3. Teacher assigns students pay attention to the
a task to sing an English teacher
song in groups then 4. Students summarize
uploads it to YouTube today’s lesson
and practice by 5. Students thank the
answering questions in teacher
the students’ worksheet
4. Teacher along with
students summarize
today’s lesson
5. Teacher ends the class

Lyric Count On Me (covered by Conie Talbot)
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh
If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will remind you
Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah
You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go, never say goodbye

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh
You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

A. Instruction
Please analyze and fill in the blank space of the lyric
B. Students’ worksheet
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the (1)……………
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to (2 )………….
Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our (3)….. …..
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can (4)……….. like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh
If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song (5)……….
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will (6)… …..
Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need
You can (7) ………… like one, two, three
I'll be there and I (8)………..when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah
You'll always have my shoulder when you (9) ………..
I'll never let go, never say (10)………….
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh
You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

A. Instruction:
Please explain
a) The social function of the song
b) The meaning of the song (How do you know? Explain briefly, which part of the lyric
show is?)
B. Students’ worksheet:
a) The social function of the song is …………………………
b) The meaning of the song is ……………………………….

Answer Key:
1. sea
2. guide you
3. friends
4. count on you
5. beside you
6. remind you
7. count on me
8. know
9. cry
10. goodbye
The Possible Answer:
a) The social function of the song entitles Count On Me is to entertain and share a
friendship meaning to the listener
b) The meaning of the song:
 The song is about friendship.
 A friend is someone that will do everything for us
 The song is about a friend that will mke his/her friend to be always happy
 The song is about a friend who can help without any postponing

Peer checklist Lesson Planning

Exchange your previous lesson plan to your friend, then identify the content based on the following

The lesson plan’s owner: Elisa

KD / Topic : 3.1 & 4.1 / Greeting, Leave taking, thanking, and appologizing

Aspects Indicators Yes No Score

1. Formulating objectives and
1. Learning indicators are relevant with
basic competence  5

2. Learning indicators are achievable
and measurable 
All indicators are covered :10
8 indicators are covered;9
3. Learning indicators use operational
verbs 
7 indicators are covered;8
6 indicators are covered;7
4. The number of indicators are
sufficient 

5 indicators are covered;6 5. Objectives are relevant to indicators
4 indicators are covered;5
3 indicators are covered;4
2 indicators are covered;3
6. Objectives are achievable and
measurable 
1 indicator is covered;2 7. Objectives are sufficient

8. Objectives comprise ABCD
components (Audience, Behavior, 
Condition, Degree
9. Objectives use operational verbs

2. Preparing materials 1. Preparing materials for regular
learning.  3

All indicators are covered :10
2. Preparing materials for enrichment
learning 
9 indicators are covered;9
8 indicators are covered;8
3. Preparing materials for remedial
learning 
7 indicators are covered;7
6 indicators are covered;6
4. Materials are appropriate with
students’ cognitive development 
5 indicators are covered;5
4 indicators are covered;4
5. Materials are appropriate with
students’ emotional development 
3 indicators are covered;3
2 indicators are covered;2
6. Materials are sufficient for language
exposure 
1 indicator is covered;1 7. Materials are conceptually correct

8. Materials are linguistically accurate

9. Materials are presented in context

10. Materials integrate Indonesian
values and cultures 
3. Planning the activities
1. The main activities implement
scientific approach, project-based  6

5 indicators are covered: 10 learning, problem-based learning,

4 indicators are covered: 8 inquiry/discovery learning, genre-
3 indicators are covered : 6 based approach, task-based
2 indicators are covered : 4 instruction, etc.
1 indicator is covered : 2 2. Activities are learner centered

3. Activities are relevant with the
chosen method 
4. Activities are relevant with students’
characteristics 
5. Activities are sufficient to achieve
the objectives of learning 
4. Determining learning
sources, media
1. Using relevant multi sources of
learning  10

All indicators are covered: 10
2. Employing IT-based learning media

3 indicators are covered;7,5 3. Media are appropriate with objectives
2 indicators are covered: 5
1 indicator is covered;2,5 4. Media are appropriate with materials

5. Allocating time 1. There is a proportiona distribution of
time in the pre, main, and post  0

Score : activities
 Time allocation for opening,
main activities, closing is
proportional ;10
 Time allocation is only
proportional for main
activities and either opening
and closing: 8
 Time allocation is only
proportional for main
activities: 6
 Time allocation is only
proportional for opening
and closing: 4
 Time allocation is only
proportional for either
opening or closing
Total Score 24

Collaborator : Adrovvy Jonathan

WEEK 10:

1. Objectives for Senior High School

Student are able to:

a) Recognize the purpose of descriptive text

b) Complete the dialogues in a short conversation
c) Make short paragraphs of descriptive text
d) Describe person or place in order to give information orally
e) Use appropriate relative verb in a descriptive text

2. Example Question
a) What is the use of descriptive text?
b) Rudi: Where … the post office?
Dina: The … is located … the restaurant
c) Make a short paragraph describing your closest classmate!
d) Record a video describing your favorite place and upload it in your youtube channel!
e) I often go to post office, the post office … located beside restaurant. It … the busiest
place in my town. It … 45 employers.

3. The Test Specification

 Reading (15 minutes)
Format : Teacher provide a description text and ask students to analyze it.
Task : do essay questions (objective a)
 Listening (10 minutes)
Format : Teacher asks students to listen an audiotape, and asks students to
Students to complete the dialogues
Task : fill in the blanks in accordance with words contained in the audio (objective b)
 Speaking (10 minutes)
Format : Group task – make short video of description

Task : Teacher asks students to Record a video describing their favorite place and
upload it in their YouTube channel (objective d)
 Writing (15 minutes)
Format : Students make a short paragraph
Task : Write a short paragraph describing your closest calassmate (Objective c)

4. To what extent is evaluation important for (1) teacher, (2) students?

• For Teachers

For teachers, evaluation can determine the success of teaching and learning activities. With
evaluation can know which students understand the lesson and students who do not understand
or have not mastered the material. By knowing the results student learning, teachers can pay less
attention to students understanding. The evaluation results can also be used to find out whether
the material being taught is appropriate for the student or not, so that it can be used guidelines for
future learning. The teacher can also find out what the method used in teaching is correct or not.

• For Students

There are two kinds of results obtained by students in the evaluation, namely satisfactory or
unsatisfactory. A satisfactory result will please him so that it can increase student motivation to
achieve it at a later time. Conversely, unsatisfactory results can be used as lessons in order trying
to get better results next time.

5. What language proficiency test has you taken. How did the test measure your

I have never previously taken any language proficiency tests, but I have taken an experiment or
practice for English and Arabic proficiency tests, namely the TOEFL test and the IMKA test.
The measurements of the two tests are almost the same, that is, we will find 4 parts in the test,


in the reading section we will be asked to read several articles (university level) and answer
multiple choice questions. The questions are designed to test reading comprehension, key facts,
vocabulary and style.


This section provides excerpts from the conversation or conference. All of this is prepared
according to real university life, with conversations between students and lecturers in class.
Questions are in the form of multiple choice and see the accuracy, suggestions, and vocabulary.
This is all very natural and informal as one will hear words like "um" or "uhm" when they speak.


in this section we will talk to a voice recording microphone. After this, the examiner judged by
hearing the answers from the recorded ones. There will be two more personal questions, such as
asking to describe hometown or favorite teacher. In the other two questions, you will be asked to
read and understand a text or conversation, which you will be asked to explain again to the


In this section, there are two short essays to write. In the first essay, you will be given a number
of general topics, such as how the internet has changed our lifestyle or what you would like to
change in your country. The second essay will analyze the reading material and write it into an
argumentative essay.

WEEK 11:

1. As a teacher, how can you develop a good test? Elaborate with the principles!
2. How can a teacher make sure that a test he/she made is objective? To what principle does
it belong?
3. Create a test for specific skill (chose one of reading, writing, listening or speaking), with
the objectives, clear instruction, and scoring system!

1. A good test should have a positive effect on learning, and teaching should result in
improved learning habits. A well-developed test should provide an opportunity for
students to show their ability to perform certain language tasks. The basic principles of test
are reliability, validity, practicality, washback, and authenticity.
2. Teacher has to examine and award scores to the same answer script. The test is said to
have high objectivity when the examiner is able to give the same score to the similar
answers guided by the mark scheme. An objective test is a test that has the highest level
of objectivity due to the scoring that is not influenced by the examiner’s skills and
emotions. This kind of objective test belongs to the principle of objectivity.
3. Skill: Speaking
 Objective: Students are able to communicate using self-introductory expressions
according to the context.
 Instruction: Suppose you just have studied in Junior High School. But you don’t know
anyone in the class. You want to introduce yourself to one of your classmate in order
to know each other. Your friend also wants to introduce himself to you. How is the
way to introduce yourself and response it? Please do the dialogue in pairs.!
 Scoring System:

No. Assessed aspect Descriptions Score

1 Pronunciation 5 = Almost Perfect …..
4 = There is an error but does not interfere with
the meaning
3 = There are some mistakes and interfere with

2 = Many mistakes and distracts meaning
1 = Too many mistakes that it is difficult to
2 Intonation 5 = Almost Perfect ……
4 = There is an error but does not interfere with
the meaning
3 = There are some mistakes and interfere with
2 = Many mistakes and distracts meaning
1 = Too many mistakes that it is difficult to
3 Fluency 5 = Very smooth ……
4 = Smooth
3 = Fairly smooth
2 = Not so smooth
1 = Not smooth
4 Accuracy 5 = Very precise …..
4 = Exactly
3 = Quite right
2 = Not quite right
1 = Wrong
Total Scores ……

WEEK 13:
Name: Adrovvy Jonathan
NIM: 1903046103
Subject: Lesson Planing

Design a set of teaching and learning activities based on KD for SMP / SMA students using the
teaching methods you've learned.

School: Senior high School
Class/Semester: X/2nd Semester
Base Competence:
3.9 - menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja
4.9 - menangkap makna terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan secara kontekstual lirik lagu
terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK
Time Allocation: 2 × 45 mins
In the end of the course, Students are able to:
4. Estimate the social function of a song text related to teenager life well.
5. Present the linguistic elements of a song text related to teenager life well.
6. Determine the meaning of a song related to teenager life well.
Teaching Method:
 Approach: Scientific Approach
 Model: Discovery Learning
 Techniques: QnA, Group discussion, summarizing and presentation.
Teaching Media:
 “Count On Me” Song Lyric text
 “Count On Me” Song Video
 Power Point Presentation
 Students’ Worksheet

No. Learning Step Teacher Activity Student Activity Time
1 Opening 7. Teacher enters the class 7. Students greet back 10 mins
and greets the students teacher
8. Teacher checks the 8. Students answer the
attendance teacher’s call
9. Teacher checks if the 9. Students bring out the
students bring dictionaries
dictionaries or not 10. Students listen to the
10. Teacher inform the teacher
competencies that will 11. Students pay attention
be achieved to the teacher
11. Teacher presents the 12. Students listen to the
outline of previous teacher
12. Teacher informs the
scope of the assessment
of this meeting
2 Main Activity:
(Observing) 4. Teacher divides 3. Students are divided 10 mins
Discovery: students into groups into groups
Stimulation 5. Teacher plays “Count 4. Students listen and
On Me” Song Video observing the “Count
6. Teacher asks students to On Me” Song Video
watch and listen the
(Questioning) 2. Teacher guides students 2. Students with the 10 mins
Discovery: to ask questions related teacher’s guidance ask
Problem to the information questions related to the
Statement contained in the video information contained
in the video
(Data 2. Teacher asks the 2. Students (in groups) 20 mins
Collectioning) students (in groups) to complete the “Count
Discovery: Data fill-in-the-blanks of On Me” Song Lyric
Collection “Count On Me” Song text (Task 1)
Lyric text (Task 1)
(Associating) 2. Teacher asks the 2. Students (in groups) 10 mins
Discovery: Data students (in groups) to interpret the meaning
Processing interpret the meaning of of the “Count On Me”
the “Count On Me” Song Lyric text (Task
Song Lyric text (Task 2)
(Communicating 3. Teacher asks students 3. Students (in groups) 20 mins
) Discovery: (in groups) to present present the translation

Verification the translation of of “Count On Me”
“Count On Me” Song Song Lyric text in the
Lyric text in the front of front of the class
the class 4. Students (in groups)
4. Teacher asks students sing “Count On Me”
(in groups) to sing Song together
“Count On Me” Song
3 Closing:
Discovery: 6. Teacher Reflects the 6. Students listen and 10 mins
Generalization materials that students pay attention to the
do not understand yet teacher
7. Teacher confirms by 7. Students ask teacher
asking materials that about the materials
have been taught before 8. Students listen and
8. Teacher assigns students pay attention to the
a task to sing an English teacher
song in groups then 9. Students summarize
uploads it to YouTube today’s lesson
and practice by 10. Students thank the
answering questions in teacher
the students’ worksheet
9. Teacher along with
students summarize
today’s lesson
10. Teacher ends the class

Lyric Count On Me (covered by Conie Talbot)
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh
If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will remind you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah
You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go, never say goodbye
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh
You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

A. Instruction
Please analyze and fill in the blank space of the lyric
B. Students’ worksheet
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the (1)……………
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to (2 )………….
Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our (3)….. …..
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can (4)……….. like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh
If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song (5)……….
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will (6)… …..
Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need
You can (7) ………… like one, two, three
I'll be there and I (8)………..when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you (9) ………..
I'll never let go, never say (10)………….
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh
You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

C. Instruction:
Please explain
a) The social function of the song
b) The meaning of the song (How do you know? Explain briefly, which part of the lyric
show is?)
D. Students’ worksheet:
a) The social function of the song is …………………………
b) The meaning of the song is ……………………………….

Answer Key and Scoring:

11. sea
12. guide you
13. friends
14. count on you
15. beside you
16. remind you
17. count on me
18. know
19. cry
20. goodbye
Scoring Aspect Score
Correct Answer 1
Wrong Answer 0
Score: (Total Score) x 10
Maximum Score: 100

The Possible Answer:
c) The social function of the song entitles Count On Me is to entertain and share a
friendship meaning to the listener
d) The meaning of the song:
 The song is about friendship.
 A friend is someone that will do everything for us
 The song is about a friend that will mke his/her friend to be always happy
 The song is about a friend who can help without any postponing
Scoring Aspects Indicators Score
Content There is answer at least 1 word 1
The answer is not understandable 2
The answer is understandable but unrelated 3
The answer is understandable but slightly 4
The answer is relate and understandable 5
Grammar There is answer at least 1 word 1
The answer contains 3 grammatical errors 2
The answer contains 2 grammatical errors 3
The answer contains 1 grammatical error 4
The answer contains no grammatical error 5
Score: (Total Score) x 10
Maximum Score: 100

Scoring Aspects Indicators Score
Pronunciation The song contains more than 4 mispronounced 1
The song contains 3 mispronounced words 2
The song contains 2 mispronounced words 3
The song contains 1 mispronounced word 4
The song contains no mispronounced word 5
Fluency The singer fluency is about 20% or below 1
The singer fluency is about 40% 2
The singer fluency is about 60% 3
The singer fluency is about 80% 4
The singer fluency is 100% 5
Score: (Total Score) x 10

Maximum Score: 100

WEEK 14:
Lesson Plan owner:
Name: Zainal Abidin
NIM: 1903046069

Observation for Lesson Planning

Observe your friend’s lesson plan, Pay attention on the implementation of contextual material !

No. Aspects Available Unavailable Explanation

1 There is team work among In the ‘collecting
students in the class. ✓ information’
2 Emphasizing on problem solving They need to
✓ punctuate text
3 Accommodating students’ All students do
backgrounds ✓ the same thing

4 Fun, not a boring teaching They work in

✓ groups
5 Integrated learning (theory, Clearly showed in
practice, skills) ✓ the lesson plan

6 Making use of various sources From book and

✓ youtube
7 Students’ engagement Clearly showed in
✓ the lesson plan
8 Students’ sharing They work in
✓ groups
9 Critical students and creative Clearly showed in
teacher ✓ the lesson plan

10 Products of learning; pictures, They post it on

articles, humour, etc ✓ classroom wall
(Kusnandar, 2007:287)

Your findings / suggesstions: there should be scoring rubrics for spiritual and social assessment. The
remedial is also need clear test and scoring rubrics.

This Portfolio 

During this one semester, I have learned a lot about grammar as tools for communication,
and my own expectations towards teaching. The theories I have looked at have their strengths
and weaknesses, so I have dragged out the parts that I consider important from each one. I found
out that there is not one “best” approach. However, it can bring us closer to understanding how
Grammar Teaching works.

The aim of this course is to deepen my understanding of teaching and adapting this
approach to use as foundation in my future teaching practice. My goal is that through
examination of different views and theories I can adapt a suitable approach to teaching. This will
help me to improve the quality in my future teaching practices.

Working with my lecturer, Mrs. Nur Syafa’ah, MPd, was the most valuable experience in
my teaching practice. Planning a lesson can get one to be creative and come up with different
ideas. I have gained a lot of experience by observing and teaching. Although teaching practice
was difficult at times, I tried to do my best. I and my lecturer had frequently guidance. She was
open to my ideas and this helped to progress in my teaching.

It is necessary for a teacher that students learn from him/her. One of the objectives of the
English as a school subject is that language is both a tool and a way of gaining knowledge and
personal insight. Students have to be aware of language learning, communication and understand
culture, society and literature. These objectives are the core of the English subject and I hope that
I am the right person to be a mediator for this.



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