Adrovvy Jonathan-1903046103-Lesson Planing #5

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Name: Adrovvy Jonathan

NIM: 1903046103

Subject: Lesson Planing


1. As a teacher, how can you develop a good test? Elaborate with the principles!
2. How can a teacher make sure that a test he/she made is objective? To what principle does
it belong?
3. Create a test for specific skill (chose one of reading, writing, listening or speaking), with
the objectives, clear instruction, and scoring system!


1. A good test should have a positive effect on learning, and teaching should result in
improved learning habits. A well-developed test should provide an opportunity for
students to show their ability to perform certain language tasks. The basic principles of test
are reliability, validity, practicality, washback, and authenticity.
2. Teacher has to examine and award scores to the same answer script. The test is said to
have high objectivity when the examiner is able to give the same score to the similar
answers guided by the mark scheme. An objective test is a test that has the highest level
of objectivity due to the scoring that is not influenced by the examiner’s skills and
emotions. This kind of objective test belongs to the principle of objectivity.
3. Skill: Speaking
 Objective: Students are able to communicate using self-introductory expressions
according to the context.
 Instruction: Suppose you just have studied in Junior High School. But you don’t know
anyone in the class. You want to introduce yourself to one of your classmate in order
to know each other. Your friend also wants to introduce himself to you. How is the
way to introduce yourself and response it? Please do the dialogue in pairs.!
 Scoring System:

No. Assessed aspect Descriptions Score

1 Pronunciation 5 = Almost Perfect …..
4 = There is an error but does not interfere with
the meaning
3 = There are some mistakes and interfere with
2 = Many mistakes and distracts meaning
1 = Too many mistakes that it is difficult to
2 Intonation 5 = Almost Perfect ……
4 = There is an error but does not interfere with
the meaning
3 = There are some mistakes and interfere with
2 = Many mistakes and distracts meaning
1 = Too many mistakes that it is difficult to
3 Fluency 5 = Very smooth ……
4 = Smooth
3 = Fairly smooth
2 = Not so smooth
1 = Not smooth
4 Accuracy 5 = Very precise …..
4 = Exactly
3 = Quite right
2 = Not quite right
1 = Wrong
Total Scores ……

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