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Name : Adrovvy Jonathan

NIM : 190304103
Subject : Lesson Planing

1. Design learning activities by implementing the genre-based approach
2. Write a reflection of the meeting


Learning Activities

School/Class: Junior High School/7th Grade

Writing Skill: Descriptive Text
Basic Competencies:
membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan deskripsi orang,
binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
teks deskriptif
menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait orang,
binatang, dan benda
menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait orang,
binatang, dan benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks
1. Identify the generic structure of descriptive texts.
2. Identify the language features of descriptive texts.
By the end of the lesson students are able:
a. Understand the meanings, the linguistic features, and the text structure of written
b. Create written descriptive using the appropriate linguistic features and text structure.
c. Work cooperatively in doing exercises in a group or pair
Learning Material:
1. Descriptive text
2. Vocabulary related to the text
3. Picture related to the text
Teaching Method: Genre-based Approach
Learning Activities:
1. Pre-Activities
a. Greeting
b. Praying
c. Teacher States the objective of the study
d. Teacher Decides the learning activities

2. Main-Activities
a. BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field)
1) Teacher asks students questions related to the notion of descriptive text.
2) Teacher asks students to mention example of descriptive text based on their
3) Teacher shares picture about some people and ask the students to describe them in
simple way.
“Look at the following picture. Do you know them? Who and what are they? How
do they look like? Write your answer in a table.”

Robert Patinson Dwayne Johnson Daniel Radcliffe

Emma Watson Leonardo DiCaprio Angelina Jolie

Robert Patinson Actor, tall, handsome, smart

Dwayne Johnson
Daniel Radcliffe
Emma Watson
Leonardo DiCaprio
Angelina Jolie
b. MOT (Modeling of Text)
1) Teacher asks students to read a descriptive text and answer some question to help
them understand the function and the generic structure of a descriptive text.
Tobey Macquire
Tobey Macquire is an American 1)
actor. His 2) .... name is Tobias Vincet
Maquir. He is known for his 3) .... as Peter
Parker/ Spider-man in Spider-man film
series. He stands about 172 cm. Beside, he
has a 4) .... body that can really figure a
super hero. He has big round 5) .... and black
6)... hair. His physical 7) .... really supports
his role as a super hero. Moreover, he is
very 8) .... that makes him loveable

Tobey Macquire

 actor (n) :
 appearance (n) :
 age (n) :
 friendly (adj) :
 full (adj) :
 muscular (adj) :
 role (n) :
 straight (adj) :

2) Teacher asks students to discuss the grammatical features of a descriptive text.

c. JCOT (Join Construction of text)
1) Teacher gives some picture to students.
2) Teacher asks students to write a descriptive text in groups by choosing one of the
pictures given.

d. ICOT (Independent Construction of Text)

1) Teacher asks students to write a descriptive text about students’ idol

“You must have idol, it can be actor, actress, politician, or etc. Make a
description about your idol.”

3. Post-Activities
a. Teacher asks students to summarize the learning materials with the teacher’s
b. Teacher asks students to reflect on the learning activities with the teacher’s
c. Teacher asks students to pay attention to feedback given by the teacher
d. Praying
e. Teacher Closes the class

Genre-based approach is defined as the approach to teach genres moving through

stages including Building Knowledge of Field (BKoF), Modeling (MoT), Joint
Construction (JCoT), and Independent Construction of the Text (ICoT). All stages are
combined and called “Curriculum Cycle”. Teaching text types will be done step by step,
in order to students are easy to comprehend the different text.
Stage 1: Building Knowledge of the Field (BKOF)
In this stage, the students are introduced to the social context of an authentic model of the
text type being studied. Then the students will be expected to explore features of the general
cultural context in which the text type is used and the social purposes of the selected genre.
Stage 2: Modeling of Text (MOT)
Modeling of text is the second stage of curriculum cycle. During the phase, the
teacher strongly directs the interaction, introduces learners to models text belonging to
the target genre in the context they have been exploring. The activities in this stage
focuses on introducing particular genre through a model of a text that deals with the field
that the students have already explored in the stage of Building Knowledge of Field
(BKOF). In addition, in this stage the students will also investigate the structural pattern,
cultural context, social function and language feature of the model and compare the
model with other examples of the same text type.
Stage 3: Joint Construction of Text (JCOT)
The third stage is Joint Construction of Text (JCOT). In this stage, the teacher and
the students write a text together, collaboratively constructing a piece of writing in
selected genre, so that the students can see how the text is written.
Stage 4: Independent Construction of Text (ICOT)
The purpose of this stage is to enable students to practice their writing skills and
demonstrate their understanding of the chosen genre. Teachers ask students
independently to write a text.
Hopefully, at the end of written cycle every student must be able to produce
written texts of genre they are learning. For instance, if the genre is narrative, at the end
of written cycle every student must be able to write a narrative text.

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