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Centro Cultural de Idiomas Ruge Student Name:

Test North Star High Intermediate

Level 17 Units 5-6 Date:


A. Match the following words with the right definition.

1. Environmentalist a) Leftover food

2. Landfills b) Decay or break down

3. Composting c) People who study our surroundings

4. Moist d) A place to dispose of trash, a dump

5. Decompose e) Changing plant matter into fertilizer

6. Storage f) Wet

7. Table scraps g) A place to keep something

8. Affordable h) Dangerous

9. To deplete i) Priced to own

10. Hazardous j) To consume completely

B. Join the following sentences together to create one sentence using the
following cause and effect conjunctions: since, because; therefore,
consequently, for this reason. Remember to use the right punctuation.

1. Carola and Gina laid on the beach all day. They got sunburnt.
2. They ate fatty foods when they were young. They got heart disease in their 60s.
3. Nobody recycled his/her household waste. There are no landfills left to use.
4. We believed the ads on TV. We wasted our money on a useless product.
C. Now use the sentences in part B to write sentences expressing regret or
blame about the situations described, using past models such as:
ought to have / should have / shouldn’t have.

1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________

D. Add tag questions to the following sentences.

1. That car is really ugly, ____________________________________
2. You haven’t known him very long, ___________________________
3. She’ll be back soon, ______________________________________
4. Mandatory volunteering would be an oxymoron, ________________
5. You’re not sure, _________________________________________

E. Add the correct punctuation to this paragraph, using colon (:), semicolon
(;), or dash (-).

I began volunteering at the age of seventeen. I was fascinated by hospitals and

clinics, and by the work being done there. My interest centered on helping the
terminally ill __ people who have an incurable decease, who are often in a lot of
pain and are in their deathbed. At the time, there was no mandatory volunteering
requirement __ volunteering was a personal choice based on my own interest. My
interest centered on children __ especially children who had no siblings. Trough the
work I did, I realized two things __ I was happiest when I volunteered to help young
people, and I was good at making kids understand what it meant to die on their own
terms. I am now a general practitioner, and whenever I can, I still take time off to go
to the intensive care unit at my hospital and visit the kids. The fact is that the
volunteer work I did at age seventeen changed my life __ forever.
F. Overpopulation is becoming a global problem. Some people believe that
governments should help control the population by offering incentives for
not having more than one child, such as by providing free birth control
methods and abortions. Do you think that family size should be under
government control, or should this be an issue of personal choice? Why
or why not?

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