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Popcorn 2 / Unit 13-20 Name:

Level 4 Date:

1.- Fill in the blanks with my/our

 This is car
 This is giraffe
 This is house
 This is t-shirt
 This is shoe

2.- What are they doing?

3.- What is it?

4.- Fill in the blanks with has/have

 She a little dog

 They two big dogs
 Peter three brothers
 Sally and Sue a big bedroom
 I many hats
5.- Answer the questions with there is/there are

 How many students are there in your class?

 How many books are there on the table?
 How many tables are there in the room?
 How many chairs are there in the room?

6.- Draw a person and paint the bodyparts.

The hands -------- yellow The feet -------- blue
The ears------------ green The legs -------- orange
The arms------------red The neck ------- brown
7.- Draw the things
Draw the cat next to the desk Draw the hat under the desk
Draw the book on the desk Draw the dog behind the desk

8.-Answer the questions

 Do you have a dog?

 Do you live in China?
 Are you sitting down?
 Are there any lions in the classroom?
 Do you like fish?

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