Nav Stokes Eqes

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eneral continuum equations[edit]

Derivación de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes Véase también: Ecuación del momento de

Cauchy § Forma de conservación La ecuación del momento de Navier-Stokes se puede
derivar como una forma particular de la ecuación del momento de Cauchy, cuya forma

convectiva general es

By setting the Cauchy stress tensor to be the sum of a viscosity

term (the deviatoric stress) and a pressure term (volumetric stress), we arrive at
Cauchy momentum equation(convective form)


 is the material derivative, defined as ,

 is the (mass) density,

 is the flow velocity,

 is the divergence,

 is the pressure,

 is time,

 is the deviatoric stress tensor, which has order 2,

 represents body accelerations acting on the continuum, for example gravity, inertial
accelerations, electrostatic accelerations, and so on.
In this form, it is apparent that in the assu

sin 𝜃
tan 𝜃 = 𝑑𝜃
cos 𝜃

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