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Personal Development Quarter 1 - Module 1: It Starts With ME Introduction: “An unexamined life is not worth living.” Everyone can do certain things and cannot also do everything. There are individuals whe can sing great but cannot dance well. Others cannot dance nor sing but are good with painting and reading In this module, you will know about yaursetf and Big tinker Socrtes how this Is important in dealing with others better. To thinker sper! have a clear vision about your authentic self, you will also learn to accept your strength and as well as your limitations. Objective: . In this module, you are expected to: 1. Identify one's strengths and limitations 2. Explain the importance of knowing one’s self in dealing with other people. Vocabulary list: Heads up! Let us start by defining some words and concepts that we will encounter in this module. Ideal Self — the self that you aspire to be Actual Self — the one that you actually see Self-knowledge — provides insight into how others react to you ‘Selfimage — how others view as to are Personal Effectiveness ~ making use of all the petsonal resources — talents, skills, energy afd time, to enable you to achieve life goals. Deepening Imagine yourself looking into a mirror. What do you see? Do you see your ideal self or your actual self? Your ideal self s the self that you aspire to be, itis the one that you hope will possess characteristics similar to that of a mentor or some other worldly figure. Your actual self, however, is the one that you actually see. Itis the self that has characteristics that you were nurtured or, in some cases, bom to have: ‘The Actual self and the ideal self are two broad categories of self. concept. Self-concept refers to your awareness of yourself. It is the construct that negotiates these two selves. In other words, it connotes first the identification of the ideal self as separate from others. In other words, it ‘encompasses all the behaviors evaluated in the actual self that you engage in to reach the ideal self. The actual self is built on self-knowledge, Self-knowledge is derived from social interactions that provide insight into how others react to you. The actual self is who we actually are. It is how we think, haw we feel, look and act. The actual self can be seen by others, but because we have no way of truly knowing how others view us, the actual self is our self-image. The ideal self, on the other hand, is how we meant ta be. It is an idealized image that we have developed over time, based on what we have: learned and experienced. The ideal self could include components of what our parents have taught us, what we admire in others, what our society promotes, and what we think is in our best interest. There is negotiation that exists between the two selves which is complex because there are numerous exchanges between the ideal and actual self, These exchanges are exemplified in social roles that are adjusted and re-adjusted, and are derived from outcomes. of social interactions from infant to adult development. Alignment is important. If the way that | am (actual self) is aligned with the way that | want ot be (the ideal self), then | will feel a sense of mental well-being or peace of mind. If the way that | am, is not aligned with how | want to be, the incongruence, or tack of alignment, will result in mental distress or anxiety. The greater the level of incongruence between the ideal self and real self, the greater the level of resulting distress. Personal development modules ultimate aim is greater self-knowledge that will lead to higher alignment between these two personality domains, Rotion Aral S_ (2000) ON Becoming a Winer: A Workbook on Ressonalty evecomrd and ‘Answer the following questions in your journal, 1. What concepts have you learned in this module? 2. What have you discovered about yourself in relation to the module? Personal Development Quarter 1 - Module 2: I Do, I Have, I Share! Introduction You are born with unique characteristics, habits and experiences. Being grateful for all of this you have to show and share to everyone all of this. As Senior High School students you should leam the importance of sharing and how to share our unique characteristics, habits, and experiences Objective This module aims: to be able to share one’s unique characteristics, habit and experiences. Vocabulary list Heads up! Start by defining some words and concepts that you will encounter in this module: ‘+ Personal effectiveness — making use of all the personal resources: talents, skills, energy and time, to enable you to achieve goal * Experience — includes knowledge and skills that we acquire in our daily life + Knowledge- facts, information and skills acquired by a person through experience or education ‘+ Skills - the ability to do something well Deepening Most failures emanate from weaknesses that are not recognized or probably recognized but not given appropriate attention or remedy. This could be a weakness in communications, personality or ability. Instead of giving up or indulging in self-pity, take action. Go for speech lessons, get skills upgrading, attend personality development sessions or whatever appropriate remedies to your perceived weakness. Instead of simply focusing on your weaknesses, recognize your own talents and abilities, build on them, utilize them to your greatest advantage. This is where you can build your name and popularity. Handicapped people like Jose Felician, and other blind singers did not brood over their physical handicap. They recognized that they have a golden voice so they search for ways to enrich talent and now they have won International fame in the field of music. Processing questions. 1. What concepts have you leamed on this module? 2. What have you discovered about yourself in relation to the module? 3. What have you discovered about yourself in relation to the module? Personal Development Quarter 1 - Module 3: Evaluating Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions INTRODUCTION Every day you wake up and try to be the best version of yourself by means of constantly improving and taking care of our mind, body, and spiritual self. These three major aspects of yourself allow you to understand your thoughts, feelings, and actions. In this module, you will learn that your holistic development is very important in sustaining a happy and healthy life and that you must see it as a lifelong project that you must undertake. | opsecrive | At the end of this module, you should be able to evaluate your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. VOCABULARY LIST ‘As you journey in this module, bring with you these important terminologies for your better understanding and grasp of the lesson; ‘Self-concept — the idea or mental image one has of oneself and one’s strengths, weakness, status, etc.; self-image. Thought - the idea, plan, opinion, picture, etc., that is formed in your mind. — covert symbolic responses to stimuli that are either intrinsic (arising from within) or extrinsic (arising from the environment). Thought, or thinking, is considered to mediate between inner activity and external stimuli. Feeling — a physical or emotional experience or awareness — in psychology, itis the perception of events in the body, closely related to emotion Action —an act that one consciously wills and that may be characterized by physical or mental activity. . Sensual Self: Write how you feel as a sensual person. What sense do you use most — sight, hearing, speaking, smelling, touching? Haw do you feel about the different ways you take in information - through the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and skin? In what ways do you let information in and out of your body? Interactional Self: Include descriptions of your strengths and weaknesses in intimate relationships and relationships to friends, family, classmates and strangers in social settings. Describe the strengths and weaknesses which your friends and family have noticed. Describe what kind of son or daughter, brother or sister you are. Nutritional Self: How do you nourish yourself? What foods do you like and dislike? What do you like and dislike about these? . Gontextual Self: Descriptors could be in the areas of maintenance of your living environment: reaction to light, temperature, space, weather, colors, sound and seasons and your impact on the environment. . Spiritual Self or Life Force: Write words or phrases which tell about how you feel in this area. This could include your feelings about yourself and organized religion, reactions about your spiritual connections to others, feelings about your spiritual development and history, and thought about your metaphysical self. Think about your inner peace and joy. Think about your spiritual regimen or routine. Reading: ASPECTS OF THE SELF The self-concept is represented by several aspects of the self. It is conceived as collection of multiple, context-dependent selves. This construct believes that context activates particular regions of self-knowledge and self-relevant feedback affects seff-evaluations. A deeper look on the different aspects of self can identify specific areas for self-regulation, stability and improvement. In a nutshell, an individual is composed of three basic, but very different aspects of the self. They are the physical or tangible aspects as they relate to the body, the intellectual and ‘CONSCIOUS aspects as they relate to the mind, and the emotional and intuitive aspects as they relate to the spirit, All three aspects of the self work together in perfect harmany when attention is paid to all three simultaneously Many individuals puta strong emphasis on the physical aspect of the self. The body is tangible, obvious, and we respond to it easily. More time and money is spent on enhancing the physical component than either of the other two aspects, This does not mean, however, that the body is healthy or strong. The bady provides a place ta house the spirit (aften ‘experienced as feelings) and the mind (often experienced as thought). It may be important to some that their mind can be prominent and well educated. The mind is important, as itis the part of the self that directs the other two aspects. The mind learns what to do and communicates the information fo the body and the feelings. What the mind believes, the bedy manifests or acts on, and the emations feel, or respond with. People store both healthy and destructive thoughts and beliefs and responds to life's circumstances in the most prominent manner. The mind provides access creativity and serenity which are necessary for such processes as prayer, forgiveness, acceptance, and passion. The human ematians are the most feared aspect of the self, as individuals are reluctant and unprepared to manage them. Managing feelings is like trying to hold water in the palm of your hand. They are illusive and deceptive. A decision made under émotionaistress and strain usually impacts emotions negatively. Negative emotions that are not managed are stored and repressed. Repression is destructive to a content self since all feelings, not only negative ones are stored away. Accessing feelings when they are needed now becomes difficult, leaving the individual numb and hopeless. For instance, a girl realizes that she is giving much attention on the physical aspects and less attention on her intellectual self. In this way, she can discover how much money and time spent maintaining her physique and its consequences in her grades. By this honest evaluation of herself, she can plan effective actions to improve her study habits. She can start ‘seeking for help and for related books to read or browse articles to help her improve her study habits. Reading: THE POWER TRIAD — THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, AND ACTIONS Think about a situation when you get very angry because of someone and you forget how you behave with people around you. Perhaps, you get negative thoughts about this person and then, you get bad feelings about him/her which directly impacts the way you behave in front of that person. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are interrelated. The connection between these three is best represented in the diagram below. ‘chon ote, “The Cogntve aoe 28 p/m see Moreira apne range besa CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) emphasizes the relationship between our thoughts, our feelings, and our behaviors. More specifically, how our thoughts change the way that we feel, which subsequently changes the way that we act, which then influences our thoughts. Without intervention, the process continues to repeat. Here is how the Cognitive Triangle plays out in our day to day life: + You wake up feeling tired, groggy, and insecure. You have a massive presentation today and you hate having to speak in front of groups. + Your thoughts start up: “I'm going to mess up”, “No one is going to like my presentation’, “| can’t even talk in front of a group, how am | going to achieve anything?”, ‘I'm worthless’, “I'm a loser’, “I should just stay home so I don't make a fool out of myself": These thoughts often’ make up the internal dialogue that we have with ourselves. How many times have you found yourself saying similar things? + Now enter feelings. After a moming filled with internal verbal assault, you're feeling even worse. You feel extremely anxious about your upcoming presentation (AKA the now impending doom). Overall, you're feeling really bad about yourself and the last thing you want to do is present. Let's step back for a minute. Is it any surprise that our thoughts so directly influence our feelings? The things that we tell ourselves matter. + Here comes the behavior. After time spent grappling back and forth and procrastinating going, you make it out the door and now you're just starting your presentation. As you begin, your thoughts are running rampant and you're feeling as anxious as ever. Even though you know your presentation subject matter very well, you can't seem to articulate your thoughts in the way you want to. You barely scrape through your presentation, stumbling on your words and failing to connect the points you worked so hard to create. In common terms, you choked up. How many times have we done this? Gotten ourselves so worked up that we can barely make it through something that is typically well within our capabilities. + This presentation put another dent in your confidence. The event seems to justify all of those negative thoughts you had about yourself. The cycle repeats. And repeats. And repeats. Thoughts are the words that run through your mind. They're the things you tell yourself about what is going on around you. There are many different thoughts you could have about a single situation. Feelings come and go as different things happen to you, you might fee! happy, angry, and sad, all in one day. Some feelings are uncomfortable, but they are not bad. Everyone has these feelings from time-to-time, Actions are the things you do, or the way you behave. Your thoughts and feelings have a big impact on how you act. If you feel happy, you are likely to do nice things. But if you feel angry, you might want to act mean. Personal Development Quarter 1 - Module 4: Power Triad in Everyday Situations Ua isse Tan el) | In Module 3, you leamed that your thoughts, feelings, and actions are interrelated and that it is necessary to self-evaluale because your emotions can overwhelm your ratianal thinking and affect the way you behave around people. In this module, you will learn that in order to win in life, you must manage well your thoughts, feelings, and actions in every day situation. azael At the end of this module, you should be able to show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual life situations. A el7 eee ‘As you journey in this module, bring with you these important terminologies and phrases for your better understanding and grasp of the lesson; Auto-pilot System (System 1) - An automatic, fast, and unconscious way of thinking. = Corresponds to your emotions and intuitions. Intentional System (System 2) + Asslow, conscious, and effortful way of thinking that requires attention and energy. Fight-of-Flight Rosponsa: 1 - An automatic psychological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening Power Triad - Refers to your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. “The wolf that wins is the one that you feed.” - You have the power to control your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Thus, you can decide specifically which personality to nurture — the good side or the bad side. STORIES TO TELL: WINNING AT LIFE Life as we know it is not about candies and rainbows, itis full of struggles too. Living life is lke sailing in an ocean, sometimes the joumey is smooth and calm, but there are also ‘days that the waves are high and rcugh. And, for everything that we want to achieve, we can come up with alist of reasons why we cannot do i “Iwantto be a doctor, but my family is fancially unstable to send me fo med school. “I want visit my parents in Biol, but I don't have the time.” “want to travel and enjoy the summer by the beach, but I don't have enough money.” These are just simple examples of a person’s desire to do something that would make him happy, but is easily confronted with the reasons why he cannot not do them, Even famous personalities ite Manny Pacquiao, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, and Dr. Rose Zeta-Capeding have had moments they wished that they had more time, energy, and resources. It isin our nature to have doubts and ask whether or not we have what it takes to succeed at something, Getto know more about Pia many, and Dr. Rose. Read and analyze thei life stories, Manny Pacquiao's Unbelievable Success Story Will Inspire You I's 1990 in the provinoe of General Santos in the Philippines. Manny Pacquiao is 12, years old Pacquiao often speaks of his debt to his ‘matemal uncle, Sardo Mejia, who introduced him to boxing after he dropped out of school. It was this ‘moment that would spark an unforeseen passion and drive in Pacquiao to be one of the best boxers in the entire world. According to his autobiography, hhe describes watching Mike Tyson's shocking defeat to James “Buster” Douglas in 1990 on television with his uncle as an experience that “changed [his] life forever” In his hometown, he set up an open-for-all boxing match and beat every opponent who came. He was well on the road of transforming himself {from a lanky school dropout to a junior boxing ‘champion, Despite his success, hie family was stil ving in extreme poverty and hunger. They became so desperate fo the point that his father had to kill his pet dog for dinner. Pacquiao couldn't forgive his father for what he did so he left home, slept on cardboard boxes, and sold bread on the streets just to make a meager lving. At that point, he also used boxing and won matches for $2 each, as a means of escaping poverty. He soon moved to Manila and continued winning several boxing matches, but given the increased standards of living, he wasn't making enough to survive, He soon got a job at a local gym doing gardening, cleaning and construction while boxing on the side. He trained crazily all day and all night when possible, waking up the earliest and leaving the gym at the latest possible time. Early on, his perseverance and determination to be a part of the boxing world swayed.him to cheat and add on some weights to meet the featherweight class requirements. As the fights got more serious, Pacquiao started getting more famous as well. He ‘would beat fighters from South Korea, Japan and Thailand and at the very young age of 19, he won his first World Champion title by beating Chatchal Sasakul, the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) World Flyweight Champion at that time. The turning point for Pacquiao came When he won against world-class featherweight boxer Marco Antonio Barrera at the ‘Alamodome in Texas with a TKO. After that fight, he was recognized intemationally as a force to be reckoned with. Today, at 37, he is one of the most respected boxers. Despite his loss during the Mayweather match, he still has won the hearts of many boxing fans both in the Philippines ‘and worldwide. His one-of-a-kind story will continue to inspire and it will always portray the journey of what millions of Filipinos continue to aspire for. 2. Tho Pla Wurtzbach Success Story Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach was crowned “Miss Universe” at the 64th Miss Universe 2015 pageant held at Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. She is an actress ‘and model of German-Philippine origin. She is Miss Philippines 2015. She symbolizes the deadly combination of beauty with brains. Pia is a beauty- writer, chef and make-up artist. Pia Wurtzbach was bom on 24 September 1989 in Stutigart, BadenWorttemberg, Germany. Her father is a German and mother is a Filipino. She has a younger sister. She was named in keeping with the Philippines’ tradition. Her middle name ‘Alonzo’ is her mother's maiden name. She took her secondary a spame os education fram ABS-CBN Distance Leaming School in PS e ee Quezon City. She studied Culinary Arts from the Centre for Asian Culinary Studies, San Juan, (Metro Manila. Pia ventured into the world of glitz and glamour at the tender age of fourteen. She joined an acting and modelling agency for children, ‘Star Magic Talent’. She got a break in television when she featured in K2BU. a series for teenagers, the romance collection, “Your ‘Song’ and the concert programme, ‘ASAP’. She has acted in fims; ‘All My Life’, “All About Love’ and ‘Kung Ako Na Lang Sana’. She was the brand ambassador for ‘Avon Teen’ for a period of five years. She has graced the cover of several prestigious fashion magazines. She writes for the 2bU column of ‘inquirer Lifestyle’. She is popular as Pia Romero, her screen ‘name. Piais a pageant title-holder. Her first beauty contest was the ‘Binibining Plipinas 2013. She was the ‘first runner-up’, She participated in the 'Binibining Pilipinas 2015' as a representative of Cagayan de Oro and won the tile, paving the path for bigger vctories. Pia Alonzo walked away with the "Miss Universe” title at the Miss Universe Pageant 2015 held on December 20 at The Axis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. The 26year old beauty set the stage ablaze with her poise, ineradible clase and talent in her exotic gorgeous ball gown and costumes. She was crowned by her predecessor, Paulina Vega. As Miss Universe, ‘especially in Philippines. ia aspires to lead the youth and to spread awareness about HIV. 3. A Love Affair that Got Me Close to a Great Doctor | am blissfully married and a proud mother to three young men. My husband Leo knows that | am also engaged in another love affair, a sweet and enduring one. And he approves, 50 do my sons. This love affair is with research, and it started during my pediatric residency training. | can still remember vividly the excitement and the long nights, the discovery of meaningful developments, the Joy of reading medical journals, the eagerness to prepare something thorough and relevant. The excitement | felt continued up to my postgraduate intemship, my fellowship in infectious diseases and it has lasted until now. My husband was never jealous and my relationship with my sons never soured despite this other ongoing and never-ending love affair. | could not-ask for more. This is the best ite. ‘So last May 23, the family accompanied me to Vigan, liocos Sur to attend the 107th annual convention hosted by the Philippine Medical Association (PMA). Being included as one of the 15 finalists for the coveted Dr. Jose P. Rizal Memorial Awards is a proud moment for my family. With them around, | was the proudest wife, mom, and dactor. ‘While individual citations were being read on stage for the top awardees for Community Leadership (Dr. Purisima A. Bueno), Goverment Service (Dr. Maria Victoria M. Abesamis), Clinical Practice (Dr. Bonaleth M. De Vera) and Academe (Dr. Estrella B. Paje-Villar), I never expected that the final citation was all about the fruits of my other love affair, with research. “Lead investigator for the much-awaited clinical trials on the multivalent dengue vaccine...” “repeatedly cited by researchers-here and abroad...” “served as the springboard for the Expanded Program of Immunization (EP!) of the Department of Health...” "provided the evidence and the science...” “extended her work to the communities...” “greater things to come that will benéfit sciénce, medicine and the Filipino people. ~ “epitomizes the virtues of Dr. Jose P. Rizal...""._love of country and Service to our countrymen..." All these brought me back to the past 30 years of my medical, family and community life. My love affair with research did not happen overnight. It was a journey that began with a case presentation as a first-year pediatric resident, and a prospective study on how to prevent early jaundice in newborns. My recommendation that a nursery should always be facing the direction the sun rises so that a newbom can benefit from exposure to moming sunlight won the top prize for the: hospital's annual research competition. This did not happen once. It was a back-to-back win for three straight years. I got hooked, Who would not be? Year 1991 was my first immersion in dengue research. Twenty-three years later, | am now the lead investigator of the country's clinical trials for dengue vaccine, in the countries where dengue is a major public health problem. It’s a vaccine the medical community worldwide is waiting for In Vigan, the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) bore witness to the conferment of the award. The title comes with a specially designed trophy in the image of Dr. Jose P. Rizal by National Artist Napoleon V. Abueva, a gold medallion, free trip to the United States ta attend the convention of the American Academy of Family Physicians and P150, 000 worth of medicines that | can share with a civie organization of my choice. ‘Was it just a coincidence or pure fate that itis also the 23rd year of the presentation of the prestigious Dr. Jose P. Rizal Memorial Awards? If the number “23” is a coincidence, what a joyful one. if this is destiny, let me accept it with gratitude. This award is a fitting tribute to those who have encouraged and inspired me to continue my love affair with research — participants and their families as well as my teams in clinical trials, officials of the local health, schoo! and govemment units, the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, collaborators/partners and sponsors of my researches, Basaynon Katiguban, Inc. and my town mates in Basey, Samar, who continue to show resiliency despite the tragedy during the super typhoon Yolanda, the Philippine Pediatric Society and Manila Medical Society for the recognition of my works and the nomination For more than three decades, | have never felt happier and accomplished than when doing medical research. It is firing but exciting, demanding yet humbling, intimidating but ‘empowering, exacting yet futfiling. My work is my loving tribute te a great Filipino and a fellow doctor, Jose P. Rizal, MD. (Dr. Rese Zeta Capeding is the 23rd Dr. Jose P_ Rizal Memorial Awardee for Research. She is currently the head of the Microbiology Department af the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) and head of the Dengue Research Group She is the head, Section of infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Asian Hospital and Medical Center.) AREAL WINNER is one who is able to: ‘+ win over his/her battles and difficulties in life and tums them into a learning and glorifying experience; ‘* find meaning in pleasant and unpleasant events in his life; + live in peace with difficult people and difficult situations; ‘* win the goodwill of others, their respect and admiration; get what he wants using win-win strategies; never at the expense of others; + discover and use opportunities to his best advantage * develop and use his talents and abilities to the best advantage and in so doing, make meaningful contribution in making this world a better place to live in. THE STORY OF THE TWO WOLVES The following is an old Cherokee = Rend eed neta Indian story that is enlightening and helpful. Co ‘One evening an old Cherokee told his “ grandson about a battle that goes on inside i roe people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.” “it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, “The | Aan gR eg ite ie Sco ceg other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility; | kindness, - benevolence, ‘empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and M/eiitent ness cona0iat ih elena faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed" Knowing which wolf to feed is the first step towards recognizing you have control over your own self. Have you ever had thoughts, feelings or acted in ways that were unaccepiable to yourseff but felt powerless to control? The purpose of this story is to help you find ways to manage your mind so that you can live your life more in accordance with what your own judgment says is best for you. AAs we grow up, we gradually become aware of the many things in the extemal world which are largely beyond our ability to control. These include other people in general and most events in our lives. Initially this is dificult to accept, but a more shocking realization is that there are many things about ourselves that we seem powerless to control, ‘Some of these are our own thoughts, feelings, and actions which unfortunately can be the source of much distress. It may be thoughts such as “I cannot stop hating my teacher for not giving me high grades.” It may involve an emotion ¢.g. "My girlfiend left me and | cannot stop feeling sad, lonely and unloved.” It can also be in the form of a behavior such as the Inablity to control one's craving for food such as cakes and chocolates.” But are we indeed really powerless to control our own maladaptive thoughts, feelings and actions? The grandfather's answer "The one you feed" is deceivingly simple. The resulis of psychological research indicate that there are at least four important concepts or ideas implied by the answer: 1. The mind is not the unitary entity it seems to us but consists of different parts. For ‘example, in the story there are the two wolves and the “you' that chooses between them. 2. These parts of the mind/brain can interact and be in conflict with each other ie. the two wolves fight for dominance over our mind and behavior. 3. The "you" has the abilty to decide which wolf it will feed. 4. Having made a choice, “you can decide specifically how to “feed” or nurture the selected wolf, ‘The STORY OF THE TWO WOLVES gives rise to a number of questions. Let us share our thoughts, feelings and opinions on the following questions. By taking time to do this, you will leam to better manage your mind, feelings, and actions and consciously feeding the good wolf in you. se Manage Your Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors The only things we can contvol in life are our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. if we ‘can manage those, we can achieve our goals and gain success in life. To have this level of control, we need to lear about the science-based pattems behind our emotions and thoughts, and how to manage them. If we know how our minds work, we ‘can be intentional about influencing our thinking and feeling patterns. We can evaluate reality more clearly. make better decisions and improve our ability to achieve our goals. Thus, we gain greater agency and the quality of living intentionally. How do our minds work? Intultively, our mind feels like a cohesive whole. We perceive ourselves as intentional and rational thinkers. Yet, cognitive science research shows that in really, the intentional part of our mind is similar to a lite rider on top of a huge elephant of ‘emotions and intuitions. Roughly speaking, we have two thinking systems. Danie! Kahneman, who won the Nobel Prize for his research on behavioral economics. calls them “System 1” and “System 2.” But | think the terms “autopilot system’ and “intentional system” describe them more clearly and intuitively The autopilot system comesponds 0 our emotions and intuitions. Its cognitive processes take place mainly in the amygdala and other parts of the brain that developed early in our evolution. This system guides our daily habits, helps us make snap decisions and reacts instantly to dangerous |ife-anddeath situations (such as saber-toothed tigers) through the freeze, fight or flight stress response. While it helped us survive in the past, the fight-or- flight respanse is not a great fit for modern life. We have many small stresses that are not life-threatening, but the autopilot system treats them like tigers. This produces an unnecessarily stressfuleveryday life experience that undermines our mental and physical well-being. Moreover, while the snap judgments resulting from intuitions and emotions might feel true because they are fast and powerful, they sometimes lead us in the wrong, in systemic and predictable ways. ‘The intentional system reflects our rational thinking and centers around the prefrontal cortex: the part of the brain that evolved more recently. According to recent research, it developed as humans started to live within larger social groups. This thinking system helps us handle more complex mental activities, such as managing individual and group relationships, logical reasoning, probabilistic thinking and leaming new information and pattems of thinking and behavior. While the automatic system requires no conscious effort to function, the intentional system takes deliberate effort to tum on, and it is mentally tiring. Fortunately, with enough motivation and appropriate training, the intentional system can tum on in situations. where the autopilot system is prone to make errors, especially costly ones. Here's a quick visual comparison of the two systems: Autopilot System [ Tntentional System + Conscious, reasoning, mindful velf + Fast, intuitive, emotional seit + Requires:no effort ‘+ Automatic thinking. feeling. and behavior habits + Mostly makes good decisions, £04) of time + Taker intentional effort totum on + Drains mental energy + Used mainly when we leam new information, and when we use reason and logic + Can be wained to tum on when it detects Autopilot System may be making error © Prone to same predictable and systematic oasctcseetmecytney item wc ne Mccabe ty crag at Yaa ergata ‘The autopilot system is fike an elephant. It's by far the more powerful and predominant of the two systems. ‘Our emotions can often overwhelm our rational thinking. Moreover, our intuitions and habits determine the large majority of our lives, which we spend on autopilot mode. That's not a bad thing at all. It would be mentally exhausting to think intentionally about every action and decision, ‘The intentional system is like the elephant rider. it can guide the elephant deliberately to ga in the direction that matches that of our actual goals. ‘Certainly, the elephant part of the brain is huge and unwieldy. It is slow to tum and change, and it stampedes at threats, But we can train the elephant. Your nder can be an elephant whisperer. Over time, you can use the intentional system to change your automatic thinking, feeling and behavioral patterns. in this way, you will become a better agent in terms of taking charge of your life and reaching your goals. Personal Development Quarter 1 - Module 5: Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Adolescence |. Introduction: Hi learner! Are you ready? In this module you will make a list, identify and categorize some actions of an adolescent. Also, together with this module, we will discuss about the developmental tasks and challenges of a person. Just relax and enjoy the activities. Have Funi!! Objectives: To be able to discuss developmental tasks and challenges being experienced during adolescence. Vocabulary list: Below are some of the vocabulary words and its meaning: * Task—a usually assigned piece of work often to be finished within a certain time * Social Responsibility — is an ethical framework and suggests that an individual, has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. * Lifespan — the average length of life of a kind organism or of a material object especially in a particular environment or under specified circumstances. Vi. Deepening (GRADUAL CHANGES: ‘The Summary of Developmental task Adolescence | Early Adulthood idaas Later Maturity (43-18 (19 - 30) (at - 60) (61+) * Achieving mature |* Selecting amaie | “Helping teenage | Adjusting to relations with both children to decreasing sexes *Leaming to live | become happy __| strength and health with a partner and responsible *Achieving a adults. * Adjusting to masculine or * Starting a family retirement and feminine secial * Achieving adult | reduced income role * Rearing a child | social and civic responsibility * Adjusting to * Accepting one’s | * Managing a death of spouse physique home * Satistactory ‘career and * Establishing “Achieving * Starting an achievement relations with one's emotional ‘occupation ‘own age group independence of * Developing adult adults * Assuming civic | leisure time * Meeting social responsibility activities and civic * Preparing for * Relating to one's | obligations marriage and spouse asa family life person * Establishing satisfactory living * Preparing for an * Accepting the quarters: economic career physiological changes of middie * Acquiring values age and an ethical system to guide * Adjusting to behavior aging parent * Desiring and achieving socially responsibility behavior The developmental tasks theory of Robert J. Havighurst elaborated in the most systematic and extensive manner. His main assertion is that development is continuous throughout the entire lifespan, occurring in stages, where the individual moves from one stage to next by means of successful resolution of problems or performance of developmental tasks. According to Havighurst, at the stage of adolescence, you must achieve and prepare the adulthoad stage. He emphasizes that an adolescent must already achieve mature relations with both sexes, masculine or feminine social role, accepting one’s physique, achieving emotional independence of adults, preparing for marriage and family life and for an economic career, acquiring values and an ethical system to guide behavior, desiring and achieving social responsibility behavior. All of these are the transitions of an adolescent. These are also the activity that were given. Remember? On your activity 1, you are being asked to check the tasks that you think you had already finished or completed. While on activity 2 are the tasks you have experience difficulties and felt challenging as an adolescent. The question is how can an adolescent achieve those developmental tasks if he/she is facing challenges in life? Let's enumerate some risk factors of an adolescent: 1. Drugs 5. School underachievement 2. Alcohol 6. Failure and dropout 3. Unsafe sex 7. Delinquency 4. Teenage pregnancy and 8. Crime parenting 9. Violence Jeffrey C. Miller, Ph.D. has a point of view about the developmental challenges of adolescent) teenagers. He gave a brief summary of the most significant developmental issues that an adolescent face: 4. Physical Transformation Probably ‘the most obvious’ ctanges are physical, thie teenager or adolescent is literally transforming from a child to an adult physically. A transformation that is disorienting to both the teenage and for everyone around him/her. 2. Sexual development The teenagers or adolescent years witness the emergence of sexuality, with all of its hormonal changes, all of its ups and downs and all of its emotional complications. . Separation from parents It is on a crash course of how to live life with primary dependence on him/herself rather than being guided, taught and supported by parents. |. Identity v. role confusion With growing independence comes the whole challenge of a teenager or an adolescent learning who he/she is and what role heishe will be playing in the world regarding friends, family, jobs and etc. . Social issues/group identity v. individuality With growing adulthood, comes the challenge of learning what groups and communities a person wants to be part of, and how those groups and communities impact their own sense of individuality. . Growing responsibility A substantial challenge for a teenager or an adolescent is learning to bear the personal responsibility of living a healthy, productive, compassionate and caring adult life These are some of the developmental challenges facing by an adolescent. There are many challenges, but these things will help you a lot to overcome some of those most significant challenges of an adolescent or a teenager. Now you know why some teenager or adolescent can't face the developmental task, itis because of the challenges. It is up to you dear leamer. You are the one who can overcome those challenges. Personal Development Quarter 1 - Module 6: Knowing Yourself Through the Help of Others |. Introduction: Hello learner! How are you? | hope that you are okay. Do you want to know yourself more? If yes, that's nice. In this module, you will ty to evaluate your own development through the help of others. Who are they? Your peers, parents, siblings, friends, teachers, and community leaders. They will help you to become the new version of “yourself”. But, in order for you to become the new version of yourself, you have to accept the reality that you are not alone in molding yourself. You have different level or degree of relationships with them, right? Now, why is it that they are part of you? You will see later on the answers why those people have a great impact to you. Shall we start? Are you excited? Great! Let's begin the journey! |. Objectives: To evaluate one's development through the help of significant people (peers, parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders) around him! her. . Vocabulary lists: Below are some of the vocabulary words and its meaning: * Introspection - an examination of one's self and acknowledgment of the movements within © ‘Compassionate’ having or showing compassion + Expectation - the act or state of expecting “Within me” Evaluating One’s Own Development is connected with the Self- introspection. Introspection is something from within. According to the good writer who gave the definition of introspection. He says, “Introspection, an examination of one’s self and acknowledgment of the movements within. Self-examination allows us to improve and be compassionate to other.” Likewise, one’s own development through the help of others is very significant. The outside forces will help you a lot especially their responses on your question on the activity 1. Especially the Johari's windows activity, it brought out everything. Through that activity, the hidden agenda from you which you do not know and you only know will arise. Thus, evaluating their answers will come to the point that you need others. According to the Johari’s window, there’s an “open area”, “blind area”, “hidden area” and “unknown area”. All of these areas will help to know the person better. Hence, people surround you will help in evaluating of yourself. Those questions that you have given are a great help in assessing who you are. For example, one of them answered, “you are very boastful’, now, on that judgment, you can say to yourself “ah! So, they thought of me as a boastful person” you can already change it by looking to yourself. And say, “| have to change”. Thus, your development as a person will lead you to a better version of yourself. Personal Development Quarter 1 - Module 7 Skills and Task Appropriate to Middle, Late Adolescence and Preparatory to Adulthood fk KARE Ge Da BK Brea. Se &® F Welcome to this module on the skills and task appropriate to middle, late adolescence and preparatory to adulthood. In this lesson you will learn the definition of adolescence that varies from culture to culture or even in various perspectives, the skills and task that is appropriate to middie and late adolescence for you to be prepared in adulthood One key relevance of this module is for you to learn ways to help you prepared to become a responsible adolescent and a better person. All you have to dois to accomplish alll the activities. Enjoy and be a responsible adolescent ready for adult life! Al the end of the module, you should be able to: 1. Identify ways that help one became capable and responsible adolescent prepared for adult life. 2. Understand the ways on how one can become responsible and capable adolescent, prepared for adult life. 3. Write your own plan on how to be a capable and responsible adolescent ready for adulthoad The following terms used in this module are define as follows: ‘Adolescence- transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. ‘Adulthood. the period in the human lifespan in which full physical and intellectual maturity have been attained. Early Adolescence- the period between the ages of 10-13. Middle Adolescence-the period between the ages of 10 and 14. Late Adolescence- the period between the ages of 15 and 20 Now let us explore further! Let us have another activity. Watch the short video clip about 5 Ways on How to Become a Responsible Adolescent, you can view it just copy and paste in YouTube browser the link htips:/Awww. youtube. com/watch?v=m7-0VC4mbbo (for those who can access) Did you enjoy watching the video clip? Now you are ready to answer the questions below. Write your answer in your journal. 1. Which of the five ways on how to become a responsible adolescent you like most to adopt and apply to yourself? 2. Why is it important to become a responsible adolescent? fideo Transcript 5 Ways on How to Become a Responsible Adolescence Going through adolescent isn't easy task. The demands and expectations of a teenager's parents and other people around them can be extremely stressful Mix it up with emotional outburst and self-loathing you've got a perfect recipe for disaster. But the good news is, there are ways which could turn those difficulties into challenges. ‘And made your adolescent life exciting and fun Today we are giving you 5 simple yet effective ways that will help you become a responsible and happler adolescent. ‘Are you ready? Let's jump into it! 1. Yeam to leam- school is without doubt, a huge part in our adolescent life in fact, majority of our time during our adolescent stage is spent inside the school campus. Therefore, itis extremely important for you to do good in your studies. Always try to aim for goad grades and do your best in all of your endeavors. ing However, try not to be too hard on yourself. Getting low scores and not able to finish projects in time are perfectly normal Mistakes are often the best teacher so always take responsibility for your action and study well, 2. Do the chores- Let's face it, doing any kind of chores, be it picking up your room, washing dishes, or doing laundry, truly stinks, I's extremely common to argue over who's doing the most work around the house and who should take on which duties. However, doing the chores actually gives you more benefits than harm not only does it help you boost your produstivity, but you can also learn skills that can be very helpful later on in your adult life like preparing meals, cleaning and organizing Try to treat these activities as something challenging and fun and inno time, you will have a better and cleaner home without you even realizing it. 3. Embrace your Race- as an adolescent, you are expected to show gratitude to the place that cultivated you, accepted you and assist you in all of your needs. Be proud of your country in things that it had done for you and everyone in the community. ‘Show your support and love for it by buying local products. Honor the sacrifices made by our heroes, accepting our culture and traditions, and protesting it from harm. Being patriotic and having a sense of national pride will push your country forward and see it flourish in all its potentials. 4. Be a good Citizen- while you may still be young, you are certainly not exempted from your legal responsibilities. Practicing and following the laws and rules of your country will made you a more discipline and well- mannered adolescent. Most importantly, keeping away from illegal activities such as taking drugs will keep you from ruining your future. Aliso, being active in your community will also help you develop skills that can help you when you grow older. 5. Do your share for cleaner air- to recognize your responsibilities to the environment as young as possible will help you love and care toward mother nature. Conserving water and turing the lights off when not used are a few simple ways that can greatly help reducing the environmental issues our world is currently facing. Throwing your trash properly is also a good indicator that you care for the environment that you live in Soon enough, you and young generation will be the future leaders of the world, so start looking after the environment. Does this list help you in becoming a responsible adolescent? Answer the guide questions below, write your answer in your journal Guide Questions: 1. Which of the five ways an how to become a responsible adolescent you like most to adopt and apply to yourself? 2. Why's it important to become a responsible adolescent? Read me to learn Ways te become capable and responsible adult: Adolescence is the time in life when young people make the journey out of childhood toward adulthood. You tend to be concrete thinkers. You begin to develop your abilities to think and argue. You become increasingly independent and focused on yourself. It is normal for you start to mature. You want more freedom to do the things that you want with your friends. Your peers become increasingly important to you. Maturity and responsibility are two words that cannot be separated as you grow older and become an adult. Your life experience will be built you te who you become in the future, Set your own goals in life Be mature and be responsible, set an achievable goal. There is no easy way to success. Just keep on trying, give your best and focus with your goal. Know your limit, learn to control yourself ‘You must be responsible of your actions, feelings, thoughts. This one of th biggest challenges in your life. Ifyou face a difficult situation breathe and stay call control your emotion, never let your feelings overpower your mind Always think positive Responsible adult always thinks positive, it will help you to become inspired with whatever endeavor you are in. Positive thought brings positive energy that will influence the thoughts of other. Never give up for your goal: Believe in yourself and stop comparing yourself with others Love yourself fist, accept who you are. Do not look for what you de not have but be thankful of what you have. By believing in yourself, you will find the courage to take action on your goals. You can do itt Have strong relation with God God already knows what your goals in life. When you build a close relationship with God, you begin to see things clearly. As your relationship deepens, you begin to see how God truly does oversee you. God never fail those who believe in him, The following are eight (8) simple rules which could help you, to become a responsible adolescent prepared for adult life: ‘i. Focus on your studies and do well in all of your endeavors. There is time for everything. . Take care of your health and hygiene. Healthy body and mind are important as you journey through adolescence . Establish good communication and retation with your parents or guardian. Listen to them. This may be easier said than done at this stage, but creating good relationship with them will do you good as they are the ones you can lean on especially in times of trouble. . Think alot before doing something. Evaluate probable consequences before acting, Practice self-control and self-discipline. ). Choose to do the right thing. There are plenty of situations in which itis better to use your mind rather than your heart. |. Do your best to resist temptations, bad acts, and earthly pleasures and commit to being a responsible adolescent. . Respect yourself, You are an adult in the making. Do not let your teenage hormones get into you. If you respect yourself, others will respect you too. |. Be prepared to be answerable or accountable for your actions and behavior Itis @ part of growing up and becoming an adult. Personal Development Quarter 1 - Module 8: Stress and Coping Strategies in Middle and Late Adolescence Oo. oe Welcome to this module on the Stress and Coping Strategies in Middle and Late Adolescence. In this lesson you will lear understanding of mental health and psychological well-being to identify ways to cope with stress during adolescence. Stress is the way your body responds to challenges and gets you ready to face them with attention, energy and strength. When you feel you can cope with these challenges, stress gets you ready for action and gives you the motivation to get things done. (One key relevance of this module is for you to learn ways to ways to help you cope with stress and be mentally healthy. All you have to do is to accomplish all the activities. Enjoy and learn to be stress free adolescent. At the end of the module, you should be able to: 1. Discuss understanding of mental health and psychological well-being to identify ways to cope with stress during adolescence 2. Understand the ways on how to cope with stress during adolescent. 3. Write his/her own plan on how to fight out stress, The following terms used in this module are define as follows; Stress - a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Mental Health - refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It is all about how people think, feel, and behave. Psychological well-being - consists of positive relationships with others, personal mastery, autonomy, a feeling of purpose and meaning in life, personal growth and development. TRANSCRIPT: Kelly McGonigal - Health psychologist | have a confession to make, but first, | want you to make a little confession to me. In the past year, ! want you to just raise your hand if you've experienced relatively litle stress. Anyone? How about a moderate amount of stress? Who has experienced a lot of stress? Yeah. Me too. But that is not my confession. My confession is this: | am a health psychologist, and my mission is to help people be happier and healthier. But | fear that something I've been teaching for the last 10 years is doing more harm than good, and it has to do with stress. For years I've been telling people, stress makes you sick. It increases the risk of everything from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. Basically, I've turned stress into the enemy. But | have changed my mind about stress, and today, | want to change yours. Let me start with the study that made me rethink my whole approach to stress. This study tracked 30,000 adults in the United States for eight years, and they started by asking people, "How much stress have you experienced in the last year?” They also asked, “Do you believe that stress is harmful for your health?” And then they used public death records te find out who died. Okay. Some bad news first. People who experienced a lot of stress in the previous year had a 43% increased risk of dying. But that was only true for the people whe also believed that stress is harmful for your health. People who experienced a lot of stress but did not view stress as harmful were no more likely to die. In fact, they had the lowest risk of dying of anyone in the study, including people who had relatively little stress. Now the researchers ‘estimated that aver the eight years they were tracking deaths, 182,000 Americans died prematurely, not from stress, but from the belief that stress is bad for you. That is over 20,000 deaths a year. Now, if that estimate is correct, that would make believing stress is bad for you the 15th iargest cause of death in the United States last year, killing more people than skin cancer, HIV/AIDS and homicide. You can see why this study freaked me out. Here I've been spending so much energy telling people stress is bad for your health. So, this study got me wondering: Can changing how you think about stress make you healthier? And here the science says yes. When you change your mind about stress, you can change your body's response to stress. Now to explain how this works, | want you all to pretend that you ate participants in a study designed to stress you out. I's called the social stress test. You come into the laboratory, and you're told you have to give a five-minute impromptu speech on your personal weaknesses to a panel of expert evaluators sitting right in front of you, and to make sure you feel the pressure, there are bright lights and a camera in your face, kind of like this. And the evaluators have been trained to give you discouraging, non-verbal feedback like this. Now that you're sufficiently demoralized, time for part two: a math test. And unbeknownst to you, the experimenter has been trained to harass you during it Now we're going to all do this together. It's going to be fun. For me. Okay.| want you all to count backwards from 996 in increments of seven. You're going to do this out loud as fast as you can, starting with 996. Go! Audience: (Counting) Go faster. Faster please. You're going too slow. Stop. Stop, stop, stop. That guy made a mistake. We are going to have to start all over again, You're not very good at this, are you? Okay, $0 you get the idea. Now, if you were actually in this study, you'd probably be a littie stressed ‘ut. Your heart might be pounding, you might be breathing faster, maybe breaking out into a sweat. And normally, we interpret these physical changes as anxiety or signs that we aren't coping very well with the pressure. But what if you viewed them instead as sighs that your body was energized, was preparing you to meet this challenge? Now that Is exactly what participants were told in a study conducted at Harvard University. Before they went through the social stress test, they were taught to rethink their stress response as helpful. That pounding heart is preparing you for action. If you're breathing faster, it's no problem. It's getting more oxygen to your brain. And participants who learned o view the stress response as helpful for their performance, well, they were less stressed out, less anxious, more confident, but the most fascinating finding to me was how their physical stress response changed. Now, in @ typical stress response, your héart fale goes up, and your blood vessels constrict like this. And this (is one of the reasons that chronic stress is somelimes associated with cardiovascular disease. It's not really healthy to be in this state all the time. But in the study, when participants viewed their stress response as. helpful, their blood vessels stayed relaxed like this. Their heart was still pounding, but this is a much healthier cardiovascular profile. It actually looks a lot like what happens in moments of joy and courage. Over a lifetime of stressful experiences, this one biological change could be the difference between a stress-induced heart attack at age 50 and living well into your 80s. And this is really what the new science of stress reveals, that how you think about stress matters. So, my goal as a health psychologist has changed. | no longer want to get rid of your stress. I want to make you better at stress. And we just did alittle intervention. If you raised your hand and said you'd had a lot of stress in the last year, we could have saved your life, because hopefully the mext time your heart is pounding from stress, you're going to remember this talk and you're going to think to yourself, this is my body helping me rise to this challenge. And when you view stress in that way, your body believes you, and your stress response becomes healthier. Now | said | have over a decade of demonizing stress to redeem myself from, 80 we are going to do one more intervention. | want to tell you about one of the most under-appreciated aspects of the stress response, and the idea is this: Stress makes you social To understand this side of stress, we need to talk about a hormone, oxytocin, and | know oxytocin has already gotten as much hype as a hormone can get. It even has its own cute nickname, the cuddle hormone, because I's released when you hug someone. But this is a very small part of what oxytocin is involved in. Oxytocin is a neuro-hormone. It fine-tunes your brain's social instincts. It primes you to do things that strengthen close relationships. Oxytocin makes you crave physical contact with your friends and family. It enhances your empathy. It even makes you more willing to help and support the people you care about. Some people have even suggested we should snort oxytocin to become more compassionate and caring. But here's what most people don't understand about oxytocin. It's a stress hormone. Your pituitary gland pumps this stuff out as part of the stress response. It's as much a part of your stress response as the adrenaline that makes your heart pound. And when oxytocin is released in the stress response, it Is motivating you to seek support. Your biolagical stress response is nudging you to tell someone how you feel instead of bottling it up. Your stress response wants to make sure you notice when someone else in your life is struggling so that you can support each other. When life is difficult, your stress response wants you to be surrounded by people who care about you. Okay, so how is knowing this side of stress going to make you healthier? Well, oxytocin doesn't only act on your brain. It also acts on your body, and ‘one of its main oles in your’bedy is to |protect your cardiovascular system from the effects of stress. It's a natural anti-inflammatory. It also helps your blood vessels stay relaxed during stress. But my favorite effect on the body is actually on the heart. Your heart has receptors for this hormone, and oxytocin helps heart cells regenerate and heal from any stress-induced damage. This stress hormone strengthens your heart, and the cool thing Is that all of these physical benefits of oxytocin are enhanced by social contact and social support, so when you reach out to others under stress, elther to seek support or to help someone else, you release more of this hormone, your stress response becomes healthier, and you actually recover faster from stress. | find this amazing, that your stress response has a bullt-in mechanism for stress resilience, and that mechanism is human connection.

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