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by : Batrisya and Ridhwana

2:F o o d , F o o d ,

Useful Expression
Using different adjectives
Using adjectives • When vou describe people or things
• It looks / seems to be + adjective try to use lots of different adjectives.
• I think they / he / she are + adjective • Try not to use adjectives like nice, good
• That is / isn't good for you because it's or bad all the time.
• Look carefully at the photo first and
+ adjective
think about positive or negative ways to
• I often eat / don't usually eat that describe the thinas vou can see.
because it’s + adjective • You can also give your opinion and say
•like / don't like that because it's + if you like or dislike what you see. of body text
adiectivetle bit of body text

decision •colourful • tasty
NOUN choice
custom • decisive • choosy
• customary • mixed
• trendy • bright

• colour • brighten • vary
croissant aubergine chicken cupcake
wheat pizza eggs
rice sweetcorn

Word Focus
Sample writing
Gino's: a good choice for hungry

crush: to press something very hard

and break it
harvest: to pick and collect crops
fresh: not preserved or old
improve: to make something better

R eTheaDove
d iBakery
Do you like sweet things? Love sugar? Dream about chocolate? If you do then 'The
Dove Bakery' in London is the place for you.These shops are full of the most delicious
and colorful cupcakes you can imagine. These tasty treats are so popular that there are
now three branches of the bakery in London with a fourth planned for next year. The first
bakery opened in 2004 after a group of Americans couldn't find traditional American-
style cupcakes anywhere in London. They decided to make their own and sell them.It
certainly proved to be a great decision .Those who visit the bakery will definitely be spoilt
for choosy ! But the favourite with the customary is the 'Red Velvet Cupcake' .This is a
delicious mixed of bright red vanilla cake with cream cheese and chocolate on top. The
newest shop to open in London is in trendy Soho. It is decorated with bright -colored
cupcake art and a large TV screen showing the bakery's 50 different variety of cakes .So
if you're in London and you didn't have a dessert at lunchtime, why not drop by and try
the delicious delights the Dove Bakery has to offer.

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