A Simplified Analysis of The Six-Element Model of A Three-Phase Induction Motor

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3, AUGUST 1998

Short Paper
A Simplified Analysis of the Six-Element 1
of a correction factor s, which may be added to the measured slip.
Model of a Three-Phase Induction Motor This correction factor is based upon two assumptions: 1) for a very
small normalized slip value, the normalized resistance is essentially
Donald L. Skaar equal to that normalized slip (see (5)) and 2) the stator core loss
resistance is considerably greater than the mutual reactance. The
Abstract— This short paper modifies a previously described method correction factor is obtained by equating the product of the circle
for the analysis of the five-element-per-phase model of a three-phase diameter and the normalized slip at synchronous speed D s=sN [( 1 )]
induction machine to include the sixth element, the stator core loss to the infinite series which represents the real part of the forward
resistance rf e . Numerical examples are provided that illustrate the
analysis of the resulting six-element model.
impedance evaluated at synchronous speed, then solving for s. The 1
result is
Index Terms—Analysis of induction motors, six-element model, three-
phase induction motor. 1s = [r2 =r ][1 + (x
fe M =rf e )2 + (xM =rf e )4 1 1 1 ]  r2 =r :
fe (7)
Numerical examples will best clarify the details of the analysis.
In a previous TRANSACTIONS [1], a method was described for the
Given: A 15-hp 440-V three-phase eight-pole, wye-connected 60-
analysis of the five-element-per-phase Steinmetz Model of a balanced
three-phase induction motor. At that time it had not been developed = 0 014
Hz motor operates at a unit slip sA : , and has the following
that the inclusion of the sixth element rf e was so amenable to a simple motor constants:
variation in that method. Also, due to an error in the processing r1 =0:50 x1 =1:00 r2 =0:640
of the manuscript of [1], numerical examples were inadvertently x2 =1:00 x =39:0 M r =320 fe
omitted. This short paper demonstrates how the inclusion of rf e may
P =287 W s =0:001 P 0 =575 W

where P 0 is the core loss when s = 0.

be converted into an equivalent incremental increase in slip; it also
provides analytical and graphical numerical examples.
II. DISCUSSION a) Total impedance, Zt ;
The six-element model is featured in most electrical energy con- b) Phase current, Ip ;
version texts as the most complete induction machine model; it is also c) Power factor, ; pf
the model used in IEEE Standard 112 [2], the definitive Standard for d) Input power, PIN ;
the evaluation of three-phase induction motors. Few electrical energy e) Power to gap, PG ;
conversion textbooks use that six-element model when providing f) Mechanical power, PM ;
examples of conventional analysis; the texts by Guru and Hiziroglu g) Output power, PO ;
[3] and Matsch [4] are among those few which do. The conventional h) Efficiency, E ;
analysis which they provide is conceptually straightforward but is not i) Devel. torque, Td ;
insightful and is mathematically cumbersome for classroom work. j) Output torque, To .
The method of analysis presented here, particularly the graphical The values of D, sN , and the normalized value of operating slip
approach, allows the student to visualize clearly the change in the corrected for the effect of rf e are computed as a preliminary step for
voltage and current phasors as the operating point moves around either mathematical or graphical analysis:
the periphery of a unit circle with changes in the per-unit slip; = 38 00
a) D  xM 0 x2 :
further, the analysis involves little more than simple algebraic and b) sN= ( + ) = 0 016
r2 = xM x2 :
trigonometric operations in performing a complete analysis of the c) 1 = = 0 002
s r2 =rf e :
six-element model. d) sa= [ + 1 ] = 1 000
sA s =sN : .
Six terms derived in [1] are defined here for convenience.
D = x2M =(xM + x2 )  (xM 0 x2 )
A. Mathematical Analysis
sN = r2 =(xM + x2 )
1) Determine the values of normalized and actual values of the
(2) impedance components, the phase current, and the power
= Arctangent s=sN = Arctangent sn (3) factor:
sn = s=sN (4) rn =(sa )=(1 + sa2 ) = 0:500
rn = sn =(1 + sn2 ) (5) xn =(1 + sa2 )01 = 0:500
xn =1=(1 + sn2 ): (6) Rf = D(rn ) = 19:00
The inclusion of rf e has as its principal effect the shifting of all finite Rt = r1 + Rf = 19:50
operating points clockwise around the periphery of the impedance Xt = x1 + D[x2 (xM + xn )] = 20:97
locus. Fortunately, this shift may be accounted for by the inclusion
Zt =[Rt2 + Xt2 ]0:5 = 28:64
Manuscript received August 31, 1995; revised March 25, 1998. Ip = Vp =Zt = 254=28:64 = 8:869 A
pf = Rt =Zt = 0:6810:
The author is with San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182 USA.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9359(98)05725-2.

0018–9359/98$10.00  1998 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI. Downloaded on October 30,2023 at 10:00:34 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

SPICE 4600 3908 41:46 3580 0:7783
Math. 4602 3909 41:47 3559 0:7734
Graph. 4600 3920 41:5 3600 0:78

The graphical analysis proceeds as follows:

1) Locate the reactance axis a normalized distance r1 =D to( )
the left of the vertical circle diameter; locate the resistance
( + )
x1 x2 =D below the circle. Locate the operating points at
sn =0 and at no load (both shifted to compensate for rf e );
the normalized blocked rotor point is always located a distance
sN to the right of the circle bottom.
For s = 0: sno =1s=sN  0:125:
No load: snl =[sN L + 1s]=sN = 0:1875:
For s = 1:0: sN  0:015 [to right of Circle bottom]:
2) Draw three secants as follows:
a) The normalized “Air Gap Line” from the point where
sn =0to the bottom of the circle.
b) The “Output Line” between the normalized no load and
blocked rotor points.
c) The “Mechanical Power Line” from the point where
sn =0
to the normalized blocked rotor point.
3) Locate the normalized operating point sa =10
4) Draw a horizontal line from the vertical reactance axis to the
operating point; label the intersections such as with the letters
A through E.
5) Measure line segment “A–E” using the normalized scale to
obtain rt and the vertical line segment from the origin to point
“A” to obtain xt . Multiply by D to obtain the actual values
of Rt and Xt , then find the phase current, power factor, and
input power.

rt  0:51 units
Rt = rt (D)  19:4
xt  0:55 units
Xt = xt (D) = 20:9
Zt =[Rt2 + Xt2 ]0:5  28:5
Fig. 1. Normalized circle for example problem. Ip = Vp =Zt = 8:9 A
pf = rt =zt = Rt =Zt = 0:68 or 68%
2) Determine the remaining variables requested:
PIN =3(Ip )2 Rt  4600 W [line segment “A–E”]:
PIN = 3(Ip2 )Rt = 4602 W
PG =[3(Ip2 )Rf 0 PC 0 ] = 3909 W 6) Determine the remainder of the terms requested [the numbers
in parentheses are expressed in millimeter divisions]
PM = PG (1 0 s) = 3846 W
PO = PM 0 PW F = 3559 W PG = PIN (B’E/AE) = 3920 W
E = PO =PIN = 0:7734 or 77:34% PM = PIN (CE/AE) = 3880 W
Td = PG =!s = 41:470 N-M PO = PIN (DE/AE) = 3600 W
To = Po =!n = 39:54 N-M: E = DE/AE = 0:775 or 77:5%
Td = PG =ws = 41:5 N-M
TO = PO =wn = 40 N-M:
B. Graphical Analysis
Fig. 1 illustrates a reduced-size version of the unit locus adapted
for the motor described in the example problem. It is suggested that Table I illustrates the close correlation between the results obtained
the actual locus be drawn with a diameter of at least 20 cm on graph by the proposed methods as compared with those obtained using
paper with a minimum resolution of one millimeter. SPICE.

Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI. Downloaded on October 30,2023 at 10:00:34 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

IV. CONCLUSIONS [2] IEEE Std. 112-1994, “IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase
Induction Motors and Generators,” IEEE, New York, NY, 1994.
A method has been presented which allows the student to analyze [3] Guru and Hiziroglu, Electrical Machinery and Transformers, 2nd ed.
the six-element model of IEEE Standard 112 using a modification New York: Harcourt Brace, 1995, pp. 488–522.
of the procedure previously developed for the five-element model. [4] L. W. Matsch, Electromagnetic and Electromechanical Machines. New
The graphical method is particularly recommended for classroom use York: Dun-Donnelley, 1977, pp. 409–416.
because of its insightfulness and simplicity. The procedure does not
account for stray loss, rotor core loss, nor for any variation in model
elements that may occur in practice; the validity of the six-element
model is assumed over the normal load range of the machine. Donald L. Skaar received the B.E.E. degree from the University of Min-
nesota, Minneapolis, in 1949 and the M.S. degree from Oregon State,
REFERENCES Corvallis, in 1966.
He worked in the aerospace industry for a number of years for Honeywell,
[1] D. L. Skaar, “Analysis of three phase induction motors utilizing ‘The Convair Astronautics, and Teledyne Kinetics. He has taught at San Diego
IODEKICE LOCUS’—A normalized impedance locus,” IEEE Trans. State University for more than 30 years and is a Professor Emeritus of that
Educ., vol. 34, pp. 336–342, Nov. 1991. institution.

Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI. Downloaded on October 30,2023 at 10:00:34 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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