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File - Stats 2B03 midterm 2

Statistical Methods for Science (McMaster University)

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Stats 2B03 Test #2 (Version 1)

November 14th, 2019

(Last Name) (First Name)

Student Number:_____________________

This test consists of 19 multiple choice questions worth 1 mark each (no part marks), and 1
question worth 1 mark (no part marks) on proper computer card filling. Questions must be
answered on the COMPUTER CARD with an HB PENCIL. Marks will not be deducted for
wrong answers (i.e., there is no penalty for guessing). You are responsible for ensuring that your
copy of the test is complete. Bring any discrepancy to the attention of the invigilator. Only the
McMaster standard calculator Casio fx-991 MS or MS Plus is allowed.

1. Suppose that a person in this class uses their personalized class data set to test the hypothesis
that the average time per day spent on cell phone use is greater than 2 hours, and rejects the
null hypothesis at the 5% significance level. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) The average time per day spent on cell phone use for a person in this class is greater than
2 hours.
(b) It is not possible for a Type II error to have occurred.
(c) There is a 5% chance that a Type II error occurred.
(d) It is not possible for a Type I error to have occurred.
(e) The :-value is greater than .05.

2. The Ericsson method is one of several methods claimed to increase the likelihood of a baby
girl. Suppose that in a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of the Ericsson method, a :-value
of .023 is obtained. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) The significance level of the test is 2.3%

(b) A large :-value is strong evidence in favor of the null hypothesis.
(c) The proportion of girls in the sample was greater than 0.5.
(d) The Ericsson method works.
(e) The null hypothesis would be rejected at the 1% significance level.

3. A Gallup poll asked adults whether 'cloning of humans should be allowed'. Using the results
from the poll, the following 90% confidence interval for the proportion of adults that think
that cloning should not be allowed was produced: (.874, .906). What sample size was used?

(a) 259 (b) 1035 (c) 1982 (d) 1469 (e) 2814

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4. Listed below are the lead concentrations (in .g/g) measured in different Ayurveda medicines
sold on the internet.
7.5, 6.5, 6.0, 5.5, 20.5
Find a 95% confidence interval for the average lead conentration in Ayurveda medicines sold
on the internet. Assume that the population is normal.

(a) (1.304, 17.096) (b) (3.136, 15.264) (c) (1.887, 16.513) (d) (3.469, 14.931)
(e) (3.625, 14.775)

5. The drug Eliquis (apixaban) is used to prevent blood clots in certain patients. In clinical
trials, among 5924 patients treated with Eliquis, 153 developed the adverse reaction of
nausea. Test the hypothesis that less than 3% of eliquis users develop nausea. Use the 1%
significance level.

(a) Do not reject the null hypothesis since 2.02 is not less than 2.33.
(b) Do not reject the null hypothesis since 1.88 is not less than 2.575.
(c) We conclude that more than 3% of eliquis users develop nausea since the :-value is equal
to .03, which is greater than .01
(d) Do not reject the null hypothesis since the :-value is equal to .03, which is greater than
(e) Do not reject the null hypothesis since the :-value is equal to .0217, which is greater than

6. Consider the data set that is summarized in the Minitab output below.
Descriptive Statistics: SODIUM

Variable GENDER N Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Q1 Median Q3

SODIUM F 34 136.09 0.951 5.55 125.00 132.75 135.00 138.50
M 33 141.03 1.55 8.93 115.00 135.50 142.00 147.00

If we were to test the following hypothesis,

L! À ." œ .# vs L" À ." Á .#
assuming that the population variances are equal, what would be the value of the test

(a) #Þ(%" (b) #Þ(#) (c) #Þ("! (d) #Þ(&$ (e) #Þ('(

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7. Suppose that a student wants to test the hypothesis that more than 75% of the people in this
class are in 2nd year. In order to do this the student decides to select two people at random
from this class and reject the null hypothesis if both students are in 2nd year. What is the
significance level of this test?

(a) 10% (b) 5% (c) 56.25% (d) 6.25% (e) 25%

8. Suppose that we want to test the hypothesis that the average IQ of a physician is different
from 138. A random sample of IQ scores of 18 physicians is obtained and the test statistic is
calculated to be > œ "Þ)&'Þ Find the :-value. Assume that the population is normal.

(a) Þ"!  :-value  Þ#! (b) Þ!#&  :-value  Þ!& (c) .0314
(d) Þ!&  :-value  Þ"! (e) .0628

9. A clinical trial was conducted to test the effectiveness of the drug zopiclone for treating
insomnia in older subjects. After treatment with zopiclone, 16 subjects had a mean wake
time of 98.9 minutes, with standard deviation 42.3 minutes. Test the hypothesis that after
treatment with zopiclone subjects have a mean wake time that is different from 112.8
minutes. Use α œ Þ"!. Assume that the population is normal.

(a) Reject the null hypothesis since the :-value is equal to .0951, which is less than ."!.
(b) Do not reject the null hypothesis since the :-value is equal to .1902, which is greater than
(c) Reject the null hypothesis since "Þ$" is less than "Þ#).
(d) Do not reject the null hypothesis since "Þ341  "Þ$"  1.341.
(e) Do not reject the null hypothesis since "Þ(&$  "Þ$"  1.753.

10. In a study of treatments for very painful "cluster" headaches, 20 patients were treated with
oxygen and 17 patients were given a placebo consisting of ordinary air. Among the 20
patients in the oxygen group, 14 were free from headaches 15 minutes after treatment.
Among the 17 patients given placebo, 6 were free from headaches 15 minutes after
treatment. If we want to test the claim that the oxygen treatment is effective in decreasing
headaches using α œ Þ!" what would be the critical value?

(a) 2.33 (b) 2.583 (c) 2.921 (d) 2.438 (e) 2.724

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11. Suppose that a new flu vaccine is produced and (unbeknown to the experimenters) the new
vaccine does not work at all. Suppose that 50 different double-blind placebo-controlled
clinical trials are conducted around the world to test this vaccine, each at the 2% significance
level. In how many of these trials (on average) would the resulting data lead the
experimenters to falsely conclude that the vaccine is effective?

(a) Impossible to tell, because the probability of Type II error is unknown.

(b) 3 of them
(c) 5 of them
(d) None, because the trials are double-blind and placebo-controlled.
(e) 1 of them

12. Consider the data set that is summarized in the Minitab output below. If we were to use
ANOVA to analyze this data, what would be the value of SS(treatment)?
Variable C10 N Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Q1 Median Q3
C12 0 31 139.52 4.69 26.11 108.00 115.00 142.00 157.00
1 23 153.74 7.25 34.78 106.00 125.00 152.00 179.00
2 9 167.7 11.1 33.4 101.0 146.0 175.0 193.5

(a) 7968.2 (b) 440.1 (c) 6445.6 (d) 613.2 (e) 881.7

13. Consider the data set summarized in Minitab Output #1 given at the end of this test. Find a
93% Bonferonni confidence interval for .#  ." .

(a) Ð&Þ"*%ß Þ&$%Ñ (b) Ð"Þ**'ß $Þ!!*Ñ (c) Ð&Þ#&!ß Þ%()Ñ

(d) Ð&Þ$!*ß Þ%"*Ñ (e) Ð&Þ%&"ß Þ&"$Ñ

14. Consider the data set summarized in Minitab Output #1 given at the end of this test. Find the
missing J -value in the ANOVA table.

(a) 7.420 (b) 7.208 (c) 7.003 (d) 7.614 (e) 8.214

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15. Consider the data set summarized in Minitab Output #1 given at the end of this test. Test the
L! À ." œ .# œ .$ vs L" À .3 Á .4 for at least one pair Ð3ß 4Ñ

using the 7% significance level.

(a) Reject L! since 88.07 is greater than 3.3158

(b) Reject L! since 8.214 is greater than 3.3158
(c) Reject L! since 10.004 Á 7.140 Á 10.510
(d) Reject L! since the :-value is equal to .0002, which is less than .07.
(e) Reject L! since two of the given confidence intervals do not contain the value 0.

16. A researcher interested in estimating a population proportion takes a sample from the
population, and based on this sample produces a 90%, 95%, and 99% confidence interval.
The three confidence intervals in SCRAMBLED order are as follows:

(i) (Þ")*ß Þ&#)Ñ (ii) ÐÞ#&!ß Þ%'(Ñ (iii) ÐÞ##*ß Þ%))Ñ

What are the confidence levels of each of the above confidence intervals?

(a) (i) 99% (ii) 95% (iii) 90%

(b) (i) 90% (ii) 99% (iii) 95%
(c) (i) 95% (ii) 99% (iii) 90%
(d) (i) 95% (ii) 90% (iii) 99%
(e) (i) 99% (ii) 90% (iii) 95%

17. Suppose that we want to use ANOVA to test the hypothesis

L! À ." œ .# œ .$ vs L" À .3 Á .4 for at least one pair Ð3ß 4Ñ

The analysis requires that all 3 populations follow a normal distribution. What method could
be used to check this assumption?

(a) Draw a normal probability plot of the combined residuals and see if the points fall close
to a straight line.
(b) Combine all three samples, draw a normal probability plot of this combined sample, and
see if the points fall close to a straight line.
(c) Draw a normal probability plot of the combined residuals and see if the points are bell-
(d) Combine all three samples, draw a normal probability plot of this combined sample, and
see if the points are bell-shaped.
(e) The Bonferonni method.

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18. The meat department of a local supermarket chain packages ground beef using meat trays
designed to hold .454 kg of meat. A random sample of 35 packages produced the following
99% confidence interval for the average weight of all such packages sold in this supermarket:
(.420, .496). Which of the following statements is true?

(a) There is a 99% chance that a randomly selected package weighs at least .420 kg.
(b) 99% of all such packages weigh between .420 kg and .496 kg.
(c) The average weight of all such packages cannot be more than .496 kg.
(d) The average weight of all such packages might be less than .420 kg.
(e) If another random sample of 35 packages were taken, then there is a 99% chance that the
average weight of this new sample will be between .420 kg and .496 kg.

19. A sample survey is designed to estimate the proportion of sport utility vehicles being driven
in PEI. A random sample of 500 registrations are selected from a PEI database, and 68 are
classified as sports utility vehicles. Find a 97% confidence interval for the proportion of
sports utility vehicles in PEI.

(a) (.100, .172) (b) (.106, .166) (c) (.103, .169) (d) (.096, .175) (e) (.111, .161)

20. Correctly fill out the bubbles corresponding to all 9 digits of your student number, as well as
the version number of your test in the correct places on the computer card.
Note: You are writing Version 1.

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Minitab Output #1


Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

C2 ? 88.07 ? ? .0002
Error ? 207.7 ?
Total ? ?

S = 2.472 R-Sq = 29.78% R-Sq(adj) = 25.65%

Level N Mean StDev

1 11 10.004 2.399
2 15 7.140 2.853
3 11 10.510 1.903

Pooled StDev = 2.472

Fisher Individual Tests for Differences of Means

Difference Difference Adjusted

of Levels of Means 97.67% CI T-Value P-Value

2 - 1 -2.864 (-5.194, -0.534) ? ?

3 - 1 0.506 (-1.996, 3.009) ? ?
3 - 2 3.370 (1.040, 5.700) ? ?

Simultaneous confidence level = 94.61%


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Answers (Version 1):

1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. e 10. a
11. e 12. c 13. a 14. b 15. d 16. e 17. a 18. d 19. c


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