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Name:Medala Caballero
Grade&Section: 12 Gas Quirino
What is philosophy? Philosophy is the study of all phenomena
of human life and thought critically and described in
fundamental concepts. It can also be said that philosophy is a
science that seeks to find the deepest cause for everything
based on thought or ratio. Philosophy is the view of life of a
person or group of people which is the basic concept of the
aspired life. Philosophy is a science that uses logic, methods,
and systems to study general and fundamental problems
regarding various issues, such as; knowledge, reason, thought,
existence, and language. Philosophy is like an argument
someone’s expression or the like. Example of philosophy: the
earth is round according to c. colombus. History is different
from philosophy, you should first clarify what philosophy is. An
example of philosophy in everyday life is to treat others as you
would like to be treated. The benefits of studying philosophy
are: Philosophy helps educate, Philosophy provides habits and
intelligence to see and solve problems in everyday life.
Philosophy provides a broad view. And also Philosophy is the
study of ideology, beliefs, existence, knowledge, reality, and
thinking. Greek philosopher? The Greeks are known for this
system. Philosophy is not really considered a branch of Science
but it is highly revered by the professionals for its uniqueness in
terms of solving problems. Some of the famous Greek
philosophers are Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Zeno, Empedocles,
Eratosthenes, and many more known for their fundamental
theoretical studies and religious beliefs. Philosophy is more on
questioning sciences, confirmed or not so that they can come to
further definitions of things and answers to questions that
confuse them about life. How do we characterize the study of
philosophy? We characterize philosophy by our knowledge
about it cause philosophy it self is knowledge it is what we learn
and then we apply it to our reality. How does one engage in
reflection? Personal reflection provides similar benefits, while
focusing on your individual experiences. Personal reflection
enables us to process and make meaning of all of the great (and
not so great) learning and working experiences we’ve had.
Everyone stands to gain from engaging in some type of
reflection. What are the practical uses of philosophy in our
lives? The practical use of philosophy in life is to play a role in
liberating the human mind. This liberation guides humans to
think further, deeper, more critically of everything so that
humans can get clarity and explanation of all reality. Philosophy
helps us understand that things don’t always seem the way they
are. Philosophy helps us understand about ourselves and our
world, because it teaches us how to grapple with basic
questions. Philosophy makes us more critical. Practical
philosophy is the interaction of someone who has sufficient
philosophical competence to help other people cultivate their
lives, renew or open their horizons of life, and understand and
answer concrete problems. Examples of philosophy in everyday
life are critical thinking, radical thinking, reflective thinking,
logical thinking, acting coherently, acting consistently, thinking
conceptually, thinking comprehensively, acting systematically,
and acting freely and remaining responsible.
Philosophy invites us to examine and re-question the dogmas
that we have considered true, invites us to take a position and
establish a stand. But few people dare to rethink their long-held
beliefs in life. So it is not surprising that there is an assumption
in society that philosophy is a field of study that is only
cultivated by a handful of people who have the ability to think
and have high abstraction power. The practical philosophy
movement h”s a concern and focus on the daily problems of
modern society, such as stress in the world of work, depression
due to divorce, domestic conflicts, and so on. The modern
world is a world full of paradoxes, a world full of material
abundance and rapid technological advances but at the same
time pathological problems of humanity. Modern humans
experience a void of meaning in life as a result of a modern
lifestyle that places too much emphasis on physical-material
needs. The tendency to fulfill only physical-material needs
makes the inner condition of modern society vulnerable to
conflict because it has never been honed and cared for. The
purpose of philosophy in general is for humans to become more
educated and knowledgeable, and able to evaluate things
around them objectively. So that people become wiser in living
their lives. So that humans have a broad view and avoid
egocentrism. Finding the truth to common sense? according to
plato he believe that not all that we see is true for him thise
thinking are just mere representation of the things. Logic is the
science of how to evaluate arguments and reasoning. This is
important because sometimes people don’t realize that what
sounds reasonable isn’t necessarily logical. This reasoning
process using principals of logic in your reasoning, thinking, and
arguments is critical to the practice of philosophy
Knowledge to fallacies A fallacy is a kind of error In reasoning.
The vast majority of the commonly identified fallacies involve
arguments, although some involve only explanations, or
definitions, or other products of reasoning. Sometimes the term
“fallacy” is used even more broadly to indicate any false belief
or cause of a false belief. Fallacies Appeal to pity – post hoc
Fallacies are common errors in reasoning that will undermine
the logic of your argument. Fallacies can be either illegitimate
arguments or irrelevant points, and are often identified because
they lack evidence that supports their claim. we have eleven
fallacies appeal to pity, ad hominem, ad baculum, hasty
generalization, post hoc Ad populum – petitio principli/begging
questions and also add papulum, false analogy, falliacy of
composition, falliacy ad pirision, dictosimpliciter, petitio
principli/begging the question Man as an embodied spirit when
we say that the human person is an embodied spirit, we
specifically mean that the human person is the point of
convergence between the material and spiritual entities, that is,
between the body and soul. We cannot talk, therefore, of the
human person without the union of body and soul, just as we
cannot talk of anything without the union of (as Aristotle would
have us believe) matter and form. Now, to understand the
specificity of the human person as an embodied spirit is
important because aside from the fact that it enables us to
know our potentialities and limitations, it also exposes us to a
thorough and deeper understanding of ourselves as a unique
creature united by body and soul. With this caveat in mind, let
us now proceed to an engagement with one of the most
famous philosophers in this particular scholarship, namely,
Aristotle. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs is one of the most prominent psychological theories that
explain individual motivation. Published in his seminal paper, ‘A
theory of human motivation’, Abraham Maslow, an American
psychologist and professor, depicted human needs as five
hierarchical levels within a pyramid. Applying Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs when writing a business or marketing report
or a dissertation might be a tricky and challenging task. This is
because the framework is usually used in conjunction with
other strategic management instruments, adding to the overall
complexity of the analysis process. If you are looking for the
help of a reliable academic writing service with guaranteed top
grades, we believe that your search is over. With a team of
highly experienced academic writers, we make sure your report
or dissertation meets the highest quality requirements and
standards of your university. Life stories it transcidance
existence Self-transcendence is the experience of feeling
connected to something greater than oneself. Previous studies
have shown high scores on self-transcendence are associated
with well-being and other psychological benefits, but have
rarely examined the lived experiences of highly self-
transcendent people. In our sample, highly self-transcendent
individuals tended to narrate their lived experiences as spiritual
journeys of humanistic growth. This study adds to our
understanding of one path of personality growth in late-midlife,
that toward self-transcendence. The relationship of man with
the environment Humans change their environment both
positively and negatively and the environment affects how
humans live in many different ways. The main interactions
between humans and our environment can be grouped into the
use of resources and the production of wastes. Humans are
extracting increasing quantities of natural resources from the
Earth which is causing problems of over-exploitation, for
example through overfishing and deforestation. Water is used
for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes. Some
countries are classed as ‘water stressed’ or ‘water scarce’
because available supply does not meet demand. Human
activities produce many different types of waste which can
pollute the environment. One example is e-waste from
discarded electronic gadgets such as mobile phones contain
many toxic substances that can pollute groundwater, soil and air
unless their disposal is well-managed. Agriculture is the
dominant economic activity in Ethiopia and has a significant
impact on the use of resources, especially water and soil. It also
contributes to climate change through the release of
greenhouse gases (e.g. methane from cattle) into the
atmosphere. I it and I thou relation “I believe that the key to
creating society that is nourishing, empowering and healing for
everyone lies in how we relate to one another.” — Martin
Buber, an Austrian born Jewish philosopher

I came across Martin Buber’s work early in my studies of

existentialism and existential psychology. Buber’s philosophy
was genuine, and showed his love and hope for humanity. His
existential philosophical piece entitled “I Thou” is a
philosophical discussion on how we relate to other, consciously
and unconsciously, and what makes us human. This is what
drew me to his idea. Buber introduced two distinct ways of
relating I-Thou and I-It. I it vs I thou In the I-Thou encounter, we
relate to each other as authentic beings, without judgment,
qualification, or objectification. I meet you as you are, and you
meet me as who I am. In the I-Thou relationship, what is key is
how I am with you in my own heart and mind. The I-It
encounter is the opposite in that we relate to another as object,
completely outside of ourselves. I care aboutCaring for the
environment means doing things that will keep the Earth
healthy, like recycling your plastic bottles instead of throwing
them in the bin, and turning off lights when you don’t need
them on anymore. It’s up to us to do what we can to care for
the environment. There are plenty of ways to be green and
make choices that help our planet, and you don’t have to be a
grown-up to make eco-friendly choices It’s important to
conserve the Earth’s natural resources, like water, so people
living decades after us can still enjoy living on our amazing

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