Pantastico Reflective-Logs

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University of Southeastern Philippines

College of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education Department

Name: ARTURO T. PANTASTICO Course and Year: BPED – 2



I can say that fiscal management is really important, especially for managing
an event, whether it is a small or big one, because you cannot run an outstanding
event without plenty of money. As a future educator, administrator, and event
organizer, I must deepen my understanding of the chapter on fiscal management to
master all the financial management, implementation, and monitoring of the financial
resources, because I am quite sure that it makes a huge contribution to learning,
especially when handling an event, like how to manage the finances clearly and use
them properly without any financial issues. I have learned that a thorough
understanding of fiscal management principles and practices is essential for
individuals and entities to navigate the complex financial landscape and make sound
financial decisions.

Moreover, learning fiscal management is not just for handling the event; it could
also help each individual in terms of budgeting personal expenses. By doing so, you
can also learn to manage your personal money properly, which clearly helps in your
daily lives.
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education Department

Name: ARTURO T. PANTASTICO Course and Year: BPED – 2



I truly believe that this chapter clearly helps me a lot with how to manage and
handle various types of events, such as weddings, seminars, organizations, parties,
and many more. For a reason, you are mastering how to plan an event from the initial
concept until the bottom part of it, such as venues, budgeting, programs, sources of
funds, sponsorships, and many more. In addition, it will practise and develop your
creativity while you are planning the event because you must also consider the theme,
motif, or concept that is very suitable for the specific event that you are planning with.
What I really want for this chapter is that it helps you broaden your ideas and
knowledge because event planning is not just sticking to one idea; you must also look
for other alternatives that are outstanding and at the same time related to the concept.

On the other hand, when in talks about special program, this is very particular
because all of the plan is set ahead of time for a reason, aside that your audience are
officials and prominent individual it should be wonderful and outstanding, since this is
special event you must plan and set an event that is remarkable for them and less
errors and mistakes during pre-activity, during activity, and lastly post-activity every
that is why the detail has been planned out in advance. But I am thankful since this
chapter is presented well, so at least I have learned and deepened my understanding
of this topic.
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education Department

Name: ARTURO T. PANTASTICO Course and Year: BPED – 2



As far as I remembered, this chapter includes the safety and proper choice of
venues like buildings, utilities, and many more as long as effective facility management
involves maintaining, optimising, and utilising these spaces efficiently to meet the
event’s needs. In other words, handling events makes sure that the venue is safe; it
should not be prone to accidents, and also that the utilities, such as wiring, will function
clearly to avoid electrical accidents during the event proper. Hence, the equipment
must be placed and kept, especially for big events, because usually the equipment is
big and heavy. Furthermore, the equipment must function and be accessible so that it
will not create chaos and commotion during the event itself. So if I were given a chance
to manage an event, whether it is a small or special program, I would also look for the
safety of the event, not just the flow of the program. It sounds grateful if there are no
accidents during the event from the start until the end of the show.
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education Department

Name: ARTURO T. PANTASTICO Course and Year: BPED – 2




For me, aside from the Fiscal Management that is really important to know, we
must also look at how important this chapter, The Role of a Physical Education
Administration as a Leader, is because you must possess and show the good
characteristics of being a good leader. In other words, it encompasses the role of
shaping policies, programs, and initiatives related to physical education, as well as the
ability to inspire and motivate others within the field. Moreover, as a leader in physical
education administration, one of your responsibilities is to provide direction and vision
for the department or organization. This involves setting goals and objectives that align
with the overall mission and purpose of physical education, such as promoting health
and wellness, fostering lifelong physical activity, and enhancing the overall well-being
of individuals.
Last but not least, knowing how difficult it is to become a leader, if I were to
become a leader or administrator, I would make sure that I was ready to meet all the
hurdles. Therefore, it's important to correctly manage your employees, members, and
co-workers in addition to addressing the occurrences. You will lay up a plan for them
so that they are led in their work rather than reprimanded for errors. Being a leader in
physical education administration is significant for this reason because you will be able
to enhance and promote physical education as a vital part of holistic education and
long-term well-being.
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education Department

Name: ARTURO T. PANTASTICO Course and Year: BPED – 2



It is clear from the use of technology in physical education that improvements

in technology have the potential to greatly improve the experience of teaching and
learning in the field. With the use of technology, educators can engage students,
personalize learning experiences, give immediate feedback, and encourage healthy
lifestyle choices. However, it's crucial to approach the incorporation of technology
wisely and take into account both the advantages and difficulties it may provide. The
capacity of technology to boost student involvement in physical education is a
significant benefit. Technology engages students and encourages them to actively
participate in physical activity by introducing interactive and gamified aspects.
Immersive and interactive learning experiences are created using mobile applications,
virtual reality simulations, and video analysis tools. Additionally, these technologies
may accommodate a variety of learning preferences and skill levels, guaranteeing
inclusion in physical education classes. Technology may enhance learning results and
encourage lifetime fitness habits when utilised carefully and in conjunction with strong
teaching. Lastly, it is crucial to address challenges related to access, teacher training,
and maintaining a balanced approach to ensure that technology truly enhances the
physical education experience for all students.
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education Department

Name: ARTURO T. PANTASTICO Course and Year: BPED – 2



Seeking financial support from external sources such as, government agencies,
corporations, or non- profit organization could really help for your projects, programs,
or other related events. Since it gives opportunities to align and meet all the objectives
of a certain event or project. Overall, grant writing and outside funding are important
strategies for acquiring financial resources; they require expertise in proposal
development, budgeting, and relationship-building with funding sources. Successful
grant writing can bring valuable resources and opportunities to organizations,
institutions, and individuals, enabling them to realize their goals and make a positive
impact in their respective fields. However, we must always keep in mind that if
someone makes a donation to your cause, we must remember to say thank you or
provide an appreciation at the event proper. Gaining money may be made easier by
creating solid partnerships, showcasing a successful track record, and presenting
clear proof of need and prospective effect

As a determined administrator or organizer, you should have an attitude of

constant development. Grant writers may improve their strategies and raise their
chances of success by learning from each application they submit.
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education Department

Name: ARTURO T. PANTASTICO Course and Year: BPED – 2



As a future educator, handling different attitudes of students, I should always

put in my mind that all of my actions and behaviour that I show to my students will also
reflect to them, that is why I should be very careful to my students of the way I manage
and handle to them. Having an evaluation to teachers is really important to promote
development of each educator to determine the mistakes, lacking, and needs to
improve as a teacher. This would be the bases of the teacher on how to improve their
self and improve handling the students, they will create their own method and improve
teaching practice and affect the students outcome. By that, the teacher’s performance
will improve in the effectiveness of the teacher’s interactions with students.

Overall, teacher evaluation is a tool for evaluating and raising the standard of
instruction. Effective implementation may support professional development,
encourage accountability, and improve student results. Teacher assessment may
assist the ongoing development of instructional practises and the general standard of
education by using a supportive and collaborative approach, using different
measurements, and taking contextual considerations into account.
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education Department

Name: ARTURO T. PANTASTICO Course and Year: BPED – 2



Students may benefit from successful and impactful teaching strategies that are
developed as a result of receiving excellent instruction. It includes a variety of
techniques and methods that encourage critical thinking, keep students interested and
supported while they learn, and make it easier for them to pick up new information and
abilities. Beyond just imparting knowledge, excellent instruction emphasizes the
development of a welcoming and supportive learning environment that fosters the
development and success of all students. However, as students will participate in
several performances, become familiar with the sport's equipment, and learn how to
do certain events, it is crucial to have high-quality training in the field of physical

In addition, quality instruction provides clear learning objective, formative,

authentic and relevant to be able implementing these elements, educators can create
dynamic and effective learning environments that promote student growth,
achievement, and lifelong learning.
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education Department

Name: ARTURO T. PANTASTICO Course and Year: BPED – 2




This kind of topic talks about the communication weather it could be verbal,
non-verbal, and paraverbal communication. This is vital since it needs to
communicate with others and have a strong connections such as internal and external
relations. This is play a significant role in establishing and maintaining positive
relationships and promoting the goals and mission of an organization and so.

These factors—communication, internal and external public relations, and

advocacy—cooperate to build and sustain strong bonds, advance mutual
understanding, and accomplish organizational goals. While public relations efforts
work to establish and uphold a favorable reputation and image, effective
communication ensures that messages are communicated clearly both internally and
outside. Through active attempts to influence policies and effect change, advocacy
initiatives increase the organization's impact. These components work together to
create a thorough framework for relationship management, efficient communication,
and reaching organizational goals. Lastly, the pin point of this is just lay solid
foundations for accomplishing the goals and really changing the world by putting a
priority on good communication, cultivating connections, and speaking up for positive
change. Adopting a reflective mentality promotes ongoing development, adaptation,
and a dedication to creating real and significant connections with stakeholders.
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education Department

Name: ARTURO T. PANTASTICO Course and Year: BPED – 2



This one is my favorite topic since it is presented well and has a clear
explanation. Legal issues in Physical education talk about the safety of the students,
which includes the teacher and student’s behaviour, legaliability, violence, bullying,
harassment, etc. We must observe our actions, whether inside the school or outside
of the school, since we are now of the right age to determine what is wrong and what
is right. So let us be accountable and protect each individual to promote inclusivity. It
is essential to remember that, depending on the jurisdiction and unique circumstances,
different legal concerns may apply. To guarantee adherence to pertinent rules and
regulations in their particular setting, physical education practitioners should contact
legal counsel or educational authorities.

Lastly, thinking about these legal issues emphasizes how crucial it is to be

informed, proactive, and watchful when it comes to legal requirements in physical
education. In addition to defending the rights and well-being of students, following the
law helps to create a setting for physical education that is secure, welcoming, and
productive. Physical education specialists may negotiate the legal environment and
guarantee a pleasant and ethical learning experience for their pupils by keeping a
sharp awareness of legal concerns.

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