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Human progress in the field of industries and hotel management has been vast over the last
couple of decades. As it says that with every action, come consequences, multiple issues
hinder the flow of development. The problem is of grave concern and needs to be aroused.
This report is critical in providing basic knowledge about various environmental challenges
faced by the great Premier Inn Hotel Chain and its adoption of effective measures to resist
the challenges enforced. It also talks about certain strategic plans to be implemented that
can benefit the company and help it healthily grow and hold ground.

Sustainable strategy plan for Premier Inn Hotel Chain

The principal challenge faced by The Premier Inn is the ongoing crisis. Post pandemic, the
world’s economy halted almost overnight. The pandemic confronted the hospitality industry
with numerous challenges. Strategies to flatten the destruction curve such as temporary
lockdowns, social distancing, and stay-at-home orders were undertaken (Gursoy, and
Chi,2020). The challenges faced by the hospitality sector are worth considering. The impacts
are huge, yet unpredictable. The current situation brings in a lot of other business plans and
strategies. The Premier Inn is no exception. For the last couple of years, the firm is facing
hardships and urgent strategized plans are to be implicated to attenuate the impending
An effective way to tackle the plight is by calling off employees. Protecting labor from
undesirable things is an important aspect of work. According to Abdul Hakim in Yusuf
Subkhi, labor protection is intended to ensure a harmonious work relationship syste ( Sitinjak,
I.Y., and Nainggolan,2021). Premier Inn can exploit the advantage of owning multiple
branches across the country by allocating and cycling labor and maintaining overall balance,
reducing work loss and poverty. A specific goal referring to equality irrespective of gender as
provided in the US Sustainable Development goals if met will be a definite positive for
sustaining as it can attract supporters and increase the fame of the firm along with its brand
Increment in the health and public services as well as for staffs is among the major ones.
Millions of workers are subjected to stress levels higher than before. The situation is dire for
hospitality sector employees with the least social safety along with heightened uncertainty
and future insecurity of immigrant workers (Sönmez et al.,2020).
The hotel chain represents various arts and artifacts that constitute the brand value. The
critical factor is to balance the brand value and ways of generating reviews. Now some
companies are willing to sacrifice brand for discovering revenue-earning processes.
Contrasting to this, declaring the inn quarantined can add positive perceptions and uplift
brand valuation, which can help sustain competition.
Disasters may have reproving effects on management operations but the ultimate goal and
view always should be of moving forward. Eminent hotels like The Premier Inn shall always
harbor a positive mindset to favor their growth. That is why a prematurely developed
standard framework comes into effect in emergencies. The management should be aware of
the ‘new normal’ which may emerge after a crisis. Adapting to this new normal can help
Premier Inn survive the grave situation.

Implementation and benefits of Premier Inn Hotel Chain

While confronting the grim environmental issues, The Premier Inn has developed certain
strategies to facilitate themselves. Likewise, supplementary strategies are suggested for the
former to implement which can prove to be beneficial for prospects. The Premier Inn has
been strongly focusing on employee selection and often runs The Premier Inn Hospitality
Apprenticeship program to recruit people from miscellaneous backgrounds.( Gilligand, 2022)
The firm has been able to promote diversity and successfully provide employment to jobless
individuals. Calling by hotel staff in rotational shifts helps them prevent disease spread and
uphold hygiene in public. Using conspicuous pledges and slogans, and through campaigns,
the firm has been able to instill confidence in people.
Recently, sustainability has become a key issue in businesses, arising from concerns over
the depletion of natural resources, and social responsibility. Concerning this, hotels at
different levels of operation have begun to adopt green management to keep pace with the
trend towards “going green”. One aspect of green management is to improve the quality of
hotel service, for instance, identifying the differences among customers’ green perceptions,
enhancing the knowledge of customers’ green demand, and improving service practices
accordingly (Ge, Chen, and Chen,2018). The Premier Inn is well ahead after launching its
first Green Hotel in 2008 contributing to less pollution and waste disposal.
By operating on quite a low economic level, the firm has been successful in gathering a large
number of tourists in the past few financial years. Providing clean, luxurious, and low price
environment-friendly rooms is the core service element. Negotiable hotel charge brings in a
good deal of customers. Art and culture are another prime attraction of the place.

Even during pandemic times, the Inn is conducting adequate services to the customers.
Allotment of low yet efficient and disciplined staffs portray their highest level of endurance
working on top of their stress levels. The Premier Inn is well associated with their health
management as well.
The Inn favors people opting for frequent role shifts and a flexible career. The high-level
professionalism, a guiding hand to be the best among the employees add to their standards
yielding trusting and valuable review for the company.

Owing to its fast growth, the firm shall never face scarcity of employees as it can easily offer
up to mid-management roles in the company.
The more business gets sustainable and checks the problems generated during the
processes, the more will be its demand amongst the audience because nowadays people
are attracted to organizations having green structures, generating low waste, and using
renewable resources.
The Premier Inn Hotel Chain is one of the largest chains in and across the world. Alongside
other management, the firm is well accustomed to various challenges posed by the
environment. The firm had certain strategies of its own and some other that needs to be
implemented to sustain the force of nature along with the future competition of
accommodating with the environment. On implementation of these strategies, the company
is benefitted in ample amount of ways. Along with the higher business growth utilizing eco-
friendly methods and keeping multiple checks on the boundaries will increase its demand
among the people.


Gursoy, D. and Chi, C.G., (2020). Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on hospitality industry: Review of
the current situations and a research agenda. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(5),

Whitbread PLC. 2022. Home - Whitbread PLC. [online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 14 January 2022].

Sönmez, S., Apostolopoulos, Y., Lemke, M.K. and Hsieh, Y.C.J., (2020). Understanding the effects of
COVID-19 on the health and safety of immigrant hospitality workers in the United States. Tourism
management perspectives, 35, p.100717.

Sitinjak, I.Y. and Nainggolan, R., (2021). Legal Aspects of Hotel Policy towards Employees Due to the
Covid 19 Pandemic in Parapat. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal):
Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), pp.664-673.

Danish Refugee Council, 2022. [online] Available at:

GHalDDdEQ0Qx6BAgEEAE> [Accessed 14 January 2022].
Ge, H., Chen, S. and Chen, Y., (2018). International alliance of green hotels to reach sustainable
competitive advantages. Sustainability, 10(2), p.573.

Gilligand, N., (2022). [online] Available at: <

the-world-s-strongest-hotel-chain/> [Accessed 14 January 2022].

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