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Developments in the
global hydrogen market:
The spectrum of hydrogen colours
By Marcus Newborough and Graham Cooley, ITM Power Plc, Sheffield, UK

The fundamental reasons for considering the adoption of hydrogen as a fuel,

industrial feedstock and energy storage medium are presented. Hydrogen
production methods are outlined, with reference to the colour prefixes used to
describe different types of hydrogen. The relative greenhouse gas emissions and steam methane reforming, because the required
economics of green and blue hydrogen production are considered for achieving plant is of relatively low capital cost and the
a ‘net zero’ climate-neutral energy system by 2050. In general, it appears that chemical reaction is easy to control. Reformer
green hydrogen will soon be cheaper than blue hydrogen due to the falling costs capacities lie mainly in the range of 50–1000
of renewable electricity and electrolysers, then cheaper than grey hydrogen, and MW, they usually operate under steady-state
in the long term potentially cheaper than natural gas. conditions, and globally the current installed
capacity is in the region of 300 GW.
Introduction Hydrogen from fossil SMR is a high-temperature endothermic
process that first requires trace sulphur
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in fuels compounds to be removed from the natural
the universe, but it does not occur naturally ‘Grey’ hydrogen is produced commercially gas to avoid catalyst poisoning, and then
on Earth. Energy is required to extract it in large quantities from fossil fuels by a substantial inputs of heat (at temperatures
from fossil fuels, biomass or water, with water hydrocarbon reformation technique involving up to 1000°C) and water in the form of
being the most plentiful source. Energy is steam and/or oxygen; namely steam methane superheated steam:
also required to manufacture the technologies reforming (SMR) or autothermal reforming
involved in hydrogen production, purification, (ATR) of natural gas, and by partial oxidation CH4 + H2O → CO + 3H2 (2)
storage and utilisation. Therefore, a set (POX) of coal or heavy oil. In each case a
of compelling reasons is needed to justify mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide ATR combines steam reforming and fuel
switching to hydrogen in our efforts to is produced (syngas), which then requires the oxidation into one unit, and operates at a
decarbonise the energy system and reduce carbon monoxide to be removed via the water- higher temperature than SMR (up to 1150°C).
atmospheric pollution [Table 1]. gas shift reaction to yield further hydrogen and It is more efficient because heat from the
Hydrogen is very useful for carrying, carbon dioxide: exothermic oxidation step can be utilised by the
storing and utilising renewable energy as and reformation reaction, but ATR also requires an
when required by various types of end use. CO + H2O → CO2 + H2 (1) oxygen input:
To achieve a climate-neutral energy system
by 2050, it is important to ensure ‘net zero’ In total about 6% of global natural gas 4CH4 + O2 + 2H2O → 10H2 + 4CO (3)
hydrogen is produced, and that hydrogen production and 2% of global coal production is
supply and demand are well matched used to make approximately 70 Mt of hydrogen The partial oxidation of heavy hydrocarbons
throughout the transition. Consideration per annum, and this results in atmospheric can be undertaken catalytically (at about 950°C)
should therefore be given to the ultimate emissions of about 830 Mt of carbon dioxide.[2] and non-catalytically (at up to 1315°C). The
capacity of each hydrogen production method, Most of the existing hydrogen production is by respective POX reactions may be written:
its ability to facilitate a progression in supply
Allows renewable energy to be captured at a scale far beyond that achievable with renewable electricity alone
and demand, and the greenhouse gas (GHG)
footprint of the hydrogen it produces. Enables renewable energy to be transferred in bulk via a hydrogen transmission pipeline network

The two-carrier approach for renewable Permits very large amounts of renewable energy to be stored via the underground storage of hydrogen
(or a derived carrier)
energy, the rationale for electrolyser
Facilitates renewable power generation on-demand via hydrogen fuel cells without emitting COx, SOx, NOx,
deployment, and the policies required to particulates or noise; or by hydrogen gas turbines without emitting COx, SOx or particulates
advance green hydrogen have been outlined Enables various types of fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) to be refueled rapidly and travel the desired range
in a previous paper.[1] The present paper without emitting COx, SOx, NOx, particulates or noise

covers both renewable and non-renewable Underpins several major industrial processes by providing an essential chemical feedstock or reducing agent

methods of hydrogen production, the challenge Permits heat generation by combustion without emitting COx, SOx or particulates

of achieving net-zero hydrogen, and the Improves a nation’s energy security and balance of payments by establishing indigenous production of a
storable fuel from inexhaustible supplies of renewable energy and water
fundamental points of distinction between
green and blue hydrogen. Table 1. The fundamental reasons for adopting hydrogen in the energy system.

Fuel Cells Bulletin November 2020

CnHm + 0.5nO2 → nCO + 0.5mH2 (4) (CCS)[7] to reduce the GHG footprint of 40% to be achieved if net-zero hydrogen is to
CnHm + nH2O → nCO + (n + 0.5m)H2 (5) grey hydrogen, and so earn the prefix ‘blue’ be produced. Turquoise and blue hydrogen
or ‘low-carbon’. Capturing CO2 from the may thereby be referred to as low-carbon
Ostensibly fossil fuels provide the source of heat generation, steam raising and oxygen hydrogen.
hydrogen for these processes, but it should production processes is also desirable in Blue hydrogen is characterised by upstream
be noted from the above equations that a order to minimise the GHG footprint, but methane emissions as well as an imperfect
large proportion of the hydrogen produced this is technically more difficult to achieve. downstream process of capturing and
originates from the water input. Some 43%, There appears to be no precise definition sequestering CO2. Therefore it has a residual
50%, 69% and 83% of the hydrogen is of the overall CO2 capture rate required to GHG footprint, which means of itself it
derived from water by ATR (methane), SMR justify changing the prefix from grey to blue. isn’t compatible with achieving the net-zero
(methane), POX (heavy oil) and POX (coal), Maximum capture rates are reported to be objective. Most modelling studies appear to
respectively.[3] up to 70% for SMR (or up to 90% if post- have assumed capture rates of 90–98% and
In practice these techniques produce a combustion CO2 capture is included) and overlooked or underestimated the global
hydrogen-rich gas mixture, which contains over 90% for ATR.[8] warming impact of fugitive emissions. In
hydrocarbons, CO, CO2, nitrogen and various general, there is a lack of data concerning
other trace contaminants. Hydrogen purities "There is an urgent need CO2 capture rates for blue hydrogen
of 87%, 93% and 94% are typical for coal to both reduce fugitive production in practice, partly because
gasification, ATR and SMR, respectively.[4] CCS still requires further technological
methane emissions and
Therefore further purification is needed to development, especially for large-scale
yield grey hydrogen of the required quality avoid designing them systems.[14]
(e.g. via pressure swing absorption, membrane into future hydrogen To achieve a zero-GHG footprint for
separation or liquefaction) depending on the strategies" blue hydrogen requires so-called ‘negative
end use. It has been proposed that a minimum emissions’ to be captured in the correct
hydrogen purity of 98% will suffice for Producing grey, turquoise or blue hydrogen amounts to compensate for its residual
combustion appliances connected to a future from natural gas also causes methane leaks emissions. This necessitates implementing
hydrogen grid,[5] although the required purity upstream of the production process, due to the extra measures, which serve to increase the
at the injection points is not known. exploration and long-distance transportation cost of blue hydrogen (e.g. afforestation,
The production of grey hydrogen at scale of natural gas. These so-called ‘fugitive’ or CCS combined with biogenic energy
is long established and its further expansion emissions have a substantial global warming conversion or direct air capture). As yet no
is not capacity limited, although fossil fuel impact, which is additional to the CO2 colour prefix appears to have been attributed
reserves are ultimately finite. The CO2 emissions resulting from converting natural to blue hydrogen production when combined
by-product is usually vented to atmosphere gas to hydrogen. Atmospheric methane with negative emissions production, but
along with the CO2 emissions from the concentrations have been rising since 2007, clearly this coupling is essential if blue
steam raising and oxygen production and accelerating in recent years.[9] Satellites hydrogen is to play a role in the future
processes. Grey hydrogen production and more precise measurement technology climate-neutral energy system.
therefore makes a significant contribution to have revealed significant methane leaks from
global warming. the oil & gas infrastructure.[10] It has been Hydrogen from
Hydrogen may also be generated via the estimated that 2.3% of US gas production
pyrolysis of a fossil fuel, where the by-product is emitted to the atmosphere, which when biogenic sources
is carbon. The pyrolysis of natural gas to considered on a 20-year time base brings about Hydrogen may be generated by biomass
produce carbon black is well known: radiative forcing of a similar magnitude to that fermentation, gasification, reforming, pyrolysis
caused by all of the CO2 emissions resulting and bio-photolysis processes. The potential
CH4 → 2H2 + C (6) from US gas combustion.[11] Thus there is an capacity of biogenic hydrogen is limited,
urgent need to both reduce fugitive methane because the amount of indigenous biomass
Producing hydrogen by pyrolysis involves the emissions and avoid designing them into available usually amounts to only a small
thermal decomposition, catalytic decomposition future hydrogen strategies (e.g. the European fraction of a country’s energy needs. For the
or plasma decomposition of methane.[6] Each Commission recently set out its plan to EU it has been estimated that the potential
approach is currently at the R&D stage but, reduce anthropogenic and biogenic methane biomass resource amounts to roughly 10%
unlike SMR/ATR/POX, pyrolysis avoids the emissions[12]). of Europe’s final energy consumption.[15]
need to sequester CO2 in order to produce The GHG footprint of grey hydrogen is a Also, with a rising global population there is
hydrogen with a low GHG footprint, provided function of the CO2 output from the water-gas an overarching conflict of interest between
that the by-product is utilised (e.g. for building shift reaction, the GHG footprints of the steam growing plants to provide fuel and food
and construction materials). Hydrogen and oxygen inputs, and the fugitive emissions. production.
production via the pyrolysis of a fossil fuel has A datum value of 91 gCO2e/MJ of hydrogen The CO2 produced when extracting
been described as ‘turquoise’ hydrogen. (328 gCO2e/kWh) has been identified by hydrogen from biogenic sources may enter
the CertifHy initiative to represent the GHG the atmosphere (which is arguably acceptable,
Greenhouse gas footprints footprint of SMR hydrogen, with a proposed provided the life cycle analyses and auditing
threshold value of 36.4 gCO2e/MJ, below processes verify that the production process
It has been proposed to capture CO2 from which hydrogen may be described as ‘low is carbon-neutral in practice), or captured
the water-gas shift stage of SMR/ATR/POX carbon’.[13] The latter equates to a 60% via CCS. If biogenic hydrogen production
and sequester it via carbon capture and storage reduction in GHG emissions, leaving a further is combined with CCS then advantageously

November 2020 Fuel Cells Bulletin

it produces negative-carbon hydrogen. Such requiring CCS or the capture of negative Hydrogen from water
an approach may be implemented in its own emissions. electrolysis using nuclear power
right, in which case the ultimate scale of the To achieve a zero-GHG footprint for
biomass resource will dictate the scale of CCS green hydrogen requires the electrolyser to Electrolytic hydrogen can also be produced
required. Alternatively it may be viewed as a be directly connected to a renewable power from nuclear power, and this has been
means of netting off the residual emissions of source. Alternatively, if the electrolyser only referred to as ‘yellow’ hydrogen.[23] The
blue hydrogen production (e.g. by reforming uses renewable electricity purchased via the electrolysers may be operated to minimise the
streams of biomethane and natural gas in the electricity grid, or operates in a synchronous curtailment of nuclear power stations,[24] and
required proportions). manner with grid-connected renewables, then if the technologies are co-located hydrogen
At present, no significant production of arguably it also produces green hydrogen. In can be produced at scale. For countries with
biogenic hydrogen is occurring. No colour some regions (e.g. Norway, Scotland, British significant installed capacities of nuclear
prefix appears to have been attributed to Columbia, northeastern Brazil, Uruguay, power, substantial amounts of yellow
biogenic hydrogen, with or without CCS New Zealand) grid-connected electrolysers hydrogen could be produced at regional level
being applied. will already yield hydrogen of zero, or near- for industrial clusters or a future hydrogen
zero, GHG footprint. However, in most grid.
Hydrogen from water industrialised countries the current average
GHG footprint of grid electricity prevents
Combining large electrolysis plants with
nuclear power plants allows a relatively high
electrolysis this. Therefore policies are needed to baseload of power generation year-round, by
Hydrogen may be produced from water facilitate green hydrogen production on-grid, using the electrolysers as a flexible demand-
electrolytically, photo-electrolytically, or so the synergies between greater renewables side load. This approach could provide
thermo-electrolytically. The latter two methods integration and electrolyser operation can be significant operational advantages both for
are still R&D topics and hampered by low realised. existing nuclear power stations and micro
conversion efficiencies, but water electrolysis Several definitions of green hydrogen have nuclear reactors, which are currently under
is well proven and can convert electricity to been proposed and discussed in the literature. development by Rolls-Royce and other
hydrogen at an efficiency of 70–80% (higher [17] The aforementioned CertifHy GHG companies worldwide.
heating value, HHV). intensity threshold of 36.4 gCO2e/MJ enables
Electrolysis is a low-temperature single- hydrogen produced predominantly, as opposed Green and blue
step process that requires two inputs, namely to entirely, from renewable electricity to be
electricity and water, and produces two classified as green.[12] An alternative threshold hydrogen: cost
outputs: high-purity hydrogen and oxygen. has been suggested where the green prefix comparisons
Electrolysers may follow steady-state or may be used provided the GHG footprint
transient operating regimes, with proton- of the electrolytic hydrogen is <25% of that There are choices to be made concerning the
exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysers applying to the fuel it displaces.[18] However, amounts and types of hydrogen that will be
offering particularly rapid response times. at present there is no agreed threshold or produced, or imported, to achieve a climate-
The water electrolysis reaction may be auditing methodology to confer the green neutral energy system. Some nations have
written: prefix on hydrogen produced by grid-connected recently declared that they will focus on green
electrolysers, which amounts to both a strategy hydrogen (e.g. France, Germany, Portugal,
2H2O → 2H2 + O2 (7) gap and a policy gap. This issue is currently Spain), some may produce yellow hydrogen,
being addressed by the European Commission and some may wish to produce or import blue
Clearly there is no contamination from in the finalisation of Renewable Energy hydrogen. The main decision appears to be
hydrocarbons in electrolytic hydrogen Directive II.[19] between blue and green hydrogen, and many
production; it produces hydrogen of >99.95% Because renewable generation is weather- believe the choice will be made solely on
purity. There is no association between dependent it is often out of time phase with economic grounds.
electrolytic hydrogen production and CO2 or energy demand. Accordingly, green hydrogen There are relatively few independent
methane emissions (and hence requirement production is ultimately constrained by and detailed comparisons of blue and
for CCS), unless the electrolysers consume the operating patterns and capacity factors green hydrogen costs in the literature, but
electricity generated by a fossil fuel power of renewable power sources. Fortunately, several misconceptions exist such as ‘blue
plant. hydrogen can be stored cheaply at scale is cheaper than green’, ‘blue is required to
Renewable hydrogen is produced when the (unlike electricity) and so storage is a central enable green’, and ‘blue should be adopted
electrolyser is fed with renewable electricity consideration in the wider implementation first, because green will not be economic
– this is commonly referred to as ‘green’ of green hydrogen solutions. The geological until later’. In general, this subject warrants
hydrogen. The production of green hydrogen storage of green hydrogen in salt caverns and careful analysis if effective cost comparisons
is not capacity-limited. Some 173 000 TW of suitable underground stores can provide a are to be made. Any economic assessment
solar energy strikes the Earth continuously, renewable energy ‘lung’ for the entire energy of hydrogen production methods should
which is approximately 10 000 times the system. For these reasons there is vast potential foremost ensure that it is comparing like with
global energy consumption. Simplistically the in locating green hydrogen production in like. It is fundamentally incorrect to compare
latter could be met by covering 8% of the regions of high renewable resource (e.g. with blue and green hydrogen unless they are of
Sahara desert with solar power sources, or offshore wind farms in the North Sea and with identical purity, pressure and GHG footprint
1.5% of the Pacific Ocean with wind power solar farms in North Africa), interconnecting – analyses should ensure parity values apply
sources.[16] Green hydrogen production of them with subterranean stores and conveying for each of these parameters. Clearly any
itself produces net-zero hydrogen, without hydrogen to the points of demand.[1, 16, 20–22] steps involving purification, compression or

Fuel Cells Bulletin November 2020

GHG footprint adjustment serve to increase • Achieving the targeted CO2 capture rates Usually the producer pays to dispose of any
hydrogen costs. in practice. waste associated with the production process.
In general, there are several areas where • An auditing methodology to verify that If this principle is applied to blue hydrogen
potential errors can occur or a lack of operators are producing net-zero hydrogen production, then its cost will be substantially
rather than low-carbon hydrogen.
transparency can cast doubt over the cost greater than that of grey hydrogen (which
• The government subsidy scheme required to
estimates: in turn is significantly more expensive than
establish a suitable business model.
• Public attitudes towards CCS and blue natural gas). Although economies of scale
• If the points of production and consump- hydrogen. will be realised if blue hydrogen is widely
tion are co-located for some production adopted, the handling and storage of the CO2
methods but not for others, comparisons In general, there would appear to be three by-product will always have a large impact
are invalid unless the interconnecting dis- prerequisites for establishing blue hydrogen. on costs. So the adoption of CCS will require
tribution method is accounted for. First, a large hydrogen demand needs to subsidies if the fossil fuel sector is to produce
• The assumptions concerning leakage rates exist that can consume hydrogen at scale blue hydrogen at low cost.
into the atmosphere and global warming on a reasonably continuous basis. Secondly, According to the International Monetary
potentials (for methane, carbon dioxide some form of hydrogen infrastructure is Fund (IMF),[27] fossil fuels receive 85% of all
and hydrogen) associated with the pro- required to interconnect the points of supply existing subsidies worldwide (amounting to
duction and any implicit distribution of and demand. Thirdly, a carbon dioxide 6.3% of global GDP), so additional subsidies
hydrogen. infrastructure is required to pipe or ship for CCS would appear difficult to justify.
• The assumptions concerning embodied the CO2 to the storage sites, for which an The European Academies Science Advisory
carbon, CO2 capture rate, fugitive emis- economic value needs to be placed on the Council (EASAC) recently recommended that
sions and negative emissions for netting off CO2. On the demand side, the two main governments should remove subsidies, taxes,
residual emissions. options for blue hydrogen in the short term levies and other incentives for fossil fuels,[28]
• Comparing the cost of hydrogen produced are: large industrial clusters that currently because they continue to distort energy markets
by MW- versus GW-scale plant, because use grey hydrogen, or a natural gas grid into and limit the potential growth of markets
economies of scale apply. which blue hydrogen admixtures can be for renewable hydrogen and synthetic fuels.
injected. Advantageously both of these can No government has yet introduced a subsidy
Observations on the be achieved with a minimum of hydrogen scheme for blue hydrogen production. Indeed,
transmission infrastructure if the reformers it appears that blue hydrogen is increasingly
cost of blue hydrogen are appropriately located. In the longer being advocated as a temporary measure in
production term, the main outlet for blue hydrogen is
an extensive gas grid that enables numerous
order to make use of existing investments in oil
& gas assets, rather than as an environmentally
Blue hydrogen costs depend mainly on the end-users to combust hydrogen rather than sustainable long-term solution for 2050 and
price of natural gas, the cost of the reformer, natural gas.[25] However, in all cases there beyond.
the cost of implementing the required CO2 needs to be an income stream or ‘customer’
recovery, transport and storage/utilisation for the CO2. To date this has been solved Observations on the
facilities, and the operating costs for the by using CO2 for enhanced oil recovery
combined system of natural gas reformation (EOR), to extract crude oil that cannot be cost of green hydrogen
and CCS. Also, if the hydrogen is to be of extracted otherwise.[26] Unfortunately EOR production
zero-GHG footprint there are additional costs has limited CO2 storage capacity and only
in generating/capturing the required negative partially offsets the costs of CCS; and when Green hydrogen production can be applied
emissions. To produce low-cost hydrogen, the oil is used it simply leads to more CO2 via a decentralised approach close to the
CCS must be applied at large scale, and emissions! points of demand and at a greater scale via
preferably fed with CO2 from a number of Therefore the economic dilemma for blue a more centralised approach (e.g. at the
large-scale reformers. It is thus a centralised hydrogen is the need to establish a suitable points of power generation, or upstream
approach that requires some means of price for the waste CO2 stream. If it can be of bottlenecks in the electricity grid). On
distributing hydrogen in large amounts to the used as a feedstock to synthesise chemicals, the demand-side, the ability to step up the
points of use. then it can have value (as implied by the installed electrolyser capacity at a given
SMR and ATR are mature processes, but recent adoption of the term CCUS, to impart site is particularly useful for increasing the
CCS is not. Accordingly there are several that the CO2 may be utilised rather than just degree of decarbonisation over time. It
uncertainties and cost implications for blue accumulated). However, such an approach enables hydrogen supply and demand to
hydrogen that are associated with CCS: invokes a need to establish the production of grow in unison and spreads the investment
synthetic fuels and chemicals at a sufficient costs for stakeholders, reducing working
scale to make use of the CO2, which amplifies capital requirements. On the supply-side,
• Legal responsibilities and liabilities
the required capital investment. By comparison, electrolysers can offer a firm market for
(public or private).
there is no need to provide an income new renewables and a flexible load for grid
• Insurance arrangements for the high-pressure
CO2 infrastructure. stream for the oxygen that is usually vented operators (from whom an income can be
• The extensiveness of the infrastructure to atmosphere from an electrolyser, because earned for providing frequency response
required for transporting CO2 from oxygen isn’t a global warming gas and doesn’t and negative reserve services). It also offers
inland sites. need to be sequestered. Any commercial renewable power companies the opportunity
• Monitoring arrangements for CO2 leakage applications of electrolytic oxygen are therefore to create a new product that is storable.
and upstream methane leaks. a genuine economic upside for green hydrogen. Hence the green hydrogen approach

November 2020 Fuel Cells Bulletin

as 11 €/MWh have been predicted for green

hydrogen, which is cheaper than natural gas,
while blue hydrogen remains above 40 €/
MWh [Figure 2].[30] If hydrogen is to be
widely employed as a combustion fuel, the
ability of green hydrogen to ultimately achieve
a similar unit cost to that of natural gas is a key
point of distinction.
Clearly the green hydrogen approach
circumvents the uncertainties, complexities and
costs associated with blue hydrogen production
and CCS. Moreover, the characteristic cost
down curve for green hydrogen suggests that
taxpayer subsidies, which will be required to
Figure 1. Trend in the levelised cost of hydrogen (LCOH) for hydrogen production from PEM
electrolysers based on UK offshore wind power.[21] avoid market failure during the early years, can
in time decline to zero. When compared with
provides benefits to several stakeholders, Electrolyser costs blue hydrogen, green hydrogen offers several
and importantly it does not produce a advantages [Table 2]. These are important
downstream waste. Electrolyser technology is currently being factors for governments to consider in planning
Green hydrogen costs depend mainly on upscaled and cost-reduced in preparation the transition to a climate-neutral energy
the price of the input electricity and the load for volume production. Ongoing efforts to system.
factor of the electrolyser. As renewable power optimise membrane-electrode assemblies
sources are upscaled and their deployment (MEAs), increase the active area per cell, Discussion
increases, unit costs decrease and capacity increase the number of cells per stack, increase
factors increase. This results in improved current density without compromising The reformation of fossil fuels involves
availability and lower-cost renewable efficiency, reduce balance of plant (BOP) costs, extracting hydrogen from two inputs (a
electricity (e.g. new offshore wind farms in reduce power conversion costs, modularise hydrocarbon fuel and water), while electrolysis
the UK currently sell electricity at ~40 £/ system designs, reduce assembly time, semi- only requires water. Because it is the
MWh, but this is expected to fall to ~30 £/ automate manufacturing and achieve supply hydrocarbon input that is causing the global
MWh by 2030[21]). Furthermore, as the chain efficiencies will culminate in substantial warming problem that society is trying to solve,
grid integrates more and more renewables, reductions in the unit costs of electrolysers it would seem fundamentally wise to focus on
the value of renewable electricity during across the next few years. For example, the hydrogen production processes based on water
low demand periods decreases to a very price of a 100 MW PEM electrolyser system alone. The electrolysis of water using renewable
low level, or even becomes negative when from ITM Power is expected to fall to <400 £/ electricity provides an immediately available
supply exceeds demand. The ability of green kW by 2024.[29] pathway for producing high-purity hydrogen
hydrogen production to coincide with low This trend in electrolyser cost, in without causing global warming or atmospheric
demand periods therefore provides both combination with the aforementioned pollution. Accordingly, green hydrogen should
a new market for the renewable power trend in electricity cost, enables green be viewed as the priority for achieving a
providers, which is out of time phase with hydrogen production to be characterised by a climate-neutral energy system.
the conventional electricity demand profile, progressively decreasing unit cost over time. It is essential that measures are put in place
and a new flexible load for helping the For example, hydrogen production from to ensure that hydrogen production has a
electricity system operator to balance the offshore wind in the UK is expected to result zero-GHG footprint. For green and yellow
grid. These synergistic benefits will result in in costs falling to about 2 £/kg (~50 £/MWh) hydrogen this is relatively straightforward, but
lower-cost green hydrogen as the integration by the mid-2030s [Figure 1].[21] For a Europe- blue hydrogen is characterised by significant
of renewables increases. wide hydrogen grid in 2050, unit costs as low residual emissions which need to be netted
off with negative emissions (e.g. as implied by
the ‘net zero’ decarbonisation commitment of
the UK government). This can be achieved
by several methods including afforestation,
reforestation and by applying CCS to direct
air capture and bioenergy production, but it
adds cost.
Blue hydrogen production is both the
potential saviour of the existing fossil fuel
supply chain and a means for increasing natural
gas sales per TWh of final energy consumption
(due to the energy losses associated with
hydrocarbon reformation and CCS). For several
years suppliers of natural gas, gas grid operators
Figure 2. Cost projections for biomethane, blue hydrogen and green hydrogen.[30]
and manufacturers of combustion appliances
and heat engines have been advocating for blue

Fuel Cells Bulletin November 2020

Doesn’t require a huge investment to initiate in ‘technology neutrality’ as a supreme

Can be significantly cheaper than blue hydrogen
principle, default to grouping blue and
Is net-zero compatible
green hydrogen together, and overlook their
distinct attributes. This is an unsatisfactory
Is based on an inexhaustible energy supply
stance, and more detailed assessments of
Can be incrementally deployed to provide a pathway for increasing hydrogen production across multiple sites,
so as to establish a stepwise progression in the decarbonisation effect hydrogen derived from fossil fuels versus
Can be applied to achieve synergistic economic benefits for renewable power providers, electricity grid hydrogen derived from renewable energy are
operators and hydrogen users required. In particular, it is important for
Can commence without requiring a gas grid governments to place a focus on realising
Can feed into a future hydrogen grid the opportunities provided by the green
Can be implemented off-grid in regions of high renewable resource, to augment local production from hydrogen pathway, by working with the
grid-connected electrolysers
relevant industry stakeholders to establish
Results in substantial market growth within the renewables, electrolyser manufacturing and hydrogen
utilisation sectors, and hence job creation throughout the supply chain effective policies and business models for
Table 2. Summary of the advantages of green hydrogen.
initiating and growing markets in the
industrial process, transport and heat sectors.
hydrogen production.[31] For any nation that is approach can be engaged immediately, and
highly dependent on importing natural gas, the will enable hydrogen supply and demand to References
blue hydrogen approach helps the overseas gas be grown progressively in the early market.
supplier and stakeholders in the existing supply In the medium term it can be substantially 1. M. Newborough and G. Cooley:
chain, at the expense of making the country augmented by off-grid electrolysis, which Developments in the global hydro-
a geological accumulator for the waste CO2 can produce hydrogen in bulk at low cost in gen market: Electrolyser deployment
produced by reforming natural gas. There is regions of high renewable resource, and feed rationale and renewable hydrogen
also a potential conflict of interest between the it into a transcontinental hydrogen grid in a strategies and policies, Fuel Cells
country supplying the natural gas (e.g. Norway similar manner to that originally proposed Bulletin 2020(10) (October 2020)
or Russia) and the country that stores the in the 1970s for establishing a ‘hydrogen 16–22.
CO2 caused by the blue hydrogen production economy’.[20] Accordingly, green hydrogen 2859(20)30486-7
process (e.g. the UK). is increasingly being seen as the solution for 2. International Energy Agency (2019): The
Advocating blue hydrogen and the adoption achieving a climate-neutral energy system by future of hydrogen: Seizing today’s oppor-
of CCS in order to perpetuate the use of 2050. This was recently expressed succinctly tunities.
natural gas is a controversial option. Blue as ‘Renewable hydrogen and e-fuels are of future-of-hydrogen
hydrogen production needs to be done at critical importance to curb climate change. 3. W. Balthasar: Hydrogen production and
scale, requires large investments from the Without them, it will be impossible to technology: today, tomorrow and beyond,
outset, takes time to introduce, requires a achieve full decarbonisation – and the clock Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 9(8) (1984)
substantial sink for the hydrogen, and has a is ticking.’[22] 649–668.
number of uncertainties with respect to CCS Studies to date aren’t clear about the cost science/article/pii/0360319984902635
and who pays for the CO2 disposal, which of producing net-zero blue hydrogen. In 4. T. Bacquart, A. Murugan, M. Carré,
makes it difficult to justify. The choice for general, it appears that green hydrogen will B. Gozlan, F. Auprêtre, F. Haloua and
the operator of a natural gas reformer in the soon be cheaper than blue hydrogen, then T.A. Aarhaug: Probability of occur-
transition to a climate-neutral energy system cheaper than grey hydrogen, and in the long rence of ISO 14687-2 contaminants in
is quite stark: either sequester the CO2 and term potentially cheaper than natural gas. hydrogen: Principles and examples from
net off the residual emissions, or shut it down. For example, it has been predicted that green steam methane reforming and electroly-
This applies to existing reformers and any hydrogen will be cheaper than grey hydrogen sis (water and chlor-alkali) production
future installations. In essence, blue hydrogen by 2030,[32] and that by 2050 green hydrogen processes model, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy
is an end-of-pipe technical fix with dubious will be less than one-third of the cost of blue 43(26) (2018) 11872–11883. https://
economic and environmental credentials; hydrogen.[30]
its primary purpose is to protect incumbent At present, governments are taking a [Open Access].
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November 2020 Fuel Cells Bulletin

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