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Poziom podstawowy
C zę ś ć p ise m n a

Student's Book
with answe

Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

Barbara Czarnecka-Cicha

Express Publishing
Podstawowe informacje o egzaminie maturalnym od 2015 r. Część pisemna p. I

Test 1 p. 4

Test 2 p. 16

Test 3 p. 28

Test 4 p. 40

Test 5 p. 52

Test 6 p. 64

A udioscripts ..................................................................................................................................................... p. 76

A nsw er Key ...................................................................................................................................................... p. 84

Rozumienie ze słuchu

Zadanie 1. (0-5)
G Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę dwóch osób, Keitha i Veroniki, będących na wakacjach.
Odpowiedz na pytania 1-5 zgodnie z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli
(K - Keith, V - Veronica).

W hich person: K V

1 used the Internet to research attractions?

2 suggests d ifferent things instead o f staying together?

3 w ould prefer to avoid busy retail centres?

4 agrees to docum ent his/her experiences?

5 is keen on doing a w in te r sport?

Zadanie 2. (0-4)
Q Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi, które łączy temat sportu. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1-4) dopasuj
odpowiadające jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

The speaker:

A is looking forw ard to an event.

B explains w h a t protective equipm ent you need for a sport.
C encourages people to w atch something.
D w ants to improve his/her speed.
E reviews his/her performance.

1 2 3 4
Zadanie 3. (0-6)
' Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Recording 1 Recording 2

The speaker is trying to W hat o f the fo llo w in g things has happened to Gary?
A recommend a com puter course. A He lost a pet.
B enable people to use a service. B He g o t a job.
C show people how to pay fo r som ething online. C He saw som ething sad on TV.

Recording 3 Recording 4

W h a t is TRUE about the treasure? You m ig ht hear this in

A A storm separated it from Its owners. A a TV advertisement.
B The family w ho found it also discovered the remains B a radio show.
o f ships. C a shop.
C The fam ily w ho found it w ill receive at least
R ecording 6

The speaker thinks

Recording 5
A the personal flying machines w ill be used fo r
Tom thinks professional reasons first.
A Faye is w rong about German people. B the personal flying machines w ill get faster over
B he is likely to go to Germany w ith his company. tim e.
C Faye doesn't enjoy learning languages as much C the personal flying machines are more dangerous than
as he does. cars.

IT Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Zadanie 4. (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst o ochronie zagrożonego gatunku. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A-F) do każdej z oznaczonych
części tekstu (1-4). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę. Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane
dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.


The lora turtle is a sea tu rtle th a t’s in danger - and one of the reasons
is that people steal its eggs. A surprising solution is now being tried.

The beach at O stional in C osta Rica is one of only eight beaches that
the lora tu rtle uses to build nests for its young. W hen the beach is full of
turtles, it doesn’t just attract w ildlife lovers - it attracts people hoping to
m ake m oney too. Turtle eggs are quite a popular food, and people pay
quite a lot of cash for them because they believe that eating them helps
people to have children.

A lthough international trade in tu rtle products is illegal, people can
supply them to restaurants, and som e sell them illegally. On som e
beaches, more than 80% of lora turtle nests don’t survive because of
people. It w ould be disastrous for the tu rtle s if the problem got that bad
at O stional, one of the m ost im portant of all their nesting sites. So the
a uthorities there have taken the decision to allow people to help
them selves to a lim ited am ount of eggs.

T he idea is that allow ing people to take som e of the eggs for part of the
tim e will benefit both the turtles and needy unem ployed people.
R odrigo M orera Avila, head biologist at the O stional C onservation
Project, said: “T he com m un ity gets an incom e w hile bringing about
social change. The project has tw o sides - that of conservation, and
the social project.”

Som e people are not convinced, however, that the schem e will reduce
the num ber of eggs that are taken by people from the beach. W hen the
project began in S eptem ber 2013, people reported that they had seen
egg collectors fill enorm ous sacks with eggs.







Zadanie 5. (0-3)
Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane z jedzeniem. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Tekst 1.

D iscard the bones and any skin from the salm on and lay it in an ovenproof dish.
Blend a can of ce le ry soup w ith four tablespoons of m ilk and 75g of grated
C heddar cheese, then pour the m ixture over the salm on. Lay som e chopped
cauliflow er on top of the salm on, then bake at 18°C for 25 m inutes, or until the
top is well browned.

1 This dish includes

A a portion o f fruit.
B a piece o f meat.
C a kind o f vegetable.

Tekst 2.

“ Laura,” said her m other, “com e with me into the living room. I’ve got the types
of sandw ich som ew here on the back of an envelope. You'll have to w rite them
out for me.”
The envelope was found behind the dining room clock.
“ ... C ream cheese and lem on-curd. Have you done that?”
“ Egg and ...” Mrs Sheridan held the envelope away from her. “ It looks like mice.
It can’t be mice, can it?”
“Olive, dear,” said Laura, looking over her shoulder.
“Yes, of course, olive. W hat a horrible com bination it sounds.”
W hen they w ere finished, they took the labels to the kitchen, w here Josie was
helping the cook. “ I have never seen such exquisite sandw iches,” said Josie.

2 W h a t do Laura and her m other do?

A They prepare som ething fo r th eir guests to read.
B They make a list o f things they need to buy.
C They find o u t w h a t sandwich ingredients they have.


Tekst 3.

The seeds of a plant called chia were one of the main foods of the Aztecs, who
also used them in religious cerem onies and as a m edicine. For hundreds of
years, only people in sm all villages in M exico and G uatem ala ate the seeds, but
now they are being discovered all over the w orld - with good reason.
It w ould be possible to eat chia seeds and nothing else and remain healthy.
T hey are an excellent source of protein and also provide fibre and a good
am ount of vitam ins. They are p articularly useful as energy for runners and other
As for their taste, if you like nuts you’ll love chia seeds!

3 One o f the reasons the author w ro te the te xt was to

A explain how chia seeds became popular.
B describe his/her experiences o f chia seeds.
C recommend chia seeds fo r people w h o exercise.

Zadanie 6. (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.


Ade Adepitan is one of Britain’s best-know n Paralym pic athletes. To get anyw here in
sport, however, he had to ignore his parents’ advice. His father, in particular, thought
there was no future in d isability sport back in the 1980s. Ade recalls: “He was convinced
I w as ruining my life.”
It w asn’t the first tim e Ade had com e into conflict w ith his parents over the direction he
chose to take. T hey didn’t even w ant the teenage Ade to begin using a w heelchair. “My
parents thought me getting into a w he elch air w as like me giving up on walking,” says
To Ade, however, the w heelchair represented a new freedom , not w orsening disability.
“The disabled kids were c o o le e y got up to crazy things. W e'd be out in the streets
racing our chairs, playing basketball, travelling all over east London like a crew. It felt
like I belonged. W e all had the sam e problem s.”
Ade’s father disliked the idea of his son using a w he elch air so m uch that he threw it out.
Ade retrieved it and hid it in the garden so that he could continue using it outside the
house instead of the leg supports he’d had to use since getting the disease polio as a
young child.
Perhaps it’s not surprising how m uch Ade’s father tried to control his life when you
consider the disappointm ents in his own life. He and his m other took Ade to London
from N igeria w hen he was three because they thought a boy with polio w ould have a
better life there. The move didn’t com e w ithout sacrifices. They had to leave Ade’s sister
behind for several years and the Adepitans w ere unable to continue th eir teaching
careers in the UK. Mr Adepitan found him self doing cleaning jobs. To him, academ ic
success w as the key to a better life for Ade.
Full parental acceptance of Ade’s life choices finally cam e after Ade m ade it to the
Sydney Paralym pics as a m em ber of the British basketball team and his m other and
father saw him in broadcasts of the opening cerem ony and com petition. “W hen I cam e
back Dad w as crying and he gave me a big hug and he realised this is w hat I w anted to
do. W e were frien ds again.”
So w hat does Ade think w ould m ost Improve w he elch air users’ lives today? His answ er
to that is a disabled a dvisor to the governm ent on public transport. “ I used to get the
train to w ork and it was a nightm are - and I’m fit and strong and have good w heelchair
skills. S om etim es I threw my chair onto the train. People w ould see a chair flying past
them and me falling on the floor to get on. T hat should not be the way.”

1 The young Ade Adepitan's parents believed
A a career in sport was an unrealistic goal fo r Ade.
B Ade co u ld n 't ever overcome his disability.
C using a wheelchair w ou ld lead to people treating Ade badly.
D Ade was to o disabled to live independently o f them .

2 Ade's father d id n 't know th a t

A Ade preferred his wheelchair to his old equipm ent.
B Ade spent tim e w ith lots o f disabled people.
C Ade kept his wheelchair after th eir disagreement.
D Ade d id n 't just play in the family's garden.

3 Because they moved to the UK, M r and Mrs Adepitan

A co u ld n 't do th e ir preferred w ork.
B lost th e ir daughter forever.
C had to change th eir nationality.
D no longer had servants.

4 Ade says there should be

A more people available on public transport to help the disabled.
B more spaces fo r wheelchairs on public transport.
C an expert w ith a disability to help politicians make public transport decisions.
D training fo r disabled people on how to get on and o ff trains.

5 In the article, the author

A describes the obstacles Ade Adepitan faces every day.
B explains h ow Ade Adepitan found success.
C calls for b etter understanding o f disabled people.
D compares Ade Adepitan's past a ttitudes w ith his parents'.

Zadanie 7. (0-3)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (1-3) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania
(A-E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.


Jonathan, N atasha and the girls arrived soon after I got back. 1
They always w ant som ething. They had cancelled th eir cable TV
package and now they didn’t have an Internet connection, a phone line
or all the T V channels they w anted. N atasha w anted to use our com puter
and phone to find out w hat deals were available. After that, they stayed a
little longer, then said they were going home.

By then Em ily w as enjoying playing w ith Lucy and didn't w ant to go.
W hen she started to cry, I said that she could stay. N atasha asked
Jonathan, “W hat do you th ink? ” He said, “ I don't know. It's up to you.”
They then both said that th ey’d leave her. I th ink they had both known
that she would stay the m om ent I suggested it.

I w ouldn’t offer to look after both tw o-year-olds if I didn’t enjoy it, but it’s
hard work. It’s especially tough when neither of them has a daytim e
sleep. I 3 [ W hen we w ent to the park today, I needed all my energy to
stop the tw o darlings from w alking off in different directions.

A I wish they w o u ld n 't tell such lies.

B It w a sn 't a social visit, o f course.

C They just d o n 't w a n t to leave each other's company.

D I'll never know how people w ho have tw ins cope.

E They just d id n 't w a n t to seem to o keen on the idea.

Znajomość środków językowych

Zadanie 8. (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie
tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.


Losing a favourite toy can be ve ry upsetting for a young

child. D eborah H itchens understood that w hen she found a
soft pink rabbit on a beach in Devon, England. A lthough
Deborah w as only in the area on holiday with her family, she
w anted to do everything in her pow er to find the toy’s
1 ) .............. She turned to the Internet to reach as m any
people 2 ) possible. She took a picture of the toy and
posted it on a social netw orking site w ith the m essage:
“Please share this photo and help him get back to the little
person w ho loves and cuddles him.” Am azingly, the photo
w as shared 30,000 tim es 3 ) ...........24 hours. Soon Brad and
Sarah Cross, the parents of the rabbit’s owner, saw the
posting - even 4 ) they didn’t know Deborah and lived
100 m iles away from her. T hanks to D eborah’s kindness and
efforts to find her, the C rosses’ daughter M addie was
5) with her beloved toy.

1 A supporter B ow ner C partner

2 A as B in C than

3 A inside B between c w ith in

4 A if B though c so

5 A remained B reunited c restored

Zadanie 9. (0-5)
W zadaniach 1-5 wybierz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 There's no need to take the train from the airport. I'll pick y o u .............
W e've had no com plaints from c u sto m e rs to now.
A along B dow n C up

2 To get the cheapest plane tickets, you s h o u ld your travel arrangem ents soon.
I a little money by selling my old clothes online.
A take B get C make

3 I'm doing all the w o rk w hile you just w atch. It's n o t I

Is your sister the girl w ith t h e hair?
A full B fair C clear

4 It m a ke s to drive the car a little before you buy it.

Dogs have an e xc e lle n t o f smell.
A sense B use C w o rth

5 I was alone fo r 20 minutes, then my friends all a rriv e d once.

I had seen 25 flats, t h e n last I saw one th a t I liked.
A fo r B on C at

Odbyłeś/-aś ostatnio ciekawą podróż. Napisz wiadomość do zamieszczenia na Twojej stronie internetowej.
W tekście:
• podaj powód podróży,
• opisz niecodzienne wydarzenie, które miało miejsce w czasie podóży,
• napisz o zaletach i wadach środka transportu, którym podróżowałeś/-aś,
• napisz, dlaczego chciał(a)byś powtórzyć tą podróż.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że je j długość powinna wynosić od 80
d o i 30 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są podane).
Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty),
bogactwo językowe (2 punkty) oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty).

T itle :
Incredible journey!


Last month I had an amazing experience.

Maybe you’d like to join me next year!

Rozumienie ze słuchu

Zadanie 1. (0-5)
Q Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Tony ego i Eve na temat przestępczości.
Odpowiedz na pytania 1-5 zgodnie z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli
(E - Eve, T - Tony).

W hich person: E T

1 became the victim o f a street thief?

2 used a crime prevention technique successfully?

3 sometimes has to w ork close to strangers?

4 m et the person w ho com m itted a crime against him/her?

5 changes his/her mind about a suggestion?

Zadanie 2. (0-4)
Q Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi, które łączy temat kultury. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1-4) dopasuj
odpowiadające jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i
nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

The speaker:

A changed his/her habits in a new environm ent.

B m entions a m oney-making side o f a cultural venue.
C addresses a theatre audience.
D tells the story o f how he/she discovered a talent.
E exhibits his/her w ork.

1 2 3 4
Zadanie 3. (0-6)
O Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Recording 1 Recording 2

The speaker asks the listeners to W hat is one o f the problems the speakers are having?
A let people know about the cafe's new opening A They can't contact a house guest.
times. B They d o n 't understand some instructions.
B put suggestions fo r improving the café in an C They are in the dark.
C th in k about changing their w orking hours.
Recording 4

The conversation takes place at

Recording 3 A a shop.
This speaker is B a ticke t office.
A reporting an incident. C a bank.
B giving safety advice.
C explaining animal behaviour.
Recording 6

W h a t is the speaker NOT offering?

Recording 5
A A product th a t helps control pets.
The speaker thinks B A free item in some circumstances.
A the latest game is n ot w o rth buying. C An object th a t lasts a long tim e.
B the game designers w ill return to this idea.
C only tw o improvements to th e game have been

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Zadanie 4, (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst o zautomatyzowanych ubraniach roboczych. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A-F) do każdej
z oznaczonych części tekstu (1-4). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę.
Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.


All factories in the industrialised w orld now use m achines - but they cannot do
everything. B usinesses that take old products apart, for exam ple, need hum an
w orkers w ho can recognise w hich parts need to be separated from w hich. This
type of w ork often involves lifting som e very heavy pieces, so can put workers
in danger of developing health problem s or having quite serious accidents.

So could robotic suits be the answ er? H um an-shaped m achines that people
can step into have already been developed to help elderly people w alk in Japan
and for A m erican soldiers w ho have to carry big loads. Now researchers are
designing sim ilar suits, known as ‘exoskeletons’, for industry. The European
Union is paying for the R obo-m ate project, w hich involves researchers, car
m anufacturers and car recycling businesses in seven countries.

As well as a see-through helm et and leg and arm pieces, exoskeleton designs
often include a cam era on the chest to help m onitor q uality of w ork. S im pler
exoskeletons could be useful for people w ho don’t have to lift anything heavy,
but have to use th eir bodies in unnatural ways. Even holding or using a tool
above your head for a few m inutes can put stress on your heart.

O f course, exoskeletons w ouldn’t take away all w ork-related aches and pains,
and a lot of w ork rem ains to be done to m ake sure they can respond
im m ediately to th eir w earers’ w ishes and don’t cause collisions. It is hoped that
exoskeletons that can m ake physical w ork easier, but require no com puter
skills from the user will be in use w ithin decades.






Zadanie 5. (0-3)
Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane ze zdrowiem. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Here is an exam ple of an exercise that develops core strength.

• Lie on your back, bend your legs at a 90-degree angle and put your feet on a
•T e n se your stom ach m uscles and cross your arm s on your chest.
• Raise your head and shoulders off the floor and hold them there for three
deep breaths.
If you do this regularly, it will becom e easier for you to do any physical activity.

1 This activity is suitable fo r people w ho

A find exercise difficult.
B have a sport injury.
C suffer back pain.


W hen Dr Lanyon cam e in, Uterson was shocked at the change in his
appearance. The rosy man had grown pale; he w as visibly balder, thinner and
older; and, more than this, he had a look in his eye and a m anner that
suggested som e deep terror of the m ind. It was unlikely that the doctor should
fear death; and yet that w as w hat Utterson w as tem pted to suspect. “Yes,” he
thought; “he is a doctor, he m ust know his own state and that his days are
num bered; and the know ledge is more than he can bear.” And yet when
Utterson rem arked on his appearance, Lanyon adm itted with an air of
acceptance that he w as suffering from som ething nothing could cure.

2 W hat does Lanyon believe about his health?

A No medicine w ill w o rk for him.
B He deserves to be so ill.
C He needs to spend more tim e outdoors
Tekst 3.
Dear M iss Everett,
I w anted to let you know how m uch I appreciated the first aid course you led at
the Evesham C linic in April. The know ledge I gained on it has already been
My tw o-year-old was recently badly scalded by w ater from a kettle. Fortunately, I
knew it w as im portant to rem ove all his clothing except clothes sticking to the
burn, to apply cold running w ater to the affected area for 20 m inutes and to
w arm the room. In the past, I put skin cream or ice on burns straight away, but
now I know these can m ake them worse at that stage.
I’m pleased to say m y little boy is recovering as well as possible.
W ith gratitude,
Helen Frobisher

3 The auth or o f the text

A thanks a medic w h o treated her son.
B explains how her know ledge has grown.
C apologises for m aking mistakes.
Zadanie 6. (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.


M any of the descendants of Sigm und Freud - perhaps the m ost fam ous
psychologist in history - have also found fam e through th eir w ork in Britain. His
grandson Lucian, for exam ple, was a respected painter, and Lucian’s m ulti-talented
brother C lem ent had successful careers as an author, a m em ber of parliam ent and a
chef. C lem en t’s daughter, Em m a, has ensured the Freud nam e rem ains in the public
eye through her w ork as a TV and radio presenter. O nly one Freud, however,
follow ed closely in S igm und’s footsteps - his daughter Anna.
A nna Freud trained as a teacher before setting up her own nursery school in London
during the Second W orld War. The school w as as m uch a social service as a place of
education - it provided a hom e for children w ho had been m ade hom eless in the
bom bing of London. A nna realised that a lot of these children needed particular
attention because th eir m others were busy doing jobs norm ally filled by men w ho
w ere serving in the arm ed forces. By putting the children into groups of five or six and
providing a teacher especially for each group, A nna created alternative fam ilies for
her pupils. She understood the im portance of healthy relationships in early life for
good m ental health in later childhood and adulthood.
From the age of 13, A nna had regularly taken p art in discussions with her father on
the type of therapy he developed, known as psychoanalysis. It’s even possible that
he used her as a patient for practising his techniques. No doubt influenced by her
fa th e r’s ideas, A nna believed in observing and docum enting every aspect of her
pupils’ behaviour. She w anted to research norm al and abnorm al behaviour in
children and also to study the effects of the w ar on them . H er w ork show ed how
children’s play can reveal th eir em otional troubles. There w as one boy at the school,
for exam ple, called Bertie, w hose father had been killed by a bom b dropped from a
plane. Bertie built houses from paper and dropped toys on them again and again. In
this gam e, the people in the houses always escaped unharm ed. A lthough Bertie
m ade him self do this repeatedly, he didn’t enjoy it. A nna and her colleagues noticed
that Bertie finally stopped re-creating the incident in w hich his father died w hen he
got the chance to talk about it.
By the tim e she died in 1982, A nna Freud’s w ork had strongly influenced the way
m any im portant institutions treat children. H ospitals had extended visiting hours for
children’s w ards in response to the kind of research she had done and co urts had
begun to use screens and video cam eras to allow children to give evidence in a less
frightening environm ent than a crim inal courtroom .

1 One o f Freud's w ell-know n descendants w orked w ith
A animals.
B actors.
C politicians.
D sick people.

2 Anna Freud's school was created fo r children w ho

A needed trea tm en t fo r psychological problems.
B were recovering from physical injuries.
C had lost th e ir parents.
D d id n 't have anywhere to live.

3 W hat's TRUE about Anna's efforts to understand children better?

A She placed them in d iffic u lt situations.
B She designed games fo r them to play.
C She to ld them about her father's w ork.
D She w atched them closely and made notes.

4 W h a t changed because o f Anna Freud?

A Schools held more discussion sessions.
B Hospitals created areas especially fo r children.
C Psychologists began to supervise criminal trials.
D The legal system introduced new ways o f treating child witnesses.

5 In the article, the author

A compares Anna Freud and Sigmund Freud.
B explains how famous Anna Freud became.
C considers the achievements o f Anna Freud.
D describes relationships between Anna Freud and children.

Zadanie 7. (0-3)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (1-3) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania
(A-E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.


She leaned against her father and stared out of the taxi w indow
at the passing people with a seriousness in her big eyes, 1 It
w ould be strange to see a child of tw elve w ith such an expression
on her face and Sara Crewe was only seven. The fact was,
however, that she was always thinking about grow n-up people
and the w orld they belonged to.

On this occasion she w as rem em bering the voyage from Bom bay
with her father, C aptain Crewe. She was thinking about the big
ship, the children w ho played on the deck and the w om en who
used to laugh at the things she said. 2 | How odd it seem ed to
her that at one tim e one w as in India under the blazing sun, then
in the m iddle of the sea. Now instead she inhabited streets w here
the day was as d ark as the night.

They hugged each other as the car rolled into the big, dull
square in which stood the house which was th eir destination.

A She also missed the sound o f the waves w hen everything

else was quiet.

B She was such a little girl th a t one did n ot expect to see

such a look on her small face.

C She found this so puzzling th a t she moved closer to her


D Above all, she was reflecting on the change in her


E She tried to imagine th a t her m other was still w ith them .

Znajomość środków językowych

Zadanie 8. (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny
tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.


Textbooks and exercise books are perhaps becom ing things

of the past. In fact, they already are at som e Dutch state
schools. The N etherlands has several ‘digital schools’ w here
all the pupils’ learning takes 1) ........... on tablet com puters
supplied by the school. A lthough there are teachers in every
classroom , th eir role is a support one and they are more
focused on developing children’s social skills than their
know ledge. They also 2 ) ........... an eye on the children to
m ake sure they are not using th eir com puters for
e ntertainm ent or personal reasons. One of the main
advantages of the system is that it allows the pupils to w ork
at th eir own speed in various subjects. 3 ) m eans the
m ost talented pupils in, say, M aths, can quickly move on to
advanced work, w hile those w ho struggle with M aths can
spend m ore tim e on the basics. Not 4 ) teachers are
pleased about the move to digital education, however. Som e
have pointed 5 ) ........... that com puters can never replace
hum an beings com pletely because they can’t respond to
children on an em otional level.

1 A part B place C charge

2 A put B lend C keep

3 A That B It's c There

4 A every B all c most

Zadanie 9. (0-5)
Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi (1-5), wybierając brakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 X: Shall I help you?

Y: ...........
X: Fine, if you're sure.
A Are you sure you can?
B That's right.
C There's no need.

2 X: W h a t are you looking for?

Y: ...........
X: D on 't worry. It m ust be here somewhere.
A I can't stop w atching it.
B I ca n't find my passport.
C It's th e w orst th ing th a t could happen.

3 X: I th in k it w ou ld be a good idea to invite Carol.

Y: ..........
X: So w e're agreed on th a t.
A W ould you?
B So do I.
C Nether does she.

X: You'd b etter n ot be late.

Y: ...........
X: W e'll see.
A Promise me.
B I promise I w o n 't.
C W ill you promise?

X: Do you like Darren?

Y: We d o n 't really get on, to be honest.
X: .............
A That's
B That's
C That's

Uczestniczyłeś/-aś ostatnio w uroczystości rodzinnej i chcesz opowiedzieć
o tym anglojęzycznemu przyjacielowi. Napisz list, w którym:
• wyjaśnisz powód spotkania,
• opiszesz jego najciekawszy moment,
• wspomnisz element uroczystości, który Ty zorganizowałabyś inaczej,
• zadasz przyjacielowi dwa pytania na temat podobnych uroczystości w jego kraju.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że je j długość powinna wynosić od 80
do 130 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są podane).
Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty),
bogactwo językowe (2 punkty) oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty).

Dear Chris,
I had an enjoyable day yesterday.

I look forw ard to hearing from you.


v' Rozumienie ze słuchu

Zadanie 1. (0-5)
O Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę znajomych z pracy, Johna i Grace. Odpowiedz na pytania 1-5 zgodnie
z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli (J - John, G - Grace).

W hich person: J G

1 gets the chance to return a favour?

2 is in charge o f o the r people?

3 makes a criticism o f himself/herself?

4 learns som ething a bo ut the library service from the other?

5 admits making a mistake?

Zadanie 2. (0-4)
Q Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi, które łączy temat reklamy. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1-4) dopasuj
odpowiadające jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie
pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

The speaker:

A believes advertising adds to his/her environm ent.

B advertises a product.
C reveals som ething a bo ut his/her cultural tastes.
D says advertisers' effect on him is the opposite o f w h a t they w ant.
E is a presenter o f a consumer show on radio or TV.

1 2 3 4

Zadanie 3. (0-6)
O Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Recording 1 Recording 2

The speaker talks about a tim e when the room was The speakers are discussing
used as a(n) A plans for a garden.
A library. B how to prepare a meal.
B office. C haircut preferences.
C artist's studio.

Recording 4
Recording 3
The bad w eather is going to move
The announcem ent lets people kn ow about A north.
A discounts available In a store. B south.
B a change In opening times. C west.
C a service fo r people w ith luggage.

Recording 6
Recording 5
Kelly thinks th a t
W h a t sentence is NOT true a bo ut JCM Media? A John has ignored rules.
A M r Frobisher w orks fo r it.
B John can avoid punishm ent.
B It publishes a num ber o f titles.
C John's sister has made a mistake.
C Some o f its prices are going up.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Zadanie 4, (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst o usłudze dostarczania żywności. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A-F) do każdej z oznaczonych
części tekstu (1-4). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę. Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo
i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.


W hen M ichalis G kontas had to develop a business idea on his university

course, he cam e up w ith a w ebsite for people w ho w ant to buy low-cost, high-
quality hom em ade m eals. The unusual thing about it is that the providers of
the food are ordinary people. T hey m ay be people w ho co ok too m uch for their
fam ilies and don’t w ant to w aste any food, people w ho need som e extra m oney
or people w ho cook as a hobby.

C ookisto is now m uch more than a student project. W ithin a few m onths,
12,000 interested cooks, known as “C ookistas” registered on the site to sell
th eir specialities. M any of them say it’s not just about money. One C ookista,
w ho began cooking for cash after losing her job, said: “ Every day I feel proud
helping others. And the best reward I can get is when people tell me how much
they like my food.”

As with m any other online services, m aps are available to show users w hat is
available locally and custom ers can decide w hich C ookista to use by looking at
reviews w ritten by o the r users. C ookisto is less im personal than som e online
services, though. The person w ho cooked your dish usually delivers it in person
(and m ay include a free dessert!) It’s therefore not only business relationships
that develop through it, but also a sense of com m unity.

Becoming a Cookisto customer, of course, involves trust. The website administrators

do not check cleanliness standards in its cooks’ kitchens, or w hat ingredients they
use. It’s not clear, then, whether Cookisto can work in places with very strict laws on
the sale of food. Even so, Cookisto has already expanded beyond its home city of
Athens to London, where it is likely to be popular with the city’s large student







Zadanie 5. (0-3)
Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane z podróżowaniem i turystyką. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.


W hen you have selected yo ur trip and preferred departure date, call the num ber
above or visit our w ebsite to tell us your requirem ents. W e’ll check availability
and give you a provisional booking straight away if possible, or call you back
within 24 hours. W e will hold your booking for five days to allow you to fill out a
booking form and pay a deposit (15%). If your departure date is w ithin eight
w eeks, half the total cost is due at this stage. Please note a 1.5% charge
applies to all paym ents by credit card. You will receive confirm ation by post
w ithin seven days.

1 Bookings are n ot confirm ed until

A a day a fte r the custom er makes one.
B full paym ent is made.
C at least some o f the holiday is paid for.



W hat had happened w as sim ple enough. Phileas Fogg w anted to go to

Liverpool, and the captain would not take him there. So Phileas Fogg had
agreed to go to Bordeaux, but, during the th irty hours he had been on board, he
had handled bank notes w ith such skill and effect that the w hole crew, w ho had
never got on well with the captain, were devoted to him. Now Phileas Fogg was
in com m and instead of C aptain Speedy, w ho w as locked up in his cabin, and
the ship w as heading for Liverpool. It was clear from Mr Fogg’s confidence that
he had been a sailor.

2 How does Phileas Fogg take control?

A By buying people's support.
B By showing his superior skills as a leader.
C By persuading the captain to disappear.

Tekst 3.

There are regular nationw ide strikes, w hich can cause disruption to public
tran spo rt in and out of the co un try (including air travel and ports). T he next
m ajor stirke is scheduled for 30th Septem ber. Further strikes are likely this
autum n, and m ay take place with little w arning. M onitor local m edia and the
local a uth orities’ advice for travellers.
There are currently forest fires in the m ountains in the far north of the country.
Travel by road in this region is not advisable until the situation improves.
M ost visits are trouble-free, but you should keep a close eye on your personal
belongings in public places in the large population centres.

3 The a uth or o f the te xt

A reports a severe w eather event.
B predicts th e end o f a problem.
C gives particular advice fo r city breaks.
Zadanie 6, (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.


W hen M aria Toorpakai W azir found herself playing squash on a co urt surrounded by
gunm en to protect her, she knew she had to change her situation. The gunm en had been
provided by the Pakistani Squash Federation, w hich had also set up a security base next
to her house. The reason? A girl playing sp ort w ent against the cultural traditions of her
area, w here it w as unusual for a girl even to w ear sports clothes.
M aria had always enjoyed physical pursuits, no m atter how m uch she suffered because of
them . In fact, she regularly got into fights as a little girl. “ My hands, elbows, knees w ere
always bleeding. My eyebrows and face w ere always swollen,” says the 22-year-old.
People expected boys, not girls, to behave the way M aria d id ...s o she presented herself
as one. She cut her hair. She burned her fem inine clothes and began w earing her
bro the r’s instead. W hen she was 12, M aria’s father decided to encourage her to use her
energy in a positive way through sport. He arranged for her to train as a weightlifter, telling
the coaches and other participants that she was a boy to avoid any em barrassm ent.
W ithin a few m onths, she had won her first tournam ent.
It w as again M aria’s father w ho got her interested in squash - but only because
som ebody suggested she w ould grow fat and fail to get taller if she continued w eightlifting.
Fortunately, M aria w as just as happy hitting balls as lifting w eights. “ I liked how the kids
had so much determ ination, the beautiful racquets and balls, and the kit,” she says.
M aria’s father enrolled her at a squash academ y run by the Pakistani A ir Force and once
m ore they both pretended she w as m ale. Soon, however, the truth w as discovered - and
the result was terrible verbal bullying. It didn’t affect M aria’s determ ination to succeed,
however, and she often practised alone from m orning until evening. “ My hands were
swollen, bruised and bleeding, but I still kept playing. I locked m yself away, trying to create
my own shots.”
M aria won several cham pionships for squash juniors and turned professional in 2006. Her
success was noticed by the president of Pakistan, w ho gave her a special award. Of course,
her growing fam e also attracted the attention of traditionalists w ho don’t believe Pakistani
girls should com pete as sportspeople. At one point som eone put a note on M aria’s father
car ordering him to stop her playing squash or face unpleasant ‘consequences’.
To stay as safe as possible, M aria began to practise in her room - but caused herself so
m any painful injuries that her concerned father decided the solution w as to move. M aria
em ailed squash academ ies all over the w orld asking for th eir help. Again, her
determ ination paid off. Since 2011 she has been training in C anada with a fo rm e r w orld
num ber one player and is now herself one of the w o rld ’s top 50 players.

1 As a child, Maria was someone w ho
A never complained about anything.
B was often aggressive tow ards others.
C always w anted to play games.
D experienced a lot o f sickness.

2 To change the way people saw her, Maria

A stopped dressing like a girl.
B began to lift weights.
C spent all her tim e w ith boys.
D copied her brother's behaviour.

3 A t Maria's first squash academy, people treated her badly because o f

A her size.
B her appearance.
C her sex.
D her equipm ent.

4 Maria's father was told th a t

A they should get o u t o f Pakistan.
B som ething bad w ou ld happen if Maria continued.
C Maria's squash-playing was unhealthy.
D Maria could be am ong the best In the w orld.

5 In the article, the author

A compares Pakistani and other attitudes tow ards girls in sport.
B criticises people w ho are against girls In sport.
C describes Maria Toorpakai Wazir's squash techniques.
D considers the obstacles Maria Toorpakai W azir has faced.

Zadanie 7. (0-3)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (1-3) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania
(A-E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do
żadnej luki.


S om etim es it seem s that it’s only in the m ost difficult tim es that
we truly appreciate the people we care for. I’ve been spending as
m uch tim e as possible w ith Dad since I found out about his
illness. My flexible w o rk schedule is som ething to be very glad
about in this situation. 1 A lthough I got upset the first couple
of tim es I saw him looking so tired, I soon realised that d espair is
just a w aste of energy. 2 I’m sure he will. At the m om ent he’s
in shock, I think.
I’ve realised that one way to be helpful is to cook extra food
w henever I m ake a meal and take it round. Even if he doesn’t eat
it, Mum will, so it saves her a job. A p art from that, I can hand him
the things he needs and put them away afterwards. It’s also
useful, I think, ju st to provide com pany to take his m ind off things.
We haven’t w atched so m uch TV together for years, and it’s been
nice to do som ething as a family. 3

A In recent years I've been guilty o f making only very

brief visits.

B I need to show him th a t I believe he can get


C It means I can be at my parents' house a lot o f the

tim e w hen M um is o u t at w ork.

D That's som ething I tell him a lot.

E Everyone has been so kind.

v Znajomość środków językowych

Zadanie 8. (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny
i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.


If you’re super-fit and looking for a challenge, 1 ) about

trying to beat the record for running around the w orld? You’ll
probably need to set more than a year aside for it, though!
The current holder of the record m ade 2 ) around the
globe in 622 days. Australian Tom D enniss set off from the
Sydney O pera House on New Year’s Eve 2011 and arrived
back there on S eptem ber 13, 2013, having done a m arathon
each day! Tom flew betw een five continents and wore
3 ) ...........17 pairs of running shoes to com plete his journey,
which raised m oney for the ch arity Oxfam . On his last day,
Tom said the w orld seem ed sm aller to him as a 4 ) of
his adventure. His highlights included the G rand Canyon and
the Andes. Asked how he felt physically at the end of the 622
days, Tom said he actually felt stronger than before. “ I th ink I
ju st 5) used to it,” he said.

1 A w hy B how C where

2 A it B one C th a t

3 A thin B through c out

4 A result B product c goal

5 A got B became c put

Zadanie 9. (0-5)
W zadaniach 1-5 spośród podanych opcji (A -C ) wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 I o u g h t to take the dog fo r a walk.

A needn't B should C always

2 I've been studying cookery fo r ages.

A fo r the future B fo r fun C fo r a long tim e

3 D o n 't miss the bus - the next one isn't until tom orrow .
A be to o late fo r B fo rg e t about C fail to stop

4 I've called o f f the game.

A cancelled B ended C Invited people to

5 I'm sorry it upset you, b ut I had no choice.

A it's n ot my problem. B I d id n 't realise. C it was the only possible action.

Wypowiedź pisemna

Zadanie 10. (0-10)

Wczoraj przystąpiłeś/-aś do szkolnego testu. Napisz e-mail do przyjaciela z Irlandii, w którym:
• podasz, z jakiego przedmiotu był test i jaki był jego cel,
• wspomnisz, co Ci się podobało w teście, a co nie,
• opiszesz swoje odczucia ogólnie związane z testowaniem ,
• zadasz przyjacielowi dwa pytania na temat jego szkolnych testów.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że je j długość powinna wynosić
od 80 do 130 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są podane). Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego
przekazania informacji (4 punkty), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), bogactwo językowe (2 punkty)
oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty).

From: X Y Z

To: Darren

Subject: School test

Dear Darren,
I had an im portant day yesterday.

W rite to me soon.
Rozumienie ze słuchu
Zadanie 1. (0-5)
O Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Ruth i Freda na temat wspólnego mieszkania.
Odpowiedz na pytania 1-5 zgodnie z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli
(R - Ruth, F-Fred).

W hich person: R F

1 lives w ith more than one person?

2 raises a financial issue?

3 says som ething positive about the other person?

4 suggests a tem porary solution?

5 accepts an invitation?

Zadanie 2. (0-4)
Q Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi, które łączy temat restauracji i jedzenia poza domem. Do każdej
wypowiedzi (1-4) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

The speaker:

A explains w hy he/she finds eating o u t tiring.

B has a business plan.
C w orks in a hotel.
D avoids eating out.
E enjoys only one kind o f restaurant.

1 2 3 4

Zadanie 3. (0-6)
Q Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Recording 1 Recording 2

Where is everybody going? W hat is Beth concerned about?

A To an airport. A The security o f the house.
B To a shop. B The way the house smells.
C To a coast. C Her brother's situation.

Recording 3 Recording 4

This speaker is W hich sentence is TRUE about this situation?

A encouraging people to give some money. A The custom er is unable to buy something.
B trying to persuade people to change their B The w orker Is taking a break.
behaviour. C Normally there are more people w orking in the
C explaining w hy a species is endangered. shop.

Recording 5 Recording 6

The speaker thinks This announcem ent is made

A the situation isn't his fault. A on a vehicle.
B everyone should stay together. B on a construction site.
C the best solution is to w a it a little. C at a station.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Zadanie 4, (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst o muzycznie uzdolnionych słoniach. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A-F) do każdej z oznaczonych
części tekstu (1-4). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę. Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo
i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.


They say elephants never forget. Now w e’ve discovered a nother surprising skill
that they possess - m usical ability.

Elephants in T hailand have been living closely w ith people for a long tim e.
T h a t’s because Thai elephants used to be a key part of industries that involved
transporting resources. W orking elephants are m uch less com m on in the 21st
century - but that m eans few er people are taking responsibility for them .

As a result, a num ber of elephant sanctuaries have opened in Thailand. At one

of the sanctuaries, one of the co nservationists becam e convinced that
elephants enjoy listening to m usic and he began to w onder if they w ould enjoy
playing m usic too. To answ er th a t question, he asked a New York-based
scientist and m usician called David S oldier to create giant, super-strong
m usical instrum ents especially for them .

David m anaged to m ake large m etal versions of traditional Thai instrum ents for
the elephants - but he didn’t th ink it w ould be easy to get elephants to produce
music. He said: “ I thought, ‘W e’re going to have to give them a banana every
tim e they play a n o te ...’. It w as nothing like th a t at all. I w ould play the
instrum ent, hand an elephant the stick and m aybe point. T h a t’s it. T hey were
playing w ithin a few m inutes.”

No elephant is m ade to play music. Just as with people, how m uch elephants
like m usic varies from individual to individual. A nother w ay they resem ble us is
that they are highly social. Those that like playing m usic seem to p articularly
enjoy doing it in a group. Som e elephants focus on particular instrum ents. One
even becam e able to play three drum s at the sam e tim e and keep rhythm!






Zadanie 5. (0-3)
Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane ze środowiskiem pracy. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią

tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

No m atter how well you speak at a job interview, it w on’t count for
anything if your body language is negative. Here’s som e advice for creating the
right im pression.
• Before the real thing, ask friends or relatives to ‘interview ’ you and m ake notes
about any distracting m ovem ents you make.
• A t tim es w hen you have to listen to the interviewer, lean forward slightly to
show you are interested.
• W hen an interview er takes you on a tour or show s you to or from the interview
room, keep to the sam e pace as him /her. If you fall behind, you’ll look bored,
shy or uninterested.

1 This te xt tells readers

A how to prepare answers to interview questions.
B how to avoid talking to o much.
C how fast to w alk in interview situations.


M r Pum blechook appeared to conduct his business by looking across the street
at the saddler, w ho appeared to run his business by keeping his eye on the
coach-m aker, w ho appeared to get on in life by putting his hands in his pockets
and contem plating the baker, w ho in his turn folded his arm s and stared at the
grocer, w ho stood at his door and yawned at the chem ist. The watchm aker,
always bent over a little desk with a m agnifying glass at his eye, and always
inspected by a group of people at his shop window, seem ed to be about the
only person in the High Street w hose trade held his attention.

2 The author describes the High Street as

A full o f busy workers.
B popular as a m eeting place.
C lacking in customers.

T ekst 3.
At Electronic Arena, we have no traditional ‘m anagers’. Everyone is
equal and everyone w orks on w hatever project they th ink Is the m ost im portant
or interesting at the time. We ask each other questions to m ake sure everyone
is doing som ething w orthw hile. These discussions allow people w orking on the
sam e project to give each other scores for w ork rate, technical know ledge and
team -w orking skills and these scores decide w hat paym ent you receive for your
work. You can w ork anyw here in the building that is convenient or feels suitable
for you. T h a t’s w hy all our w ork stations have wheels.

3 A t this company, it's normal fo r workers to

A judge how well th e ir colleagues are w orking.
B do their w o rk from home.
C give their colleagues instructions.

Zadanie 6. (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.


Two m en occupied the back room of V ictor G agnon’s store. O ne w as the owner, w ho
w as sm all and quick-thinking, and had an expression on his dark face indicating
anger. He w as sitting by the fire holding his hands out to the w arm th. The other man
w as beside the window. N am ed Jean, he w as incredibly tall and w earing grey
w olfskin from head to foot. His w ide shoulders were broadened so much by the fur
that he looked a giant. Below his long black hair, his face w as as som bre and strong
as the w orld to w hich he belonged.
The room was untidy. The bed stood at one end and the blankets on it looked as
though they had not been straightened for w eeks. Victor w as looking down at a
w ooden container w hich stood at the big m an's feet.
‘And w hy didn't she com e along with you?”
“M aybe because she’s cleverer than any of us. M aybe because I didn’t w ant her to.
There’s som ething we need to discuss, Victor.” The big man spoke quite calmly, but
his calm ness had a dark quality.
“C leverer indeed!” said Victor, ignoring the last part of the o th e r’s words.
“That's w hat I said,” w ent on the giant. “ Davia reckoned it w asn’t safe to just
disappear in case those guys discover th ey’ve been robbed of th eir goods. She’s
staying around to put them off the trail. They all enjoy being with her and aren’t likely
to suspect w ho ’s got the stuff w hile she’s around.”
V ictor nodded and began to look less angry. He knew Davia w ould serve him well.
“But that isn’t the only reason,” the big m an continued. “ I w anted her to stay. W e need
to talk in private, V ictor G agnon. It’s nearly three years since you and Davia w ent into
business together. You said you’d m arry her w hen you were independent of the
company. You said it didn’t w ant m arried traders on its books. A nd you had no money.
T h a t’s w hat you said. T hings are different now, so w hen are you going to m ake her
your w ife?”
“You're pretty rude,” said Victor, with an unpleasant laugh.
“W e speak our m inds in these parts,” answ ered Jean. “ Davia is now as sick of your
gam e as me. She didn’t go into it for an adventure, but to please you. I’ve been
w atching you to m ake sure you treat her well. And th a t’s w hy I’ve done all your d irty
w ork in this latest schem e. Now w e’ve got the stuff, you're going to do the right thing
w ith Davia, o r - ”
“O r w ha t? ” interrupted Victor.
“O r you w on’t get one ce n t’s w orth of w h a t’s in this chest.”

1 W hich sentence is TRUE a bo ut V ictor and Jean?
A One was much bigger than the other.
B One o f them h ad n't slept.
C Both o f them were wearing clothes made from animals.
D Both o f them w orked at the store.

2 W hy was Davia not w ith V ictor and Jean?

A She fe lt like being sociable.
B She w anted to look innocent.
C Jean ordered her to stay behind.
D She needed to find a hiding place fo r som ething.

3 Jean accuses V ictor o f

A lying about h ow rich he is.
B using Davia to make money.
C failing to keep to his w ord.
D having a bad memory.

4 Jean threatens to
A tell people about Victor's crimes.
B keep the contents o f the container from Victor.
C use violence against Victor.
D stop helping Victor.

5 In the extract, the author

A describes a tense m eeting between V ictor and Jean.
B reveals how V ictor feels about Davia.
C explains w hy Jean w ants Davia to be happy.
D shows w hy Davia w ants to marry Victor.

Zadanie 7. (0-3)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (1-3) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania
(A-E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do
żadnej luki.

The m ain news is that there’s a new pet in the family. W e don’t
know w hat breed she is, but she has beautiful brown curly hair
and is full of energy. My daughter Suzie asked to adopt her quite
a w hile ago. She had been running wild near the a irp o rt for som e
tim e because nobody could catch her. 1 The cat and dog
shelter looked after her for a few m onths and then let us adopt
S he’s called Layla, she’s about seven years old and am azingly
sweet. She doesn't bark, except w hen she has a nightm are, and
is ve ry affectionate. My son-in-law was a little concerned about
his allergies. 2 | in fact he hugs her m ore than anyone!
I just hope they don’t leave her alone in the house for too long. I
w ould offer to look after her on days w hen th ey’re both w orking if
Jim would only agree to it. 3

A I d o n 't know w hy he insists th a t the house should

be neat and tid y 24 hours a day.

B Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any kind o f


C A t first she was a little anxious in her new


D I hope he understands my decision.

E In the end they had to use some drugged food.

V Znajomość środków językowych

Zadanie 8. (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny
i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.


People do all kinds of crazy things to raise m oney for charity,

but one of the m ost straightforw ard ways of persuading
people to give away th eir m oney is to give them a fountain to
throw it in. Judging from the am ount of m oney 1 ) from
one at the Trafford C entre shopping mall in M anchester,
England, the tradition of throw ing a coin into a fountain and
w ishing for som ething is alive and well. Around £360,000
w as thrown into the centre’s 14 fountains betw een its 2)
day in 1998 and 2013. A lthough superstitious thinking
may be the main reason people throw cash into the
fountains, it’s charities that benefit. The Trafford Centre has
set up the Fountain Fund to distribute the cash am ong good
causes such 3 ) ........... the air am bulance service and a
service that gives disabled children days out. Trafford Centre
m anager Gordon M cKinnon said: “W e put the fountains in
because we thought people liked them . This w asn’t
som ething we 4 ) out to do.” 5 ) seem s that any
architects w ho w ant th eir buildings to do som e good in the
w orld should think about installing som e w ater features!

1 A created B collected C caused

2 A introduction B beginning C opening

3 A as B w ith c at

4 A set B g ot c pulled

5 A So B There c It
Zadanie 9. (0-5)
W zadaniach (1 -5 ) spośród podanych opcji (A -C ) w yb ie rz tę, k tó ra jest tłum aczeniem
fragm entu podanego w nawiasie, popraw nie uzupełniającym lukę. Zakreśl lite rę A, B albo C.

1 Have you always been good at basketball? (U m ia łe ś /~ a ś d o b rz e g r a ć ) as a child?

A Were you playing well
B Could you play well
C Can you play well

2 I th o u g h t nobody was at home, then (u s ły s z a łe m /-a m m u z y k ę ) .............

A music was played fo r me.
B I listened to music.
C I heard music.

3 It was very kind o f you, b ut (z b y tn io im nie p o m o g łe ś /- a ś ) .............

A you w e re n 't really helpful to them .
B you d id n 't have to help them .
C you sh ouldn't help them .

4 We stopped going to th e Wednesday class. We ( p o s z liś m y ) to the M onday one instead.

A w ent
B are going
C have been going

5 That's an amazing piece o f w ork! (Jak w p a d łe ś /-a ś na te n p o m y s ł? ) ?

A How did you th in k o f the Idea?
B W h a t were you th inking about?
C How did you choose it?

ZastanawiałeśAaś się nad Twoją przyszłą karierą zawodową i chcesz omówić ten temat
z anglojęzycznym przyjacielem. Napisz do niego list, w którym:
• określisz, jaki zawód (jakie zawody) chciał(a)byś wykonywać i dlaczego,
• wspomnisz o negatywnych stronach takiego wyboru,
• poinformujesz, jaką radę dotyczącą kariery zawodowej otrzymałeś/-aś od przyjaciela lub krewnego,
• zadasz przyjacielowi dwa pytania o jego nadzieje związane z karierą zawodową.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że je j długość powinna wynosić
od 80 do 130 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są podane). Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego
przekazania informacji (4 punkty), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), bogactwo językowe (2 punkty)
oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty).

Dear Mark,
I’ve been thinking a lo t about what job I’d like to do in the future.

I look forw ard to hearing from you.


Rozumienie ze słuchu

Zadanie 1. (0-5)
Q Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Amandy i Eda na temat DVD. Odpowiedz na pytania (1-5) zgodnie z treścią
nagrania. Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę z tabeli (A - Amanda, E - Ed).

W hich person: A E

1 examines a disc?

2 owns a digital music device?

3 borrows films from a business?

4 never throw s away p ro o f o f a purchase?

5 is a gardener?

Zadanie 2. (0-4)
Q Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi, które łączy temat domu. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1-4) dopasuj
odpowiadające jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie

pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

The speaker:
A w orks in a departm ent store.
B explains design decisions they made fo r th eir home.
C gives advice on how to make your home attractive to people looking fo r somewhere to live.
D imagines a better home than his/her own.
E describes a successful home extension.

1 2 3 4
Zadanie 3. (0-6)
CJ Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Recording 1 R ecording 2

People are told by the speaker they can't The customer

A receive British currency. A makes a complaint.
B buy a full meal. B w ants to change a reservation.
C use th e ir tickets on another service. C accepts the option offered.

Recording 3 R ecording 4

The speaker is at The w om an finds o u t

A a gym. A how expensive som ething is.
B a workplace. B how to find the man's shop.
C a fu rn iture store. C w here she can buy pet products.

Recording 5 Recording 6

W h a t is TRUE about the organisation? The speaker thinks

A Its courses last 12 months. A Mark Fullerton knows a lot.
B Anybody can enrol on a course. B Mark Fullerton w ill enjoy Hollywood.
C It has a w ebsite fo r applications. C Kate Ash is a popular performer.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Zadanie 4. (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst o niepełnosprawnym pianiście. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A-F) do każdej z oznaczonych
części tekstu (1-4). W pisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę.
Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.

G raduating from the Royal C ollege of M usic in London is an achievem ent for
anyone - but N icholas M cC arthy needed som e extra determ ination to succeed

As som eone w ho w as born with only one arm , N icholas M cC arthy never saw
him self as a piano player - until he saw a friend playing som e Beethoven when
he w as 14. The beauty of the piece m ade such an im pression on him that he
decided he w anted to becom e a pianist him self.

However, N icholas says nobody believed in him as much as he did. Even his
headteacher failed to see his potential, telling him his d isability w ould always
hold him back. Rather than taking his w ords to heart, N icholas becam e more
determ ined to prove people wrong. He bought a cheap electronic keyboard and
taught him self the basics with it before beginning actual piano lessons.

Even after he show ed such com m itm ent to the instrum ent, m usic schools failed
to take him seriously. Eventually he stopped telling the schools about his
d isability in his applications. T hat way, he could be judged on the q uality of his
perform ance alone w hen invited to an audition.

His strategy paid off. T he talented teenager w on a place at the G uildhall School
of Music, and then the Royal C ollege of M usic. He becam e the first one-handed
pianist to graduate from that prestigious school in all its 130 years, focusing on
pieces w ritten for one hand by com posers such as M aurice Ravel, Benjam in
Britten and Sergei Prokofiev.






Zadanie 5. (0-3)
Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane ze szkołą i edukacją. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

• throw any objects, including paper.
• run from one part of the room to another.
• raise yo ur voice at anyone.
A m eeting w ill be held w ith the parents of any students w ho break any of the
above rules m ore than three tim es in a school term .
• pay attention when the teacher is speaking.
• use students’ full first nam es, not nicknam es.
• stay in your seat w hen the bell rings until the teacher gives you perm ission to
• ask before borrow ing equipm ent.

1 One o f the rules is about

A how loudly you can speak.
B when you can address the class.
C punctuality.


‘And now, Tom, my boy,” said the Squire, “rem em ber you are going, at your own
request, to be throw n into this great school with m any trials before you - earlier
than we should have sent you, perhaps. If schools are w hat they w ere in my
tim e, you'll see a great m any cruel things done, and hear a great deal of foul,
bad talk. But never fear. You tell the truth, keep a brave and kind heart, and never
listen to or say anything you w ouldn't say near your m other and sister, and you'll
never feel asham ed to com e home, and we’ll never feel asham ed to see you.”

2 The extract shows th a t th e Squire believes th a t

A schools have g o t better since he was a schoolboy.
B Tom has the ta le n t to do well at school.
C attending school can change people for the w orst.
Tekst 3.
Teenagers at a school in Bolton, north-w est England are learning
som ething new as part of th eir PE lessons - how to save so m eone’s life. The
school changed its curriculum after a m em ber of the town’s football team
collapsed because of heart failure and nearly died during a gam e at the age of
ju s t 23. Now, every year of th eir studies until the age of 16, the sch oo l’s students
learn em ergency treatm ent procedures that can increase som eone’s chances of
survival betw een a collapse and the arrival of professional m edics. Som e
politicians are now calling for schools across the nation to follow the exam ple of
Rivington High School.

3 The a uth or o f th e te xt
A m entions a form er pupil o f Rivington High School.
B explains a change to PE classes at a num ber o f
British schools.
C explains the reason behind th e teaching o f new
skills at a British school.
Zadanie 6, (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.


No. 15 w as a narrow, high house with very steep stairs, but Elsie was fit enough to
use them , although she com plained about the num ber of tim es she had to go up and
down them . She, G eraldine and Mrs Palm er all kept num erous toiletries and items of
clothing in the kitchen to save them selves from u nnecessary journeys.
Elsie w ent dow nstairs once more, and sat at a co rn er of the new spaper-covered
kitchen table to drink tea and eat bread and jam .
“That's the doo rb ell!”
Mrs Palm er lifted herself out of her chair, from w hich she had been reading the
headlines in a new spaper and com m enting on them aloud with: “ Im agine!” and
W hatever is the w orld com ing to?”
“That'll be the W illiam ses, and about tim e too. You'll have to give me a hand to get the
luggage upstairs later, Elsie, but I'll give them supper first.”
S he w ent out into the hall, and Elsie heard the sounds of arrival, and her m oth er’s
voice saying: “G ood evening. You've brought us som e w et weather, I'm afraid... You
m ustn’t m ind me jo k in g ...”
Elsie ran to the back kitchen, put on her w aterproof coat and hat and slipped out
through the side door into a wet, cold autum n evening.
“O o h!” She turned up the collar of the coat, and pushed her gloveless hands deep
into her pockets as she hurried along the pavem ent. Every now and then a noisy
tram m ade its w ay along the broad suburban road. O nly a few shops w ere lit. M ost of
the buildings on both sides were houses that displayed a sign or a card saying
“ Room s available”
R ight at the end of the street were the blue-coloured lights of the Palace C inem a. “I
th ou gh t you w eren't com ing,” said young R oberts with a frown. “ It’s long after eight.”
“ I had to help mother, of course. And if you w ant to know, I ought to be there now.”
She laughed up at him naughtily.
“C om e on in,” he said, pulling her hand through his arm.
In the past tw o years she had gradually discovered that she had a pow er over men
that other girls e ither did not possess at all, or possessed in m uch sm aller am ounts.
She did not know why boys so often w anted to go out w ith her. At first she had
th ou gh t that she m ust be growing prettier, but her personal preference w as for dark
eyes, a bright hair colour, and a slim, tall figure, and she honestly did not adm ire her
own appearance.

1 W hich sentence is TRUE a bo ut No. 15?
A Elsie d id n 't m ind using the stairs there.
B N ot everyone there had th e ir ow n bedroom.
C Its kitchen contained things usually found in
a bathroom .
D It was close to a church.

2 In Mrs Palmer's opinion th e Williamses

A arrived a b it late.
B had to o many bags.
C were funny people.
D were greedy people.

3 Elsie walked along a street where

A there were lots o f homes fo r sale.
B there were fe w street lights.
C public transport was available.
D people w ere w alking very fast.

4 The narrator suggests Elsie has

A a thin body.
B dark hair.
C brown eyes.
D fair hair.

5 In th e extract, the author

A describes Elsie's regret at leaving home.
B presents Elsie as a popular w om an.
C shows Elsie is a helpful daughter.
D reveals w h a t Elsie's job is.

Zadanie 7. (0-3)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (1-3) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania
(A-E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.


Today has been a pretty good day. I m anaged to lay undisturbed

in bed for about an hour after w aking up. H I I suppose I could
if I just woke up an hour earlier - but that w ould be silly!
I had a frustrating class tonight. W e had a w orkshop and had to
w ork in groups. |_f_| Fortunately, it w as only w orth 3% of our
overall grade, so I didn't bother trying to m ake sure everything
was 100% correct. A satisfactory m ark is good enough for me for
such an unim portant assessm ent.
I still don't know w hat Brendan has planned for Friday. W e've
been texting tonight. Fie says the sw eetest things, but I’m trying
hard not to read too much into them . I think I’ve grown up a lot
and I know better how I should be treated in a relationship. I
ce rta inly realise now boys can be full of pretty but em pty words.
N evertheless, I can’t put my theories into practice until the right
boy com es along. 3 | H opefully I'd be mature enough to learn
from them , though.

A I much prefer to com plete my assignments on my own.

B The others in mine were far better at the tasks than me.

C I th in k I've realised w hy I'm tired so much o f the tim e.

D Though it fe lt lazy, I wish I could do th a t every day.

E Even then I'm sure I'll make millions o f mistakes.

Znajomość średków Językowych

Zadanie 8. (0-5)
Przecz/taj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny
tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.


People are advised to brush th eir teeth for tw o m inutes

1) a tim e, but in the future a m ere six seconds may be
enough. 2 ) to 3D printing, it’s now possible to create a
brush th a t’s perfect for every individual, based on the exact
shape of his or her m outh. In fact, it’s not a brush at all, but a
piece of plastic with the brush part inside it. It 3 ) ...........
perfectly inside a particular person’s m outh, and w hen he or
she bites on it, it cleans th eir teeth more efficiently than a
traditional brush. O nly 15 or so bites are n ecessary to get the
teeth clean because it w orks on all the teeth at 4 ) It
com es at quite a(n) 5 ) ........... , however. The personalised
brushes have gone on the m arket at 300 euros.

1 A by B at C on

2 A Through B Thanks C Relating

3 A matches B wears c fits

4 A to ge th er B once c pulled

5 A expense B price c bill

Zadanie 9. (0-5)
W zadaniach (1 -5) wybierz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 George in s is te d paying fo r the meal.

I try n ot to w o r k my birthday.
A at B in C on

2 I have nowhere to w o rk at home, so I'm going t o my second bedroom into an office.

Take a w a te rp ro o f coat - the w eather c a n quickly on th a t coast.
A make B tu rn C switch

3 Thanks so much fo r your support - i t a lot to me.

I d o n 't speak French, b u t I th in k th a t w o r d 'm useum '.
A means B carries C tells

4 My home to w n is fa m o u s its seafood.

It's far to o c o ld sw im m ing in the lake.
A to B for C of

5 I try n ot t o lies, b u t sometimes its impossible to be honest.

Julia can a lre a d y the tim e in Spanish.
A say B tell C speak

IB Wypowiedź pisemna

Zadanie 10. (0-10)

Cierpisz z powodu problemu zdrowotnego. Napisz do przyjaciela z Irlandii list, w którym:
• objaśnisz problem i jego symptomy,
• wspomnisz o dwóch rzeczach, które zrobiłeś/-aś w związku z tym problemem,
• poinformujesz, jak długo spodziewasz się mieć ten problem,
• zapytasz, czy przyjaciel ma dla Ciebie jakąś radę.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że jej długość powinna wynosić
od 80 do 130 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są podane). Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego
przekazania informacji (4 punkty), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), bogactwo językowe (2 punkty)
oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty).

Dear Steve,
U nfortunately I’m not in the best o f health at the moment.

I’d appreciate your advice.

Rozumienie ze słuchu

Zadanie 1. (0-5)
O Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Kathy i Georgea na temat wykonywania muzyki. Odpowiedz na pytania
(1-5) zgodnie z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę z tabeli (K - Kathy G - George).

W hich person: K G

1 has w atched a regional news program m e lately?

2 recently made a video?

3 has never had a music teacher?

4 w ould like to try som ething the other person does?

thinks it's a good idea to perform fo r people on an

underground system?

Zadanie 2. (0-4)
Q Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi, które łączy temat pracy. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1-4) dopasuj
odpowiadające jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

The speaker:

A is at a job interview.
B started a business th ro ug h som ething he/she enjoys.
C gives th e reasons w hy he/she likes his/her job.
D explains w hy he/she needs an extra job.
E changed his/her mind about his/her career.

1 2 3 4

Zadanie 3. (0-6)
O Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Recording 1 Recording 2

Men and w om en should cover th eir John receives

A heads. A something to eat.
B arms. B a piece o f technology.
C feet. C some equipm ent.

Recording 3 Recording 4

This speaker asks people to The speaker

A invite people they know to take part. A reports some good news.
B make decisions about prices. B pays trib u te to a famous person.
C stay in the same place. C explains someone's success.

Recording 5 Recording 6

W hich sentence is TRUE a bo ut the room? Jonathan thinks th a t

A Im portant politicians have been there. A Marie is being im polite.
B It has a particularly large light. B Joe is good company.
C It contains a beautiful painting. C Marie should speak to Jonathan.

^ Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Zadanie 4. (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst o telefonie, który można nosić jak część garderoby. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A-F) do każdej z
oznaczonych części tekstu (1-4). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę.
Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.


In the 1940s, the police detective hero of the com ic strip Dick Tracy wore a
w atch that allow ed him to speak to his colleagues - an idea that is finally
becom ing a reality.
The rise of the m obile phone m eans we need one of tw o things to stay in touch
with people as much as m odern life dem ands - a pocket or a bag to keep our
phone in .T h a t m ight not be the case for long, though. Technology m anufacturers
believe that ‘w earable’ devices will be the next big thing.

2 |

Up to now, several com panies have succeeded in creating w atches th a t act as

m ini-com puters, allow ing the w earer to film videos and take pictures and also,
by connecting w irelessly to the u ser’s phone or tablet PC, to preview text
m essages and em ails sent to them .

3 |

Those features may well be useful for a spy or fighter of crim e, but the full Dick
Tracy experience, of course, requires a device that w orks through voice
activation. T he first such ‘sm artw atch ’ finally w en t on sale in autum n 2013 -
nearly 70 years after the hero’s radio w atch first appeared.

4 |

Not only m ight the technology free us to go out more often w itho ut bags and
pockets, it m ight also revive interest in watches, w hich have fallen dram atically
in popularity since people began using th e ir phones to check the time,
especially am ong young people. In a recent U K survey, around a third of people
aged 15 to 24 said they saw no need for a watch.






Zadanie 5. (0-3)
Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane ze sztuką i kulturą. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Tekst 1
This four-week course is for people with little or no experience of
w atercolour painting. You will learn:
• techniques for painting skies, buildings, trees and w ater from observation in
central London (w eather-perm itting).
• how to mix colours.
• som e of the history of w atercolour painting, paints and brushes.

1 The course w ill definitely include

A o u td o o r painting.
B free equipm ent.
C facts a bo ut past painters.

Tekst 2.

In the centre of the room stood the full-length portrait of a young man of
e xtraordinary beauty and, in front of it, sat the a rtist him self, Basil Hallward, with
Lord H enry Wotton.
“ It is the best thing you have ever done,” said Lord Henry. You m ust send it to the
G rosvenor next year.”
“ I don’t think I shall send it anyw here,” he answered, throw ing his head back in
that odd way he had.
Lord H enry raised his eyebrow s and looked at him in am azem ent. “ Not send it
anyw here? My dear fellow, why? W hat odd chaps you painters are. You do
anything in the w orld to gain a reputation. As soon as you have one, you seem
to w ant to throw it away.”

2 W hy Is Lord Henry surprised?

A Basil doesn't w a n t to exhibit the picture.
B Basil fails to fo llo w an Instruction.
C Basil w ants to destroy the picture.

T ekst 3.
From the m om ent W endy Bergson appeared on the stage, the w hole
crowd were on th eir feet cheering and dancing. If you don’t w ant to party, stay
away from this tour. A p art from a very brief instrum ental section, every song is a
high-energy w orkout. She m ay not be the strongest of singers, but Bergson
ce rta inly know s how to please a crowd w ith her on-stage gym nastics. It’s
obvious that Bergson’s background - and her passion - lies in dance. It’s also
clear that she hasn’t forgotten her oldest fans. T he show ends w ith a new
version of her ve ry first hit.

3 The auth or o f the te x t tries to

A persuade people to go to see W endy Bergson.
B describe W endy Bergson's talents.
C understand W endy Bergson's fans.
Zadanie 6, (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.


W hat future do record shops have now that it’s becom e norm al for people to get their
m usic in the form of M P3 dow nloads? M any m usicians w ho are trying to m ake a
nam e for them selves don’t even try to sell th eir m usic; instead they m ake it available
for free dow nloading in the hope that people will pay for fu rth e r music, or to see them
live. Even som e established stars occasionally offer free songs to the Internet-using
public to raise interest in th e ir work.
Perhaps the record store still has a place in the 21st century, however, judging by the
sto ry of ‘Frankie and the H eartstrings’. This band from S underland in north-east
England, w ho have had only m inor com m ercial success, w anted to sell th eir m usic
the traditional w ay w hen they released their second album . They liked the idea of
encouraging younger people to understand the joy of ow ning m usic in a physical
form , including appreciating the a rtw o rk on the cover. To th eir alarm , however, they
realised there were very few m usic shops left in British high streets. T he ir solution
w as to open th eir very own shop. Supported by local politicians in th eir hom e town,
they took over a form er tourist inform ation centre and renam ed it Pop Rees.
T he original intention w as to keep the shop open for just tw o w eeks to publicise the
release of th e ir album , and also to draw attention to the disappearance of places
w here you can buy m usic on vinyl records or in other physical form s. T he store
becam e so popular, however, that It has becom e perm anent. In fact four of the five
band m em bers w ork there full-tim e, on top of their m usic careers. W ithout Pop Rees,
they adm it they w ould have to find w ork outside the m usic industry altogether. They
lost th eir recording contract after th e ir second album failed to m ake the Top 40, and
the only tim e th eir m usic brought them significant financial rewards w as w hen a
pizza com pany used one of their songs in a TV ad. Even the m oney from that kept
them going for only a year.
M usic sales are not the basis of Pop Rees’ success. The band m em bers adm it they
earn more m oney from selling coffee and other drinks at the store than music. W hat
the shop responds to is a need for a venue w here recording artists and o the r artists
from the region can share their w o rk with the public. C oncerts are held at the store
regularly, and the w alls are decorated w ith w ork by photographers and other visual
artists, again all local. The band’s singer, Frankie Francis, says young m usicians
often ask if they can give a perform ance in the store after buying records there.

1 According to the author, one reason music makers give music away is to
A avoid looking old-fashioned.
B th an k fans fo r th eir support.
C make people w a n t to attend concerts.
D let people decide w he th er to pay fo r it.

2 W h a t surprised 'Frankie and th e Heartstrings'?

A Very fe w young people were buying music.
B Powerful people w anted to help them succeed.
C They had more success w ith records than MP3s.
D Hardly any shopping streets had record stores.

3 Pop Rees has led to w h a t fo r 'Frankie and the Heartstrings'?

A A regular income.
B Television appearances.
C Inspiration fo r their music.
D A new deal w ith a record company.

4 People use Pop Rees to

A learn about how music was made and sold in th e past.
B advertise th e ir artistic efforts.
C find people to play music w ith .
D discuss modern popular culture.

5 In the text, the author

A predicts bigger success fo r 'Frankie and th e Heartstrings'.
B tells the story o f how 'Frankie and th e Heartstrings' g ot together.
C explains 'Frankie and the Heartstrings' strategy fo r survival.
D shows w hy 'Frankie and the Heartstrings' are grateful tow ards record

mc r 'c
Zadanie 7. (0-3)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (1-3) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania
(A-E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.


People don’t say a thing to each other on public tran spo rt - but
inside a taxi th e y’re happy to reveal a lot to som eone they don’t
know. T ha t’s som ething I’ve always found difficult to explain.
Perhaps it’s because conversations on buses and trains feel
more public. 1 My day m ight sta rt w ith a businessperson
going to the a irpo rt w ho w ants to tell me all about how im portant
his or her trip is. It nearly always ends in the com pany of
som eone w ho’s been enjoying them selves. O nce a young w om an
w ho w as going hom e after a night out loved one of the songs on
a CD I was playing so m uch, she asked me to play it again when
we arrived at her house. She opened the door and started
dancing in the street.
It’s not all fun, of course. Som e people see you as th eir servant
for the duration of the journey. |_f_| W hen that happens, I feel
like saying “Yes, passenger” to show them how ridiculous it
sounds in the 21st century.

A Maybe it's because I'm so very busy.

B Anyway, I chat to people all day since I started

driving fo r a living.

C You see th e w orst o f people in this job.

D Some even call you "D river" w hen they give


E I d o n 't th in k I'll ever fo rg et it.

Znajomość środków językowych

Zadanie 8. (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny
tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.


Im agine you’re the only passenger on a plane and the pilot

suddenly falls ill, unable to fly. It sounds like a plot from an
action film , but th a t’s the situation one m an had to deal
1 ) ........... during a flight over northern England in O ctober
2013. W hen H um berside A irp o rt received distress m essages
from the sm all aircraft, it asked tw o instructors from a local
flying school to tell the passenger how to land the plane.
They kept him calm and 2 ) how to use the controls to
bring the plane down as sm oothly as he could. Although it
landed rather bum pily w ith its nose too low, the passenger
and the plane survived 3 ) fine, although the pilot sadly
died shortly after the incident as a result of his m edical
Not only did the passenger have no flying experience
4 ) ........... , it w as only his second tim e travelling by air.
5) m akes his achievem ent even more am azing is that
the incident happened at night and the plane’s lights w eren’t
all sw itched on as it approached the runway.

1 A in B w ith C out

2 A explained B expressed C expected

3 A right B so C just

4 A wherever B whatsoever C however

5 A That B W hat C It
Zadanie 9. (0-5)
Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi (1-5), wybierając brakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 X: Are people allowed to sit here?

Y: ...........
X: How do you get one?
A I've b ro ug ht my ow n seat.
B Only if they've g o t a ticket.
C Please, just relax.

2 X: W hen did you first th in k o f joining th e army?

Y: ..........
X: Quite late, then.
A A fte r I arrived.
B Not until I was 30.
C I was much younger then.

3 X: How successful is the business?

Y: ...........
X: Let's hope so.
A N ot very, b ut things w ill improve.
B it's g ettin g to o busy fo r the tw o o f us.
C It's none o f your business.

4 X: W ho is responsible fo r this?
Y: ..........
X: Then find out.
A He's n ot here rig ht now.
B I have no idea.
C I'm sorry, it's my fault.

5 X: You'd better p ut th e rubbish out.

Y: ..........
X: I d id n 't realise.
A Haven't you already done it?
B W hy should I always do it?
C There's no need - it's a holiday tom orrow .

1 Wypowiedź pisemna

Zadanie 10. (0-10)

Doświadczyłeś/-aś niedawno przyjemnego wydarzenia związanego ze środowiskiem naturalnym i chcesz się
podzielić wrażeniami z przyjacielem z Kanady. Napisz e-mail, w którym:
• poinformujesz, dokąd pojechałeś/-aś i dlaczego,
• opiszesz zwierzę, które widziałeś/-aś,
• opiszesz Twój ulubiony element krajobrazu,
• zapytasz przyjaciela o jego ulubione zwierzę
i miejsce związane ze środowiskiem naturalnym.
Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że je j długość powinna
wynosić od 80 do 130 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są podane). Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego
przekazania informacji (4 punkty), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), bogactwo językowe (2 punkty)
oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty).

From : X Y Z

To: Sam

Subject: Natural experience

Hi Sam,
W h a t a wonderful day I had on Saturday!

W rite back and tell me.


( S e nd ) j

Test 1 want to buy everything that's available, it's still essential to
get an Ice hockey helmet and gloves. If you want to play In
Exercise 1 (p. 4)
goal, you should also get a mask. This is a dangerous sport.
Keith: I found this leaflet about a photography museum in
Unfortunately I've seen even players wearing masks suffer
the reception area of the hotel. You get a 10% discount if
facial Injuries.
you show It at the ticket desk.
Veronica: I didn't even know there was a photography
Speaker 4
museum. I didn't see it on the website I used to plan the
What can I say? It just wasn't my day. I gave it everything I
Itinerary. There's just too much to do in this city. It's hard to
had, but she was just too strong for me in the end. I didn't
make decisions!
make many mistakes; she just played better than me. All I
Keith: I know what you mean. Let's be honest, we're not
can do is try to learn from It. I'll watch it on video after I've
going to want to do exactly the same things 24 hours a day
got over the disappointment and think about that I can do
while we're here. We should take turns deciding.
better. I'm determined to be here again next year and go one
Veronica: Why don't we do the things on the Itinerary
better for these great fans.
together In the mornings, then go our separate ways in the
afternoons If we want to? Then at dinner each night we can
Exercise 3 (p. 5)
enjoy hearing about each other's experiences.
Recording 1
Keith: Well that would give me the chance to do a boat tour
Everyone sit at a computer, please. I'm going to help you to
of the canals. I know you don't like being on water. And I
create an account on our system so that you can print your
can't stand crowded shops, so if you want to buy souvenirs
work and use the Internet while you're studying here. Does
you can take your time while I'm on the boat.
everybody see an Icon on their screen that looks like a book?
Veronica: OK. I admit that does make sense, provided you
Good. Click on that. That's right. Now complete the form
take lots of photos for me of the things you do on your ow n!
and think of a password. Under name, you need to type your
Keith: No problem! But not while I'm on a bike if I hire one,
first name and your surname with no capital letters. Under
of course!
start date, put today's date.
Veronica: That reminds me. I hope you'll still join me on the
outdoor Ice rink near the big art gallery. I really want to
Recording 2
experience that, but I haven't skated for years, so I may need
Paula: What's wrong, Gary? Why are you crying?
a hand to hold!
Gary: Don't worry, Paula. I just got a bit emotional because I
Keith: If you insist.
got some amazingly good news in a phone call just now.
Paula: Is It about the job you wanted?
Exercise 2 (p. 4)
Gary: I'm still waiting to hear about that. In fact, I've put it
Speaker 1
out of my mind. The interview didn't go well. No, the reason
Customer announcement. There will be no public swimming
for my tears is that somebody's found my dog!
from 6 pm on Friday. This is because the pool is hosting the
Paula: Ben? I didn't think I'd see him again!
County Schools Swimming Championships. We apologise for
Gary: Neither did I! He went missing two years ago.
any Inconvenience. All other pools in the county will be open
for swimming as usual. Alternatively, why not come along
Recording 3
and support our talented young swimmers? It's free to be a
Visitors to a museum in Florida will soon be able to see gold
spectator, but you must reserve a seat at reception.
coins from 18th-century Spain that were found off the
state's coast. The coins were discovered by a family who
Speaker 2
were looking for treasure in the Atlantic Ocean. A number of
I started cycling to get fit about a year ago when a friend
ships sank in a hurricane in the area In 1715, and the coins
gave me an old mountain bike he didn't want any more. I
were among the items lost. The family are celebrating
didn't expect to enjoy cycling, but in fact it's great fun.
because the museum will take only some of the treasure,
Recently I decided to buy a new bike. It's a racing bike and
which is worth $300,000. By law, they can keep a lot of It for
much faster. I like to try to ride my favourite route in record
time. I sometimes cycle to the shops now, too, Instead of
Recording 4
Summer is here and if you want to enjoy the sun in style
Speaker 3
you've come to the right place. Throughout June, July and
Like all Ice hockey players, we need to put safety first before
August, you can buy any pair of shorts and get another pair
we even begin the season. You can buy gear for every part of
completely free of charge. If you need a pair of sunglasses for
the body, Including the neck, teeth and elbows. If you don't
those bright days, you'll find the largest selection of both own city just for that!
men's and women's styles in our basement. Eve: You should tell him so! Maybe then he'll think twice
about doing it again.
Recording 5 Tony: You know, you're right. I'll call the victims of crime
Faye: Hi Tom. What are you reading? number the police gave me.
Tom: It's a German phrase book.
Faye: You're doing another trip through your job! You're so Exercise 2 (p. 16)
lucky! Speaker 1
Tom: Not any time soon, but because I have to go to Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Your attention, please.
Germany so much, I've decided to do an evening course in Tonight's performance begins in 15 minutes. Please finish any
German. I'm using this book to help me prepare for it. drinks before entering the auditorium as glasses and bottles
Faye: Surely everyone in Germany speaks English. I think are not allowed in. Please note that due to illness, Barbara
you're wasting your money. Jones will not be performing this evening and the part of
Tom: You're wrong to say it's not worth doing. Even if I don't Rose Nyman will be played by Jennifer Robinson.
have to use my German much, it will help to build good
relationships. Besides, learning languages is good for your Speaker 2
brain in lots of ways.
When I was younger, I watched TV all night every night. Then
I had to work abroad for a few months and I experienced life
Recording 6
without a TV set. To my surprise, it was better! I read more,
New Zealand may become the first country where people use and downloaded radio programmes. I've realised that radio
personal flying machines. An inventor there has won has a big advantage over TV - you can do other things while
permission to fly a one-person mini-plane for testing. He you enjoy it, like take a walk or do the housework.
describes his vehicle as a motorbike for the sky, perhaps
because it runs on petrol, but its maximum speed is 56 Speaker 3
kilometres an hour. I can't see people flying themselves to I run a special kind of art gallery. All the art works are by
work for many years, however, as you'll need around contemporary artists, they're all for sale and all the artists
£175,000 to buy one. Search and rescue teams may have have agreed to allow people to pay for the work they want
them before long, though.
to buy in instalments. The idea is to make original art easier
to own. We also have a gift shop selling posters and smaller
Test 2 pieces of work than the ones on display in the gallery.
Exercise 1 (p. 16)
Eve: Tony, I heard that somebody mugged you. How awful. Speaker 4
How are you? At school our art teacher asked us to choose one of our
Tony: Not bad, thanks, although I still get anxious when I'm favourite photographs then use it to produce a pencil sketch
walking along quiet streets at night. or oil painting. I chose a picture of a mountain waterfall, and
Eve: I know what you mean. I was burgled once, and I couldn't I discovered I'm pretty good at landscape painting. I'm now
relax fully in my house for months. So what exactly happened? studying History of Art and I give drawing lessons to help pay
Tony: I was in Green Road when I felt somebody grab my for the course. I'd love to become a full-time artist, but it's
briefcase. It was really fast. I hardly saw the man. The case hard to earn a living that way.
had my laptop in it, and thanks to that, the police got the
criminal. I had installed some anti-theft software on it, which Exercise 3 (p. 17)
took photos of the man and emailed them to me! Recording 1
Eve: Wow! I must put something similar on my laptop. I Hello, everyone. I have an exciting announcement to make.
often have to use it in public in my job. Anyway, I'm glad This summer the café will open on Sundays and we may open
they found the thief. Have you been given the chance to on Sundays permanently if it's successful. Don't worry - we
meet him through the victims of crime scheme? won't expect anyone to work on Sundays. If necessary, we will
Tony: The police offered to arrange a meeting, but I don't advertise for new staff. But I wanted to give you all the option
see the point of that idea. to volunteer yourselves first. There will be a higher rate of pay
Eve: Well I found it very helpful after my burglary. Telling the and you will get a day off for every Sunday you work. I'll email
burglar how scared and angry he made me feel helped me to all the details and the deadline for responding to you.
get over it. You could ask the mugger why he did it.
Tony: I already know that. He wanted money to buy a pair of
designer jeans. He's made me frightened to walk through my

Recording 2 Test 3
Julie: Well one good thing has come out of this power cut.
Exercise 1 (p. 28)
Ian: What do you mean?
Grace: HI John. Can you check a piece of work for me?
Julie: We've learned that we need to have a torch In the
John: Sure, Grace. You've helped me in that way so many
house at all times and maybe candles and matches too.
times, it's high time I did the same for you! What Is It?
Ian: You're right. Hey, we should call Paul to tell him we're
Grace: It's a quiz I've prepared for new students to do at the
going to be late - but I don't have his number in my phone.
end of their first morning.
Julie: It's OK - I have it In mine. Oh! Can you believe it? My
John: Oh, that will be useful. Is It to check that they
battery Is dead.
understand the rules of the college? I don't think enough
Ian: What bad luck we're having here.
teachers have been doing that since I was made headteacher.
Grace: It's partly about that, but also to help them get to
Recording 3
know what's where on the campus.
No man or woman Is strong enough to win a fight with a
John: Sounds good. So you want me to try to complete It?
polar bear, but a Canadian man survived a bear attack thanks
Grace: I'm mainly concerned about spelling and grammar
to his mobile phone. Garett Kolsun was walking through the
mistakes - I make too many of them - but that's a good
town of Manitoba late one night when the bear chased him
idea. If it's too hard for you, then I need to make It easier.
into a bakery doorway and hit him with Its paw. Garett took
John: Let's see...Well I don't know the answer to number 4.
his phone out of his pocket, and, luckily for Garett, the light
How can you renew library loans when the library Is closed?
from the screen caused the bear to take a step back. That
Grace: You didn't know you can do that via your online
gave him just enough time to escape and run for help.
account or the 24-hour phone line? Well, I'm keeping that
question. It's useful to know that.
Recording 4
John: Oh, I agree with you. It's my fault that I didn't know
Customer: Can you help me? I've lost my purse and the last
that. I think you've made a typing mistake In question 8.
time I took it out of my handbag was 20 minutes ago when I
You've put only one 's' In the middle of the word accessories.
was here. Has anybody found it?
Grace: No, I thought that was the right spelling. How
Worker: Just a moment... No, sorry. Nobody's handed any
embarrassing! Well this has been very helpful, thank you!
lost property to us this morning.
Customer Oh no. There was £150 In It because I wanted to
Exercise 2 (p. 28)
buy presents for all my family today. I hadn't even bought
Speaker 1
one! I suppose I should cancel my card. Can you do that for
I'm sure you've noticed that the adverts you see online these
days are often personalised. If you've been looking at London
Worker: I'll give you the number you need to report it. If you
hotel websites, you'll see adverts for London hotels. Many
need cash, you can withdraw some here if you bring your
people feel that, on computers that are used by more than
passport or driving licence.
one person, this kind of advertising takes away privacy. If you
agree, don't go away because shortly we're going to find out
Recording 5
how to block personalised adverts from an Internet expert.
If you enjoyed playing 'City Wars', then you should avoid
'City Wars 2' unless you have a lot of time to spare - because
Speaker 2
It's even more addictive than the original game. Every aspect
Advertising's not all bad. I think billboard posters really
of the game has been Improved, from the sound effects to
brighten up towns and cities. I don't know anything about
the number of options you have at every stage of the game.
art, but I think some of them are quite artistic. There's a
Judging by the quality of 'City Wars 2', I think we can
billboard on my route to work that changes quite regularly,
definitely expect to see a 'City Wars 3' before long.
and I enjoy keeping an eye on It. It's Interesting that often the
most visually interesting adverts are for products that appeal
Recording 6
to the senses of smell or taste, like perfume or chocolate.
Does your dog manage to destroy every toy you give It? Then
you need the Flexo Ball. It's made from a special super-strong
Speaker 3
plastic that feels like rubber. Your pet will love chewing It,
You can choose to Ignore most kinds of advertising. I hardly
but w on't be able to bite Into it. We are so sure this is the
ever see TV ads now, for example, because most of the
strongest pet ball you can buy, if your dog manages to
shows I watch are recorded and I skip the adverts. But there's
destroy a Flexo Ball we will replace it at no cost to you.
one form of advertising that I can't avoid and I hate It. I
subscribe to a magazine and every week it arrives full of
loose adverts Inserted by the publisher. They fall over the

floor and it's so annoying. I would never use a company that
advertises that way! They're not getting any of my cash! Recording 5
This is a message for Mr Frobisher. My name's Gary Beckwith
Speaker 4 and I'm calling from JCM Media about your regular advert.
There's a radio station in my city that plays exactly my kind of We've really appreciated your business over the last few
country music, but it's a commercial station and you hear years, but we need to inform you of a 5% rise in our
four or five adverts after every few songs. The annoying advertising rates from April. However, we are offering
thing is that you hear the same ads over and over again. It discounts to advertisers who place ads in more than one of
wouldn't be so bad If there was a variety of ads. our publications. Please call me If you'd like to discuss this.
Unfortunately it's the only station I can get that plays my
favourite music. Recording 6
Kelly: John, what are you wearing? You can't wear those
Exercise 3 (p. 29) trousers!
Recording 1 John: But Kelly, we're allowed to wear blue trousers!
We're now in George Turner's study. You're welcome to take Kelly: Yes, but I don't think you can wear denim! I think you
pictures, but please don't touch anything. The room hasn't should read the letter about the new uniforms again. Your
changed at all since it was decorated in 1902. Those pictures sweater is also the wrong colour.
were chosen by Turner, and all the furniture is the actual John: But my little sister is also wearing green.
furniture he used. Although the room was always known as Kelly: Well, she's only 8. People In our year group have to
the study, Turner didn't work here. He read a lot, and he wear grey.
used this room as a place where he could relax alone with his John: Thanks for telling me, but I don't know what to do.
favourite authors. Kelly: Well, fortunately we have History with Mr Smith first
today. He's very kind and understanding. Go home and
Recording 2 change and I'll explain to him why you're late.
David: So what can I do for you?
Bruce: Well, since it's summer, I'd like it to be shorter than Test 4
usual. Exercise 1 (p. 40)
David: No problem. Shall I use the electric clippers? Ruth: Fred, have you ever had a problem with a flatmate?
Bruce: Oh no, just scissors, please. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, Fred: Apart from my parents, my wife is the only person I've
but I much prefer the way it looks that way. shared a home with, so no.
David: And are you keeping the same style, then? Ruth: Maybe you can still give me some advice. One of my
Bruce: That was my plan. But while I was waiting, I saw a flatmates never does any cleaning and is always the last
style that I liked in one of your magazines. person to pay her share of the bills. Last week I paid her
David: OK. Let me see it. share of the phone bill and she still hasn't paid me back.
Fred: I think you shouldn't do anything in the flat that she
Recording 3 should do. If she makes a mess, leave it. If she doesn't pay a
If you've enjoyed your visit today and would like a souvenir, visit bill, let the company stop your service until she does. People
our gift shop on the first floor, where we have a range of who behave badly only change when they see the results of
posters, calendars, stationery, books and more. Don't leave it their actions.
too late, though as the shop Is only open till 4 on Sundays. If Ruth: That makes sense. I think you're wise...but I can't relax
you'd like to shop first and then enjoy the exhibition, you can In a dirty flat, not even for a week. It would be awful for me.
leave your purchases and other bags in our lockers at reception. Fred: Maybe you care too much about how your home looks,
Recording 4 Ruth: Maybe I should try to spend less money and see if I can
A weather alert has been Issued for Wales and south-west afford to live alone.
England for the next 12 hours. Heavy rain and winds of up to Fred: Hey, here's an idea. We have a spare room in our house
100 miles per hour are expected to cause disruption to and you'd be welcome to stay with us until you get your own
roads, railways and sea journeys. You're advised not to drive place.
unless strictly necessary, and to contact public transport Ruth: Thanks! Ask your wife what she thinks about that first,
providers if you have a journey planned. The storm is then I might think about that. Here's another idea. Come to
expected to move into central and northern England in the the flat when my lazy flatmate is there and say how dirty it is.
early hours of tomorrow, but it should be much weaker by Someone needs to say it, but I want to stay friendly with her.
then. Fred: All right.
Exercise 2 (p. 40) Recording 2
Speaker 1 Roger: Do you smell something, Beth?
I have to be honest...I just don't feel comfortable in Beth: Oh, sorry about that, Roger. I tried a new type of
restaurants. I feel like I have to behave In a certain way, and brown rice yesterday. It tasted good, but smelled terrible
I'm never sure what that is. In a restaurant I'm never sure while it was cooking. It will go away In a day or two.
what to do with my coat or which fork to use when. So I Roger: Do you mind If I open a window?
agree to eat out only on special occasions. I can go to a more Beth: Go ahead, but don't forget to close It when you leave
Informal fast-food restaurant, but even there I can't fully for work. I'm going shopping In five minutes.
relax and enjoy the food, because I don't like eating In front Roger: Don't worry. I'm a lot less forgetful about locking
of people. doors and closing windows since your brother's house was
Speaker 2
People say I'm very lucky because I get to go to all the best Recording 3
restaurants In town. You see, I work for a training company Hunting for bears Is legal for much of the year in Russia,
that holds courses here for people from all over the country. which means many young bears lose their mothers. Those
It's part of my job to entertain them In the evening. It's true, I that survive often become circus or zoo animals. By making a
get to eat beautiful meals that I don't pay for, but it can be donation to the Russian Bear Rescue charity, you can support
hard work to keep everyone happy. Quite exhausting, actually! Its work In rescuing motherless bears and helping them to
become able to live in the wild. Help protect the Russian
Speaker 3 brown bear today.
We would like to thank all our guests who have chosen to
stay with us at this difficult time. We regret to announce that Recording 4
the restaurant will remain closed until Saturday at the Customer: Excuse me.
earliest because of the flood damage. For those who have Assistant: Yes?
already paid for meals, we can give you a full refund or Customer: I'd like to return this jacket, but there's nobody on
deliver your meals to your room, as room service remains the customer services counter.
unaffected. Let us know your preference at reception. Assistant: I'm sorry about that. That desk was only open at
lunchtime today because a couple of people are off sick.
Speaker 4 Customer: I see. Well can you take the jacket back and give
Whenever I look at menus, I find It hard to make a decision. me a refund?
There's always so much choice. It's almost stressful! Then I Assistant: Sorry, I'm quite new and I haven't been shown
always regret my choice when I see other people's meals. So how to use the tills. I'm just keeping the displays tidy. But
that's why I came up with my idea for a restaurant where all someone on the sales tills will be happy to help you. There's a
the portions are small, but you're Invited to order three or big queue, unfortunately.
four different dishes for each course. I've just heard I've won
some funding and I'm really excited. Recording 5
Can I have your attention, everyone? You need to make a
Exercise 3 (p. 41) decision. I definitely gave the correct number of people to
Recording 1 the walking tour company, but It's done something wrong
Welcome, everybody, to the South of France. My name is and there Isn't enough space for us on the 11 am tour. There
Keith and the first thing I want to say is don't worry If you is, however, a tour In Spanish at 11.30 with lots of
were on the Manchester flight and your luggage didn't availability. So, you can explore the town Independently and
arrive. This has happened before and the bags arrived at the get your money back, or take the 11.30 tour In Spanish.
accommodation within a couple of days. In the meantime, I
can direct you to an enormous supermarket. You'll have Recording 6
plenty of time to buy anything you need tonight, because Passenger announcement. On Sunday, 14th August there will
we'll be at our seaside hotel within an hour. The roads are be no services to West Bristol because of engineering work. A
quiet tonight. replacement bus service will be provided. Timetables are
available from the office on the ground floor. We apologise
for any inconvenience.

Test 5 Speaker 3
Exercise 1 (p. 52) As the nights get darker, lighting Is a key way of creating a
Amanda: Hi Ed. Why are you staring at that CD? pleasant atmosphere in your home. Table lamps and floor
Ed: It's a DVD and it w on't play. I can't find any scratches on lamps create a soft light that encourages calmness and
It, though. It's a mystery to me. relaxation. We have the best selection of lamps In town In
Amanda: Maybe It's just dirty. Try using a clean, slightly wet the home department. To help you find the right lighting for
cloth on It. your home, why not benefit from our free interior design
Ed: No, it's perfectly clean. consultation service? All you need to do Is bring in a photo of
your living space.
Amanda: Maybe it's your player. Have you tried It on another
Speaker 4
Ed: No, but I can't believe It's the player, because I bought
that only a few months ago on the day you bought your First Impressions are very Important. Make sure your front
MP3 player, remember? We got them both from the same door and the windows on the front of the house are clean
shop. Let's try another disc In It...see - it's fine! and there are no dead flowers or plants outside the front
Amanda: Where did you get the disc? I've never had any door. Once they're Inside, viewers want to Imagine a brand-
problems after renting them from the shop on Wilson Street. new start for themselves, not somebody else's home, so It's
Ed: I can't even remember. Probably the market. I buy cheap vital that every room is tidy. Put pets and children's toys out
ones there quite a lot and I hardly ever watch them straight of sight. If you have bright-coloured walls, it's worth painting
away. them cream or white.
Amanda: Well, you should see this as a lesson. Keep the
Exercise 3 (p. 53)
receipts for when you buy DVDs from the market and as
soon as you get home check that they work. I keep receipts Recording 1
for everything I buy until I'm sure I'm happy with the item. Ladles and gentlemen, due to the short duration of today's
Ed: I only keep receipts for things that cost more than £10, flight, we w on't be offering you a full catering service.
but this was only £3. However, we will shortly be passing through the cabin with a
Amanda: What film Is It, anyway? selection of hot and cold drinks, crisps, nuts and chocolate
Ed: It's a horror called 'Attack of the Wolves'. bars. Turn to page 15 of your In-flight magazine for full
Amanda: Oh, I've seen it and It's terrible. You're not missing details. We accept both euros and pounds sterling, but we
much. I suggest you hang it on your fruit trees to keep the can give change In euros only.
birds away!
Recording 2
Exercise 2 (p. 52) Customer: I'd like to hire a car for the weekend, if possible.
Speaker 1 Assistant: haven't made a booking online?
I've always lived In flats, but I would definitely choose to live Customer: No. Actually I made an online booking with
In a house If possible. We have a balcony, but I'd much prefer another company, but I wasn't happy with the way they
a garden. I get fed up of hearing the neighbours' voices, treated me when I went to pick up the car. They tried to
footsteps, music and television. If I were rich, I'd buy a charge me more than the price we agreed.
detached house with maximum privacy. Something else I'd Assistant: I can assure you we'd never do that sir. Now,
like Is a separate dining room and kitchen. Our dining table Is because It's a holiday weekend, we only have small cars left.
in the kitchen and there's not much room. Customer: No problem. That's what I'd prefer.

Speaker 2 Recording 3

A few years ago some neighbours who are good friends of You're going to be spending a lot of time sitting at a desk, so
mine built a conservatory on the back of their apartment. it's important to pay attention to your body to stay healthy.
We often sit in It together to enjoy spring and summer Everyone take one of these sheets then pass them on. You
evenings. It's wonderful to admire the garden and watch the should sit with your arms and legs in the same positions as
birds. Even In wet weather, it's a nice place to be. I like the the man In the picture. Raise or lower your seat if necessary.
sound of rain on the roof. I really appreciate them sharing It On the other side are some exercises that are good for
with me. I can't get one because I live on the first floor. people who sit in one place for long periods of time.

Recording 4 Kathy: Do you mind If I ask how much money you make? I
M an: Hello. Paul's Pets. How can I help you? teach the piano, and I've considered playing the keyboard on
Woman: HI there. I'm looking for a brush for a dog with very the street to make some extra cash.
short hair. Can you tell me what you have? George: I make about £30 each afternoon I do It, but I give It
Man: Certainly. We sell brushes for dogs with all lengths of all to charity. The reason I do this is to brighten people's days.
coat and for dogs with short hair, we recommend our rubber Kathy: You should try the busy metro stations.
brushes. George: I don't think so, because not everyone finds me
Woman: OK. So how much are they? funny, and when you're waiting for a train you can't escape
M an: Let me check the shelves. Oh, you're out of luck. It the music!
seems we've sold our last rubber brush. We could order one
for you... Exercise 2 (p. 64)
Woman: Thanks, but I want to get one today. Speaker 1
Man: Well I shouldn't say this, but Dog Heaven on Dean I'm lucky because my hobby is also my job. While I was at
Street has a great range of stuff. college, I made jewellery In my spare time. People really liked
It and encouraged me to sell It at fairs. I was successful doing
Recording 5 that and now I have my own shop and website. I never
Are you fed up of working nine to five for someone else? Do finished college, but it doesn't matter.
you want to have the freedom to work as much or as little as
you like, and set your own hours? Providing you have more Speaker 2
than five years' experience as a motorist, you can become I have a job I do for love and a job I do for money. I give violin
your own boss as a driving Instructor. Instructor Central runs lessons and that's what I'd like to do full-time, but there just
courses all year round across the country. Go to aren't enough people who want to learn to play It. So I work
¡ to apply. at least three days a week as a waiter in a museum café. It's
not a bad place to work, I suppose.
Recording 6
There's much more to come after the news, Including a look Speaker 3
at this week's new movies with our wonderful film critic I trained as a vet, which was very hard work. I found I always
Mark Fullerton. I w on't see him for a while after today, enjoyed the theory more than the practical side of the job, so
because he's off to Hollywood to report on this year's film Instead of becoming a vet, I became a trainer of vets at a
awards, the lucky thing! And If you're a fan of Kate Ash, university. There are always new things to learn In my job,
don't go anywhere, because we have an Interview with her because treatment methods and veterinary technology
plus the first play of her new song. I think It deserves to be a changes all the time.
big hit. I'll be asking you what you think.
Speaker 4
Test 6 Although I don't have much work experience, both of the
Exercise 1 (p. 64) summer jobs I have done have taught me valuable skills for
Kathy: Excuse me? Aren't you the guy who plays the guitar working in a busy store. When I picked raspberries on the
and sings really badly in public? farm last year, I got Involved in the sale of the berries, so I
George: That's me! It seems I've become a celebrity since I learned how to give good customer service. When I worked
appeared on the local news on TV, even though they only as a lifeguard at the beach this summer, I learned first-aid
broadcast two minutes of the interview I gave. skills that could be useful at any time.
Kathy: Oh, I never watch that. I heard you performing last
week. I just had to stop and listen, it was so funny. In fact I Exercise 3 (p. 65)
asked to film you with my phone and you said yes, so I gave Recording 1
you £2. So how did you start doing this? Before tomorrow's trip, I need to explain how you should
George: A friend of mine held a birthday celebration in a dress. It's not just a historic site, It's still a very special place in
Japanese restaurant where you sing during your meal, and I the culture of this country. For that reason, women must cover
discovered I'm a terrible singer...but my singing made their shoulders, arms and legs. Men should also wear long
everyone laugh, so I was happy to entertain them! Then one sleeves and trousers - wearing shorts is very disrespectful.
of my friends said he would give me £50 If I performed for 15 Please remember to take off your hats and sunglasses when
minutes for people on the street. I agreed and borrowed a you enter the site and to remove your shoes.
guitar, even though I've never had a music lesson In my life.

Recording 2 Recording 6
Fiona: Happy birthday, John! Marie: Unbelievable. Joe has asked by email if he can come
John: You didn't have to get me a present, but thanks! tonight. But I've already booked a table for five.
Fiona: Well you got me the perfect gift on my birthday with Jonathan: There's no need to get upset, Marie. You should
that e-reader, so I wanted to try to do the same. be pleased you're so popular! And Joe always has great
John: Is It a box of my favourite chocolates? Oh! No, it's an stories to tell.
art set. Marie: But Jonathan, he does this all the time. He doesn't
Fiona: I know how much you enjoy drawing. respond to invitations until a few days before the event. By
John: That's great. Let me do a portrait of you to show my the time you hear from him, everything's been organised, so
appreciation. you have to make phone calls to try to re-arrange things. It's
Recording 3 Jonathan: I see your point. Someone should say something
Thanks so much for giving up your time for us today. about it to him. Listen, I'm good friends with him. I'll tell him
Hopefully you're going to help us to raise a lot of money to what you've said.
help some very sick people. As you can see, all the tables are Marie: In a nice way, I hope.
ready and there's a box o f change and a price list on each
one. The prices are flexible, though. If someone is interested
in buying a lot of something, offer a discount. You can also
lower your prices towards the end of the day if you still have
a lot to sell. If you need to go to the toilet, remember to ask
your neighbour to look after your table.

Recording 4
A woman from Kirkham has become the oldest person In the
region by reaching her 104th birthday. Roberta Hewitt
celebrated with her daughter Rosie Jackson, her son-in-law,
four of her grandchildren and two of her great-grandchildren
at the Rose Hill Care Home this afternoon. Rosie said that
she thought her mother had lived so long because she's
always kept as busy and active as possible. She added that
Roberta is determined to make it to 105 - in order to receive
a card from the Queen to add to the one she received on her
hundredth birthday.

Recording 5
Here we have the highlight of the whole of the house for
many visitors. This is a room where many heads of
government and heads of state were entertained. The
fireplace was designed to impress and is still one of the
largest mantelpieces In Britain. There's also a stunning view
of the Japanese gardens from the windows to the left of the
fireplace, so don't miss that.

Test 1 Test 2

Rozumienie ze słuchu Rozumienie ze słuchu

1 1 V 2 V 3 K 4 K 5 V 1 1 T 2 T 3 E 4 E 5 T

2 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 E 2 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D

A 4 C 5 B 6 A 3 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 A
3 1 B 2 A 3

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

4 1 B 2 C 3 F 4 A 4 1 B 2 E 3 F 4 A

5 1 C 2 A 3 C 5 1 A 2 A 3 B

2 C 3 A 4 C 5 D 6 1 C 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 C
6 1 A

7 1 B 2 E 3 D 7 1 B 2 D 3 C

Znajomość środków językowych Znajomość środków językowych

8 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B 8 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 C

9 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C 9 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 A

Wypowiedź pisemna Wypowiedź pisemna

10 Suggested answ er 10 Suggested answ er
Last m o n th I had an am azing experience. I w e n t on a bike Dear Chris,
ride. I rode fro m th e w e st side o f my c o u n try to th e east side I had a very enjoyable day yesterday. I a tte n d e d my cousin's
to raise m oney fo r charity. A ro u n d 50 people to o k part. In w e d d in g in S w u n to n Town Hall. Both th e cerem ony and th e
one village everyone had to g e t o ff th e ir bikes and w a lk reception w e re held there.
because th ere w ere sheep all over th e road! One o f th e th in g s I enjoyed m ost was th e dancing a t th e
You notice a lo t o f b e a u tifu l buildings and scenery w hen you party. M y cousin and her new husband danced to th e ir
travel by bike, b u t o f course it's very tirin g and you c a n 't cycle fa vo u rite song first, th e n th e DJ played th e songs th a t
m ore tha n 60 km per day com fortably. people asked for. I danced fo r tw o hours w ith o u t a break!
I w o u ld do th e ride again, because I made a lo t o f friends The only problem was th a t th e fo o d w a s n 't served u ntil
and I'm pleased to have helped to raise m oney fo r sick a b o u t 9 pm. I was very h u n g ry by th e n , so I w o u ld provide
children. M aybe y o u 'd like to jo in me next year! fo o d earlier a t a party o f m ine.
Do you also dance a t w e d d in g s w here you live? W h a t
unusual w e d d in g tra d itio n s do you fo llo w ?
I lo o k fo rw a rd to hearing fro m you.

21ś r Ki

Test 3 Test 4

Rozumienie ze słuchu Rozumienie ze słuchu

1 1 J 2 J 3 G 4 J 5 J 1 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 F 5 F

2 1 E 2 A 3 D 4 C 2 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 B

3 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 A 6 B 3 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 C

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

4 1 C 2 A 3 F 4 E 4 1 D 2 A 3 B 4 F

5 1 C 2 A 3 C 5 1 C 2 C 3 A

6 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 D 6 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A

7 1 C 2 B 3 D 7 1 E 2 B 3 A

Znajomość środków językowych Znajomość środków językowych

8 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 A 8 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C

9 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C 9 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 A

Wypowiedź pisemna Wypowiedź pisemna

10 Suggested answ er 10 Suggested answ er
Dear Darren, Dear M ark,
I had an im p o rta n t day yesterday. I had to take a te s t in I've been th in k in g a lo t a b o u t w h a t jo b I'd like to do in th e
G eography. The te s t w as on volcanoes and earthquakes. In fu tu re . I th in k I'd really love to be an a cto r because I've
one o f th e tasks, I had to w rite th e names o f all th e d iffe re n t always enjoyed p e rfo rm in g in school plays and people tell
parts o f a volcano on a p ictu re o f one. me I'm ta le n te d .
I enjoyed th e section on earthquakes. I fin d th e m O f course, very fe w people w h o w a n t to act becom e
fascinating. I d id n 't like w o rk in g w ith a tim e lim it, th o u g h . I successful professional actors. Even if you becom e q u ite
d o n 't always do my best w o rk in those conditions. I get successful, it's an u n p redictable w o rk in g life.
nervous every tim e there's a s tric t tim e lim it. M y cousin says I should stu d y so m e th in g th a t w ill d e fin ite ly
H ow o fte n do you have to ta ke tests a t your school? H ow lead to a jo b , like nursing o r accountancy and act as a
w ell did you do in your last test? hobby. M aybe she's rig h t. W h a t do you th in k?
W rite to me soon, Have you decided w h a t y o u 'd like to be? H ow a m b itio u s are
XYZ you?
I look fo rw a rd to hearing fro m you.

Test 5 Test 6

Rozumienie ze słuchu Rozumienie ze słuchu

1 1 E 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 E 1 1 G 2 K 3 G 4 K 5 K

2 1 D 2 E 3 A 4 C 2 1 B 2 D 3 E 4 A

3 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 B 3 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 A 6 B

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

4 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 F 4 1 E 2 A 3 C 4 B

5 1 A 2 C 3 C 5 1 C 2 A 3 B

6 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 B 6 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 C

7 1 D 2 A 3 E 7 1 B 2 E 3 D

Znajomość środków językowych Znajomość środków językowych

8 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 B 8 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B

9 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 B 9 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C

Wypowiedz pisemna Wypowiedz pisemna

10 Suggested answ er 10 Suggested answ er
Dear Steve, Hi Sam,
U n fo rtu n a te ly I'm n o t In th e best o f health a t th e m o m e n t. I W h a t a w o n d e rfu l day I had on Saturday! It was a b e a u tifu l
w as ru nning up th e stairs w h e n I slipped on a to y and broke sunny day, so m y parents and I drove o u t o f th e city and up
my fo o t. I c a n 't bend It and It really hurts w h e n I stand on It. th e coast to have a picnic on th e beach.
I've spent th e last tw o days w ith my fo o t on a chair, and I've W h ile w e ate, w e w a tch e d som e b e a u tifu l little birds looking
had to cancel all my a p p o in tm e n ts fo r th e next w eek. fo r fo o d in th e sand. They had black heads, w h ite bodies
The d o c to r says I have to rest fo r at least tw o weeks. I'm and long curly beaks. They could run so fast!
go ing to be so bored! Have you ever had an injury like this? The beach and sea are lovely, o f course, b u t my favou rite
Do you have any ideas fo r avoiding boredom w h ile I ca n 't th in g a b o u t th a t coast is seeing th e m ou n ta in s in th e
w a lk w ell? I'd appreciate yo u r advice. distance. You ge t a g re a t vie w o f th e m there.
XYZ Do you enjoy nature? Do you have a fa vo u rite natural space
and anim al? W rite back and te ll me.


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