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Separation Process Engineering

Includes Mass Transfer Analysis 4th

Edition Wankat Solutions Manual
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SPE 4th Edition Solution Manual Chapter 10

New Problems and new solutions are listed as new immediately after the solution number. These new
problems are: 10A1d, 10A17, 10A18, 10B4, 10C6, 10D5, 10D11a&d, 10D16, 10D22,
10D23, 10D24, 10G5

10.A9. A good packing will have: good contact between liquid and vapor, high surface area, low
pressure drop, inert, inexpensive, and self-wetting.
Marbles have low surface area, poor contact and relatively high ∆p.

10.A13. Figure 10-25 shows that if viscosity increases the ordinate increases and ∆p/foot increases.

10.A14. a. Want low F since this gives low ∆p.

b. F decreases as size increases.
c. Ceramics have much thicker walls than metal or plastic. Ceramics are used in corrosive

10.A16. 1. a. fewer; 2.b. larger; 3. a. lower

10.A.17. New problem in 4th edition. Randomly packed column. Tray columns can lose the seal on
downcomers with motion of ship. Structured packings require excellent liquid distribution, which
may be upset by ship’s motion.

10A18. New problem in 4th edition. ChE – basic design, probably in charge of project, operation.
Mechanical engineers – detailed design of internals (type of bolts, welds, support girders and so
forth). Also detailed design of heat exchangers and pumps and probably piping.
Civil engineer – support pad for column, probably in charge of lift of column onto pad.
Electrical engineer – work with ChE on control system and sensors.
Materials engineer – consults on materials of construction for unusual or unfamiliar chemicals.

10.B1. The trick is to have maximum and minimum positions of the valve with a larger area for
vapor flow at the maximum position.
a. Use a cage to prevent excess movement.
b. Use feet.
c. Have a flap that moves up and down.
d. Use a spring to provide force and maximum position.
e. Sliding valve controlled by an external feedback mechanism.
f. Two flaps to make a roof.
Many other ideas can be generated.

10.B3. Some possible candidates:

Bottle caps SOS pads
Bent bottle caps Scotch brite pads
Natural sponge Steel wool
Synthetic sponge Copper cleaning pads
Miscellaneous junk Plastic coated wire
Broken crockery or glassware Tin foil - crushed
Cut up tubing (Tygon) String - balls

Glass tubing (broken) lines tied together
Crushed beer cans (supply on
campus is very large) lines twisted
Cut up - crushed beer cans lines stretched taught
Coal Rope
Egg shells frayed rope
Styrofoam packing material Rope tied into bow ties
Old seat cushions Porous rock pieces
Nuts/bolts/screws/nails Pumice
Metal filings Ash from Mt. St. Helens
Wood shavings Ashes from coal stove
Kindling Pieces of cement block
Left-over redwood Pieces of brick
Staples Pop-tops
Window screens, rolled up Old watch bands - twisted
Chicken or barbed wire Bent wire coat hangers
Christmas Tree Ornaments Cookie cutters
Corn cobs Combination of the above

10.B4. New problem in 4th edition. Put random or structured packing on a tall tray to obtain better
vapor-liquid contact.
Put random or structured packing in vapor space above tray.
Use trays for feed and intermediate withdrawal – instead of downcomers have distributor and
drip points.
Develop a very loose structured packing, and put a random packing in the internal spaces.
Put self-wetting structured packing in downcomers to hasten collapse of the aerated liquid.
With dirty feeds put trays below feed and packing above feed stage.

10.C1. L/V constant since L/D const. Thus L/G const. In Fv only G changes. From Perfect Gas
n P
Law G   MWv    MWv  . Thus, Fv increases as P . However, curve is almost
v RT
flat in this range and C s,bflood ~ constant.
.5 .5
Csbflood   L  G   1 
Then u flood  0.2      since L  G .
 20 /    G   P 
L  x z
V  L  D    1 D and D  F D so V  F
D  xD  xB
Thus, Dia   
V u flood 1 P
Then, F   Dia 
P , and exponent = ½

10.C2. See derivation in solution to Problem 10.C1.
L   L   x z 
V    1 D    1 F  D 
D   D   xD  xB 
Then from Eq. (10-16)
1/ 2
  L   xD  z  
 4F   1   
  D   xD  xB   , and Dia  F1/ 2 , Dia   L D  1
1/ 2
Dia 
   3600 p  fraction  u flood 
 
 
1/ 2
L  G 
10.C3. Plot points based on ∆p and   on Figure 10-25. From ordinate values calculate F
G  L 
for each point. Use an average value.

10.C4. Part of the operating lines become closer to the equilibrium curve. Thus, for the same separation
more stages are needed. Fortunately, this effect is often small.

10.C5. You can show this by proving that the minimum reflux ratio (Figure 10-18A) or the minimum
boilup ratio (Figure 10-19A) must increase compared to the base cases. These ratios increase
because cooling the entire feed (Figure 10-18A) or heating the entire feed (Figure 10-19A)
automatically changes the feed line and moves the minimum reflux (Figure 10-18A) or
minimum boilup (Figure 10-19A) operating lines towards the y = x line. This means larger
minimum external reflux ratio or larger minimum boilup ratio.

10.C6 New problem in 4th edition.. Ideal gas law is PV = nRT. The molar density = n/V = p/(RT)
The mass density is (MW)×(molar density) = (MW)p/(RT)

1  K C7
10.D1. K C6  y / x & K C7  1  y  1  x  Solve simultaneously. x  , y  K C6 x
K C6  K C7
For given pressure, pick T and generate equilibrium curve using DePriester chart to find K
values.  Bounds are K C6  1.0 and K C7  1.0  .
T KC6 KC7 x y
149 C 1.0 - 1.0 1.0
169 1.3 .72 .483 .63
171 1.34 .75 .424 0.568

193 - 1.0 00
y x .568 .424
Average temperature is T = 171ºC = 444.1 K.     1.786
1  y  1  x  .432 .576
Viscosity equation and terms are given in Example 10-1.
1 1 
log10  C6  362.79    .935,  C6  0.16 .
 T 207.09 

1 1 
log10  C7  436.73    .895,  C7  0.127 .
 T 232.53 
n  MIX  .5 n .116   .5 n .127   2.107, MIX  0.122.
From Eq. (10-6) for   0.217, E o  0.730 . The higher pressure results in higher
temperatures and lower viscosities. This increases the predicted column efficiency by 24%.

10.D2. T  98.4  273.1  371.5 K (almost pure n-heptane at bottom).

pMW 1100.2   0.205 lb/ft 3 ,   0.684 62.4  42.68 lb/ft 3 , 20
v     
RT 1.314  371.5  L

Need L V . First, find y at intersection of operating lines.

L .999  y
Top Operating Line Slope   .8 
V .999  .5
y  .999  .8 .499   0.5998
L 0.5998  0.001
Then,   1.20
V 0.5  0.001
   1.2 . This is at bottom where MWL ~ MWv .
0.5 0.5
L   .205 
Fv   v   1.2    0.08317
G  L   42.68 
0.2 0.2
   12.5 
From Figure 10-16, Csb  0.32, Csb    0.32    0.29
 20   20 
 42.68  0.205 
u flood  0.29    4.19
 0.205 
Saturated liquid feed V  V  2500. Use η = .90
1/ 2
 4  2500 1.314  371.5  
D   12.35 ft
  .90  3600 1.75  4.19 
Somewhat larger. Would design at bottom of column. Since Fair’s correlation is
conservative, use a 12 ft. diameter column.

10.D3. New 12’ dia col. First, redo entrainment calculation.

L  0.205 
 1.2, Fg  1.2    0.0832 , L  1.2 V  3000
V  42.68 
For Fig. 10-17 need % flood. In problem 12.D2 designed for 75% flood.
1/ 2
 const 
 11.78 , const1/ 2  11.78 .75 
1/ 2
D   10.20
 75% flood 
 % flood 
1/ 2
Use 12 feet:  10.202 /12.0. % flood  72.3% . Then Fig. 10-17, ψ = 0.022.

L  0.022  3000 
e   67.48 , L  e  3067.48
1  1  .022
This is reasonable amount.
A total   12.0  4  113.1 ft 2 , A d  1  0.9 113.1  11.3 ft 2

Table 10.2,   0.9,  weir Dia  0.726 ,  weir   0.726 12 ft   8.71 ft
A active  113.11  .2   90.48 ft 2 , A hole   0.1 90.48  9.05 ft 2
14 gauge, t tray  0.078 in, 3 16 holes, d 0 t tray  2.4
v0   37.51 ft s , C0  0.759 (unchanged from Ex. 10-3)
3600 v  9.05 
 59.87  1  0.01
h p,d ry  0.003  37.51  0.205 
  2.086 in
 42.68   0.759 

 100.2  7.48
L g   3067.48     897.8 gpm
 42.68  60
Lg 897.8
Abscissa   4.01
 weir  8.712.5

Parameter  w Dia  0.726, Fweir  Fig.10  20   1.03

 897.8 
Eq. (10-26), h crest  0.092 1.03    2.083 in
 8.71 
With 1″ gap, A du   8.71 12  0.726 ft 2
 897.8 
Eq. (12-27), h du  0.56    4.248 in
 449  0.726  
h dc  2.086  2  2.083  0  4.248  10.417
h dc,aereated  10.417 0.5  20.83  OK, but close to distance between trays.
11.3 10.417  3600  42.68 
t res  =4.904 This is OK.
 3067.48 100.2 12 
Weeping, Eq. (10-32), h  
 0.040 12.5   0.0625 in
 42.68 3 16 
Eq. (10-31), LHS h p,dry  h   2.086  0.0625  2.148
x  2  2.083  0  4.083
RHS  0.10392  0.25119  4.083  0.021675  4.083  0.7682, OK


Operation is slightly marginal with high downcomer backup.
 1.5 
Increase apron gap to 1.5 inches: A du     8.71 ft   1.089 ft

 12 

 897.8 
h du1.5 gap  0.56    1.888 in
 449 1.089  
h dc  2.086  2  2.083  1.888  8.05 in , h dc,areated  16.11 inch, OK

1/ 2
C W 2g 
10.D4. v o,bal   v valve  (10-36)
 K v A vv 
Given Wvalve  0.08 lb, g  32.3 ft s , K v,closed  33Cv  1.25, K v,open  5.5

Pressure drop in terms of inches of liquid of density L :

Wvalve K v v 2
h p,valve  C v  v0
A v L 2g L
 1
A v      0.02182 ft 2 ,  v  0.1917 lb ft 3 , L  41.12 lb ft 3
 12 
 1.25 .08  2  32.2  
v o,bal,closed    6.83 ft sec
  33 0.02182 .1917  
1/ 2
 1.25 .08  2  32.2  
v o,bal,open     16.73 ft sec
  5.5  0.02182 .1917  
At balance point, h p,valve  v valve 
1.25 0.08 lb 
A vL  0.02182  ft 3  41.14 lb ft 3 
 0.1115 ft  1.338 in liquid

closed: h p,valve 
 33.1917  v 2 for v  6.83
2  32.2  41.12 
0 0

  2.39  10 3  v 02 ft   2.87  10 2  v 02 inches

open: h p,valve 
 5.5.1917  v 2 for v 0  16.73
2  32.2  41.12 

  3.98  104  v 02 ft   4.78  10 3  v 02 inches

10.D5. New problem in 4th edition. From DePriester chart at bottom of column, T = 193oC.
T  193  273.1  466.1 K (almost pure n-heptane at bottom).

pMW 1100.2   0.163 lb/ft 3 ,   0.684 62.4  42.68 lb/ft 3 , 20

v     
RT 1.314  466.1 L

Liquid density will not change drastically with temperature.

Need L V . First, find y at intersection of operating lines.
L .999  y
Top Operating Line Slope   .8 
V .999  .5
y  .999  .8 .499   0.5998

L 0.5998  0.001
Then,   1.20
V 0.5  0.001
   1.2 . This is at bottom where MWL ~ MWv .
0.5 0.5
L   .163 
Fv   v   1.2    0.07416
G  L   42.68 
Surface tension σ = 20.14 – 0.098 (193 – 20) = 3.2
Note: This is probably not too accurate because of the large temperature change.
0.2 0.2
   3.2 
From Figure 10-16, Csb  0.33, Csb    0.33    0.23
 20   20 
 42.68  0.163 
u flood  0.23    3.71
 0.163 
Saturated liquid feed V  V  2500. Use η = .90, p = 700kPa/101.3 kPa/atm = 6.91 atm.
1/ 2
 4  2500 1.314  466.1 
D   5.6 ft
  .90  3600  6.91.75  3.71 
Significantly smaller, but will need more stages since relative volatilities are reduced at
higher pressures.. Would design at bottom of column. Although Fair’s correlation is
conservative, since there is uncertainty in value of σ, use a 6 ft. diameter column.

10.D6. Total reflux calculations. From Fenske eq. and definition of HETP
 x   x  
n      
 1  x dist  1  x bot 
n  AB
 x   x    .987   .008  
n        n       9.150
 1  x dist  1  x bot   .013   .992  

z = 3.5 meters. Obtain:

a. α = 2.315, HETP = 0.321
b. α = 2.61, HETP = 0.367
 AVG   2.315  2.61 
1/ 2
c.  2.4581 and HETPAVG  0.344
Can also use McCabe-Thiele diagrams although the solution shown is easier.

10.D7. Current:
Fv  0.090, 12 spacing, Ordinate  0.2  U nf  const., const.  0.2 U nf  0.2 6.0
New: L Vnew  1.11 L V old , then  L G new  1.11 L G old , Fv,new  1.11Fv,old  0.0999
Trays Spacing 24″, Ordinate ~ 0.32, Ordinate = U nf × Const.
Ordinate 0.32
U Nf    9.6 ft s
Const  0.2 6 

10.D8. At Fv  0.5, Csb,f 1  0.12
0.2 0.2
  L  G 6.0     L  G 6.0 1
U f 1  Csb       
 20  G 0.12  20  G  
0.12 L  
 20 
n MWv p
Since pV  nRT, G   MWv  
 G,new  1

New Condition: Fv  0.5    0.5    0.25; Csb ~ 0.18

 G,old  4
U f 1,new Csb,new G,old Csb,new old 0.18 3
   4   2  3
U f 1,old Csb,old G,new Csb,old new 0.12 2
U fl,new  3  1.83  5.49 ft/s

D z  xB 0.6  0.01
10.D9. Mass Balance:    0.59656
F x D  x B 0.999  0.01
D  596.56 kmol/h, B  403.44
At top: L V  0.6, V  L  D  V  D  0.6V
D 596.56
V   1491.47 kmol h
0.4 0.4
L  V  D  491.41 kmol h
At top of col. WL WV  L V  since pure MeOH, same mol. wt.  0.6
 kmol  32.04 kg MeOH   2.2046 lbm  lbm
V  1491.41     105,346
 h  kmol  kg  h
Assume ideal gas. Top of column is essentially pure MeOH.

1 atm   32.04
lb 
n  MWM  p  lbm
 lbmol 
v    MWM    0.0722 3
V RT  ft atm 
  607.95 R 

 0.7302 
 lbmol R 
where pure MeOH at 1.0 atm boils at 64.5 from Table 2-7 and 64.7 from Problem 10.D22.
1.8 R
Use average of 64.6 64.6 C  337.75K   607.95 R
1 kg 2.2046 lbm 28317 cm3 lbm
L  MeOH   0.7914 g cm3 3
 49.405 3
1000g kg ft ft
At top   24  0.0773  64.6   19.0
1/2 1/2
W  G   0.0722 
Fv  L    .6     0.02294
WG  L   49.405 
Fig 10-16 with 18″ tray spacing: Csb  0.28

0.2 0.2
 L  V  19.0  49.405  0.0722
U flood  Csb    0.28    7.25 ft s
 20  V  20  0.0722
4V lbm h
Use Eq. 10-14 (Modified), D 
V  frac  u flood 3600

 4 105,346 lbm h 
 ft 
  0.90   0.0722 lbm ft 3   0.75   7.25   3600 s h 
 s
D = 10.27ft Since 75% flood is fairly modest and the Fair correlation is conservative,
probably use 10 feet.

10.D10. Ref. Bonilla (1993).   3.0, y= , at z  0.4  x, yfeed  2 3
1+  -1 x
.9  0.66667 L LV 0.46667
 L V min   0.46667 ,  L D min     0.875
.9  .4 V  L 1  L V 1  .46667
LD 1.75
L Dact  2  L D min  1.75 ,  L V act    0.636
1  L D 2.75
1  L V  x D  0.3273
At Minimum (Pinch Point), Llow V   L V min or Llow D   L D min  0.875
L low  0.875D , L avg  1.75D , L low  0.5 L avg
Generalize Llow  Lavg M where  L D actual  M   L D min

10.D11. Parts a and d are new problems in 4th edition.

a. Since Liquid & Vapor have the same mole fractions L G  L V
pV = nRT, G   n  MWv V  p  MWv  RT , R  45.6 cm3 atm gmoles -1 o R 1

MWv  .8  46   .2 18  40.4
G  1 ATM  40.4 g mol   45.6 cm3 atm mol1 R 1  176  460  R   .001393 g cm3
V  L  D  3D  6750 lb day , L  2D  2  2250    4500  lb day
L V  4500 6750  .6667  L G
 L G G L   .6667  1.393  103 .82  =0.0275
1/ 2 1/2

  H2O L  1 g cm3  .82 g cm3  1 .82

F = 52 (Table 10-3)
Ordinate  G F2 F .2 G  L g c  .197 , from Figure 10-25 (flooding line).
This is,
0.2  1 g cm 
 1 
G  52  
  
.52 3 
 .82   62.4 lb ft   .197
1.393 10 g cm .82 g cm3   32.2 
3 3

G F   0.7124 lb (s ft 2 )  8.64  10 4 s day   61551 lb (day ft 2 ) , G  .75 GF


AREA   V  .75 G    6750 lb Day   61551 lb Day ft 2  .75    .14622 ft 2
D 2 4  .14622 ft 2 , D  .4315 ft  5.18 in
 5.18 /1.0  5.18 which is too small. Need to use a
smaller diameter packing.

b. Data is available in Table 10-3 for 5/8” plastic Pall rings. F = 97 (Table 10-3)
Ordinate  G F2 F .2 G  L g c  .197 , from Figure 10-25 (flooding line).
This is,
0.2  1 g cm 
 1 
G F  97  
 2
 .52   3 
 .82   62.4 lb ft   .197
1.393 10 g cm .82 g cm3   32.2 
3 3

G F   0.5216 lb (s ft 2 )  8.64  104 s day   45067 lb (day ft 2 ) , G  .75 GF


AREA   V  .75 G     6750 lb Day   45067 lb Day ft 2  .75   .19970 ft 2
D 2 4  .19970 ft 2 , D  .5042 ft  6.05 in
 6.05  5 8   9.68 which is probably OK.

c. From Fig. 10-25, G 2 F 0.2 (G  L g c )  .036 at  L G   G  L 

 .0275

 1 
G2  97    .52  1 62.4 
0.2 2

 .82   0.036
1.393 103  .82  32.2 
G    0.2230 lb (s ft 2 )  8.64  104 s day   1.927 10 4 lb (day ft )

AREA   6750 lb day  19267 lb (day ft 2 )   0.3503 ft 2

AREA  D 2 4  .3503, D  .6679 ft  8.01 inches
1/ 2
L  G 
d. L G will be the same; thus   will be the same, and G will be the same.
G   L 
Area  V .75 6  , V  3D  as before   67,500 lb day
AREA   V  .75 G    67500 lb Day   61551 lb Day ft 2  .75    1.4622 ft 2
This is 10×value found earlier
  4 1.4622  
1/ 2

D   1.3644 ft  16.37 inches

  
 16.37 1.0   16.37 ,
PACKING DIAMETER Eq. (10-45) is satisfied.

10.D12. a y   L V  x  1  L V  x D . Slope L/V = 0.8. When x  0, y  1  L V  x D  0.1828 .

See figure. Need 2 equilibrium stages. Stop where feed line and operating line intersect.
Packing height = 1.524 m = 5.0 feet. HETP  5 / 2  2.5 ft, x B ~ 0.065

10.D.13. Saturated vapor feed in problem 10.D.9 has minimum L/V = (0.999-0.6)/(0.999-0.22)=0.5122.
This is (L/D)min = 1.05. The actual L/V = 0.6, which is an L/D = 1.5. Thus, the multiplier M
of the minimum was M = (L/D)/(L/D)min = 1.5/1.05 = 1.43.
For a saturated liquid feed (L/V)min = (0.999-0.825)/(0.999-0.6) = 0.4361, which corresponds to
(L/D)min = 0.7733. If we use the same multiplier, L/D =1.43(0.7733) =1.106 and L/V =
D z  xB 0.6  0.01
Mass Balance:    0.59656
F x D  x B 0.999  0.01
D  596.56 kmol/h, B  403.44 . These are same as in 10.D9.
At top: L V  0.525, V  L  D  V  0.525V  D
D 596.56
V   1255.9 kmol h
0.475 0.475
L  V  D  659.4 kmol h
At top of col. WL WV  L V  since pure MeOH, same mol. wt.  0.525
 kmol  32.04 kg MeOH   2.046 lbm  lbm
V  1255.9     82,330
 h  kmol  kg  h
The density and surface tension calculations are the same as in 10.D9.
Assume ideal gas. Top of column is essentially pure MeOH.
 lb 
n  MWM  p
1 atm   32.04  lbm
 lbmol 
v    MWM    0.07219 3
V RT  ft atm 
  607.79 R 

 0.7302 
 lbmol R 
1.8 R
where pure MeOH boils at 64.5 C  337.66K   607.79 R
3 1 kg 2.2046 lbm 28317 cm lbm
L  MeOH   0.7914 g cm 3
 49.405 3
1000g kg ft ft
At top   24  0.0773  64.5  19.0
1/2 1/2
W  G   0.07219 
Fv  L  .525  
    0.02007
WG  L   49.405 
Fig 10-16 with 18″ tray spacing: Csb  0.28
0.2 0.2
 L  V  19  49.405  0.07219
U flood  Csb      0.28  7.25 ft s
 20  V  20  0.07219
4V lbm h
Use Eq. 10-14 (Modified), D 
V  frac  u flood 3600

 4 82,330 lbm h 
 9.08ft
 ft 
  0.90   0.07219 lbm ft   0.75   7.25   3600 s h 

 s

Probably use 9 ft, which is a slightly higher fraction of flooding. This compares with 10.27 ft for the
saturated vapor feed. The smaller diameter column will be less expensive.
With a saturated liquid feed and CMO, the vapor flow rate in the bottom of the column is the same as in
the top, V = 1255.9 kmol/hr. For problem 10.D9 with a saturated vapor feed,
V  V  F  1491.47  1000  491.47 . Since QR  V ,
QR ,liquid _ feed  (1255.9 / 491.7)QR ,vapor _ feed  2.55QR ,vapor _ feed .
Thus, in this case there is a significant energy price for reducing the column diameter by this method.

z  xB 0.4  0.0001
10.D14. D  F 1000   400.7415 , B  1000  D  599.258 kmol/day
xD  xB 0.998  0.0001
V  V   L D  1 D   3 400.7415  1202.225 kmol day
kmol 1 day 1 h
or V  1202.225  0.013915 kmol s
day 24 h 3600 s
At bottom, L  V  B  1202.225  599.258  1801.483 kmol day
L 1801.483
  1.49846
V 1202.225
Bottom of column is essentially pure water. Also y boilup  x B
Thus L G  L V  1.49846 G is lb (s ft 2 )
lb kmol 18.016 kg 2.20462 lb
V in  0.013915  0.55268 lb s
s s kmol 1 kg
kg 2.20462 lb m3 lbm
L  density water at 100C  958.365 3 3
 59.83 3
m kg 35.31454 ft ft
Data from Perry’s, 7th ed., p. 2-92.   W L  1.0

1 atm  18.016 3 
n p  ft  lbm
pV  nRT  G   MWw    MWw    0.0367
V RT  ft 3atm  ft 3
  671.688 R 

 0.7302
 lbmol  R 
1.8 R
where 100ºC  373.16K   671.688 R
1/ 2 1/ 2
L     0.0367 
Fv   G   1.49846     0.03713
G   L   59.83 
From Fig. 10.25, Ordinate at flooding = 0.18
  0.18  G L g c 
1/ 2

G flood   , g c  32.2, F  110  Table 10  3

 F 0.2 
1/ 2
  0.18  0.0367  59.83 32.2   lbm
  0.15147 
1/ 2
Gflood    0.3892
110 1.0  0.26 
  s ft 2
Where  w 100   0.26 cp from Perry’s p. 2-323.

Gactual   0.80  Gflood   0.80  0.3892   0.31136
V in lb s 0.55268
Area    1.77505 ft 2
Gactual lb s ft 2
 0.8 0.3892
1/ 2 1/ 2
 4 area   4  1.77505 
Diameter       1.503 ft
     
1/ 4 1/ 4
 F   33 
b. F = 33, Diameter Intalox  Dia Berl  int   1.503    1.112 ft
 FBerl   110 
WL v
10.D15. Fv   0.03713  from prob. 10.D14 
Wv L
From Fig. 10-16 with 12″ tray spacing , Csb,flood  0.21
 
K  Csb   where σ = surface tension water at 100ºC.
 20 
105 dynes 1 m dynes
Perry’s, 7th ed., p. 2-306 @ 373.15 K,   0.0589 N m  58.9
1N 100 cm cm
K   0.21 58.9 20    0.211.2411  0.2606

L  v 59.83  0.0367
u flood  K  0.206  10.52 ft s , u act  .8 10.52   8.416 ft s
v 0.0367
 lb 
4V  
Dia  s Eq. (10-14) modified for units. V is from Problem 10.D14.
 
lb  ft 
 v  3  u act  
 ft  s
4  0.55268 
Dia   1.637 ft . This can be compared to 1.5 ft for packed.
  0.85  0.0367  8.416 
Tray columns with this small a diameter are seldom used in industry.

10.D16. Modified problem in 4th ed.

From Eq. (10-44). Diameter  F1/4 . F1  98 and F1/2"  200  Table 10-3
1/4 1/4
F   200 
Diameter (1/2")  Diameter (1 )  1/2"   14.54     17.38 ft
 F1   98 
Can also repeat entire calculation which is a lot more work.

10.D17. At the bottom of the column have essentially pure n-heptane. Then, following Example 10-4,
we have.
p  MW  1100.2   0.205 lb ft 3
v  
RT 1.314  371.4 

1 y
Need L V . Since L V  .8  where z  .5, we have y  0.6 at intersection of
1 z
0.6  0
operating lines. Then L V   1.2 .
.5  0
L L  MWL 
    1.2 1.0   1.2
G V  MWv 
1/ 2 1/ 2
L  v   0.205 
   1.2     0.084
G   L   1.684  62.4  
Figure 10-25, Ordinate = 0.05 at ∆p = 0.5
  0.05 .205  0.684  62.4  32.2  
G     0.375
98 .9595 .684  0.205 
 
The value 0.9595 is Water at 98.4ºC, and   Water L . Since feed is a saturated liquid
V  V  0.6944 lbmol/s.
VMWv  0.6944 100.2 
Area    185.5 ft 2
G  0.375
D   4 Area    15.37 ft
1/ 2

This is somewhat larger than in Example 10-4. Therefore design at bottom.

G L g c  ordinate 
10.D18. Gflood 
F 0.2
Assume changing p changes only G & ordinate. Then take ratios
Gflood,new G,new  ordinate, new 

Gflood,old G,old  ordinate, old 
G,new  p  MW  RT  p new
 new
  4 . Assumes small change in
G,old  p  MW  RT  old
p old
T (in Kelvin). T set by boiling conditions (Vapor Press) not by ideal gas law.
0.5 0.5 0.5
L    F   p 
Fv   G  , v,new   G,new    new   2.0 , Fv,new  2Fv,old  0.4 .
G  L  Fv,old  L,old   pold 
New Ordinate Value ~ 0.5, old value ~ 0.09
 p  ordinate, new   G   0.05  
Gflood,new   new flood,old    4     0.5  0.75
 p old
  ordinate, old   
  0.09 

10.D.19. Saturated vapor feed in problem 10.D.9 has minimum L/V = (0.999-0.6)/(0.999-0.22)=0.5122.
This is (L/D)min = 1.05. The actual L/V = 0.6, which is an L/D = 1.5. Thus, the multiplier M of the
minimum was M = (L/D)/(L/D)min = 1.5/1.05 = 1.43. For a saturated liquid feed (L/V)min = (0.999-
0.825)/(0.999-0.6) = 0.4361, which corresponds to (L/D)min = 0.7733. If we use the same multiplier as in
10.D9, L/D =1.43(0.7733) =1.106 and L/V = 0.525. This is the slope we use in the top section for the 2-

enthalpy feed. In the middle section of the column at minimum reflux conditions the slope of the middle
operating line is L / V   (0.825  0.6) / (0.6  0.22)  0.592 .

The external mass balances still gives D  596.56 kgmoles/hr, B  403.44 . At minimum reflux
Lmin  ( L / D) min D  0.7733(596.56)  461.3 and Vmin  Lmin  D  461.3  596.56  1057.86 . At
the saturated liquid feed V   V and L  L  Fliquid . Thus,
[( L  Fliquid ) / V ]min  ( L / V ) min  0.592 and Fliquid ,min  0.592V  L  165.06 .
Since the total feed rate is 1000, the fraction liquefied is 0.16506. The same fraction can be liquefied at
the finite reflux ratios. Thus, Fliq  165.06 and Fvap  834.94 .
At top use saturated liquid reflux ratio L V  0.525, V  L  D  V  0.525V  D
D 596.56
V   1255.9 kmol h
0.475 0.475
This is the same as for problem 10.D13 and the remainder of the calculation of the diameter is identical to
that calculation. The result of the calculation at the top of the column is

 4 82,330 lbm h 
 9.08ft
 ft 
  0.90   0.07219 lbm ft   0.75   7.25   3600 s h 

 s
We now need to calculate the vapor flow rate in the bottom. Assuming CMO, in the middle section
V   V  1255.9 . In the bottom section,
V  V   Fvap  1255.9  834.94  420.96 .
Since QR  V , QR ,2  enthalpy _ feed  (420.96 / 491.7)QR ,vapor _ feed  0.86QR ,vapor _ feed .
Thus, in this case the two-enthalpy feed design results in the same reduction in diameter as liquefying the
entire feed, and it has energy savings compared to the vapor feed. However, the two enthalpy feed
system will require more stages than the other systems. A complete economic analysis is required to
determine the most economical system.

10.D20. Use Fig. 10-16 to find Csb . Gas is N 2 . Liquid is ammonia.

Since system very dilute, treat as pure ammonia liquid & pure N 2 gas.
L WL kg h L kmol h  MWL   17.03 
     27.36    16.642
G WG kg h V kmol h  MWV   28.08 
g 1 kg 100 cm 

L  0.61 3 3
 610 kg m3
cm 1000 g m
pMW v 175 atm  28.02 g mol  1000L kg kg
G    236.0 3
RT  L  atm  3
m 1000 g m
 0.08206   253.2 K 
 mol K 
1/ 2
 236 
Fv  16.642     10.35
 610 
Off chart. Extrapolate using Eq. (10-10e).
log10 Csb  0.94506  0.70234 log10 10.35   0.22618  log10 10.35 

log10 Csb  1.891 Csb  0.01286
Assume   20 
 1.0. Then
610  236
u flood  0.01286  0.0162 ft s , u op   0.75  u flood  0.01215
4 V MW V
v u op 3600
, V  100 kmol h , MWv  28.02 kg kmol
  0.85, v  236.0 kg m3 , u op  0.01215 ft s , Need to watch units
4 100  28.02 
D = 1.155 m  3.79 ft
  0.85  236.0  0.01215  3600 1 3.2808 ft 
Probably use 4 ft diameter column – (standard size)
Using larger diameter helps take into account the uncertainty in extrapolating to find Csb .

10.D.21. The mass balance and flow rate calculations are the same as for problem 10.D14.

z  xB 0.4  0.0001
D F 1000   400.7415 , B  1000  D  599.258 kmol/day
xD  xB 0.998  0.0001
V   L D  1 D   3 400.7415  1202.225 kmol day
kmol 1 day 1 h
or V  1202.225  0.013915 kmol s
day 24 h 3600 s
L/V = 2/3. Top of column is close to pure methanol
Thus L G  L V  0.66667 G is lb (s ft 2 )
lb kmol 32.04 kg 2.20462 lb
V in  0.013915  0.98290 lb s
s s kmol 1 kg
1.8 R
Pure MeOH boils at 64.5 C  337.66K   607.79 R
1 kg 2.2046 lbm 28317 cm3 lbm
L  MeOH   0.7914 g cm3 3
 49.405 3
1000g kg ft ft
  W L  59.83 / 49.405  1.211
Assume ideal gas. Top of column is essentially pure MeOH.

1 atm   32.04
lb 
n  MWM  p  lbm
 lbmol 
v    MWM    0.07219 3
V RT  ft atm 
  607.79 R 

 0.7302 
 lbmol R 
1/2 1/2
W  G   0.07219 
Fv  L    .66667     0.02548
WG  L   49.405 
From Fig. 10-25, Ordinate at flooding = 0.20

  0.20  G L g c 

G flood   , g c  32.2, F  110  Table 10  3

 F 0.2

1/ 2
  0.20  0.07219  49.405  32.2   lbm
   0.2146   0.4633
Gflood  
110 1.211 0.34 
  s ft 2
Where  methanol  64.5 C   0.34 cp from Perry’s (8th ed.) p. 2-449.
Gactual   0.80  Gflood   0.80  0.4633  0.3706
V in lb s 0.98290
Area    2.6521 ft 2
G actual lb s ft 2
1/2 1/2
 4 area   4  2.6521 
Diameter       1.838 ft
     
Note that this is larger than the calculation of 10.D14 at the bottom of the column. Thus, do calculations
at top of column.
1/4 1/ 4
 F   33 
b. F = 33, Diameter Intalox  Dia Berl  int   1.838    1.360 ft
 FBerl   110 

10.D22 New problem in 4th edition

D z  xB 0.6  0.01
Mass Balance:    0.59656
F x D  x B 0.999  0.01
D  596.56 kmol/h, B  403.44
At top: L V  0.6, V  L  D  V  D  0.6V
D 596.56
V   1491.47 kmol h
0.4 0.4
L  V  D  491.41 kmol h
At top of col. WL WV  L V  since pure MeOH, same mol. wt.  0.6
 kmol  32.04 kg MeOH   2.2046 lbm  lbm
V  1491.41     105,346
 h  kmol  kg  h
Assume ideal gas. Top of column is essentially pure MeOH.

 2 atm   32.04
lb 
n  MWM  p lbm 
 lbmol 
v    MWM    0.1365
V RT  ft 3atm  ft 3
  642.78 R 

 0.7302
 lbmol  R 
1.8 R
where pure MeOH at 2.0 atm boils at 84 C  357.1K   642.78 R
1 kg 2.2046 lbm 28317 cm3 lbm
L  MeOH   0.7914 g cm3 3
 49.405 3
1000g kg ft ft
At top   24  0.0773  84   17.5

1/2 1/2
W  G   0.1365 
Fv  L  .6  
    0.0315
WG  L   49.405 
Fig 10-16 with 18″ tray spacing: Csb  0.28
0.2 0.2
 L  V  17.5  49.405  0.1365
U flood  Csb    0.28    5.18 ft s
 20  V  20  0.1365
4V lbm h
Use Eq. 10-14 (Modified), D 
V  frac  u flood 3600

 4 105,346 lbm h 
 ft 
  0.90   0.1365 lbm ft 3   0.75   5.18   3600 s h 
 s
D = 8.84ft Use 9 ft.

10D23. New problem in 4th edition.

Part a. Units! Part a is mainly a units problem.
1 inch of water = 2.54 cm. 0.3 inches of water = 0.762 cm, 0.6 inches water = 1.524 cm.
Total pressure drop = 25 (0.762) + 2 (1.524) = 22.10 cm water pressure drop.
The specific gravity of mercury = 13.56.
Δp = 22.10 cm water/ [(13.56 g/cm3Hg)/ (1.0 g/cm3 water)][101.3 kPa/76.0 cm Hg)] = 2.17 kPa
(or 1.63 cm Hg).
At condenser p = 105 torr = 10.5cm Hg= 13.995 kPa. (Has to be higher in reboiler for vapor to
flow from reboiler to condenser.
At reboiler p = 13.995 kPa + 2.17 kPa = 16.17 kPa, which is a 15.5% increase in absolute
pressure compared to condenser.
Part b. From steam tables p = 12 kPa, T = 49.42oC; p = 12.35kPa, T = 50 oC; p = 14 kPa, T =
52.55 oC; p = 15.76 kPa, T = 55 oC ; p = 16 kPa, T = 55.31 oC; p = 18 kPa, T = 57.80 oC.
Linear interpolation:
Condenser: T = 50.0 + [(52.55 – 50)/ (14.0 – 12.35)](13.995 – 12.35) = 52.54 oC
Reboiler: T = 55.31 + [(57.8 – 55.31)/ (18.0 – 16)](16.17 – 16) = 55.52 oC.
Temperature difference is 2.98 oC.
Conclusion: Need to include pressure increase in calculations for vacuum columns.
10D24. New problem in 4th edition. This problem is the atmospheric twin brother of the vacuum column
in 10D23.
Part a.
1 inch of water = 2.54 cm. 0.6 inches water = 1.524 cm, 1.2 inches of water = 3.048 cm..
Total pressure drop = 25 (1.524) + 2 (3.048) = 44.20 cm water pressure drop.
The specific gravity of mercury = 13.56.
Δp = 44.20 cm water/ [(13.56 g/cm3Hg)/ (1.0 g/cm3 water)][101.3 kPa/76.0 cm Hg)] = 4.34 kPa
(or 3.26 cm Hg).
At condenser p = 120 kPa. (Has to be higher in reboiler for vapor to flow from reboiler to
At reboiler p = 120 kPa + 4.34 kPa = 124.34 kPa, which is a 3.62% change in absolute pressure.
Part b. From steam tables p = 100 kPa, T = 99.61oC; p = 120kPa, T = 104.78 oC; p = 140 kPa, T
= 109.29 oC;
Linear interpolation: Condenser: T = 104.78 oC
Reboiler: T = 104.78 + [(109.29 – 104.78)/ (140 – 120)](124.34 – 120) = 105.76 oC.

Temperature difference is 0.98 oC. Even though Δp is double that in the vacuum column,
the temperature difference is 1/3 that in the vacuum column and the % increase in absolute
pressure is much smaller than in the vacuum column.

D kmol L 2
10.E1. op time  where D  18.1303 kmol ,  , L V  0.4
D  kmol hr 
  3

Then   V  L  V  0.4V  0.6V and t  D

D op
Use Fig. 10-25 or Eq. (10-39a) to find flooding at the end of the operation at bottom of column.
L lbm s ft 2 L kmol h kmol

G lbm s ft 2 V kmol h MW kg
At end of operation at bottom of column x  0.004, y  0.036 (pinch)
L  18.128 
 0.4    0.381
G  19.023 
MWavg,liq  0.004  46   0.996 18.016   18.128 & MWvap  0.036  46   0.964 18.016   19.023
L  62.4 lbm ft 3 (Essentially pure water). Boils at ~ 100ºC = 373 K

1.0 atm  19.023

lbm 
p  MW  v  lbm
G    lbmol 
 0.038806 3
RT  atm ft 
1.314   373 K 
 K lbmol 
1/ 2 1/ 2
L     0.038806 
Then FV   G   0.381   0.009501
G   L   62.4 
From Eq. 10-39a.
log10  ordinate   1.6678  1.085 log10  0.009501  0.29655  log10 Fv 

log10 ordinate   0.6864 & ordinate  0.2059  agrees with Fig. 10  25
0.2059 G L g c
G 2 
F 0.2
 
From Table 10-3, F  70,   1.0, g c  32.2,  water 100 C ~ 0.26 c p (Perry’s 5th ed., 3-213)
  0.2059  0.03698  62.4  32.2   lbm
Gflood     0.53488
70 1.0  0.26 
  s ft 2

lbmol Area  ft 2  lbm

From Eq. (10-41), V  G
s lb s ft 2
l bmol
 1 2 

Area   0.19635 ft 2 and Gact  0.7 Gflood


lbmol  0.19635  0.53488  0.7 
V   0.0038646
s 19.023
kmol lbmol 3600s 0.453593 kmol
V  0.0038646  6.310665 kmol h
h s h 1.0 lbmol
D 18.1303 kmol
Then t op    4.7883 h  287.3 min.
0.6V 0.6  6.310665 
y M 1  x M 
10.F1. Need average   . From Equil. data
x M 1  y M 

Bot :  
 0.134  0.98  7.582 , Top    0.979  0.05   2.454
 0.02  0.866   0.95 0.021
Geometric avg    7.582  2.454   4.31
Column temperature varies from 64.5º to ~ 98.2 ºC.
Avg T= .5(64.5+98.2)  81.35 C
 liquids from Perry’s 7th ed., T = 81.35ºC, p. 2-323.  M  0.28 cp,  W  0.35 cp
(Note 40% MeOH is probably wt%)
Estimate: n  mix  x M n  M  x W n  W
Feed is 60% M 40% W
n  mix   0.60  n  0.28   0.40  n 0.35   1.1837 ,  mix  0.306
Then   mix   4.31 0.306   1.3195
From O’Connell’s Correlation, Fig. 10-14, E o  45%
Eq. (10-6): E o  0.52782  0.27511 log10 1.3195   0.044923 log10 1.3195 
 49.5%
If conservative use 45%

10.F2. To use O’Connell’s correlation (Fig. 10-14), need α and viscosity of feed.
K M y M x M y M 1  x M 
 MW    . Used Table 2-7 for values.
K W y W x W x M 1  y M 
Can estimate a geometric average at bottom, feed & top
0.134  0.98  0.729  0.6 
 M  W,bot   7.582 ,  MW,feed  x  .4    4.035
 0.02 1.866  0.4  0.271
0.979  0.05 
 2.454 ,  avg    bot  F  T   4.2184
1/ 3
 MW,top 
0.75  0.021
Averages can be calculated many other ways.
The feed is saturated liquid. From Table 2-7, T = 75.3ºC
Viscosities from Perry’s (7th edition), p. 2-323,  W  0.39cp &  MeOH  0.30
Note: (MeOH, 40% probably refers to wt % - p. 2-322 Perry’s)
Estimate n  mix  x1 n 1  x 2 n  2
n  mix  .4  n  0.30   .6 n  0.39   1.0465 ,  mix  0.351

Then  Feed   4.2184  0.351  1.481 , Overall Plate effic. = 43.7%

10.F3. D
 z  x B  F   0.30  0.01100   36.71 B  F  D  100  36.71  63.29 lb mol h
xD  xB  0.8  0.01
At top of column L = D(L/D) = 73.4 and V = L + D = 110.1
L  F F 3 L
Stripping section L  L  qF where q  4 3
L  206.7, V  L  B  143.3
Feed line has slope 4/3 and goes through y  x  z  .3 . Top operating line has slope L/V =
0.667 and goes through y  x  x D  0.8 . Bottom operating line goes through
y  x  x b  0.01 and the intersection of top operating line and feed line. McCabe-Thiele
solution is shown in Figure. Optimum feed is 8th from top. Need 8 7/8 equilibrium stages
plus partial reboiler.

Overall Efficiency. For O’Connell Correlation, need  AVG and  Feed  Tcol 
y E 1  x E 
 . Using Table 2-1 we find α and following mole fraction.
1  y E  x E
x  0.019, y  0.170 :  
 0.170 .981  10.575
.830 .019 
x  0.3273, y  .5826 : 
.5826 .6727   2.87
.4174 .3273

x  .7472, y  .7815 :  
.7815 .2528   1.210
.2185 .7472 
 AVG   1 2  3   3.324
1/ 3

Can estimate μ from p. 99 Ethyl Alcohol Handbook at z  .3  .523 wt.

frac.,   0.55 cp. Thus αμ = 1.83. From O’Connell Correlation E o  .42 .
N  8.875 .42  21.1 . Thus, need 22 stages plus partial reboiler
Height 22 18  18  disengagement   48 (bottom sump)  38.5 ft

Diameter Calculation Dia 

4V MW V 
 v  flooding fraction  u flood  3600 
Use average values of parameters in stripping and enriching sections.
MW v   MW eth yeth   MW  W y W for both MW V and MW L .

stripping section: 18.25  MW  21.5 
 
WL  L MW L   206.75  20   4135 lb h

 
WV  V MW V  143.46  20   2869.2 lb h
L  0.96225 g ml  60.07 lb ft 3  Bottom  , Bottoms T =100ºC = 672ºR

V  P MW V  RT  1.0  20   0.7302   672 R   0.04076 lb ft 3
Fv   WL WV  V L   4135 2869.2  0.04076 60.07  0.0375, Csb  0.28 .
Enriching section:  26.4  MW  40.4
   
WL  L MW L   73.42  35   2569.7 , WV  V MW V  110.13 35   3854.55 lb h
L  0.766 g ml  47.92 lb ft 3  Distillate  , Distillate T = 82ºC = T = 639.6ºR;

V  P MW V  RT  1 35   0.7302   639.6 R   0.05472 lb ft 3
Fv   WL WV  V L   2569.7 3854.55  0.05472 47.92  0.0225, Csb  0.28
K  Csb   20 , ft/sec. σ, surface tension in dyne/cm. 57th ed. Hdbk of Physics + Chemistry, F-45.

Bottoms, σ ~ 46 dyn/cm, Middle, σ ~ 25 dyn/cm, Top σ ~ 18.6 dyn/cm

u flood  K  L  V  V , ft s stripping: K  0.28  46 20
 0.33075 ft s
K  0.285 18.6 20 
enriching:  0.2809 ft s
60.07  0.04076
stripping: u flood  0.33075  12.693 ft s
47.90  0.05472
enriching: u flood  0.2809  8.31 ft s

 
1/ 2
Dia.   4V MW
 V
   0.90  V  0.75 u flood  3600  

 
stripping: V MW V V

 143.46 lbmol h  20   0.04076  lb ft 3  70392.5
enriching: V  MW  
V V  110.13 lbmol h  35   0.05472  lb ft 3  70441.37
Diameters: stripping section: Dia = 1.7 ft and enriching section: Dia = 2.1 ft
Probably use 2.5 ft diameter since there is little if any cost penalty.

10.F4. Numbers from solution of Problem 10.F3 are used.

V  lbmol s  MWV lb lbmol 
Cross Sectional Area 
G lb (s ft 2 )
Bottom: L G   L V   MWL MWV   1.44  ~ 1  1.44
Top: L G   L V  MWL MWV    0.667  ~ 1  0.667
1” metal Pall rings: F  48,   0.15,   0.15
ψ = Density of water/density of liquid At Top:  61 47.92  1.27  
At 81ºC ,  w  0.35 cp,  E  0.45 cp , n  MIX  x1n 1  x 2 n  2
At top y= x d  0.8, n  MIX  .8 n .45   .2 n .35  , and  MIX  0.43
MWv  y MWE  1  y  MWw   0.8 46   .2 18  40.4
G  0.05472 lb ft 3 , L  47.92
 L G  G L    0.667  0.05472 47.92 
1/ 2 1/ 2
 0.02254
 G F     
2 0.2
G L g c   0.078 from Figure 10-25
1/ 2
0.078 G L g c   0.078  0.05472  47.92  32.2  
G     0.358 lbm (s ft 2 )
F   0.2   481.27  0.43

 
V  110.13 mol h  0.0306 lbmol s
V MW v
Area   D2 4  , or
  
1/ 2
 4V MW v  4  0.0306  40.4  
1/ 2

D    2.096
  G     0.358  
 
Probably use 2 or 2.5 foot diameter columns.
The calculation at the bottom of the column gives a smaller diameter.
 HETP    N   Height of Packing, or 1.2  ~ 10   12.0 ft

10.G.1. The result from Wankat (2007a) is listed in the following Table:
Results for distillation of vapor feed 5 mole % methanol, 95 mole % water. Distillate is 0.9543 mole
fraction methanol and bottoms is 0.9976 mole fraction water. Tray spacing = 0.4572 m. Base case
conditions are listed in Tables 1 and 2 in Wankat (2007a). When two trays are listed, they have the same
diameters. The decrease in volume and increase in QR are compared to the base case.

FL NF,V NF,L N dia A Vol tray QR Qc, total decr Vol incr QR
0(base) 10 -- 20 2.84 6.33 55.0 2 1065 -12,330 -- --

Two-enthalpy feed:
500 11 6 20 2.08 3.38 29.4 2 1070 -12,340 46.5 % 0.5 %
500 12 6 22 2.07 3.38 32.5 2 1065 -12,330 40.9 % 0
600 12 6 20 1.89 2.80 24.3 2 1070 -12340 55.8 % 0.5 %
750 13 6 20 1.56 1.92 16.7 2 1090 -12,360 69.6 % 2.3 %
750 16 7 26 1.56 1.91 21.8 2 1065 -12,330 60.3 % 0
1000 (all liquid) 9 20 1.20 1.13 9.8 2 2415 -13,680 82.1% 127 %

Intermediate condenser:
FWithdr NF,V NV,with NL,ret N dia A Vol tray QR Qc, total decr Vol incr QR
300 11 10 6 20 2.41 4.56 39.6 2 1067 -12,340 28.0 % 0.2 %
450 11 10 6 20 2.22 3.88 33.7 10/11 1067 -12,340 38.6 % 0.2 %

Two-enthalpy feed (FL = 600 kmol/hr) plus one intermediate condenser:

Fwithdr NF,V NF,L NV,with NL,ret N dia A Vol tray QR,total Qc decr Vol incr QR
100 12 6 5 5 20 1.69 2.23 19.4 2 1073 -12,340 64.7 % 0.8 %
80 12 6 13 6 20 1.72 2.33 20.2 2 1079 -12,345 63.2 % 1.3 %

Two-enthalpy feed (FL=600 kmol/hr, NF,V =12, NF,L=6, N=20) plus two intermediate condensers:
Fwthd1 NVwth1 NLret1 Fwthd2 NVwth2 NLret2 dia A Vol tray QR,total Qc decr Vol incr QR
100 5 4 80 13 8 1.50 1.77 15.4 2/6 1081 -12,350 72.1 % 1.6 %

Two-enthalpy feed (FL = 680 kmol/hr) plus one intermediate condenser:

Fwithdr NF,V NF,L NV,with NL,ret N dia A Vol tray QR,total Qc decr Vol incr QR
100 12 6 5 5 20 1.51 1.79 15.5 6 1081 -12,350 71.7 % 1.6 %
With constant Qc and QR, the two-enthalpy feed with FV = 750 and N = 26 appears to be best.

10.G.2. Results are from Wankat, P. C., "Balancing Diameters of Distillation Column with Vapor
Feeds," Ind. Engr Chem. Research, 46, 8813-8826 (2007).

Table 1. Simulation conditions and results for base cases. F  1000 kmol / h, D = distillate flow rate
kmol/h, N = number of trays + condenser + reboiler, tray spacing = 18 inches = 0.4572 m,
operation at 80% of flooding, dia = maximum calculated diameter in m, tray = tray at which max
diameter occurred. A = max calculated column area in m 2 , Vol = column volume in m 3 = A(N
– 2 +1) (tray spacing) where N – 2 is the number of trays and +1 is for disengagement space for
liquid and vapor, Q R and Qc = reboiler and condenser duties in kW, p cond  condenser pressure
in atm, p  pressure drop in psi/tray, N feed = optimum feed stage, and condenser is stage 1.
Note this solution has a p, each stage. Thus, solution slightly different than students’ solutions.

N Feed N Dia A Vol tray QR Qc , L1 D D pcond p

Ethanol (10 mole %). Water (90 mole%) Vapor Feed Base Case:
23 26 2.61 5.35 85.6 2 902 -10,700 8.0 125 1.80 0.1

Table 2. Diameters calculated for standard distillation base cases listed in Table 1. Vapor flow
rate Vj and liquid flow rate L j are in kmol/hr, diameter is in m, area is m 2 .

Ethanol-water, vapor
Tray Vj Lj Dia Area
2 1125 997 2.61 5.35
23 1082 949 1.99 3.11
24 74.3 950 0.71 0.396
35 79.4 956 0.71 0.396

Table 3. Simulation conditions and results for a distillation column separating a vapor 10 mole %
ethanol, 90 % water feed (see Table 1 for base conditions). Partial condenser is stage 1. N F,V and N F,L
are optimum feed locations for vapor and liquid portions of the feed, respectively. Decrease in column
volume Vol (equal to change in area when the number of stages is unchanged) and increases in Q R are
compared to the ethanol-water base case (Table 1). For both runs y D,E  0.7901 and x B,W  0.9986.
FL N F,V N F,L N Dia A Vol Tray QR Q C,col
0(base) 23 -- 36 2.61 2.24 35.8 2 902 -10,700

FL N F,V N F,L N Dia A Vol Tray QR Q C,tot Decr Vol Incr Q R

600 23 17 36 1.69 2.24 35.8 2 902 -10,700 58.2% 0
Q c,total  Q c,col  Q c,feed condenser

10.G3. Part a. Largest Dia = 2.032 m. Distillate mole fractions (vapor) = 0.22222 Eth, 0.77765 Propane,
0.12383 E-03 n-butane, and 0.28503 E-9 pentane. Bottoms mole fractions = 0.14843 E-10 Eth, 0.10132
E-03 Propane, 0.81808 Butane and 0.18182 pentane. Other values are in Table for 10.G4.
Part b. Worst backup is 0.232 m on stages 30 and 31. Maximum weir loading is 0.0204 m2/s on plate 31.
Part c. Same mole fractions, same Qc and QR. Max backup 0.1614 m in panel A on stages 29 to 32.
Maximum weir loading is 0.01183 m2/s on plate 31 of panel A which is acceptable.

V feed L feed Qc kW QR kW Max Dia Stage yD,C4 xB,C3
Kmol/s Kmol/s m max dia
0* 1 pass .1(NF=16) -1463 2827 2.032 31 .000124 .000101
0 part d .1(NF=15) -1463 2827 2.032 30 .000115 .0000942
0* 2 pass .1(NF = 16) -1463 2827 2.032 31 .000124 .000101
.01 .09 -1463 2600 1.956 31 .000145 .000119
.02 .08 -1463 2373 1.876 31 .000199 .000163
.03 .07 -1463 2147 1.792 31 .000300 .000246
.04 .06 -1464 1921 1.905 32 .000525 .000429
.05 .05 -1466 1696 1.650 18 .00112 .000915
.06 .04 -1472 1474 1.600 18 .003188 .002609
b. Change N=41 NF,liq=18 NFvap=21
.03 .07 -1463 2146 1.793 34 .0000817 .0000668
* Values from problem 10.G3.
Part c. Tray rating program with Dia = 1.793 m and defaults for tray spacing (0.6096m) & for DC
clearance (0.0373m) obtain 0.2207 m backup on tray 34, which is acceptable. Maximum weir loading is
0.01887 m2/s on tray 34 which is acceptable.

Part d. Shown above, plus maximum backup is 0.2320 on plate 31 (acceptable) and maximum
weir loading is 0.0204 m2/s on plate 31, which is marginal.

10G5. New problem in 4th ed.

Part a. Distillate 0.9547 C9, Bottoms 0.0302 C9. Distillate T = 353.97K, bottoms T = 372.60 K.
QR = 4285.9 kW, QC = -4231.9 kW, vapor fraction of feed flashing in column = 0.01788, stage 29
with 3.7469m diameter. P top = p bot = 10.0 kPa
Part b. Distillate .9521 C9, Bottoms 0.0319 C9. Distillate T = 354.01K, bottoms T = 376.64 K.
Press top = 10.0 kPa, P bot = 11.706 kPa, QR = 4296.3 kW, QC = -4236.9 kW, vapor fraction of
feed into column = 0.003077, stage 29 with 3.6843m diameter.


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