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Sexuality Today 11th Edition Kelly Test

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Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships

Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships

Multiple Choice

1. Theories of mate selection have fallen into all of the following categories EXCEPT
a. psychological theory.
b. social network theory.
c. evolutionary or sociobiological theory.
d. Freudian theory.
Answer: d
Type: Factual
Page 165-167

2. The tendency toward equal status contact means

a. that extramarital sexual activity is most likely to occur between people of equal status.
b. that people tend to initiate and maintain relationships with people who have similar social
c. that when people have frequent contact, differences in their status diminish.
d. All of these
Answer: b
Type: Factual
Page 165-166

3. A hypothesis of evolutionary psychology supported by cross-cultural research holds that

a. cultural differences prevent meaningful generalizations about mating strategies.
b. females place a higher value on the attractiveness of potential mates than on their status.
c. males and females have different sexual strategies.
d. the mating behaviors of males and females are guided by the same goals.
Answer: c
Type: Factual
Page 166-167

4. Evolutionary psychology theorists maintain that cross-cultural evidence suggests that

a. the complex decision-making processes involved in choosing a mate are patterned,
universal themes built into human psyches and societies by evolutionary imperatives.
b. men look on women solely as sex objects.
c. women view men only as success objects.
d. men and women view each other as both sex and success objects.
Answer: a
Type: Factual
Page 166-167

5. The concept of formalizing the context for a sexual relationship between two people, traditionally
assumed to be a man and a woman,
a. grew out of the example of relationships practiced by Native Americans.
b. is based on Jesus’ teachings in the Bible.
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Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships

c. came to North America with European colonists.

d. was introduced to North Americans by European missionaries.
Answer: c
Type: Factual
Page 168

6. By the late 1990s, what percent of men and women in the country had been married at least
once by age 55?
a. 95 percent
b. 85 percent
c. 68 percent
d. Just over 50 percent
Answer: a
Type: Factual
Page 168

7. What is the relationship between cohabitation and later marriage?

a. A majority of cohabiting couples later marry each other.
b. Fewer than 5 percent of cohabiting couples later marry each other.
c. Approximately 50 percent of cohabiting couples later marry each other.
d. Virtually all couples that cohabit later marry each other.
Answer: c
Type: Factual
Page 169

8. About half of cohabitations end within

a. the first year.
b. the second year.
c. the fifth year.
d. after ten years.
Answer: a
Type: Factual
Page 169

9. Which of the following groups has been found to engage in partnered sexual activity most frequently?
a. Adolescents
b. Married and cohabiting couples
c. Single people
d. The elderly
Answer: b
Type: Factual
Page 171

10. Jennie and Vin have been married for several years. If they are similar to most U.S. couples,
a. Jennie will have a more positive view of their sex life than will Vin, but Vin will have a more positive
view of married life in general.
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Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships

b. the frequency of their sexual activity will be decreasing with the length of their relationship.
c. they will say that they receive great sexual pleasure and emotional satisfaction from their sex lives.
d. All of these
Answer: d
Type: Applied
Page 170-171

11. It is believed that approximately _____ percent of married couples may have sex infrequently
enough to
essentially be considered nonsexual.
a. 5
b. 20
c. 30
d. 50
Answer: b
Type: Factual
Page 171

12. People in their __________ have sex most frequently.

a.. teens
b. twenties
c. thirties
d. forties
Answer: b
Type: Factual
Page 171

13. Research on sexual fidelity in the United States indicates that

a. compared with married couples, unmarried cohabiting couples have a dramatically higher rate of
extrarelational sex.
b. extramarital sex is usually motivated by a desire for sexual excitement.
c. sexual infidelity is high among those who had high levels of sexual activity before marriage.
d. the vast majority of couples tend to be sexually faithful to their spouses.
Answer: d
Type: Factual
Page 173

14. What percent of married people report that they receive great physical pleasure from
their sexual lives?
a. 40
b. 50
c. 68
d. 88
Answer: d
Type: Factual
Page 172

15. The median age for women at first marriage is

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Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships

a. 21.
b. 23.
c. 25.
d. 27.
Answer: c
Type: Factual
Page 174

16. The median age for men at first marriage is

a. 21.
b. 23.
c. 25.
d. 27.
Answer: d
Type: Factual
Pages 174

17. Ultimately, nearly ________ of U.S. marriages end in divorce.

a. one-fourth
b. one-third
c. half
d. three-fourths
Answer: c
Type: Factual
Page 174-175

18. What percentage of divorced people remarry?

a. 20 percent
b. 30 percent
c. 50 percent
d. 70 percent
Answer: d
Type: Factual
Page 175

19. Second marriages tend to be _______ first ones.

a. quite a bit longer than
b. about the same length as
c. a bit shorter than
d. much more satisfying than
Answer: c
Type: Factual
Page 175

20. Which of the following is a true statement about sexuality among older people?
a. Individuals with a low level of sexual interest during their young adult years often experience
increased sexual interest during their older adult years.
b. Older people in institutional settings often retain an interest in sex but lack the privacy to engage in it.
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Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships

c. Sexual dysfunctions due to medical treatments among older people can rarely be overcome.
d. There is generally no decline in sexual behavior as people age.
Answer: b
Type: Conceptual
Pages 178

21. Which of the following is a false stereotype about sex and aging?
a. A loss of interest in sexual intimacy is a natural part of the aging process for most people.
b. It is more difficult for older women to find potential sexual partners than it is for older men.
c. Many medications given to older people decrease sexual desire.
d. The level of sexual interest shown by elderly adults correlates with the level of sexual interest they
showed as young adults.
Answer: a
Type: Conceptual

22. Research confirms that among older people, negative attitudes toward sex correlate with
a. heightened sexual activity.
b. relative sexual inactivity.
c. excessive masturbation.
d. negative views about marriage.
Answer: b
Type: Factual
Page 178

23. What becomes the sole means of sexual gratification for many older people who have lost their
sexual partners?
a. Escort services
b. Homosexual relationships
c. Masturbation
d. None of these
Answer: c
Type: Factual
Page 177

24. There is evidence to suggest that gays and lesbians

a. are beginning to become more open about their sexual orientations.
b. are more likely to identify themselves as bisexual.
c. tend to revert back to a heterosexual identity.
d. obtain more sexual partners.
Answer: a
Type: Factual
Page 177

25. Diseases most frequently found to have adverse effects on sexual functioning include all of the
following EXCEPT
a. multiple sclerosis or stroke,
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Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships

b. diabetes, cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.

c. arthritis.
d. asthma.
Answer: D
Type: Factual
Page 179-180

Fill in the Blank

26. _________________________ is the ability to open oneself to others in a way that permits
mutual sharing
and caring; it represents an essential quality in deeper human relationships.
Answer: Intimacy
Type: Factual
Page 165

27. _________________________ of mate selection assume that the process is essentially the same
for both women and men and that people search for mates who remind them of their opposite-sexed
parent or who, at some deeper psychological level, represent qualities they long to attain within
Answer: Psychological theories
Type: Factual
Page 165

28. There seems to be a tendency toward what social psychologists call

_________________________, meaning that people initiate and maintain relationships with others who
have similar social characteristics.
Answer: equal status contact
Type: Factual
Page 165

29. A two-person partnership is sometimes called a(n) _________________________.

Answer: dyad
Type: Factual
Page 173

30. Statistics from the General Social Survey and from the NHSLS indicate that about _____ percent
of married women and more than 75 percent of married men have been sexually exclusive during
their marriages.
Answer: 90
Type; Factual
Page 173

31. The practice in which men have more than one wife is known as ____________________.
Answer: polygamy

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Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships

Type: Factual
Page 174

32. The practice in which women take more than one husband is known as _____________________.
Answer: polyandry
Type: Factual
Page 174

33. People are getting married ____________________ now than at any time in the past century.
Answer: later
Type: Factual
Page 174

34. In nursing homes and other institutions, not only are outward expressions of sexual interest seen
as inappropriate and therefore discouraged, but there is often a lack of _____________________
for any sort of personal or shared sexual activity.
Answer: privacy
Type: Factual
Page 178

35. Erection problems are particularly common in men who have _____________________.
Answer: heart disease
Type: Factual
Page 179-180


36. Women become more sexually assertive during the college years, sometimes taking the initiative
to have sex with a partner or even pursuing sex somewhat aggressively.
Answer: T
Type: Factual
Page 163

37. The double standard that legitimizes sexual permissiveness for men but not for women no longer
exists in our culture.
Answer: F
Type: Factual
Page 164

38. One of the major tasks of early adulthood is to achieve intimacy with others.
Answer: T
Type: Factual
Page 165

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Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships

39. Psychological theories assume that human beings use sexual strategies to select mates who are
advantageous from an evolutionary perspective because they contribute to the survival and
perpetuation of the human species.
Answer: F
Type: Factual
Page 165-167

40. Short-term sex partners are more important to women than to men.
Answer: F
Type: Factual
Page 164

41. About 12 million people in the United States are estimated to be cohabiting currently.
Answer: F
Type: Factual
Page 168-169

42. Adults who have more than one sexual partner available report greater sexual satisfaction than those who
have one partner.
Answer: F
Type: Factual
Page 173

43. During the sexual revolution, there was a fair amount of debate about the viability of
monogamous relationships.
Answer: T
Type: Factual
Page 173

44. There has been a trend toward delaying marriage until later in life, with younger professional
women and men wanting to establish themselves in a career before pursuing a committed
Answer: T
Type: Factual
Page 174

45. Based on recent statistics, it has been predicted that 60 percent of couples who marry today will
be divorced within five years,
Answer: F
Type: Factual
Page 175

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Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships

46. Providing older people with opportunities for choice and a sense of personal autonomy can
enhance their sexual identity and adjustment.
Answer: T
Type: Factual
Page 177

47 Evidence shows that as women age, they become much more likely to have a sexual partner than
are men.
Answer: F
Type: Factual
Page 177

48. For many older people who have lost their sexual partners, masturbation becomes their sole
means of sexual gratification.
Answer: T
Type: Factual
Page 188

49. Fifty percent of sexual dysfunctions among individuals over 40 may be due to physiological changes and
Answer: T
Type: Factual
Page 180

Short Answer

50. According to sociobiological theory, what features do people look for in long-term mates?
Answer: Men look for mates who can bear children successfully. Women look for mates who can provide
resources for offspring.
Type: Factual

51. Some people define cohabitation as "living together before getting married." Is this accurate?
Answer: No, because about half of such relationships end within the first year. It appears that less than 25
percent of people eventually marry the cohabiting partner.
Type: Applied
Page 169

52. What is the prevailing attitude in the U.S. toward monogamy for couples and cohabiting partners?
Answer: Americans overwhelmingly have a positive attitude toward monogamy, and the vast majority
adhere to this norm.
Type: Conceptual
Page 169-170

53. What is the success rate of second marriages?

Answer: About half of all second marriages end in divorce.
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Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships

Type: Factual
Page 175-176

54. What have cross-cultural researchers found regarding expectations about sexuality and aging?
Answer: Most societies expect sexual activity to continue among the aging.
Type: Factual
Page 176

55. What are some of the medical problems that hamper the continuation of sexual activities as people age?
Answer: Medications for problems such as arthritis, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular conditions
often hamper sexual activity. Prostate surgery and hysterectomy may result in problems, but these are
Type: Conceptual
Pages 180-181


56. Describe some current trends in marriage patterns in the U.S.

Answer: More people are delaying marriage until they are older, and the percentage of people who intend to
marry eventually has dropped. The number of people remaining single is rising, and the stigma associated
with this has declined.
Type: Conceptual
Pages 174

57. Think of an individual or couple in their sixties or older. How do the myths and attitudes about aging that
are discussed in the text appear to apply to their experiences?
Answer: Answers will vary, but the myths and attitudes likely to have influenced the individual(s) being
discussed are as follows: (a) loving and sexual feelings are experienced only during youth; (b) sex is
primarily for reproduction; and (c) older men remain more sexually interesting to younger partners than do
older women.
Type: Applied
Pages 178-179

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