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Northampton County, VA - WILL BOOK A William Giddens, Sr.

, 27FEB 1740
Archives by: John Giddens

Record of Wills, No 18
Northampton County, North Carolina

In the name of God, Amen February the 27
1740 William Giddens of Northampton County, being sick
and weak of body but of perfect sense and memory, thanks be to Almighty God for it, do hereby make this
my last will and testament and as for my worldly goods as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me
I will dispose as followeth.

I then Give and bequeath to my son Thomas Giddens one hundred and
Twenty seven acres of land where I do live to him and his heirs forever binding northerly upon
John Smith land and southerly upon the branch running upon the little branch above the pasture
Fence to a Gum and from the said Gum easterly to the old line concluding one hundred and twenty seven
acres Item I give and bequeath to my son John Giddens one hundred acres of land to him and
his heirs forever beginning at the fork of the branch running in the branch to the head line
running along the little branch to the said gum upon the division line and to the old line I then give
and bequeath to my loving wife the thes I oart if my whole back of land Elizabeth Giddens in
During her widowhood I give and bequeath to my two sons William Giddens and Jacob Giddens
Four pewter dishes an two pewter plates equally to be divided between them two and I
Give to my son William one Gun and my best feather bed and furniture and one small pot.
And young mare or horse only my wife Elizabeth Giddens to have the use of the pewter & the
Feather bed during her life I give and bequeath to my son Jacob Giddens One feather bed and
furniture and one elm chest and one small pot and a young mare or horse not under
Two years old only my wife to have the use her life and give and bequeath to my son William
Giddens one pine chest. I give to my daughter Hannah Douty one large iron pot &
My old trunk only my wife to have the use in during her life I then give to my son
John Giddens one young white mare I give to my son Thomas giddens one hand mill
And all my covering blankets and the best link of pot hangers only my wife to have the use
Of them pot hangers as long as she lives and one cupboard after my wife deceased and to
My son Thomas one pewter candlestick and three lydor pots only my wife to have the
Use of them during her life when all my just debts be paid the rest of my worldly goods to be equally divided
between my four sons and one daughter after my wife marries or deac
And further I give * for my estate to be appraised I appropriate and appoint my loving wife
Elizabeth Giddens and my son Thomas Giddens to be my whole and sole executive and executor of this
my Last will and testament revoking of all other will or wills by me made and do acknowledge this
To be my last will in witness hereunto I have set in hand and seal the day and date above written signed and
sealed and acknowledged by me William Giddens to be my last will submitted
Hereunto and testament in the presence of un
Tho Aboelly
John Smith
Joshua Douty William Giddens

At a court held in new Hampton county Tuesday the eight day of July 1740 the last will and testament of
William Giddens decd was presented in Court by Elizabeth Giddens his Executrix
Thomas Giddens the Executor refused who made oath thereto and being proved by all the witnesses its
Admitted to record and upon the motion of the said Elizabeth and her performing what is usual in
Such cases certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate thereof in due form

Teste Recorded Teste Tho Cable

An Inventory of William Giddens Deced
{items listed}
An account sales of estate of
Elizebeth Giddins Deceased
{Items Listed} 769lb.18.7

Prrors excepted to Daniel Rascoe
At a court held for Northampton county on Tuesday the 10
day of December 1745
This account of sales of the estate of Elizabeth Giddens deced was
Presented in court by Daniel Rascoe her admin & ordered to be recorded
Teste Griffen Smith

An Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Elizabeth Giddens
As Followeth (viz)
{Items listed}
Appraisers {Thomas Marshell} Daniel Rascoe Administrator
{Joachim Micheal}
{Richard Parmore)

At a Court held for Northampton county on Tuesday the 10
day of December 1745
The inventory & appraisement of the estate of Elizabeth decd was presented in court by
Daniel Rascoe her administrator and ordered to be recorded
Teste Griffen Smith

A further Inventory of the estate of Elizabeth Giddens
{items Listed}
Daniel Rasco At a court held for Northampton County on Tuesday the 12
day of August 1746
This Further Inventory of the estate of Elizebeth Giddens decd was presented in court
By Daniel Rascoe her administrator & ordered to be recorded
Teste Griffin Smith

Thomas Giddins, 13 July 1747
North Carolina Archives
John Giddens
Johnston County, North Carolina

In the name of God Amen
I Thomas Giddins of North Carolina and
Johnston County being sick and weak in body but
But of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God
But calling to mind the mortality of my body and
And knowing that it is appointed for all men once
To die do make and ordain this to be my last will
And in the first place I recommend my soul into the
Hands of God who gave it hoping for redemption through
The precious blood of our lord and savior Jesus Christ and as
For my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian
Manner at the direction of my executor here afternamed
And as for such worldly goods or estate where with it hath pleased
God to bestow I do herby give and depose in manner and form
The Following
Impiimus I give unto my granddaughter Elizebeth my
Plantation and all she, ans I there unto belongings
Them I give unto my son Jacob Giddins all my forge
And horfe kind and all my Hogs and halfe the cattle
That belongs to me and a ten gallon iron pot and the
Pot hooks and the iron skillet and my best bed and
item I give unto my son William Giddins two iron pots of
item I give unto my son Isaac Giddins my next best bed
item I Give unto my son Benjamin Giddens one Cow
item I Then I Give unto my son Abraham Giddins Halfe the Cattle that is left
After my son Jacob has got his Halfe of the Stock and Benjamins Cow
And Then I give unto my son Issac Giddins the other half of the cattle
refuting and revoking all other former wills and testaments foordain
This and only this to be my last will and testament Impiimus
Where of I do set my hand and fix my seal this 13
day of July 1747
Signed seal and deliver by Thomas Giddens in the presence of in the pob
That knows all men that I ordain my dutiful son Jacob Giddins my whole
And sole executor of this my last will and testament -turn over
As written with my hand and seal as afore this 13
day of July ann dommeni 1747
George Dykes Thomas Giddins
Tho. Grifard
Tho. Lamberthton

(outside pamphlet)
IN the name of God Amen

Will of Thomas Giddings dos yrs Sept 1747
Recorded in the Offices of
Books N. Page tt
Inventory and Appraisement of the estate of William Giddens
recorded May 14,1754
Northampton County, Wills, Inventories, and Divisions, NO. 20
1750-1754, Reel 32, p. 535
Typescript By: John Giddens

Inventory of the estate of William Giddens as appraised by my Ralph Batson.
William Bill and John Carpenter
{items Listed}
Ralph Batson John Carpenter, William Bell
At a court for Northampton county the 14
day of may 1754
This inventory and appraisement of the estate of William Giddens deed was
Returned by James Parker his administrator and ordered to be recorded Teste
Griffen Smith

William Giddins, 10 November 1757
North Carolina Archives
John Giddens
Hyde County, North Carolina

North Carolina} In the name of God amen this tenth-day of November in the year
Hyde County } of our lord 1757 I William Gideons of the county of Hyde in the
Province of North Carolina being weak in body but in good and perfect
Memory thanks be to almighty God and calling to mind the uncertain estate
Of this frailty life and that all men must go to unto death when it
Finally god to calls I do make and declare this my Last will and testament
In manner and form knowing that being pennant and sorry for my sins
And humbly deliver imqunusls for the same I sonjinf me son in
Almighty God my savior who redemption in God by whose merit I
Trust and callins aforsain to the suiced and to have dis renisinces frgieneh
Of all give this and to inherit the kingdom of heaven and my body commit to the
Earth to be decently buried at the direction of my executors whoyier
Named us theching such wordly estate as it hast relin God to berided
Unin in this life I give and disgin of the mannere and term
Conti and pain in my executor hereafter named

Lend and bequeath to my beloved wife my house and plantation at ingoia
And chattels what someuer that belongs to me during this stated life to yo use at her
Vec will I lisction with his ejhea to be equally divided to my five youngest
Children Jacob Giddins Agnis Giddins, John Giddins, Livna Giddins, and Darkis Giddins excepting the land
which I bequeath to my son Thomas Giddins and do here by appoint
Constibele and ordain my wife Francas Giddins and John Slade ferer to be in whill
And soul executors of this my last will and testament in witness where of
The fo William giddins have her unto set my hand and seal this the day
And yea above written signed sealed inulighed wonntied
Are declared to be his last will
Presence of
Timothy Green William Giddens
Benj. Slade
Keathern Leath

{north Carolina}
{Hyde County } march court 1758 Present His majesties justice
This is togeothisn that this will and testament of William giddings
Desgyrt esb echites to the vair coars by the wxorutors mentiond and
Proved in died from of land bt the oath of Timothy Green and and Benjamin
Slade who deposeth they saw the other witness witness the same and that this testatament was of sound
sivpoling mind and memory at the time of his
Executing their have said oath and testaments to wsh of their
knowledge in and the said John Slade sen and Francies Giddings leoza
This will and testament under the oath by
For theso jualdusn aidn
That letters

(back Page)
Will and testament
Of Wn Gidings Dec
Hyde County
Lotters hous the 23 of March 1758
NOTHAMPTON COUNTY, NC - WILL BOOK A Thomas Giddens, 7Feb 1764
Archives by: John Giddens

In the name of God, Amen I Thomas Giddens of
Northampton County, being very sick and weak of body but of perfect
sense and memory do make constitute ordain and appoint this
my last will and testament herby revoking all other made by me.
Therefore, First I recommend my soul to Almighty God, & Body
To the earth from whence it came, desiring decent. Christian like
Burial at the discretion of my executrice and as for my worldly
Estate which it hath pleased God to bestow on me. I give in manner
And as followeth (Viz)

Item I give unto my beloved wife Seymour Giddens the
Plantation where I now dwell while my son comes to age. If she
Should not marry, but if she should marry to choose his
Guardian. I leave a piece of my land to be sold lying over the
Road bound upon Richard Smith and Elizabeth Donly to the
Highest bidder.

Item I give to Thomas Donly one great Coat. And the rest
Of estate equally divided at her death or marriage between
She and my children

Item I give to my wife half my land during her life
I leave Josiah Donly my Executor; whereof I have hereunto set
My hand & seal seventh day of February anno domini 1764

Caleb Scott Thomas Giddens
Abel Stott

At a court held for Northampton County the
Day Of March 1764
This will was proved by the oaths of Caleb Scott and Abel Stott
The witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Griffen Smith

An Inventory of the Goods & Chattels Thomas Giddens dec
Appraised by the subscribers (viz)

(Items Listed)

Thomas Fisher Sen.
Richard Smith
Baily Scott
Josiah Donly

At a Court Held for Northampton County the
day of May 1764
This Inventory & appraisement of the estate
Of Thomas Giddens decd was returned by Josiah Donly
The Original of this is on order

Jacob Giddens., 7 Nov 1768

Onslow County, North Carolina


68-Jacob Giddens to his Children . His son..daughter Elizabeth Giddens Daughter
Nancy Giddens, son Isaac Giddens son Abraham Giddens. Mentions land on Harrys creek
which was pater by John Guess. Test;. Mashburn , .. Shepard Registered on Nov 7

Jacob Giddins., 19 Sept 1774
Transcribed by John Giddens

Record of Wills, Book A
Onslow County, North Carolina

North Carolina } Jacob Giddens 74
Onslow county }
In the name of Amen I Jacob
Giddens planter in said county being weak
In body but of perfect in mind thanks be
Given to God pouit calling to mind the mortality of my body
Knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die do make
This my last will and testament that in to say principally
I first of all my sole to God that gave it My body I
Comment to the earth to be buried in a decent manner
At the discretion of my EXrs nothing doubting but at
The general resurrection I shall re the same by the
Mighty powers of God to blofenis in his life I gave division
And dispose of the same in the manner following Vig

First I leave to my beloved brother
Abraham Giddins one negro girl named amal and one
Gallon bridle and saddle one bay moon and also two large
Pewter disllist two large pewter plats and hiroo tmaill
Pewter plates one old pewter plan and my laclers tools and
My saddle frooks and all my wouring close but my great
Coat and gloveel shourt and also two sows and thirteen shorsa

Secondly I leave to my beloved brother Isaac Giddins
Two hundred acres halfed be to the same more or less beginning at the
Mouth of the branch that wm Butler made a bridge across
Off the brange makes into hawes groat branch just above
his plantation thence having the aforesaid branch to the patin
line there owning the line to a dogwood landing in the hawses
great branch to the first station it going to foart of a track of
land granted of John Gefs by his exceloney Gabrial Folingstone
Esq Goviner in Cheef Boaring dat this 18
say of sept 1737
Litigating laws and being in Onslow county and also these
Power defelt and five power plats one that shart and one
Prot coat and all my working tools excepting tadlors tools
And one earlon rifle and four earthen plats one drinking clay
One thift and loving whools and one young black moor
And one rifle goon and one shot goon and also then shillings that
Tosoa borrow is thusted to me and one kittle and one skillet and

Thereby I leave to my loving sister Nancy Giddens one large
Chist one feather bed and furniture one linning whool and one
Wooling wheels and also four earthen plats and one earthen
Accomack COUNTY, VA - WILL BOOK A Ruben Giddens, 31 Jan 1775
Archives by: John Giddens

In the name of God, Amen I Ruben Giddens of
Accomack In Virginia, being very sick and weak of body
but of perfect and sound memory thanks be given to almighty god for
the same do this twenty first day of January in the year of our
Lord one Thousand seven hundred and twenty five make and publish
This my last will and testament in form and manner following that is to
First of jnincipally I recommend my soul to Almighty God that give it &
My body to the earth to receive such Christian burial as my executors
Shall think fitting,

Item I give and bequeath to my beloved wife athaliah
Giddens one hundred acers of land lying near deep Luck in Accomack
Until my son Kendal Giddens arrives to lawful age (except my wife
Athaliah Marries) of when my son Kendal Giddens Arrives to lawful age
I give the said land to him and his heirs. I also give unto my son Kendall
Giddens all my wearing cloths. I also lend unto my wife althaliah
All the remainder part of my estate after my jut debts is paid (except
She marries) until my son Kendall arrives to lawful age when my son
Kendall shall arrive to lawful age. Then I give my negro winch Bridget & all
Her future increase; Also a negro boy named Africa, Also a negro boy named
Nim. Also a negro girl named Darke and her future Increase to be equally
Divided between my wife Athaliah and the child she is supposed to be with
Child with now; and my son Kendal Giddens and my Daughter Peggy Giddens
And all my whole estate to be equally divided between my wife athaliah
& the child she is supposed to be with child wih let the same be male or female &
My son Kendall Giddens & my daughter Peggy Giddens the part of the
negroes I have left to my wife Athaliah after her death to be equally divided
Between my son kendall and my daughter peggy & the child my wife is
with child with now let the name be whatever my desire is for the
Increase of my wifes part of the the negroes to be equally divided among the
Three Children my son Kendall and My daughter Peggy & the child my wife
Is now with child with after my wife athaliah decease also my desire is
If either of my three children should die before the division of my estate
The for the other two to inherit the decease ones part my desire is for my wife athaliah
And my brother John Giddens in Northamption the whole & sole executor of this my
Last will and testament the day and year above written whereunto I have
Aforesigned & acknowledged the same

Joseph Aisnes} Ruben Giddens
William Hard}
Mary Watson}

At a court held for Accomack County January 31 1775

The Written last will & testament

Was presented and proved by the oaths of all the witness thereto and
Admitted to record. And on the motion of John Giddens taking the Oath &
Giving Louthy Mars and William Hand for his securities who entered Into and
Acknowledged a bond for that junpouo certificate is granted him for obtaining
A probate thereof in due form
Accomack COUNTY, VA - WILL BOOK A Ruben Giddens, 31 Jan 1775
Archives by: John Giddens

In the name of God, Amen I Ruben Giddens of
Accomack In Virginia, being very sick and weak of body
but of perfect and sound memory thanks be given to almighty god for
the same do this twenty first day of January in the year of our
Lord one Thousand seven hundred and twenty five make and publish
This my last will and testament in form and manner following that is to
First of jnincipally I recommend my soul to Almighty God that give it &
My body to the earth to receive such Christian burial as my executors
Shall think fitting,

Item I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Athaliah
Giddens one hundred acres of land lying near deep Luck in Accomack
Until my son Kendal Giddens arrives to lawful age (except my wife
Athaliah Marries) of when my son Kendal Giddens Arrives to lawful age
I give the said land to him and his heirs. I also give unto my son Kendall
Giddens all my wearing clothes. I also lend unto my wife Althaliah
All the remainder part of my estate after my jut debts is paid (except
She marries) until my son Kendall arrives to lawful age when my son
Kendall shall arrive to lawful age. Then I give my negro winch Bridget & all
Her future increase; Also a negro boy named Africa, Also a negro boy named
Nim. Also a negro girl named Darke and her future Increase to be equally
Divided between my wife Athaliah and the child she is supposed to be with
Child with now; and my son Kendal Giddens and my Daughter Peggy Giddens
And all my whole estate to be equally divided between my wife Athaliah
& the child she is supposed to be with child with let the same be male or female &
My son Kendall Giddens & my daughter Peggy Giddens the part of the
negroes I have left to my wife Athaliah after her death to be equally divided
Between my son Kendall and my daughter Peggy & the child my wife is
with child with now let the name be whatever my desire is for the
Increase of my wifes part of the the negroes to be equally divided among the
Three Children my son Kendall and My daughter Peggy & the child my wife
Is now with child with after my wife Athaliah decease also my desire is
If either of my three children should die before the division of my estate
The for the other two to inherit the decease ones part my desire is for my wife Athaliah
And my brother John Giddens in Northampton the whole & sole executor of this my
Last will and testament the day and year above written whereunto I have
Aforesigned & acknowledged the same

Joseph Aisnes} Ruben Giddens
William Hard}
Mary Watson} At a court held for Accomack County January 31 1775

The Written last will & testament

Was presented and proved by the oaths of all the witness thereto and
Admitted to record. And on the motion of John Giddens taking the Oath &
Giving Louthy Mars and William Hand for his securities who entered Into and
Acknowledged a bond for that junpouo certificate is granted him for obtaining
A probate thereof in due form

Accomack County, NC - John Giddens,, 27 AUG 1778
Archives by: John Giddens

Record of Wills, No 18
Accomack County, North Carolina

Pg 144
Sales of the Estate of John Giddens Decd November 11
{Only Names Listed Items Omitted names listed once Giddens listed as buying are John Salley Ismay and
Thomas }
Johnathon Scott
Thomas Leatherbury
Samuel Church
Major West
Levin Rodgers
Thomas Husk
Salley Litchfeild
Henry Scott
John Chandler
John West
William Scott
Jona Willit
Robinson Curtis
Anthony West
Ismay Giddens
John Kelly
Salley Giddens
Thomas Stephens
John Powell
Jn Beasly
Athey Giddens
John Foster
George Case
John Guy
Geo Holden
Tully Wise
Bridget Carmine
Thomas Doe
Solomon Stephens
Jno Brummand
Geo Casel
Edin Curtis
Doc Knight
William Stephens
John Curtis
Southy White
Abraham Outten
James Drummond
Willit Lilliston
John Groten
John Riley
Thomas Giddens
Sales the 18
of November

Pg 146

Smith Snead
John Bonnewell
Joseph Cox
John Topping
John Giddens
Amy Bell
Bridget Doe Smith
Geo Knight
John Kelly
William Townsend
Solomen Wise
Edmund Cusks
Doctor Knight

Returned August the 27
and ordered to be recorded

Little Savage

ONSLOW COUNTY, NC - WILL BOOK - Isaac Giddens,, 2 APR 1779
Archives by: John Giddens

Record of Wills
Onslow County, North Carolina
In the name of God amen I Isaac Giddens of Onslow County planter being very sick and weak in body but in
Perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God for the same calling unto mind the mortality of my body knowing
And knowing that it was appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament
That is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of the almighty God that gave it
And my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian manner at the discretion of my executors
Nothing doubting but as the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the almighty power of God
And as touching such worldly estate wherein it has pleased god to bless me in this life I give semife and
Dispose of the same in the following manner and form
First I give and bequeath to my beloved mother Ruth Giddens my whole estate making no wast enduring her
natural life and after her decease I give to my well beloved sister Nancy Shepard one negro woman named ginne
And her whole increase from this time likewise one mare and colt and one large pewter dish to her hears and assigns
Also after mothers disease I give and bequeath to my well beloved brother Abraham Giddens my land
And tenements belong there to likewise two negro boys Orange and Arter by name I one feather bed and
Furniture and one cow and two sows and thirteen sholtes two pewter dishes and two plates one earthen dish and
Four earthen plates and one punch bowl one kettle and one skillet one lining wheel and one chest
And farming tools to him the said Abraham giddens his heirs and assigns whom I do make and ordain my
Soul executor of this my last will and testament do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannul all
Of and every other former testament will legacies bequest and executors by me in any wife before named
Willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament
In witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal this second day of April 1779
Signed sealed and published pronounced and declared by the said Isaac Giddens
As his last will and testament in the presence of us wherein his presence
And in the presence of each other have here unto subscribed our names

Isaac Giddens

William Landen
Smith Shepard
Nathan Murray

Accomack County, Virginia Thomas Giddens, 23 Nov 1787
Typescript by John Giddens
Accomack County, Virginia

In the name of God, Amen: I Thomas Giddens of the County of Accomack and state of
Virginia being in a weak and low State of Health but of sound mind and memory, do make
And ordain this my last will and Testament in manner of form following to wit

Item, I give and bequeath unto my loving sister Elizabeth Giddens my Land whereon
I now live to her and her heirs forever; My will is that all the remainder of my estate of
What nature or kind to even be sold and the money arising there from (after paying my
Just debts) to be equally divided between my brother John, My brother Ishmal, my
Brother William and my brother Kind Giddens, and my sister Margret Willet, my
Sister Sarah Willis and my Sister Elizabeth Giddens, Lastly, I do Constitute and appoint
My brother John and my brother William Giddens executors of this my last will and
Testament revoking all other wills by me heretofore made in testimony whereof I have
Hereunto set my hand and seal this 23rd day of November 1787
Signed in presence of, His
John Smith, Sarah Oldham Thomas X Giddens (seal)

At the court held in Accomack County October 28. 1788
This Will was proved by the oath of John Smith a witness thereunto and ordered to be recorded
And on the motion of John Giddens taking oath and giving Williams Turner and
\George Oldham for his bounty who entered into and acknowledged a bond for
That pisrfocce certificate is granted him for obtaining a probated thereof in this form

Exam Test, Littleton Savage LLC

106. An account of the sales of the state of Thomas Giddens deceased, December 26 1787.
At the three months luatit
Articles To whom sold launities
1 Cow and yearling Garrel Topping George Parker 2 3 6
1 Cow Lervin Willis 2 1 0
2 Yearlings George Parker Garret Topping 1 8 6
1 Mare John Giddens 10 13 6
A parcel of corn Johnathon Willet 1 14 6
5 geese and 2 Hens George Oldham cash 0 7 2
1 Bushels if peas Noah Belole di 0 4 5
1 Sow and 3 Pigs John Smith 0 7 6
1 Black Sow Ditto 0 15 6
1 Plow and Harrow George Ironmonger 0 4 7
1 Boer hide William Scott 0 4 5
1 Vase Johnathon Willet 0 3 0
1 Table Ditto 0 2 8
1 Bedstead and matt Ditto 0 3 6
1 State John Hannafords 0 1 2
6 spoons and 3 plates Betty Stephens 0 3 2
1 Looking Glass Johnathon Willet 0 1 6
1 Fish Kettle George Oldham 0 4 2
Will Of John Giddens NorthHampton Co Va
Will June 11
Transcribed by John Giddens 2009

In the name of God amen I John Giddens of Northhampton, County and
State of Virginia being in low state of health but in sound mind and
memory thanks be to god and knowing the uncertainty of this life do
make this my last will and testament. First I give and commit my soul into
the hands of God who gave it me and my Body to the earth to be Christian
like buried and what worldly goods God has been sleeved to bestow
upon me I bequeath and give as follows. First I lend all my Estate to
my loving wife Margret Giddens during her natural Life to
bring up my children and at her death I give all my estate to
be divided between my Children namely, Thomas Giddens, Peggy
Giddens, Francis Giddens and Nathaniel Spry Giddens and my
grandson Samuel stott, each of my four first children to have
Whole shares and my grandson a half share in the division and
My desire is that John Limkins Stott should be the executor
Of this
-of this my last will and testament signed and sealed in presence hereforeth
This 11
day of June 1796
James Cowell, Levin Ames Jr. John Giddens
ONSLOW COUNTY, NC - WILL BOOK A - Smith Shepard, 19 Feb 1800
Record of Wills, Book A
Onslow County, North Carolina

In the name of God, Amen: I Smith Shepard being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thans be
to God for it, calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die, I
do make this my last will and testament that is to say first of all I recommend my soul to God
that give it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a Christian like manner at the descretion
of my executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same by the mighty
power of (God) to bless me in this life, I give and dispose of the same in manner following:

ITEM: I give and bequeath to my daughter Levina Shepard seventy five acres of land beginning at a White
Oake on Hawls Run thence to a place commonly called and known by the name of Woody and to the mouth
of Small Branch thence up a line of marked trees to the path and from thence to first station including
the plantation whereon I now live and all the appertainences thereto belonging and also my horse bridle
and saddle, one feather bed and furniture & bed stead, one linning wheel & one woolen wheel one pair of
cotton cards & all my pewter and all pots & frying pan, one smuthing iron, one skillet, one chest &
all my plantation tools & tools of every kind & also all the rest of my household furniture of every kind
except one bed and furniture & stead also two sows and pigs also all my meat and corne to her, her heirs
and assigns

ITEM: I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Nancy Giddens one feather bed and furniture and bedstead
two her her heirs and assigns forever.

ITEM: I give and bequeath to my daughter Elesbeth Landen five shillings
sterling to her her heirs and assigns forever.

ITEM: I give and bequeath to my daughter Aleff Giddens five shillings sterling
to her and her heirs forever and assigns forever.

ITEM: I give and bequeath to my daughter in law Ann Shepard five shillings
stereling to her heir and assigns forever.

ITEM: I give and bequeath to son in law Abraham Giddens five shillings
sterling to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Lastlyh I do nominate constitute and appoint my friend Joseph Marshborne & my
daughter Levina Shepard executors of this my last will and testament in
witness whereof I have set my hand affixed my seal this ninteenth day of
February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred.

Smith (his X mark) Shepard (seal)

Jess Gurganous Juner
Jess Gurganous Senor
Henry Marshbourn Junor

ONSLOW: July term 1800 the above will was proved in court & Levina Shepard the
executor therein named qualified thereto.
Nath Loomis, C.C.
by: Beverly Cole <>
Wayne Estate Records 1782 1937
John Giddens
Copied at the North Carolina State Archives August 26, 2004
Page 1
Of John Giddens ___ ____ Intestate
By Court Charges

Page 2
Page 3
Salley Giddens Adm in Acc. With the Estate
To whole amount of property sold

To cash at Intestates death

To interest on the above sum from the 8
of October 1804 until this day ___ the
day of May 1805.

Amount of _____

Balance in the hands of adm.

The ____ Committee appointed to settle and divide the Estate of John Giddens
dec. find the above sum of three hundred and fifty pounds seventeen shillings
and eleven pence in the hands of Sally Giddens the administratrix 353.17.11

The above sum being divided in nine parts where being eight children and the
widow __ __ each ones share to be thirty nine pounds seventeen shillings and
eleven pence one farthing.

E. Slocumb
D. Graddy
E. Slocumb











Page 4
Diagram of land on top of page (333 acres)
In obedience to an order of the Court ____ May term 1808 We the under signed Juriors having been
summoned and sworn ____ _____ the Sheriff to allot and set of to Salley Flowers, Widow of Jno. Giddens, Decd,
her Dower in the real estate of ___ decd we have _______ there to as the above plan ______ Begin at a White Oak
and runs N79W65 ____ to a sweet gum on the ___ of Jethro s Branch then up the run of sd Branch as it
m____________ to a ___ Huckleberry near the head thereof then E205 ____ to a pine then N32Et276 ____ to the
road, then with the same as it runs to a pine Adam Beavers Corner, then S20Et.41 ____ to a pine ___ _____ , then
W98 ____ to a pine, then N75 ____ to a pine in Rhodes line, then his line to the begin containing 333 acres.
In testimony whereof we have set of hands this 6
Day of June 1808.
Turn over
Page 5
Ezekiel Slocumb
Sampson Edward
Durham Graddy
Briton Hood
ONSLOW COUNTY, NC - WILL BOOK A - Abraham Giddens, Sr., 1 Nov 1807
Archives by: Beverly Cole

Record of Wills, Book A
Onslow County, North Carolina

In the name of God, Amen: Abraham Giddens (Sr.)+ of Onslow County, being very sick and weak in body
but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God for it, do make and ordain this my last will and testament
in the following manner and form, (viz.):

ITEM: I give to my well beloved daughters Sarah and Elizabeth Giddens five
shillings apiece to them, their heirs and assigns forever.

ITEM: I give to my well beloved daughter Syrene Giddens one two-year old
heifer and five pint bason, to her, her heirs and assigns for ever.

ITEM: I give to my well beloved daughter Nancy Giddens, one large pot, one
five-pint bason and one dish to her, her heirs and assigns forever.

ITEM: I give to my well beloved daughter Susannah Giddens one bed and bedstead and one gallon bason
and one dish to her, her heirs and assigns forever.

ITEM: I give to my well beloved wife Alif Giddens one loom and gears, two
linning wheels, one wooling wheel and one bedstead to her, her heirs and
assigns forever. I lend to my beloved wife all the residue of my whole estate real and personal enduring her
widowhood or natural life.

ITEM: I give to my beloved son Abraham Giddens (Jr.) my land containing one
hundred and twenty five acres to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

ITEM: At my beloved wife's marriage or death, my will and desire is that my
son Thomas Giddens should have six pewter basons, two plates, fifteen spoons,one kettle, one chest, one
shotgun and all my plantation tools of every kind likewise all my stock of every kind or description.

I appoint and constitute my beloved wife and my friend Hardy Shephard me
executor and executrix to this my last will and testament. In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed my seal this 1st November 1807.

Abraham (his X mark) Giddens (Sr.) (seal)

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us.
Test: Nathan Murray
Test: Levy (his X mark) Lary
The handwriting proved by the oath of David Gorntoe.

Onslow County: In court July term 1808, this will was proved in open court by
David Gorntoe, proving the handwriting of the deed. Hardy Shephard, the
Executor therein named, qualified thereto and ordered to have letters
Attest: Nathaniel Loomis, C.S.C.

Moses Giddins., 15 July 1829
Transcribed by John Giddens

Record of Wills,
Beaufort County, North Carolina

In the name of God amen July the Fifteenth day and
In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
twenty nine

I Moses Giddens of the County of Beaufort and
state of North Carolina being of sound mind and
Memory thanks be to almighty God for the Lame and
Calling to mind the mortality of my body and
Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to
die I do make and ordain this my last will
and testament that is to lat and first of all I
bequeath my soul to almighty God who gave
it me and my body I commit to the earth to
be decently buried at the discretion of my
executors and as licking such worldly estate as
it have pleased God to bless me with I do give
and depose of as follows

Item I do lend to my well beloved mother Catherine
Giddins one hundred and fourteen acres of land during
Her natural life and at her death to my brethren
Jacob Giddens also I lend my main bridle and ludifer
Cante and gear four head of cattle together with all
Hogs to my mother Caty Giddins and at her death
I give all the above mentioned property to my brother Jacob
Giddens till Edward Morris comes of age and then
To the said Morris I do give all the above mentioned
Property after the death of my mother to my brother
Jacob Giddins his heirs and asoes for ever
And I do make Cathrine and ordain my brother Jacob
Giddens and Caty Giddens my executors of this my last
Will and testament revoking dismantling and making void
All former wills and bequeaths by me made and long
Deming this to be my last will and testament in
Witnesses where I have set unto my hand and
Seal the say and year above written signed sealed
and acknowledging in the presence of

Moses Giddens

Will Of
Abram Gidians

State of South Carolina}
Sumter District }

In the name of God Amen, I Abram
Gidians of the state and districts aforesaid being sound in body-
And of disposing mind and memory considering the certainty of
Death and uncertainty of time to the end therefore that I may be
The better prepared to leave this world when it shall please my
God to call me hence have now determined to direst what disposition
Shall be made of my property after my, decease and after
Maturity considering the circumstances of those my heirs at Law
Have determined to make and publish this my last will and
Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made and my will
Is that my body be decently buried and that my just debts and
Funeral charges shall be paid by my executor herein after named
And my will is that my executor herein after named shall forth
With after my decease sell and dispose of at public auction for
Money all my personal property that I shall have except one of
My best beds and furniture I wish it given to my wife and I do
Herby give and empower my executors hereafter named to execute
And direct deeds for conveyance thereof and out of the nett
Avails of my personal estate shall remain in the hands of my Executors
after paying my just debts and funeral charges. I wish divide
In the following manner. (Vis). I give and bequeath to my beloved
Wife one of my best beds and furniture also one hundred & fifty
Dollars in money and further more should she survive after I am
Dead and wish to live in my house she is to have said house during
Her natural life then to go as I shall here after direct.
I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Gidians one hundred and fifty
Dollars I give and bequeath to my grandson, son of Thomas Gidian
Fifty dollars. Son of Thomas Gidians I give and bequeath to my
Son Jacob Gidians one hundred and fifty dollars I give and bequeath
to my son James Gidians one hundred and Fifty dollars, I
I give and bequeath my daughter Abagial Gidians & to the
heirs of her body two hundred and fifty dollars, - I give and
bequeath to my daughter Mary Garot one hundred and fifty dollars
my land or real estate I wish disposed of in the following manner
viz. I give and bequeath all my real Estate to my two daughters
Sarah Kobb. And Elizabeth Artus to be divided between them and
The heirs of their bodies in the following manner. Viz my
Will is that the path commencing from Jacob Gidians through Gum
Land Savannah to the line between the two before named daughters
Sarah and Elizabeth along said path to where it intersects this head back
Of my barn known as out of the heads Brunson Swamp. Thence
Straight line to the nearest point of the said Bay above named
Line I have designated and laid out to the line between my two
Before named daughters and the heirs of their bodies fixed and
Not to be moved all north of the above named line I give and bequeath
to my daughter Sarah Kobb and to the heirs of her body
All south of that line I give and bequeath to my daughter
Elizabeth Arties and the heirs of her body except the house in which
I know live should my wife with it for a house after I am dead she







GILLIAM, JOHN B.; Indian War Pension Application dated 1892, Alabama. Served in Captain Jones'
Company, Georgia Volunteers. Ind.Sur.App.#3278, Cert.#2590, O.W.Inv.Rej.#23758.

GIDDENS, DUNCAN; Indian War Pension Application dated 1894, Georgia. Served in Captain Livingston's
Company, Florida Volunteers, Florida War. Ind.Wid.App.#5556, Cert.#4292. Widow: Mary Giddens.

GIDDENS, JOHN; Indian War Pension Application dated 1900, Florida. Alleged service in Captain Glover's
Company, Georgia Volunteers, 1840-42. Ind.Wid.App.#7919, no certificate. Soldier died 1 April 1866.
Widow: Kancy Giddens.

GIDDENS, MOSES; Indian War Pension Application dated 1892, Georgia. Served in Captain Bryant's and
Captain Knight's Companies, Georgia Volunteers, Creek War. Ind.Sur.App.#494, Cert.#1082,
Ind.Wid.App.#10105. Widow: Polly Giddens.

GIDDENS, WILLIAM; Indian War Pension Application dated 1892, Georgia. Served in Captain Bryant's and
Captain Knight's Companies, Georgia Volunteers, Creek War. Ind.Sur.App.#2415, Cert.#1816.

GIDEON, JOHN; Indian War Pension Application dated 1892, Georgia. Served in Captain Tuggle's
Company, Georgia Volunteers, Cherokee War. Ind.Wid.App.#1202, Cert.#2358. Widow: Martha J.

GIDEON, ROGER; Indian War Pension Application dated 1893, Georgia. Served in Captain Tuggle's
Company, Georgia Volunteers, Cherokee War. Ind.Wid.App.#4504, Cert.#1807. Widow: Margaret
A 1715 Corn List For

Beaufort and Hyde Precincts

In 1712 the government of North Carolina imposed a levy of corn, wheat and money on
every tithable
in the colony to provide money and provisions for a small army of Yamassee Indians from
South Carolina to protect the settlers. This levy was in response the an early morning
massacre on September 22, 1711 in the eastern region of North Carolina.

.Hyde Precinct Tax .Beauford Precinct Tax
Mr. Jordans List . Clarks List .
Will: Price 1 Joel Martin 2
Joseph Tart 1 Simon Alderson 2
John Brock 1 Will: Putnel 1
Arch: Holmes 1 John Jackson 1
Richd Harvy 2 Isaac Shallowmuch 1
James Bright 1 Widow Oden 1
Oliver Smith 1 John Oden 2
Joseph Hall 1 Thos Worsley 2
Fra. Gerganeos 1 Henry Smith 1
Robt Spring 2 Edwd Carter 2
John Bright 1 John Adams 1
John Foreman 1 Giles Shute 1
Cull Flynn 3 Mr Drinkwater 1
Thos Morrice 1 Coll. Cary 3
James Welsh 1 Richd Albeen 1
Joseph Hall 1 Thos Cealy 1
NC Hathaway(April1900)furnishedanabstractofthe

Albritton,03Mar1745.Thelandwas128acresontheN.sideoftheTarRiver adj.George




Sept 1783 Craven County
Craven County Court Minutes Agnes Giddens Came into Court and made Choice of Willis McCoy as her
Guardian whom the Court approved that he enter into Bond in the sum of L20

72 Jun 1784
Agnes Giddins by her guardian agt Samuel White: Issue in Trover for a bed &c. The same jury except
Samuel Goodhue in therfoom of Willis McKoy find the verdict of the defendant is Guilty of the trover
and Conversion and Assess L7. Damages for the Plaintiff and cost.



John Jordan 3 Sam: Mattam 1
Wm Luciss 2 Rot Borr: Porter Price 2
. 25 Mr Reading 5
Mr Jaspers List . Thos Blount 2
Roger Mason 1 Cool. Gale 2
John Hester 1 Thos Harding 1
Jos: Cook 1 Will: Jones 1
Richd Jasper 2 John Chester 1
Thos Tooly 1 Thos Henderson 1
Henry Lambath 1 Antho. McKealy 1
Thos Proctor 1 Joseph Shackleton 3
Cor: Bell 2 John Trip 1
Simon Foscu 1 James Nevil 1
Gilford Silverthorne 1 Geo: Hill 1
Thomas Gidians 1 Mr Leigh & Sonn 2
Ben: Sanderson 3 Peter Prichard 1
John Leeth 1 Abra: Punndant 1
Henry Slade 1 James Shingleton 1
Robt Banks 1 Phillip Prichard 1
Danl Cocks 1 Robert Aldershire 1
John Porter 2 William Sidley 1
Charles Smith 2 John Clark 3
Abraham Wilkinson 1 The Sums of each Precinct .
Collo Cleeves 2 Chowan 343
Sam: Slade 3 Perquimons 264
Wid: Tice 3 Pasquotank 488
John Slade 1 Couratuck 142
Benja Slade 1 Hyde 62
Theop. Phillips 1 Beauford 50

Total of ye Corne 1356


Is to have it as before named during her natural life then go to
My said daughter Elizabeth after the above named sums are paid to
Each of my said heirs should them still be anything in the hands
Of my executors it is to be equally divided between all my children
to have and to hold to them: May said wife and children respectively
And to their respective heads executors admrs. And asigns,
For their respective use. Behoove forever. and I do nominate
And appoint my frds/- Caleb Williams and Jacob Gidians to be
sole executors of this my last will and testament In witness
Whereof I have here into set my hand and seal In testament where-
of I the said Abram Gidians have herewith set my hand and
affix my seal this nineteenth of April in the year of our lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty nine and in the sixty third and sixty fourth year of the
independence of united states of America.

Witnesses his
Abram X Gidians (SEAL)
J.R Berry }
J.L. Jones }
J.W. Bartlett}

Recorded Will Book D-2 Page 153
Recorded June 4
W. Lewis O.S.S.
Bundle 116 Package 6.
William Lewis
John Jones
David Edward
Lovette Reaves
Adam Reaves
Jesse ______
Urbane Lewis
Jesse Bass
Salley Flowers
J. Blesoe DS Executed
Page 6
In obedience to an order of the Court to us directed we the subscribers have met and allotted of to Sarah
Giddens wife of John Giddens decd one thousand pence? and hundred of pounds? and 50 barrels of corn
which we believe will sufficient for the support of the said widow and family for one year given under our
hands and seals this 9
day of November 1802.
Ezekiel Slocumb {seal}
William Flowers{seal}
A. Carraway{seal}
Joe Everett{seal}
Page 7
A____ of Provision
Rec Feb 10. 1803

Page 8
Acct of the Sale of John Giddens decd. property sold the 10
Dec 1802
3 Weeding hoes to Thomas Brown O 9 O
1 Grubbing ditto to ditto 10
1 Iron Wedge to James Johnston 5 6
1 Plough hoe to William Harris 4
1 _______ to ____ Johnston 6 6
1 ditto to John Flowers 10 6
1 Bar Plow to Uriah Blanshard 4 6
1 hook to William Taylor 7 6
1 set of hattery tools to Isaac Giddens 6 6
2 head of hogs to Jacob Taylor 6 3
3 Sows to Adam Reaves 4 14
2 ditto to Lovette Reaves 4 10 6
2 Sows & pigs to Isaac Giddins 3 15
12 heads of hogs to Sampson Edwards 6 18
12 ditto to Isaac Giddens 6
8 ditto to James Watkins 16
10 ditto ditto 22 3
1 ditto to David Slocumb 5 15
2 Steers ditto 9 5
2 ditto to Isaac Giddens 4 5 6
4 ditto to Thomas Brown 7 2
5 head of Cattle to Sampson Edwards 10 2
9 do sheep to David Edwards 4 16
1 Mare to Isaac Giddens 28
1 Horse to ___jah Casey 50 11
1 Mare to Stephen Hines 39 16
1 ditto to David Slocumb 50 15
1 Colt to ditto 20 5
1 do to Stephen Hines 20 8
324 8

Page 9
Amt. Brot forward 324 8
5 Barrells Corn to Lott Stroud 5 17
5 ditto to James Johnston 5 18
3 ditto to Isaac Giddens 3 10 9
5 do to Bartholomew Burns 5 19
6 do to Hezekiah Millard 7 5 3
3 Bushels Oats to David Slocumb 18 6
3 do to do 1 2
3 ditto to Jonathan Taylor Jun. 1 2 6
3 ditto to Jeremiah Foley 1 2 3
3 ditto to David Slocumb 1 2
1 Case of Bottles to Stephen Jones 10 6
1 Frying Pan to William Duncan 14 6
1 Skillet to Samuel Flowers 6 7
1 Blade Stack to Jeremiah Foley 1 9 9
1 do to Hardy Bizzell 1 10
1 ditto to John Jones 1 1
1 do William Johnston 7
1 top stack to ditto 16 6
1 ditto to ditto 5
1 Jug to Richard Bradley 6

I Certify the above to be a true
account of the sale of the Property
of said deed.
Salley Giddens, Adminx
365 12 1

Page 10

Amt. Sales
John Giddens

Rec. Feb 6. 1803

Page 11
Inventory of the Estate of John Giddens Deed taken the 12
of Nov. 1802
1000 Acres land 2 qt bottles. 5 jugs. 2 chest
5 head of horses 1 table 7 chairs
23 head of Cattle 9 cider barrels
116 do hogs 11 kegs 2 old hogheads
17 do sheep 3 pair cards
4 feather beds & furniture 1 loom, 3 old barrels
some loose feathers 2 _______ ________
3 iron pots 2 smoothing irons
1 do kettle 1 pot trammel 1 griddle
1 copper tea kettle 3 augers 3 chisels
1 frying pan 1 skillet 2 ________ 1 drawing knife
2 pewter dishes 2 tubs 1 pole 2 Riggins
3 do B _____ 2 decanters 4 tin cups
10 do plates 1 meal sifter 1 wheat riddle
12 do spoons 1 shot gun 1 churn
11 earthan plates 11 gimlets 1pr c_______
1 Doz tea cups & saucers 1 iron square 1 candle stick
1 tin coffee pot 1 pair steel yards, steel trap
1 _______ 1 _____ 1 Razor 10 books
1 grater 1 iron ladle 2 tumblers
1 trumphet 1 _____ desk 2 ink stands
3 wool wheels 1 case Knifes & forks
2 _____ wheels 1 pair shears 1 pr scissors
1 hackle 1 pair chest hinges
1 wheat sieve 1 do iron wedges 1 Fraw?
3 bar plows 2 Scythes & ______
11 hooks 1 carrying knife 1 curry comb
5 grubing hoes 6 Bells 1 tray 3 bridles
5 axes 2 hatchets 2 foils 1 cowhide
2 hammers 1 cart 1 womans saddle
1 grind stone 80 barrels corn 20 bushels wheat
1 Set of hatter implements 20 bushels potes
1 set shoe makers tools 3 pair plough ____
1 set shoe makers tools
1 ____ and bottles
2 bolts ______
2 sides leather
10 geese 7 ducks
1 ________ for two hundred ___ pork
1 . do for 3. 6

1 Case with 4 knives and 6
George Ironmonger 0 2 7
1 pott and 2 Tin Covers Ditto 0 1 2
1 Mans Saddle Johnathon Willet 0 8 0
2 Hoes Ditto

0 1 15
1 Chest Betsy Giddens 0 1 0
2 Open Barrels Johathon Wllet 0 2 0
1 Jugg Ditto 0 0 0
1 Pigg Patience Carmine 0 1 0
1 Cart wheels George Ironmonger

0 18 0
1 Pewter basin 1 dish John Hannaford 0 3 1
Total L 22 13 7

Petitioned into Court October 28. 1788 and ordered to be rounded

Exam Test Littleton Savage
Rifle and one glafs tumbler one locking flasfs and ton
Chunck bottles and also thirty seven pounds that William
Landrin is indebted to me

Fourthly I leave to my dear mother
Twelve pounds that Wm Landin is indebted to me
Finally and lastly I nominate and appoint my friend
Johnathon Murray and my friend Daniel Shepherd
My exes to this my last will and testament and
Do utterly revoke and dismantle all and
Every other former testaments and bequeaths
Whatsoever ratifying and confirming this no other to be my last
will and testament in witness whereof I have wer my hand and
seal on this 19
day of sept one thousand seven hundred and seventy four

signed sealed justified pronounced } Entered into before as signed
and delivered by me the said Jacob Giddins }
for his last will and testament in the } his
presence of us who in his presence } Jacob X Giddens
in the presence of each other have } Mark
hereunto transcribed our names }

Lary Lary
Wm Landon
Rebecca Loyd

His executor and ordered to be recorded

Teste: Griffen Smith

Account of the sales of the Estate of Thomas Giddens dec

(only people purchasing listed)

Benjamin Dixon
Obedience Parramore
William Wilson (Tailor)
Elizebeth Donly
David Dustin
Seymour Giddens
Henry Stott
Edmund Core
Richard Garris
Thomas Face
Reubin Dennis
Solomon Scott
Thomas Luke
Anne Belote
Josiah Donly
Caleb Scott
John Dennis
John Thomas
Richard Booth
John Watter
Hezekiah Belote
Jonathon Stott
Able Stott
Isaiah Clegg
John Matthew

At Court Held for Northampton County the 8
Day of May 1764
This Account of sales of the estate of Thomas Giddens dec
Was exhibited and sworn by Isaiah Donty his executor and
Ordered to be recorded

Teste Griffin Smith
Elizabeth Giddens
At a court held in Northampton County on Tuesday the Twelfth day of august 1740
The inventory of the estate of William giddens deced was presented in court by Elizabeth Giddens
His executrix was ordered to be recorded

Teste Tho Cable

An appraisement of the estate of William Giddens Decd

{items listed 39.15.11}

Tho. Marshell
Tho. Precor
M Rascoe

At a court held in Northampton county Tuesday the 9
day of September 1740
The appraisement of the estate of William Giddens decd was presented in court by Thomas Marshell gent
who is ordered to be recorded

Teste Tho. Cable


ELIZABETH MILLER V7453 BOUNTY lano WaRRaNT 33747 for l60
Pace 3. 5*
*her certain THEY Marrieo prior TO 1800
Affidavit of Rhooa Anderson made i852 in Claiborne Co Tennessee states
Elizabeth MilLeR, widow of Martin Miller, late Revolutionary war Pensioner, of
said county and StAte, that she *as formerly Elizabeth Giddens aNd Martin
Miller were maRRIeo in Wilkes Co n C. i798, by a man of name of Thomas Fields,
and that they lived there a short time anD removed to Tennessee.
Affidavit Made by Thomas WhitEted, in ClaiBorne Co Tenn, that he Was
acquainted with ELIZABETH Miller and her husband Martin Miller, now
deceased, in (1852) and became acquainted with them about 1800 when they
came to this neighborhood, where they have lived since, that that they had one
OFT two children when they came into this neighborhood, - verified by Thos I.
Johnson, Clerk of County Court, Claiborne Co Tenn,. In i855 2 person, Eli Miller
and Wm miller, residents of Claiborne Co Tenn declare that they are personally
acquainted with Elizabeth Miller, and saw her sign her name to the
the declaration for land bounty.

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