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The Dog Rambler E-diary

top 11
October 2011

Over Allermuir and Castlelaw Hills Archie, Finlay, Gina, Jerry, Solo, Tim


6.25 miles

Dogs on walk

My nephew Adam is still visiting us with his dog Meg. Again they joined us for the day out. Meg a little less phased with all the dogs today than she was at the start of yesterday. A wag of her tail as Tim got into the car a sign of recognition. With the four Retrievers we looked like something from Noahs Ark 2. Jerry the final one to board squeezed his way in between Gina and Solo, as Archie and Finlay lounged on the back seat almost pushing Tim out. It was a good day for The Pentlands which even five minutes of harsh windblown rain did not put us off, quite. Although as it hit us nearing the top of Allermuir I did comment to Adam that we may need to rethink our route. What a poor believer in good weather I am. It soon cleared up. The start of the walk was however very muddy. Soon all the dogs were giving a good Guinness impression, dark below and clean atop. The variety of none too clean puddles and overly shallow streams did little to change their look along the way. It was not long before Finlay had assumed his position at the front and not long before he

found himself on the lead for being overly tardy in coming back when asked to. It did not last long and he was soon our light coloured beacon at the front again. Gina, rather enamoured with Adam bounced along between us looking from one to the other. Then my gloves coming out, as the temperature failed to meet my hands requirements, brought her nose right into my hands, as though the gloves were some fascinating new toy. Archie and Tim took no notice; they were already in a tangle together. I could see that all these fun dogs were going to be too much of an excitement for Tim. He was going to get giddy again. And sure enough he did, having to walk to heel several times giving him time to think about his behaviour. The others did not really mind as it gave Archie some peace to run with Gina and Jerry. Jerry after having his attentions spurned by Meg was still keen to play along today. In all this Solo was somewhere in the middle. Not chasing about but much more upbeat than yesterday. Turning occasionally with his twinkled eyed grin to check our progress. Brittle looking gorse channelled us along for a while before the real climb toward Allermuir kicked in. Coarse grass its replacement. Good to run in and the dogs did. They tried to keep up the pace as we neared the summit of Allermuir but were called back as another dog came into view. It was keen to see us but by now had put in its lead so could only look across longingly at our troupe now walking well to heel on the blustery summit. Until through the gate and onto the downward slope. A string of hills ahead of us like beads on a necklace. Fading out into folds of rain that was missing us by some distance now. The nearest hill in front of us was clear and strong against the further veiled hills. Its size taking over the foreground and beckoning us on toward it. No sheep between it and us let the dogs head off. They knew where they going. A good deep, brown puddle across the track. Even Solo broke into something akin to a run. It freshened them up, but did not clean them up, ready for the next climb. We made it to the top of Castlelaw Hill its red flag taught and whipping in the wind. We had not heard a shot from the firing range beyond. Until now. Meg hated it and scooted off. The others unperturbed waited for Adam to fetch her back. As she was so unhappy we quickly made our way down diverting over the shoulder of Capelaw Hill to take in some extra distance to make up for what we had lost.

It wound us back down to Dreghorn. Where some sneaky sheep almost caught us out as they bolted across the path. Adam saw them first and we just had to time to get the dogs in order. A final dip in the steam near the car did little to improve their look. It just made them wetter when they climbed in.

Photo slideshow from the walk

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Nick Fletcher The Dog Rambler 9 Links Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6JL t. 0131 665 8843 or 0781 551 6765

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