Dilemmas of A Senior High School Students Before Graduation Revised

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*Article na gagawin ng Teacher is about students daw po…

*Relevant Strategies, teaching -students etc..

* At least 500 words daw po..

*First time ko po kasi gagawa sir pahelp nalang po sa tamang pagsulat ng Article po

ha..thank you so much po 😊

*Dadaan din daw po sa plagiarism check dapat daw po papasa sabi 😊

“Dilemmas of a Senior High School Student Before Graduation”

Graduation day is the most awaited milestone of students. moment and one of the
happiest days of all most especially the students, dear parents and teachers or educators.
It marks that milestone with a diploma and cap, a tangible proof that twelve (12) years of
hard work and sweat, meant that one reached a “pitstop” before embarking into another
journey called life. As they say, graduation is not the end but it is ’s just the a beginning.
A beginning of many opportunities, new life, new challenges and a lot of unexpected

A graduating For a senior high school student, usually before graduation may usually
encountered to feel different mixed emotions or anxieties, it a bit strange to embark on a
journey that would mean being literally alone for the first time without the presence of
fellow students and teachers. a lot of dilemmas and problems and thinking of what will
happen to their life after graduation. This article aims to discuss some of the dilemmas of a
senior high school student before graduation. It helps senior high school students to
understand and enlighten on the choices and help them to make the right choice and
decision after graduation.

It confound the graduating students as they think about what exactly is their plan for
the future. Some may opt to find a job immediately after finishing Senior High School to
save up or provide for the family, others who are quite fortunate to be born with parents
with financial means can pursue further studies in College. There are many students also
venture into practical programs or vocational trainings currently being provided by TESDA.

Basically, senior high school students are in limbo, they are like in a phase of their
lives where they are not yet an adult but not adolescent anymore. A period of wanting to
become independent but not there yet. They still need much support from their family,
peers and friends.
Being a senior high school student, meaning you are about to graduate in secondary
level because you are in the last two years in high school. Therefore, a lot of challenges,
dilemmas and struggles that a senior high school student may experience and face. Some
of the dilemmas of a senior high school student before graduation may include the
following; First, struggling in college decisions, if they will continue to pursue higher
programs/degrees of education or to take some vocational or short courses/training
programs like TESDA. Some senior students may have dilemmas if they will stop studying
after graduation and better decide to find and land a job locally or in abroad due to
financial problems and unable to support their studies after senior high school graduation.
There are some senior high school students may decide to start a business or help their
family business instead of studying in college after graduation. Aside from the options
mentioned earlier, still some senior students may have different decisions or dilemmas like
start their own family after graduation.

At this point in life of a senior high school student, a genuine love, support and
guidance of the family especially the parents, the school-teachers and even the community
can provide an inspiration- the leaders and elders may be highly recommended and
needed. Young people also take into Social Media to find varying opinions or ideas to
resolve their confusion. Before graduation, Aa senior high school student is may
recommended to attend school work immersions, on-job trainings, relevant career-path
seminars and trainings that will help them to take the right decisions in life. Also, this will
help our senior high school student to ease their dilemmas and problems experiences
before graduation.

Senior year in high school is the time that a young learner may or may not turn
turning into a responsible adult. or citizen and about to make future-changing decisions in
life. It is also important that our senior high school student may always pray and seek
guidance from our Almighty God to take the right path in life after graduation. Whatever it
may be chose what will make you happy. And if you are happy with your chosen career
decisions in life, surely you will enjoy every moment and you will be successful in the
future. Once you graduate in senior high school, you will face the real world which is full of
challenges and problems to take. Always be strong, seek guidance from above, from your
parents, teachers and trusted friends and most important thing is just believe in yourself
that you can do it! Everything is possible with the man who has a faith in God and courage
to pursue their goals and dreams in life. No one can really know what the future holds for
the young people about to complete a stage in their lives. It is fitting or comforting to note
however that our young people will be meeting the future head on, with faith and support
from their family or even by just being true to their ideals and values, they can start the
journey right away.

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