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Required Task No.

Submitted to: Jennifer Gorospe-Sese



See pdf: visuCase studies_ Organizing Events_A/B

CASE A:The Last-Minute Venue Cancellation

by George Taylor, Founder and Director at Creative Industry Hub (@CRIndustryHub)

One time I was organising a fashion show in London, and I had an agreement with Wowcher to sell
400 tickets on a discounted rate and the event would have ran 2 days in a row.
It took me months to organise it and find the perfect venue. I had 5 fashion designers, 10 models
and lots of other things arranged and the day before the event went on sale, the venue pulled the
plug on me and I had to call Wowcher and call the whole thing off as I’d missed the deadline and
wasn’t able to find a venue in time.
Two months later I found the perfect venue by accident and decided to organise a different fashion
Luckily I’d built all the right contacts so it was a case of making a few phone calls. It worked out
even better than the first round as I teamed up with international fashion company Fashion United
and had celebrity Noelle Reno speak at my event and people travel across the world! It was a
disaster, which later turned into one of my biggest life achievements.

1) List down issues/concerns happened in this event?

2) What were the organizers realizations after this incident?
Required Task No.
Submitted to: Jennifer Gorospe-Sese

CASE B: When Nobody Turned Up

by Liz Elfman, Marketing at Campus London (Links to an external site.) for Google for Entrepreneurs

I was way too busy, but I took on organising an event with two large corporates. The subject matter
was really interesting – cyber security and hacking. But, the event had a wordy, vague title that
would put anyone to sleep. It was my job to market it, and the corporates did everything else.
They provided a 200-person space, ordered drinks and snacks, and put together these wonderful,
insightful presentations. And then, in the end – 18 people showed up. Completely my fault. It was
my own personal nightmare sitting there watching these presentations in a sea of empty chairs.
Since then I’ve realised quality content and a great event aren’t enough to drive people to attend.
How are people supposed to know it’s great before they show up?! Now I always put as much effort
into the marketing, messaging and communication as the logistics so the organizers get the
audience they deserve.

1) List down issues/concerns happened in this event?

2) What were the organizers realizations after this incident?

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