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BARRIER- Barrier birth control methods prevent sperm from entering the body, therefore preventing
conception. Barrier techniques are more effective when used in combination with spermicide. This is a
substance that destroys sperm.
MALE CONDOM -Open the package carefully. -Condoms are safe to use - Condoms for
for the majority of men are 98
-Apply lubricant outside of the
condom individuals and have no percent
negative side effects. Latex effective. When
-Pull your foreskin back. (rubber) condoms might male condoms
irritate persons with latex are used as
-Place the tip of the rolled-up
condom over your penis.
allergies or sensitivities on contraception, 2
rare occasions. Also, the out of 100
-Gently press the tip of the lubrication on certain people will
condom to remove air. condoms might be become
annoying at times. pregnant in a
-Roll the condom down.
-After sex, grasp the base of the
condom before you remove it

-Dispose of the condom in the

FEMALE CONDOMS -Open the packet and remove the - If used
female condom, taking care not correctly,
to tear it. Do not open the packet
with your teeth. female
condoms are
-Squeeze the smaller ring at the 95% effective.
closed end of the condom and - Except for those who are
put it into the vagina.
allergic to latex, female
-Make sure the large ring at the condoms have no adverse
open end of the condom covers effects.
the area around the opening of
the vagina.

-Make sure the penis goes in the

female condom, not between the
condom and the side of the

-After sex, remove the female

condom immediately by gently
pulling it out. You can twist the
large ring to prevent semen
leaking out.

-Throw away the condom in a

bin, not the toilet.
DIAPHRAGM -with clean hands, put 2 2cm -burning with urination. -When used
strips of spermicide on the upper -discomfort when using the with
side of the diaphragm
diaphragm. spermicide, a
-put your index finger on top of -irregular spotting or diaphragm or
the diaphragm and squeeze it bleeding. cap can prevent
between your thumb and other -genital irritation. conception in
-red or swollen vulva or 92-96 percent of
-slide the diaphragm into your vagina. cases.
vagina, upwards – this should -unusual vaginal discharge.
ensure that the diaphragm covers -a high fever.
your cervix

-always check that your cervix is

covered – it feels like a lump, a
bit like the end of your nose

-if your cervix is not covered, take

the diaphragm out by hooking
your finger under the rim or loop
(if there is one) and pulling
downwards, then try again

CERVICAL CAP -with clean hands, fill one-third of -from the spermicide, -When used
the cap with spermicide, but do irritation of the vagina and with
not put any spermicide around
the rim as this will stop the cap surrounding skin or an spermicide, a
staying in place. allergic reaction diaphragm or
-strong odors or vaginal cap can prevent
-the cap has a groove between discharge if the cap is left conception in
the dome and the rim – place
some spermicide in this groove.
in too long 92-96 percent of
-an allergic reaction to the cases.
-squeeze the sides of the cap material in the cap (this is
together and hold it between rare)
your thumb and first 2 fingers. -changes in the cervix
-slide the cap into your vagina, because of irritation
upwards. -toxic shock syndrome if
the cap is left in too long
-the cap must fit neatly over your (this is rare)
cervix – it stays in place by

-depending on your type of cap,

you may need to add extra
spermicide after it's been put in
HORMONAL/CHEMICAL- Hormonal birth control (contraception) contains estrogen and
progestin or just progestin and is a safe and effective approach to prevent pregnancy for the
majority of women. Implants, intrauterine devices (IUDs), injections, tablets, vaginal rings, and
skin patches are all hormonal techniques.


THE PILL - Take 1 tablet every day -Spotting -If you take the pill
for the next 21 days (3 -Nausea consistently that is,
weeks). Then, for the next -Breast Tenderness if you don't forget to
seven days, don't take any -Headaches and Migraines take it for even a
medicines (week 4). If you -Weight gain
day or two it has a
don't take any medicines, -Mood changes
99 percent chance
you'll receive your period -Missed periods
in the fourth week. -Decreased libido of preventing
Because there are no -Vaginal discharges pregnancy.
reminder (hormone-free) -Eye changes
tablets in a 21-day pack,
it's critical to take every
THE PATCH AND RING -These contraceptive - Bleeding between - When the
techniques work by periods, breast soreness, contraceptive patch is
inhibiting ovulation (the headaches, and nausea are used appropriately,
release of the egg from the the most prevalent less than 1 in 100
ovary) and thickening adverse effects. These side women will become
cervical mucus, which effects are usually only pregnant in a year.
impedes sperm travel and present for a few months. Typical application
so prevents fertilization. has a 91 percent
success rate.

THE SHOT - This drug is put into your -Irregular menstrual - Depo-Provera is 96
arm or buttocks and is periods or no periods at percent effective in
known as the depo all, which is a safe benefit preventing
injection or birth control of the shot. pregnancy, which
shot. Depo-Provera -Headaches. implies that four
injections, which contain a
-Nervousness. unintended
kind of progesterone
hormone, give protection -Depression. pregnancies occur
against pregnancy for up -Acne. per year for every
to 14 weeks, however you -Changes in appetite. 100 women.
normally require one shot -Weight gain.
every 12 weeks.
-Excessive growth of facial
and body hair.
THE IMPLANT - The contraceptive -Abdominal or back pain. -With flawless
implant (Nexplanon) is a -An increased risk of application, it's more
little flexible plastic rod noncancerous ovarian than 99 percent
that a doctor or nurse cysts. effective. They are
inserts beneath the skin in good for three years,
-Changes in vaginal
your upper arm. It although they can be
bleeding patterns,
prevents conception by removed sooner. In a
including absence of
releasing the hormone year, less than 1 in
progestogen into your 100 women who use
system for three years. -Decreased sex drive. the implant will
-Dizziness. become pregnant.
-Mild insulin resistance.
-Mood swings and

HORMONAL IUD - a type of birth control that -Headache -more than 99%
is implanted into your uterus. -Acne effective. An IUD can
A hormonal IUD is a little T- -Breast Tenderness stay in place for 5 or
shaped piece of flexible -Irregular bleeding, which 10 years depending on
plastic. Over the course of
can improve after six the type but can be
several years, the hormonal
IUD delivers a little quantity month of use taken out at any time.
of the hormone progestin -Mood changes
into your body. -cramping or pelvic pain


 Anonymous, (n.d). How effective are condoms. Retrieved from
 Anonymous, (n.d). Campus Health. Retrieved from
 Anonymous, (n.d). Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved from
 NHS, (2020). Female condoms. Retrieved from
 NHS, (2020). Diaphragm. Retrieved from
 Smith, L. (2020). Common birth control pill side effect. Retrieved from

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