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Environmentally Friendly Fishing

-Answer these question based on the reading passage.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

2. Why do some fishers une large trawl nets, dynamite, and cyanide to catch fish?

3. What will happen if the fishers continue to use large trawl nets, cyanide, anddynamite to fish?
4. What did SAMA NGO do to motivate fishers not to use cyanide, dynamite, and large trawl nets
to catch fish?

5. According to the text, which types of fishing equipment are more friendly to the environment?

6. What did the fishers do to limit the supply of fish in Kendari's market?

7. According to the text, what type of fish can be kept on fish farms?


1.The main idea of the passage is the destructive impact of harmful fishing methods on marine
life and the efforts to promote environmentally friendly fishing methods.

2.Some fishers use large trawl nets, dynamite, and cyanide to catch fish because they can catch
a large number of fish quickly, which leads to higher profits.

3.If fishers continue to use large trawl nets, cyanide, and dynamite to fish, it will lead to severe
destruction of the coral reef, depletion of fish populations, and the loss of jobs for fishers in the
long term.

4.SAMA NGO conducted a pilot community education project to educate fishers on the impact
of harmful fishing methods and introduced environmentally friendly fishing techniques. They
also provided environmentally friendly fishing equipment for a group of ten fishers.

5.According to the text, environmentally friendly fishing equipment includes cotton nets, fishing
rods, nylon ropes, and rompong equipped with electric lamps.

6.The fishers used selective fishing techniques and only collected certain fish species while
releasing all other sea creatures they could not sell back into the sea. This helped to limit the
supply of fish in Kendari's market and maintain the sustainability of marine life.
7.According to the text, grouper can be kept on fish farms using nylon ropes tied to a wooden
stick planted in the seabed.

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