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Exercise 1: Calculate the multiplication and sum of two numbers
print("multiplication and sum of two Numbers")
def two_number(a,b):

if a*b<=1000:
print("product=", product)
return product
sum= a+b
print("sum=", sum)
return sum
while True:
x = int(input("Enter first number:"))
y = int(input(("Enter second number:")))
a= two_number(x,y)
print("hello ", a)

multiplication and sum of two Numbers

Enter first number:2
Enter second number:3
product= 6
hello 6

Exercise 2: Print the sum of the current number and the previous number
print("Printing current and previous number sum in a range(10)")
previous_number= 0
for i in range(1,11):
sum = previous_number+i
print("Current Number is : ",i, "Previous Number is : ",
previous_number,"Total Sumation is: ",sum)
Printing current and previous number sum in a range(10)
Current Number is : 1 Previous Number is : 0 Total Sumation is: 1
Current Number is : 2 Previous Number is : 1 Total Sumation is: 3
Current Number is : 3 Previous Number is : 2 Total Sumation is: 5
Current Number is : 4 Previous Number is : 3 Total Sumation is: 7
Current Number is : 5 Previous Number is : 4 Total Sumation is: 9
Current Number is : 6 Previous Number is : 5 Total Sumation is: 11
Current Number is : 7 Previous Number is : 6 Total Sumation is: 13
Current Number is : 8 Previous Number is : 7 Total Sumation is: 15
Current Number is : 9 Previous Number is : 8 Total Sumation is: 17
Current Number is : 10 Previous Number is : 9 Total Sumation is: 19
Exercise 3: Print characters from a string that are present at an even index number
Lst = [50, 70, 30, 20, 90, 10, 50]
print(Lst[0::2])#even number index# 50,30,90,50
print(Lst[::2]) #even number index
print(Lst[1::2])#odd number index# 70,20,10
print(''' One string is taken that is "BANGLADESH".
Print only even index of this string''')
take_input=input(" Enter the Word: ")#1 take input
print("Given string is:", take_input)
list_str= list(take_input)# 2 convert user input into list
keep_list=list_str[0::2]# 3 convert even indexing
print(keep_list)#4 make even indexing list
for y in keep_list:#5 make loop for verticale the list
One string is taken that is "BANGLADESH".
Print only even index of this string
Enter the Word: BANGLADESH
Given string is: BANGLADESH
['B', 'N', 'L', 'D', 'S']

Exercise 4: Remove first n characters from a string

print(" Removing n characters from the given string")
take_input_for_removing_char= input("Enter the string:")#step-1 take input
def remove_char(word,n):
print("Original word: ", word)
removing_word= word[n:]
return removing_word
print("Modified Word:", x)

Removing n characters from the given string

Enter the string:sdbangla
Original word: sdbangla
Modified Word: bangla

Exercise 5: Check if the first and last number of a list is the same
def last_and_first_name_check(numberlist):

if first_number==last_number:
print(" first number and last number is same")
return True
print(" first number and last number is Different")
return False



Check if the first and last number of a list is the same

first number and last number is same

Exercise 6: Display numbers divisible by 5 from a list

Exercise 7: Return the count of a given substring from a string

given_statement= " she is good but dishonest.she is bad but honest."
print("Given Statement:",given_statement)
count_of_str=given_statement.count("she")#count method= count the str
print("'she' word is ",count_of_str,"times in the statement")

Given Statement: she is good but dishonest.she is bad but honest.
'she' word is 2 times in the statement

Exercise 9: Check Palindrome Number

****back forward same value** 121,1881,mom

def palindrome(number):
print("original number", number)
original_num = number
# reverse the given number
reverse_num = 0
while number > 0:
reminder = number % 10 #take reminder/ reverse last digit
reverse_num = (reverse_num * 10) + reminder
number = number // 10# omit reminder from original number

# check numbers
if original_num == reverse_num:
print("Given number palindrome")
print("Given number is not palindrome")


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