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• What is Signal?
Chapter 1:
– Physical quantity that is changing with time.
Introduction to Signals and Systems
– Contain certain information.
– Examples; human voice, radio signal, temperature,
human population and etc.

Introduction Introduction

• What is System?
– Signal processor.
• What about Electrical Signal and System?
– Modify signal for further processes.
– Signal (Voltage/current) are electrical signals.
– Extract information inside the signal.
– Electrical system process only electrical signal.
– Examples; radio receiver, human ear, software – Other physical signals?
algorithm, and etc.
– Need conversion to electrical signal.


Type of Signals Continuous and Discrete Signals

• Continuous and Discrete Signals.

• Analog and Digital Signals.
• Periodic and Aperiodic Signals.
• Energy and Power Signals.
• Deterministic and Random Signals. • Continuous Signal • Discrete Signal
• Expressed as a function of • Sample from continuous
• Even and Odd Signals. continuous time. signal at a uniform sampling
• Live music, human voice, • Monthly income, daily
temperature, and etc. temperature, and etc.

Analog and Digital Signals Periodic and Aperiodic Signals

• Analog Signal • Digital Signal • Periodic Signal • Aperiodic Signal

• Has real/continuous value • Has integer/discrete value • Repeat itself within a finite • Not a periodic signal.
along the amplitude axis. at certain interval along the period, T.
amplitude axis. • Period, T is infinite.
• Live music, human voice, • MP3 music, computer data, x (t )  x (t  T )  x (t  nT )
temperature, and etc. and etc. n is integer (1, 2, 3,…)


Energy and Power Signals Deterministic and Random Signals

Energy, E Power, P
T 2
 2 1 2
Px  x(t ) dt
T T 2
Ex   x(t ) dt

• Energy Signal • Power Signal

• Signal with finite energy • Signal with finite power
and zero power. and infinite energy. • Deterministic Signal • Random Signal
• 0 < Ex < ∞ • 0 < Px < ∞
• Predictable. • Unpredictable.
• Px = 0 • Ex = ∞
• Characterized by unique • Involved probability theory,
mathematical random variables and
• What are these signals? representation. statistics.
• Example: radio signal. • Characterized by past
• Example: Noise in radio

Even and Odd Signals Operations on Signals

• Time Scaling.
• Time Reflection (special case of time scaling).
• Time Shifting.
• Even Signal • Odd Signal • Amplitude Scaling.
• Reflected at the vertical • Reflected at both the
axis. vertical and horizontal axes. • Amplitude Shifting.
x(t )  x(t ) x(t )   x(t )


Time Scaling Time Scaling

• What it does? • What it causes? • How signal y(t) will look like if α = 2 or y (t )  x( 2t )?
• Speed up / Slow down time. • Compressed / Stretched
• Step 1: t → τ , x(t) → x(τ).
• Given a signal x(t) • Step 2: Note the value of τ when x(τ) pattern changes. Record in table.
τ -4 -2 0 2
x(τ) 0 -2 τ 2 0

2 • Step 3: Obtain the relationship of t as a function of τ.

-4 -2
t 
2   2t , hence t 
-2 2
• Step 4: Using the above relationship, obtain the value of t and y(t).
• What if we scale x(t) with a Scaling Factor α? t -2 -1 0 1
• New signal y(t) is produced in the form of y(t) 0 -2 2t 2 0
y (t )  x(t )
• How signal y(t) will look like if α = 2 or y (t )  x(2t )?

Time Scaling Time Reflection (Reversal)

• How signal y(t) will look like if α = 2 or y (t )  x( 2t )? • What it does? • What it causes?
• Reverse time. • Folded signal or
• Step 5: based on the table, sketch y(t). • Original signal is time scaled with
a scaling factor of α = -1.
t -2 -1 0 1 • Given a signal x(t)
y(t) 0 -2 2t 2 0 x(t)

-4 -2
y(t) t
x(t) -2
-4 -2 -1
1 2
-2 • How signal y(t) will look like if α = -1 or y (t )  x( t )?


Time Reflection (Reversal) Time Reflection (Reversal)

• How signal y(t) will look like if α = -1 or y (t )  x(t )? • How signal y(t) will look like if α = -1 or y (t )  x(t )?

• Step 1: t → τ , x(t) → x(τ). • Step 5: based on the table, sketch y(t).

• Step 2: Note the value of τ when x(τ) pattern changes. Record in table. t 4 2 0 -2
τ -4 -2 0 2 y(t) 0 -2 -t 2 0
x(τ) 0 -2 τ 2 0

• Step 3: Obtain the relationship of t as a function of τ.

  t , hence t   2
-4 -2 4 t
• Step 4: Using the above relationship, obtain the value of t and y(t). 2
t 4 2 0 -2
y(t) 0 -2 -t 2 0

Time Shifting Time Shifting

• What it does? • What it causes? • How signal y(t) will look like if β = 2 or y (t )  x(t  2)?
• Delay / Advance signal in • Displace signal in time
• Step 1: t → τ , x(t) → x(τ).
time. without changing its shape.
• Given a signal x(t) • Step 2: Note the value of τ when x(τ) pattern changes. Record in table.
τ -4 -2 0 2
x(τ) 0 -2 τ 2 0

2 • Step 3: Obtain the relationship of t as a function of τ.

-4 -2
2   t  2, hence t    2
• Step 4: Using the above relationship, obtain the value of t and y(t).
• What if we shift x(t) with a Shifting Constant β? t -2 0 2 4
• New signal y(t) is produced in the form of y(t) 0 -2 t-2 2 0
y (t )  x(t   )
• How signal y(t) will look like if β = 2 or y (t )  x(t  2)?


Time Shifting Amplitude Scaling

• How signal y(t) will look like if β = 2 or y (t )  x(t  2)? • What it does? • What it causes?
• Step 5: based on the table, sketch y(t). • Increase / Decrease • Grow up / Shrink down
amplitude. signal.
t -2 0 2 4 • Given a signal x(t)
y(t) 0 -2 t-2 2 0 x(t)

-4 -2
y(t) t
x(t) -2
-4 -2
2 4
-2 • What if we scale x(t) in amplitude with a Scaling Factor A?
• New signal y(t) is produced in the form of
y (t )  Ax(t )
• How signal y(t) will look like if A = 2 or y (t )  2 x(t )?

Amplitude Scaling Amplitude Scaling

• How signal y(t) will look like if A = 2 or y (t )  2 x(t )? • How signal y(t) will look like if A = 2 or y (t )  2 x(t )?

• Step 1: t → τ , x(t) → x(τ). • Step 5: based on the table, sketch y(t).

• Step 2: Note the value of t when x(t) pattern changes. Record in table. t -4 -2 0 2
t -4 -2 0 2 y(t) 0 -4 2t 4 0
x(t) 0 -2 t 2 0

• Step 3: Obtain the relationship of t as a function of τ. y(t)

  t  2, hence t    2 2
-4 -2
• Step 4: Obtain y(t) based on the relationship of y(t) and x(t). t
t -4 -2 0 2
y(t) 0 -4 2t 4 0 -4


Amplitude Shifting Amplitude Shifting

• What it does? • What it causes? • How signal y(t) will look like if B = 2 or y (t )  x(t )  2?
• Add constant to amplitude. • Displace signal along the
• Step 1: t → τ , x(t) → x(τ).
amplitude axis.
• Given a signal x(t) • Step 2: Note the value of t when x(t) pattern changes. Record in table.
t -4 -2 0 2
x(t) 0 -2 t 2 0

2 • Step 3: Obtain the relationship of t as a function of τ.

-4 -2
2   t  2, hence t    2
• Step 4: Obtain y(t) based on the relationship of y(t) and x(t).
• What if we shift x(t) in amplitude with a Shifting Constant B? t -4 -2 0 2
• New signal y(t) is produced in the form of y(t) 2 0 t+2 4 2
y (t )  x(t )  B
• How signal y(t) will look like if B = 2 or y (t )  x(t )  2?

Amplitude Shifting Operations on Signals (continued…)

• How signal y(t) will look like if B = 2 or y (t )  x(t )  2?
• Step 5: based on the table, sketch y(t).
• Addition of Signals.
t -4 -2 0 2
y(t) 2 0 t+2 4 2 • Multiplication of Signals.

-4 -2


Addition of Signals Addition of Signals

• Given two signals, x(t) and y(t) below: • How signal z(t) will look like if z (t )  x(t )  y (t )?
x(t) y(t)
• Step 1: Note the value of t, also the amplitude of x(t) and y(t). Record in table.

t -4 -2 0 2 4
2 2 x(t) 0 -2 t 2 0 0
-4 -2 2 4 y(t) 0 0 2 -2 t-4 0
t t
2 -2
-2 -2 • Step 2: Add the amplitudes of the two signals in each column of the table to
-4 obtain z(t).

t -4 -2 0 2 4
x(t) 0 -2 t 2 0 0
• What if we add the two signals such that z (t )  x(t )  y (t )? + y(t) 0 0 2 -2 t-4 0
• How signal z(t) will look like? z(t) 0 -2 t+2 0 t-4 0

Addition of Signals Multiplication of Signals

• How signal z(t) will look like if z (t )  x(t )  y (t )? • Given two signals, x(t) and y(t) below:
• Step 3: based on the table, sketch z(t). x(t) y(t)

t -4 -2 0 2 4
z(t) 0 -2 t+2 0 t-4 0
2 2
-4 -2 2 4
z(t) t t
2 -2
-2 -2

-4 -2
2 4
-2 • What if we multiply the two signals such that z (t )  x(t )  y (t )?
-4 • How signal z(t) will look like?


Multiplication of Signals Multiplication of Signals

• How signal z(t) will look like if z (t )  x(t )  y (t )? • How signal z(t) will look like if z (t )  x(t )  y (t )?

• Step 1: Note the value of t, also the amplitude of x(t) and y(t). Record in table. • Step 3: based on the table, sketch z(t).
t -4 -2 0 2 4
t -4 -2 0 2 4
z(t) 0 0 2t -4 0 0
x(t) 0 -2 t 2 0 0
y(t) 0 0 2 -2 t-4 0
• Step 2: Multiply the amplitudes of the two signals in each column of the table
to obtain z(t).
t -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2
x(t) 0 -2 t 2 0 0 2 4
+ y(t) 0 0 2 -2 t-4 0
z(t) 0 0 2t -4 0 0 -4

Tutorial 1
• Consider signal x(t) in Figure 1. Sketch the product if the signal experiences the
following operations:
Figure 1

2 4
-2 0


 t
y1 (t )  x   y4 (t )  x2  t  y 7 (t )  x(3t  6)
 3
y2 (t )  x t  y5 (t )  4 x(t )  2 y8 (t )  3 x(3t  3)

y3 (t )  x3  t  y6 (t )  2 x(2t )  2 y 9 (t )  x(3  t )  x3  t 

y10 (t )  x 2 ( t )

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