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Topic 1 lesson 1 (Describe sound)

Name ……………………. Grade……………..

Subject : Science
Q1 choose the correct answer :
1. Sound is a kind of …………. .
a) energy
b) plant
c) food

2. Sound comes from objects that………. .

a) Make fire
b) vibrate
c) sleep

3. In this picture, this baby makes a ………. Sound.

a) loud
b) soft
c) low

4. What does this object do?

a) Makes sound.
b) Gives light.
c) Makes food.

5. Vibrate means ………. .

a) move back
b) move forth
c) move back and forth

6. The chrip of a baby bird is ……… .

a) soft
b) loud.
c) high

. Q3 Put (T) or (F)

1. We can’t hear sound. ( )

2. Sound comes from objects that vibrates. ( )

3. You hear sound when you talk on the phone.( )

4. All sounds are loud. ( )

5. A school bell ringing has soft sound. ( )

6. You can sing a song in a high sound. ( )

7. Sound is a kind of energy. ( )

8. Vibrate means move back only. ( )

9. We can listen to the sound around us. ( )

Q2 Circle the objects that makes sound

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