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FORM SERVER FORM Visual Studio .Net





->CLR – Common language Runtime = The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the execution environment of
the .NET Framework. It provides essential services like memory management, security, and exception handling,
allowing .NET applications to run on any platform. CLR ensures that code is executed in a managed
environment, promoting language interoperability and enabling features like garbage collection, just-in-time
(JIT) compilation, and cross-language integration. This abstraction layer shields developers from low-level
complexities and enhances application portability and stability.

->CTS – common type system = Specify all data type of the language The Common Type System (CTS) in
the .NET Framework ensures seamless interoperability between different languages by defining a set of data
types and rules that all languages must adhere to. It enables objects created in one language to be accessed and
used by other languages, promoting code reusability and integration. CTS facilitates communication and
consistency within the .NET environment, making it possible to create mixed-language applications and libraries.

->BCL- Base Class Library = Stands for Base class library also known as a Class Library (CL). BCL is a subset of the
Framework class library (FCL). The class library is a collection of reusable types that are closely integrated with
CLR. The base Class library provides classes and types that are helpful in performing day-to-day operations e.g.
dealing with string and primitive types, database connection, and IO operations.

You can use ASP.NET to build websites and REST services, WCF to build distributed systems, WPF to build
desktop GUI applications, and so on. As well, the base class libraries provide types to interact with the directory
and file system on a given computer, communicate with relational databases (via ADO.NET), and so on.

The Base Class Library (BCL) in .NET Framework is a collection of reusable classes, types, and methods that
provide fundamental functionalities for building .NET applications. It includes essential components for common
tasks such as data manipulation, file I/O, networking, security, and more. BCL serves as the foundation for
higher-level .NET Framework components and applications, promoting code reusability, consistency, and
simplifying development efforts.

->CLS – Common language Specification = This specify the type of language. Also set the rules for every
language by CLS.

The Common Language Specification (CLS) in the .NET Framework defines a set of rules that ensure
compatibility between different languages targeting the framework. It enables seamless integration and
interoperability, allowing classes and libraries written in one language to be used by other .NET languages. The
CLS encourages developers to adhere to a common set of guidelines, promoting code reusability and fostering a
unified ecosystem for the .NET community.
->FCL- Framework Class Library = The Framework Class Library (FCL) in .NET Framework is a comprehensive
collection of pre-built classes, interfaces, and reusable code components. It provides a foundation for
developing applications on the Microsoft .NET platform, offering a wide range of functionalities such as file I/O,
networking, data access, and user interface development. By leveraging FCL, developers can accelerate their
application development process and focus more on building higher-level functionalities, increasing productivity
and consistency across .NET applications.

->.NET assembly = A .NET assembly is a compiled unit of code in the .NET Framework. It contains Intermediate
Language (IL) code and metadata, allowing it to be executed by the Common Language Runtime (CLR).
Assemblies facilitate code reusability, versioning, and security, providing a self-describing entity that can be
shared and deployed across different .NET applications. They enable cross-language integration and support for
multiple platforms, making them essential building blocks for developing and running .NET applications.

->XML Web Service = XML Web Service in .NET Framework is a technology that enables communication
between different applications over the internet using XML as the data format. It allows interoperability and
platform independence, as applications developed on any platform can interact seamlessly. .NET Framework
provides tools to create, expose, and consume XML Web Services effortlessly. The services are accessible
through standard protocols like SOAP and HTTP, making it a versatile and widely adopted solution for building
distributed systems in the .NET environment.

->Windows Service = A Windows Service in .NET Framework is a background application that runs without a
user interface. It can be developed using C# or VB.NET and provides long-running functionality like server
processes or scheduled tasks. Services can start automatically with the system and run independently, making
them suitable for handling various system-level tasks and services.





Decoding the event and updating internal state




Fig : Event driven programming systimetic diagram

->It focus on the event, which means the the flow of programming is depends in the event.

Common basic E.D.P

->Button1click ->FormLoadEvent



Event-Driven Programming:

Event-Driven Programming is a paradigm where program flow is determined by events such as user inputs or
system occurrences. It focuses on handling and responding to events, triggering corresponding actions. In this
model, event sources emit signals, which are processed by event handlers. This approach enhances user
interactivity and responsiveness. An example diagram showcases a user interface (UI) element, an event source
(button), a triggering event (click), and an event handler (function) for seamless event processing. It's widely
used in GUI applications, enabling intuitive and dynamic user experiences.

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