Principle of Virtual Work Min

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N-ecture Notes on Engg. Mechonics - B.E. I - - Principle of Virtuol Wonk - MVSR Engg College, - Dr.

PA Sostry


Principle of virtual work is useful in determining the forces or torque required to

maintain equilibrium in mechanical systems ie, interconnected rigid bodies.

Principal of virtual work states that virtual work done by external active forces on an
ideal mechanical system in equilibrium is zero for any and all vhtual displacements
consistent with the constraints.

ldeal systems are those composed of two or more rigid members linked together with
mechanical connections which are incapable of absorbing energy through compression
or elongation and have negligible friction.

In interconnected system three types of forces can be identified.

1 Active forces: External forces capable of doing virtual work during possible virtual

2. Reactive forces: Forces that act at fixed supports where virtual displacements are not
possible. They do no work.

3. lnternal forces: Forces in the connection between members. As internal forces act in
pairs in opposite directions, the work by one force canCels the work of other force.

Virtual displacement is an assumed hypothetical arbitrary small displacement away from

a posltion of static equilibrium consistent with constraints. Constraint here means
restriction of motion imposed by the supports.

The virtual work done on the system by all active forces during a virtual displacement is

lf active forces F1, F2, .. in a system go through virtual displacements 6x1, 6x2, .. as
per constraints, then the total virtual work 6U = 0,

Or 6U = Fr. dx1 + Fz. 6x2+ - 0

Advantages of the method of virtual work:

1. lt is not necessary to dismember the system to obtain relations between the

active forces, as in the force and moment summation method.
2. Relations between active forces can be established without reference to reactive
(fixed supports) forces.

It is only necessary to obtain the constraining mathematicat relation w.r.t. the


Fotlowing examples will illustrate the utility of the method of PVW.

_, !-
Lecture Notes on Engg. Mechonics - B.E. f - - Principle of Virtuol Work - MVSR Engg College, - Dr.PA Sostry
Example 1 (with explanation of convention or signs to be adapted)
Find the horizontal component of the reaction at the support of the structure shown,
when a force P is applied"

The structure shown has two hingedsupports.

To find out the horizontal component at joint B,
we assume a roller joint at B free to move
along AB only, and assume a horizontal force F
acting on B keeping the system in equilibrium. Evaluating F gives the horizontal
component of reaction at B.
? Yl- -.-Av
.1,, - lB
To apply PVW, we assume a virtual (vertical) displacement
at P of 6ys downwards, and the associated displacement
of roller at B by dX6 , while maintaining the constraints or
geometric relations. The displaced shape of structure after
virtual displaCements is as shown. A

Now the active forces are P and F as they are the only once that have done the virtual
work. Reaction at support joint A does no work and the internal forces at joint B
between members does no work.

Virtual work due to P is 6Up - P. 6yp and that due to F is 6Ur - F. 6xc.
The total virtuat work = 6U = 6Up +6Ur = 0.

Sign Convention:
lf a force F moving by distance 6s, (ie
Work done = + F. 6s if F and 6s are in the same direction.
= - F. 6s if F and 6s are in opposite directions.
However, dsdepends on the coordinate system chosen. The virtual displacement (6x,
or 6y or 60) has to be assigned +ve or -ve sign as per the sign of the virtual

For the example, as per this convention, P and distance moved are in the same
direction. Hence Virtual Work P = 6Up = p. 6s = P. (- 6ya) = - P. dYe
F and displacement dx are in opposite directions, Hence,
Virtual Work by F - - F. 6s = - F. 6xc
Thus the equation of virtual work becomes
6U = - P. 6yr- F. dxs= 0 (1)
Now 6ys anddxc are substituted from differentials of equations for Ye and xc.
Ys= lSin 0 ; OYn= | Cose. de
Xc = 2l Cos0; 6xc = -21Sin0. d0
Substituting in Eqn.(1), we get
- P. dyr - F. dx6= -P. I Cos e. 6e + F. 2l Sin0. A0 = 0

+ p=(Pt2)Cot0
Le;cture Notes on Engg. Mechonics - BE f - Principle of Virtuol Work - MVSR Engg.College - Dr. PA Sostt'y

+ ?i A laYc-a-'l? ac,l3
" 4otu, u'(4. e*\' lt; Blvc.^hxe- sl,"aos'n'

fou- F "raauAre1 h '

F., A ")Aa- ao* e\* \E vdle'"
+. K* tt6 (ys&e-h^ il af)Ihi**^n Ie
9U:',* . F
Tt^rs is S,';rr^ld( {t zlo'atuvirlu !',
L rSfU.l- !';ne -ler,t olt e
is ve$ed bk ,.'!uo'-'
V rt h^.1 tanlL lo*tN rast**,)j
viril /Fph"-h"-k t^ o^
a ?U B- F,t't'.=

+ ,F = \c"ua'
Fin, F ^f*'* ?
ack *"fu*'Ye
-In. tril ce/rer bow ,P anA
F fffiv,
t /\
@rcxJ;'a; tf i''vaol-n* + \
wv1.,^ot +\^**'A\
l-\€-{, Eu = ?'6s'* F'ls>

G. ?,6Yi
r',(6rJ I'

5*tt o'
* ?-6Yg-'F ::
\B -- u':: ,l; ru
x c '- zl' ea<
,";^:=':::l*,0 lo)
8t'0, fTU ?z' Y'Q'Ls*
+ ( a ' Z*:u -L,^d6 t* k-b osutv'2'

e aas i^
t6;,iY: r ow*a
od^+" :; tu*di,,",),,-g
f =Lala tr- 83sI-"^ '
is ^\so P*"
Lecfure Notes on Engg. Mechonics - BE f - Principle of Virtuql Work - A VSR Engg.College - Dr. PA Sostry

Ex^&t? l
ta t * ^#pe, ar-'<Al-{- ^I 4 '
^fi* W
F.,nd tl
Assrr,nro rrc-r lrJ Jttd*',^*l-
A{l7t[orn,.' '

D T,\
'fr-un C \


Tt- a^.Ave- $'roa a'rc- ?, F a^^'{E.

A.t p o, X,.3^ Cn'rva"'Larn' aae$zA'

5U : ?.8sV F,69F 0.'Dcq * \

' ^.
? _?trYp_ F,5xr-6\'5x4. =o
'wo'v\ go o ^, 6Yp = tf"6o'66

= \"9&
' L?-gAcas0 ,,
Lg = Zl-casb ', E*g"';Ls;o
!uL*e;h"[T t^ Cr )' '@)
-n ,,.\.A .6'2l9*a;o'

f.lo,bl(t)9' F=o' = 6 %cotO

p eY e' : .uJDIC1 -e-Ls;a "6\t-Les9
Q-> 9,| F=o '
a"3 ^.)t
PL cosO
&.zlg;a =-o ! '
aA il* \voble''u^
& &t v7 g,Ub ) I

Lecture Notes on Engg. Mechonics - BE f - Principle of Virtuol Work - MVSR Engg.College - Dr. PA Sostry

@1. SF*"tg ch;{r e-x i'r k. ft'nd la€ *fr-c.- vea,,-raD
vLd)r"-ho-Lt e.?o.r. U!-turv\- . frr ee

,P l,
^tu # 4,^t:e,

Fs ifr
T.k*g |r; ,r,t3r' "j fi^t e4a.6*' s1 s'f'a,"" -I ,q e'S '
{ovce- d*, {',c
frW "k b C+- V&V) = KC zLcosT -a) oo 90..r'."
F*, a'(e ?ea,,r6 F . l,;b.fl wcwlJ frose]'i'^

5u ? 7, C6Yr) -- F.(* 6^s) -- Fs (*5x*) =o - Q7

Y. , Ls,Le '. t1e- o l-"tt 6 'b@

' *b ? zL us6 ) $zgz ' zLsZn6'6e
4ru,Ct) Le..o*e, sa ) z-o e
-' Qzl- s..} o)
?-G l,coso) - GzL Fs Y

9, as o a K ( ag'aso - o) Ges;"€)
orF cot 6
/- K C zQ. ase -- a)
@ " I, ry
,W-*vis t\ tPrrtg / t<a) ,,T[,e*, ttar eat]te.*gto'u
{* ?= q,) ; fx*6pL .!.,
2. $j F i< aD<a*t #* , L,.re- c-aA,- |ail-
-?:.:4 =fV
{tra*'tD a&S^- ,' a^tra a. augl-b' QE
' /< = .Pcot6 f*
> Cz!-cos6 -a-)
3' s-f P, K aud P ave- ,<r*,ot-tt
ft*.Cz> eah &. r^e$.,.^ @

lc.te = K(zLos@-o)+F
a^4 O r*1d. q*'i^vn, ;a +"n4* by +^^*
P 3 ^*4
LectureNotes on Engg. Mechqnics - BE f - Principle of Virtuol Work - MVSR Engg.College - Dr. PA Sostry

€ -.-..
xo*&l- , bl @
Sa,rrne- qn oL *or,le. a-.*,q,*fb.,
e)^,a,^,.,/.t- t-.rL.,l- r--e
a4ctuplTrr-l- q*
rs abaue tt { f

/\ ., " AF-5Y"
A ?F g
,-b* F
Jts W 1L.} can{e.*\i,rtu zrt&lwoA Jap
5u z ?, GEy') + F, (E x o) * F, (6xe) - F ,(6xB) =o
Utry Yco l,s;s; Eg.= Luse.6e
*D n L1n br@', EL, o -
' 7s -/ + usa) 5x€ 2 - s.;6 5e
4 e a!-coso ) 6k-- -zLAs.^.o.5e
6u so + -?I' Qlso - Fr.L_ s,l6 + G . {tao + p. 20, sd"o
Lcako ?€ (pr
?- L er
I- 16 abp b"Arl"*, ,' ?=ZrcN,K; %r{*v f*Yrn=*"^,
4 s|'ry = ,.J^, ar,b.e = looN, g;d e Fn';l't;-"
frs.***7 tl*.^,"s.^rd C*rf-'L) + pcl# e,
6q 2 F
^f*"w+ c,)
Zso,5y. *
FsD%-Fs.62=nroo 5X6ao
astg " ?s - goC4o coso - ts)
s 9c e 3o Sf^6;5Y. = tucer6.SO) te* 56 es 6; D x= = - €o s;e'Jo
2oO N
% @cgso',|ry= -@S;*060-

"o , tO CosO .. A %, -O SoLO 60 1-6


E1*' A) leod s tt-, :

BSI^^E'+Y^xO L taw,

'g' tx -%r-r"A b

Lecfure Notes on Engg. Mechonics - BE f - Principle of Virtusl Work - MVSR Engg.College - Dr. PA Sostry

W; F.i-d_-W- F v.1.,rto5
'{^ *p.f a {e,ree- P o'*' lE 9.YI' !

o& iJ'l* e' /'

Cr.t o[-:
(t c;rores (+ eY J'rr*raru' \
Aapa o "nlt be'a.,z.'ll['
B"t+ F-^ttAk.
Va-h'cJ lr,na-'.
[*1"' b'''
6rn, v; A.r'*t*l*l
h^ara X";,n;g*t^\l

@r<Q'J ? aa
AcJoP $t"aat
6q = +Pk51.)- rGgxe)
Y. ? 3L s.)^'e i 5Y-= TLcoso'ao
ttg + ur-eoeo; 6xe.- 'i?zLsaa''a
+ ex I +2-rLg;o =o
That 6u'-o "?P[
aaiu lt'i-
6 wo,^*Urd n'-ste;,A 44 ?
t utal L g{ 0r'$t n

d@"" Fr;blew, da Bl'aal'v,[{-th,^}* (D 4 e t-)

( {oP t,i^lk
t ry;-Vl"':;
ble-' e:-'1* I''t J'"'€ Pu'a
FG o'
2' t)ge-, 16;p,vve,4,-fio* b .ft-...d 0, ilF
P*t^d Fatr*
A*byi.^.rr,r, t*,[^^ , + Ar.llr."u'

Lecture Notes on En99. tlltechanics - BE I - Principle of.Virtucl work - lrlvSR Engg. college ' Dr' PA Sostry

W, gJ t&, y qtst. xr N/M r?k fi^ rr^s ol"a'e y,&b.,u,

1d,J j *:,""* +' ,^,r,aU; 1r[,r"* .I a^,{-o,vl-n
:* $"ea- P a* .Y E 4'
A,g,*^*^f tttft^f A^ spt r-,^'-'J:
qrc (7* fd prucin16
du = P Ft).) + 4W,0, (-dyr)
+ w{, (- lYq) + Ial[ (-5 Ye)
- .F;6X* ;Cr) A
!rla- {*^p
Y.= Z 9- SL O ', 6Y.= ZL ea.o'6}
Ypa )e = +Sd,e; 6Yp= +cos6'6o =6\e
Y9-- L s;e )Eye = Lers 6 s61 *B= zL c-l>so"5r"*'zLt*:ty

Yvoto!:X^\,rL (".zL(',.Lb) =o
?(-31, @ a) r4Lrt GI-
+ TvrL(- +.og.)-F
?*l"Vt*.8 I €-, +1- gg{}e^,r^ €[nasn', &nA
aNiltuA ftf.,rllb"i'* If^ * V;'!'
7 61u
\ i^6ye v
+'Y"f, T* t,&*"':
u"n',.l"'"'^t e\ r v uN
@,vtvx*r,t rl\3
VJ, '5"

6u e f ,6>4s-. zr^7Gtx"\ oo -
ayu z,Vs*}1n ) t5.,ea E*t*/"
glusuolo =O
L"rflr, + e<.>F.eo,l-
6u + F,zL essEr* zn3
*r F G ry\F^fl,
Lecture Notes on Engg. Mechonics - BE f - Principle of Virtuol Work - MVSR Engg.College - Dr. PA Sostry

W q ',
?ro*-r*,,1,, fov <gstr^^ shou>w, t1 o{ t?"^T 2.1 Nlr"t ,
a^J iJs $e- k3h ia uols'* O c 4-.-f , F*O a^. rz1,nl;1,*,t--w.

Acliu^e +".rc"A at&- +*r- zToN o.f D

a^'5 <F*,1? .Fnr- * A
hll",e^ OL 4n) ,L=c@6,s$So
2 6*/r,

+"^1 {^r-u +" *5khtn* elJ4g 5 ro-*l

Ls )p
Fs ? K@oacoso* 6ooPi1
6u = o = ztu"G6yo)-' Fr(tl) 2?o r.t
,t, = zso sul" 0 ;
EYo = zso gr 0,60
y-k=Gao bs\:6xn"- -6oo C;6'5a'
- z,-tx6oo(cos0 'Yw)o6oo c;o
s;::; n*, ";cos.

py6flraa,r,. to ', Q*e* K = l. 6 KN/m-, J..-a e -fu- n1;l;b'2"' '

M al,.d Fs oN- tt'€' aoYivtY@2

5t-1,; M,jo -Yr1.l e'o
! r l?S ta'^ 6 : 6Y = ltS P,70.rc
Ma 166 * 4S l$'r'rrvz o
{'l - l'E o':' " { <'teVaio' 54 l"s
v1n'(r) 3Dw' "
u tffigxl? {Yn^a kYo X = 1,8 Nt.l./r
16o n 15

160N : l'8 N/mm

(s = K.y

Wr€ ffio'Lt't't' z 1l89--,r l?S t4r^0


ffi w-b;*b"'st"ou'

Lecture Notes on Engg. Mechonics - BE f - Principle of Virtuol Work - MVSR Engg. College - Dr. PA Sostry

Pr&'* tt : . A^ -*L ,^r*bh"ry l^.t nlerrla,^,. t qb bt .r

[sr^^? - frt)d 16 +'a- t"etd'
^ruetaL^.r,snn o w^tfu"
(J 7uvAh
U oo st^t-"' 'Lt^t<ta{4r i> zb
- A r r | 6n .. er L a^^5
4 00 ..& ; X-+-
G4; .,etu,
-:u,-rrrr.A-ra-rtUa-, i^A'.lnqd d; I^^-td
- F*'
. r,' --.--(l | - ^l:.^A-.-,'l
L+: P bet"-.- d*X +." '
Achie fu'rcel T ht4F. tv"
Jt-- c
\. = Lbsd^ 6 a- a T-
6Y. = 2b66' 66
$ = Wt-zbLcDro
6s =
{ b-+u
trztG >

F F = 2{l-,"ta

rablexvrtl; F-\
s rt'r'- *
af- ra1J\iJo-f.*t,;-t'^t r N
j o*lle
*:. O, .;M
-$r* a"^;''d Pu'L
*{s 3i)' T
A, M

5u z \n '6 a '- 61'
h t 6us0 ; 5x '-bsL
Lecture Notes on Engg. Mechonics - BE f - Principle of Virtuol Work - MVSR Engg.College - Dr. PA Sostry

Eg*-Uif-r |h! 3gslau ,<?.m'sA', t*J |t,i

giv"^ L?7ooruL^;0Ggoo oild p=tooN.

? *^d e. a\e-ft f, o"h*F*

5u = P. 3'1. € & (- f,xe) =o
hla- \or^re
Ltz -lc'h
Yg= Lsd^&; Els= Lco.s a56
6Y.= t+ : Luso.Ea.
*l = L + LeDe6 : 6*aF *+L9;@'2to

Thr$ Eu =o * ?, lc,,se -'g'LScle =o

v A,:=+coto 6

F is^fP*
- )r I
*i-rJ.t AqAe
U^ o-
--.' Fc-rcnni.dL,P*
q Ytt""'- ^'t"$ =36'
by u rsctop-tr h,' b+r 4 rA et04h 1 ln zooo xr '

Sot,"[ti'" I Ta-Re. aqgr^ 60\surt^,

Y- o*;n
pa.e",;^a &+-^'O0 -A. ?,,.is
?ntJ*,^rJf/" d^'L lo. P J + l anllto:rc-
n A tsfrrt* o$a g a"Is'
t^o r^Aoh.o.^ rf
'l-ha- qeAine p"*^ a-re- P "j l? fu eaIC'
fisgcra,r;'.'+ trtr['^J tanaft'a"' *9, (P)
0 "e,&rd ,'F}-^.f T"^
6u: € P, 6yu-r F G 6x-) =o '(,- tt\
3 s = zl-sdo ) tYe z 2 Lug'te
tr F
Xo:2tr,3-s6 ', 6.t-'= -z(.-{ud'8} t
.Q' t
,l ,/
11^u^e 6U -e ==+ V € Fcob6
oY F :- 2ooo cob ?o"
a }+GoN



& Lecture Notes on Engg. Mechonics - BE r - Principle of Virtuol Work - ,t VsR Engg.College - Dn. PA Sostry

J^ o F&teotr, l{f hr<,e/^d^*vvt,

Lo'd br is h$l-*d }y .l=^":A *
6ext,- *-a eO^a^g. lht -l,.Stz;,i''o'
b.*,rc"^* A u^AB.
Rj"d ftf_ {uvwt"g nn-t^'e'^f M
reg..-.v.d -f a^A o,r€le e'


SdLA:o^J i
N"{t< dv''roby b,+l* M = M, d+ , wl^e'.tu d+ cE n^r aab -(
rOtr-+=;^ 4 tt^t k:,o*r tx tLf r."trb'
-TL .,a tu{ ayaJ.,';' a^L' t'*t a""a eo-lL M'
,A ss.. *t r,ilv tnvl.r'{- oil*'<pt*oo'^^"-l' * bL )
[t,EY.+M,t+ 2o
5U = F '|

Yc = +b Sc;^6 ) 6\.= Abcctr6,6A

Xg= ZbGA 8xe : ->b $^s'6o'

R"f"*; b:'Pos'er, 6+ oL^A 5x t*

6xu- F 6+l
TR 'l-
l.b^^.. E*o=- La+ = -ZbS;..O.66
b 271

6 64 = +r1 +s;o
' 5u'
S;0 =6
1l^$r 6U -o .+ .-- N. ,.b16,A +M'+*
- l-,

Lecture Noles on Engg. Machonics - BE I - Principle of Virtuol Work - itAV€R Ergg. College - Dr. PA Sastry
!Y:J,!=frr.r Et;A-, cta,L mecl.o,"|,.stt,, s|ots,,,, girrex.
l--_ 2.y, rvta Sorr,m, g#
=gsN, yco.t m
4^A ll'{ P* F rcl.,ivoE 6,7'r st'Jr/ *6 h^cLiruftur^J €l',,,'Ll,'),.r'..
of o = 3o",
C srtsoAzx,;7 a. vcvt ol A* earr.el*F o*. s(n"r.,t,-'
Eu - M. (-6e)- F.dxo ,= e ,{ ,Zy" =o
6Y to+ gFx"+ rr.5Yc = CI
M L= 2t ', !^l t?S Ft

&D - (cag6 + l-elrsQ tl w


7-D l-5Xp
e dlF'*
&.A A E&,;'f-r',l^'e + n tel*b'
fr- lctb-hre i"o +' g"*
bd'r^Ye^ O a^td @'
y (urr 6 e l- si' d v*--*7-'*.'
c's+ G,r;*^Pa sf:fts&o)2
'o +{fli*sdr€
Exo 6 -r s,u^6,6A*+ #'5a
= -Y'Su,^O(,*
g:_*- \A'a
't.- !'lK? f vs& o
FY. 6'
= Y.* css6,E
E?"'(l ) be-urr,.a.& t0 *O
Y#%)sa +g
'?- ed,s A.

Y'd^e (i* ffid

trh^ Y"\"^"^


; = ?:: -
o'lx (t- o'l 3a Sc^^ So +ffir&,o) Col A
Lecture Notes on Engg. Mechonics - BE f - Principle of Virtuol Work - MVSR Engg.College - Dr. PA Sostry

P'uU\n'*Jrlrc,n uvt;-fatrn, bazs ,;rk,ofbzs ,oltq,/aa h ia,r*dd ,

axu, l?*stn'etaA # vve ,,4,6/ofs. D eterr**t ye- arrg/Z' e' aolrorn

+"*tb M u ^ftd,
Actt*a -fin ca* are M,w o*bw.
6u = M, 6q) - H,aA, -hJ, 6hr=o
h, ; b <.iV, ) hrnsbs,**f>
3h1- b€asulr,a\b)t Ah,, 3b6EL,*t)

6u + M- '.taas{ofi-?NL6@r=-o
Me 4 d6cospl)
Oa 2 cosd _M-
P"oblotn tg
A"od ,+Bis hrry,6[ to^-erta or,e otp"Ll-c h *'otrEnrc8
cb ., alsc)- stiA-s -I M€ olt6'"nnS O, ei';',4 l; {-,.- 6n h.r
Sl;A,,rt, (f), oLo^.a SOr.r{-<c. is ap/,1.5 o,{ B, oY O=eoo,

6u= -5o,6y,-.F,A4= o _*e;

Hg r 2e f; 0 : AYe= Zoo 6eO,6A e9
% ? loo CDIO -P l5O 6sQ
To velo'!tr @ a^,5 Q ,
loo SrLO -'lsoSd..+
cos4 GW
lh'r-s 7o
=- toa @,6 +- /so *'ft- +hffi
6*o = -loo 3t,.^ A'SO - /sd x g/q Su"O e6s0
' 4/1 scnre
Fram 9.0), tr € 5Ox 2c,0 es6

S..A=/IW g= zoo, I

Lec,tureNotes on Engg. Mechonics - BE r - Principle of Virtual Work - MVSR En99. College - Dr. PA Sostry

Ttno Og"<tos
_{ &""Jew >Y<fol'AS

6lr/1 A^o is
ttfi e),v
4+u* - VorDolJa-s-L)1u,r),
elhotce .x- a*d y es^ vavg r^rrt.1 ee.e!/e-b'on ,
^*t- -4
116,^. 5q
= ry" a4 -F H;6x',is *l**lo&ns ao vtvl,o) hrdlk.
&"-1,-'€ (6+.,o t*r,""* is *r*h^i*s ,Lr*t!-;7 lr"f a\t^EL
Vo.v)a LJe" 4s tunsta^b '

eel(a4 A e b u,- <tiaa- a,\rrQ= q-s s$'6tfit\)1

# -"-,
a,c;) a& caa,nec*.S AJo+@ '

S,5Oo N. SF;ry S&$nat>3c Bw N/n,c,,^'stryJd*5
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Lecture Notes on Engg. Mechonics - BE r - Principle of Virtuol Work - l VsR Engg.College - Dr. PA Sostry

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