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Philosophy: Toward an understanding and 1. Understand who you are

appreciation of the human person 2. How and why you exist in this world?
3. How you should live and relate with
the world, environment, with others?
Identify. Define. Relate. Solution 4. How you relate with God or with the
Divine Being?
5. How would you conduct yourself
Philosophers would ask? with the society or community?
6. How you can gain with a meaningful
- Nature of Human Person life and authentic existence?
- Where he/she came from, what are 7. You will appreciate more the value
his/her essential attributes, how of your being and fellow human
he/she is related to the world and to beings.
his/her environment or nature. 8. Is human and person the same as
- - aspirations of the Human Person – being?
his/her purpose in life and how 9. What do you mean by being?
he/she should act or live in the world
- How he/she would relate with others, Essential characteristics of a Human Person
improve his/her life and gain a 1. Reason – man is a RATIONAL BEING
meaningful life or an authentic 2. Inner life – man is a SPIRITUAL BEING
human experience. 3. Communication – man
Philosopher would deal? communicates both visible and
- What is in store for him/her after 4. Self-determination – the power of
his/her earthly life is over, where the WILL
he/she is going after his/her death? 5. Unique Individuality – you are the
- A whether or not there will be ONE
Philosophy… Are you ready to discover your Being?
- It is not a work of one person or any Are you willing to discover who you are
group of persons. Likewise, it did not and other think of you?
develop during one historical period.
- Philosophers from different historical
periods, coming from different CHAPTER 1
cultures and civilizations with
different mentalities, have come out PHILOSOPHY AND THE SEARCH FOR THE
their respective ideas and theories TRUTH
What do you mean by Human? PHILOSOPHY

What do you mean by Person? - Philosophy is not only rich in

meaning, it is also very valuable in
Is really Human worth knowing? our life.
- But its life is found not only in its being - Many people are pioneers of
rich in meaning and concept, but knowledge and at first thought to be
also in its being an art. madmen, only after their death that
- As art, it is something to be their ideas became accepted by
practiced. society.
- In general sense, philosophy could - The lesson for us to learn that we
mean a guiding principle. (ie. Your must go beyond the ordinary scope
philosophy in life) of dialogue.
- Philosophy could also mean reason, - In other words, learn to dialogue, not
rationale, or basis of something. (ie. only with ‘rational people’ but also
Philosophy of SHS) with the poor and alike.
- Philosophy could also be understood - Even in schools, students think that a
as a study of the cause of philosopher is someone who
something. (cause and effect complicates and argues only from
relationship) his/her own point of view with the
- When we say someone is too intention of proving people are
philosophical in his/her manner of wrong and himself/herself as right.
thinking about things or too - Although it is true that philosophy
analytical in a particular subject usually complicates simple things,
matter. Hence, this would require the true intention of philosophy is to
thorough analysis and assessment in assert that there is still the element of
order to understand. the unthought-of in everything.
- Let us first take note that there is a - The world is full of surprises,
distinction between a ‘pilosopo’ philosophy makes us able to be
taken in a negative sense compared constantly aware of these surprises.
to the ‘pilosopo’ as presented in - One attitude that philosophy wants
Jose Rizal’s novel. to instill is the never ending desire to
- The ‘pilosopo’ in the negative sense look at things again
is a person who considers only one - Re: again; spect: to look
aspect of reality. - Philosophy help us to avoid taking
- He/she has a very myopic and things for granted.
limited view of reality. - Philosophy tells us that there are
- He/she cling to his/her own beliefs more to learn about and that there
without giving an opportunity to is more to hope for.
listen to others.
- Good or positive side of ‘pilosopo’ is
exemplified in Rizal’s novel by
Pilosopo Tasyo. Greek word: Philo or Philien – love
- This kind of ‘pilosopo’ are willing to
Sophia – wisdom
engage other in a profound
dialogue. Thus, philosophy means ‘love of wisdom’
- But sometimes their ideas go beyond
- It was the Greek philosopher
the comprehension of their time and
Pythagoras who coined the term
thus they end up being thought as
philosophia or philosophy
crazy people.
- Pythagoras who was one of the - Pertaining to wisdom, there is a
wisest men in ancient Greece lived distinction between wisdom and
between 570 and 495 BC. knowledge.
- BC – before Christ - Knowledge: acquisition of ideas,
- AD – Anno Domini information, theories, the application
of certain scientific principles and
There are three kinds of Love according to
formula, or the mastery of certain
the Greeks:
methods or procedures.
- Eros: acquisitive love - Wisdom: understanding of the
o Object: everything (dog, meaning, reason, or causes of things.
things) - It is the objective of philosophy to
- Philia: friendship teach us how to reflect on our own
o Object: Humans (mutual experience so that we may gain
feelings) wisdom.
- Agape: unconditional love
o Object: God
- It is found in its ability to provide
*God is the only ONE that can give AGAPE
what the mind and the spirit needs.
*Philosophers would teach to seek wisdom - Philia: feminine (can bear man and
and for the truth woman)
- Philio: masculine (ancient
*Sophists would teach because of the
philosophers are men, like
- According to the Greek Philosopher,
Aristotle, all men seek wisdom.
- Therefore all men, regardless of - BASIC TRUTH: WE ARE GOOD
social status, race, age, etc. are - In philosophy, what is more
philosophers. important is the question rather than
- The search of wisdom is the task of the answer.
everyone. - Philosophy opens one’s mind to the
reality of life
KNOWLEDGE WISDOM - Frees their minds by questioning
(acquired) (understand) - Keeps alive the people’s sense of
To reflect
1. They learn how to systematize all
important knowledge.
EXPERIENCE REASON 2. To distinguish truth from what is false
(initial data) (examines/reflects) or form mere opinion.
3. Intellectual eye that enables them to
- The object of wisdom is truth.
see visible (concept) and invisible
- The pursuit of truth is therefore the
things (meanings)
noble aspiration of every rational
4. To gain insights into human nature;
understand their capacities and
potential and better appreciation of
PHILOSOPHIZING - Value of philosophy – it provides
food for the mind, nourishment for
- It is making speculations or theories
the spirit.
about fundamental or serious issues
- Human persons as rational beings,
in a complicated or difficult manner.
thus they are able to engage
ART AND WONDER OF PHILOSOPHIZING philosophical activity.
- Philosophical activity is composed of
- We start philosophizing when we
Reason and Experience.
begin to wonder and pose the
- Hence, philosophy satisfies man’s FOR THE TRUTH
curiosity Solutions,
- Question to answer actions,
- It endeavors to explain why things
- Action to do Decisions,
are as they are
- Decision to make Answers.
- The more man philosophizes, the
more man gains deeper Wisest and reasonable
understanding, hence, man gains decision
A lot of thinking – right way,
- Once a person acquires wisdom,
his/her mind becomes open to Appropriate approach and
realities and enables him/her to see proper method
things in anew light and perspective.
Success or failure
- When we engage in philosophical
activity, we consider two basic Satisfaction or frustration
- Rational beings – people find the
- Experience: it provides a person with
right solution, make the wise
the initial data so that he/she would
decision, get the correct answer,
be able to speak his/her subsequent
and take the most reasonable
reflection or examination.
course of action.
- Reason: it enables a person to reflect
- Philosophical reflection – is a more
on or examine the underlying
profound examination of the
meaning or causes of things or
underlying meanings or cause of the
problems regarding human
SUMMARY existence.
- The ultimate end is to find the
- Philo: Love
underlying meaning and reasons
- Sophia: Wisdom
behind one’s experience in life.
o Love of wisdom
- Philosophical Reflection demands
o Wisdom and knowledge
Critical Thinking
o Science of all things or beings
in their ultimate causes and ELEMENTS OF CRITICAL THINKING
principles known by human
- To have a mental grasp of things, of
reality, of issues at hand, or of the
subject matter.
- Ex: Bad Economy = without jobs = - Our mind should conform with the
suffering reality
- Bad people = difficult to trust = - But realism is opposed by skepticism
difficult to live with them.
- Ability and power to think or reason - Human mind is incapable of
out. attaining the truth
- Ex: course in college, food to eat - Human mind is prone to error and
- One uses his/her own intelligence, - There is a suspension of judgement,
knowledge, and abilities in order to hence, mental attitude is DOUBT.
deal with different situations, issues - Skeptic people doubts the truth
and subject matters. 2. RELATIVISIM THEORY
- Ex: performance tasks and projects, - Truth as the object of knowledge
games and activities. cannot be known as it itself but as it
4. BEING OPEN MINDED (action) is modified by the person.
- It is open to ideas and opinions of - Ex: you are beautiful/handsome, I
others. Open to new views, new am younger than you.
interpretations, and new concepts. 3. PRAGMATISM THEORY
- Ex: brainstorming, sharing, DYAD - The truth is consequential in nature. It
5. CONSIDERING DIFFERENT is proposed by William James.
PERSPECTIVES (decision) - The criterion for truth is utility,
- One considers different perspectives workability, or satisfactory
that lead to the truth. consequences
6. QUESTIONING AND CHALLENGING - After the benefits/beneficial
BELIEFS - Ex: buying things
- Destructive questioning: to 4. CORRESPONDENCE THEORY
contradict a different view without - The nature of truth constitutes in
basis correspondence with the fact. The
- Constructive questioning: simply to proposition must be connected with
ask for clarification of what is true the facts. It is proposed by Logical
and believed. Positivist Bertrand Russel.
- Ex: the ball is red, eyes are blinking
- Mind to reality
Truth – is the proper aim of any inquiry 5. COHERENCE THEORY
- Truth cannot be asserted of one
proposition. It is a reaction to
PHILOSOPHICAL THEORIES correspondence theory. Hence, truth
is a system of propositions. It is
1. REALISM (reality to mind)
proposed by Francis Bradley.
- The truth is the conformity of the
- Ex: The ball is red = the apple is red
mind with the reality.
- Many possibilities; one proposition is
- Ex: Senior high school, wearing your
not enough; we need to have many
school uniform, the fire is hot
MAN  People of Ancient India. More so,
Veda means knowledge
 UPANISHADS: contains the teachings
EASTERN WESTERN ORIENTAL and concepts of different ancient
ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY Indian thinkers. More so, it is
PHILOSOPHY considered as the end of Vedas.
 Ancient
 Hinduism Philosophers  The concept of man is closely
 Buddhism up to related to his/her relationship with
 Confuciani Contemporary the whole of Reality.
sm Period  Reality can be interpreted through
 Taoism the notions of the Brahman and
 Islam Atman.
 Brahman: is the ultimate and
Man is the most complex among beings underlying reality
living in this world. (universal)(something spiritual)
 Human-being, human person, and  Atman: is the individual reality
individual (particular)(something sensible)
 But man, to be understood is o Atman is part of Brahman
interpreted based from people from  The human person is part of reality:
different traditions, cultures, or Reality of Atman
religions  However, though man is part of
 Man is discussed in 2 divisions Brahman, but man could not pin
 Never did their thoughts meet point where Brahman is
 Therefore, man needs Moksha

HORIZONTAL VERTICAL  it is a liberation from earthly life or

detachment of himself/herself from
the world
Can be a Cannot be a  Moksha in Hinduism is salvation
supernatural supernatural  When we do Moksha, then we will
being being arrive at what they call Nirvana
(ultimate end)
ORIENTAL CONCEPTIONS OF MAN  NIRVANA: is the state of emptiness
 Oriental philosophy is originated in or “no-thing-ness”. More so, it is a
the Eastern India and China state of bliss where there is no
 However, Islam is a religion that individuality, separateness,
emerged in the E. Philosophy but discrimination, intellectualizing
they have different conception of  Hinduism recognizes 3 possible
man paths to Nirvana (YOGAS)
 Yogas are thought by Sages
MAN IN HINDUISM  Sage is a wise and most ideal type
 VEDAS: are the oldest extant literary of person
works of the Aryan people
KARMA YOGA  Enlightenment – starts with the
understanding that this world is just an
 This is a way of attaining salvation
through good deeds

Ex: fulfilling one’s duty in the family and the VEDAS AND UPANISHADS

 Means knowledge ATMAN BRAHMAN

 The way of attaining salvation is (PARTICULAR) (UNIVERSAL)
through knowledge
 The basic principle of this path is that
the cause of one’s suffering and
bondage is IGNORANCE.
 Because of ignorance, man  NIRVANA – end
considers the world as permanent of Hinduism
reality and thus clings to it  Sources are Vedas and Upanishads,
 But for Hinduism, the world is just an man is part of 2 realities, Brahman and
Illusion or Maya and the only one Atman. In order to pinpoint Brahman,
which is permanent is Brahman we need Moksha through YOGAS to
BHAKTI YOGA attain Nirvana

 Salvation through devotion MAN IN HINDUISM

 Bhakti means devotion  The history of Buddhism comes from
 Devotion-it satisfies the individuals the life of its Founder Siddhartha
longing for a more emotional and Gautama Buddha
personal approach to religion with  Siddhartha did not attain Nirvana
many gods and goddesses. because he did not go through
 The person attaches herself/himself to Moksha, he was not able to see the
the gods and the goddesses who are realities of outside world.
manifestations of Brahman because  Story of Gautama’s Spiritual Journey
of Devotion. from Bondage of Suffering to
 The devotion will bring them to Enlightenment.
Nirvana  Buddha which means “Awakened
 Human action is governed by a law One” or “Enlightened One”
which is Karma.  The Buddhist teaching on Human
 Law of Karma – good action results Person is centered on the right
positive outcome; bad actions results understanding of reality in order to
to bad outcome attain Enlightenment
 Samsara – is a cycle of death and  Thus, before Enlightenment,
rebirth; reincarnation or born again Meditation on Reality is needed.
o It is escapable through  Buddha saw himself and all life as part
enlightenment of an unending process of change-
REALITY. (suffering, old age, death)
 After, Meditation, a person becomes  Tao is universal and underlying laws
Enlightened One or Buddha (harmony, purpose, order, and calm
 Gautama meditated for 49 days under power) of the universe.
the Bodhi tree (not exact)  Since man is part of the universe,
 After realizing this truth about life and thus, man should rely and
reality, the Buddha reaches Nirvana comprehend the TAO
 Nirvana – is the state of “emptiness” or  Tao consequently acts by “Non-
“no-thing-ness”. Acting”
 Non-acting means Tao is Invariable
4 NOBLE TRUTHS IN BUDDHIST  In short, man should rely and
comprehend Tao which is the
1. Suffering Exist – if it exist then it has a
Invariable Laws of nature.
cause and cessation or end of
 If man comprehends and relies to
the Tao, man would become all-
2. Cause of suffering – it exists as
pervading and unfailing
something therefore it comes from
 Thus, the understanding and
something else
practice of this invariable law (Tao) is
3. Cure of something – since it has an
called Practicing Enlightenment
end therefore it must have a cure.
 If man comprehends, relies and
4. Recommendation for the cure –
associates himself with the Tao
release from suffering
(Invariable Laws of nature0, then
man reaches his Ultimate end that is,
not to destroy the Tao.

 Intensifies the importance of Tao
INEVITABLE (unending reality of
 Wu means “nothing”, thus, Wu-Wei
SUFFERING change, pain, old age,
literally means “non-action”
 Non-action is not doing nothing but
doing not less and not much activity
MEDITATION (enlightenment)
 In short, the Goal of Wu-Wei theory is
to achieve a State of Perfect
Equilibrium or Alignment with the Tao
 Perfect equilibrium means not do
less or more, just follow its nature
 Taoism philosophy recognizes that
MAN IN TAOISM the Universe already works
harmoniously according to its own
 Lao Tzu is the founder of Taoism and
ways (Nature); but as man exerts
the author of Taoist text Tao Te Ching
his/her will against the universe,
(source when they talk about human
he/she disrupts the harmony that
already exists.
 Man is understood on how man
relates to the Tao
TAO TE CHING  To become a Jun Tzu, man needs
these (3) fundamental virtues
Man  Tzu – teacher
1. Jen or Ren
Practicing 2. Yi
Enlightenment Wu-Wei theory 3. Li

(Rely and comprehend) (Not do less or

*man should rely and comprehend the Tao
and just follow its nature but not do less or JEN OR REN (HUMAN HEARTEDNESS)
more and destroy the Tao.  It is the first and foremost of the
virtues in Ethical System
 It is the perfect and supreme virtue
TAO as it expresses the ideal of cultivating
(Invariable Laws of nature) human relations, faculties,
personalities and human rights.


 Kung Tzu or Confucius is the founder  Man has a righteous act or
of Confucianism responsibility to do in the society
 Confucius’ Teaching is the without any selfish motive or
cultivation of the Human Virtues and intention
Proper Conduct of a person in the  It is a moral disposition to do good
society without any ulterior motive.
 In short, Kung Tzu concerned himself
with the people’s development in LI (PROPRIETY)
the context of Human Relationship
 It is because he wanted his disciples  It is the Code of Ritual which
not just a Literate or Ju but as a Jun embodies the essence of Ancient
Tzu. culture.
 Jun Tzu or Gentlemen lives a simple  This rituals is for the Proper conduct of
life and can live in poverty. the Gentlemen (Jun Tzu)
1. Loyal, obedient, knowledgeable  Proper conduct like filial piety,
2. Disciplined, hard-working, and loyalty, etc.
have sense of humor  A Gentlemen is expected to act as a
3. Well-rounded man, a man who is model of good and moral conduct in
useful and responsible to the the society like the saint
society  The perfect man cultivates himself
 According to Kung Tzu, to become morally, shows filial piety and loyalty
a sage (a perfect man) is difficult to like a Gentlemen and helps
attain transforming the society and
 Thus, he encouraged his Disciples to humanity like a scholar
become Jun Tzu  The Great Example of a Perfect man
is Kung Tzu
 The opposite of Jun Tzu is  Qur’an – not meant to be preached
Xiaoren  The Qur’an was given to Prophet
 Xiaoren literally means “small Mohammed by Allah
person”  Allah is Omniscient, Omnipotent,
 Small person means man has Omnipresent
shallowness, thinking, being  Etymologically speaking:
egotistic, and self-interested, o Omniscient
and being greedy and o Omni-all; Scient – knowing
materialistic. o Omnipotent
o Omni-all; Potent – power
KUNG TZU o Omnipresent
o Omni-all; present – present
 Islam emphasized the importance of
FUNDAMENTAL VIRTUES knowing oneself based on the
Divine source who is Allah
(Ren, Li, Yi)  In knowing oneself man should
follow the words of Allah and obey
JUN TZU his laws
 If not, the man become confused
between two extremes –

(Ultimate end) SELFISHNESS

MAN IN ISLAM  A person thinks highly of and regard

himself/herself as the greatest in the
 Islam is one of the major society of which he/she is a member
monotheistic religions in the world  He became God to Himself
 Monotheist can be understood  He/she becomes arrogant and
etymologically oppressive and stops following the
o Mono – one laws of Allah
o Theos – god
 Thus, Monotheistic religions means WORTHLESSNESS
believing in one god.
 A person considers himself/herself as
 Muslims addresses god as Allah
weak and the most worthless being
 The Message of Allah can be known
in this universe
through Qur’an
 He/she lowers himself/herself down
 Qur’an is the Holy Book of Islam
and submits to physical or material
 Jesus is a prophet in Islam
objects, like the sun, the moon and
o Story of His life from birth to 33
other beings other than Allah
years old in Qur’an
o Will go through the study of life
of the person before he/she
become a prophet  Islamic understanding of Man
 Bible – meant to be preached revolves around his origin
 Accordingly, Man has two origins

1. Spiritual origin – Allah

2. Biological origin – mother
 As it expressed in Qur’an, the Origins
of man are telling them to become
 But to be humble is to be thankful to
Allah and be Stewards of Allah’s
 Man is also endowed with Faculties
to differentiate Good and Evil
 As man is gifted with all these Allah’s
blessings, therefore man’s ultimate
end is to worship Allah alone.


 Understanding of
oneself based from
 Follow Allah’s words
and Laws
 Using all the Faculties
to attain Goodness
 Worship Allah alone


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