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Week 3- Activity 2

Section: BSCM-1A
Team: 2
Bitar, Hezekia Mae
Confesor, Faith
Diño, Ma. Erika Therese
Garferio, Kylle Christian
Garganta, Erika Beatrice
Luntao, Kate
Roldan, Jeri Mae
Que, Jeanne

Human population worksheet

1. In the space at the bottom of this page graph the Human Population (in millions) over
Time (Year).
2. Add a dashed line of your projection for the size of the human population through the
year 2100.


3. What reasons do you have for your projection?

Based on the graph, the population is rapidly increasing. One of the reasons why
world population is rapidly increasing is because the death rate is decreasing. Because of
the advancements of technology, machineries are made especially in the field of medicine.
This held to cure the sick and make them live longer. Also lack of family planning contributes
to the increase of the world population.

Population Puzzle
1. At what time will the bottle be half full? (Hint: calculate population after 60 min)


2. Suppose you could be a

bacterium in this bottle. At
what time would you first
realize that you were running
out of space? Explain your
- At 12 midnight the
population of bacteria is
1152921504606846976 and the
bottle is now 100% full.
115292150460684697 divided by
2 is equals to
576460752303423488. Therefore
the half population of the bacteria is 576460752303423488. Based on the table, the bottle will
be half full at 11:59

3. Suppose that at 11:58 some bacteria realize that they are running out of space in the
bottle. So they launch a search for new bottles. They look far and wide. Finally, offshore
in the Arctic Ocean, they find three new empty bottles. Great sighs of relief come from all
the bacteria. This is three times the number of bottles they’ve known. Surely, they think,
their space problems are over. Is that so?
- No, their space problem is not solve yet and they are still in trouble because by 12:02
AM all those 4 bottles will be full.

Since their space resources have quadrupled, how long can their growth continue?
- Their growth can continue up to two more doubling time (minutes).

How full is each bottle, including the original, at:

Time Effect

11:58 Bottle number 1 is 25% full

11:59 Bottle number 1 is 50% full

12:00 Bottle number 1 is now 100% full

12:01 Bottle number 1 and 2 are full

12:02 Bottle number 1,2,3 and 4 are now full

12:03 The capacity of bacteria to live has been

reached in all 4 bottles, so there is no bottle
left to grow now for them.

At 11:58 the first bottle is one quarter full. By 11:59 the bacteria will have doubled to fill the first
bottle into half full. And by midnight, bottle 1 will be 100% full. By 12:01, the bacteria in bottle
number 1 will have doubled and will fill up the bottle number 2. By 12:02 the bacteria in bottles 1
and 2 will each have doubled to fill the bottle number 3 and 4. And by 12:03 AM there is no
room left for the bacteria to grow because all 4 bottles are already reached.

At what time will the bottle be half full?

- Answer: at 11:59 PM
Human Population Growth: Doubling Time

Country Birth Rate Death Rate Doubling Time

(2007) (2007)

United States 14 per 1000 8 per 1000 116.7 years

Kenya 40 per 1000 12 per 1000 25 years

Mexico 21 per 1000 5 per 1000 43.8 years

Bolivia 29 per 1000 8 per 1000 33.3 years

India 24 per 1000 8 per 1000 43.8 years

China 12 per 1000 7 per 1000 140 years

Japan 9 per 1000 9 per 1000 0 years

Germany 8 per 1000 10 per 1000 -350 years

Russia 10 per 1000 15 per 1000 -140 years

World 21 per 1000 9 per 1000 58.3 years


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