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Karkala JnanaSudha PU College, Ganit Nagar, Kukkundoor,

Karkala, Udupi District, Karnataka. 576117 (SU0278)

Assignment/ Activity/Project
Academic Year: 2023-2024


Topic: ___________________________________________

Student Name: __________________

Reg/Roll No : ___________________
Class: ___________________
Karkala JnanaSudha PU College, Ganit Nagar
Kukkundoor, Karkala, Udupi District, Karnataka.

This Project/ Assignment/ Activity work on Mathematics prescribed by K.S.E.A.B for

Karnataka Pre-University Course during the academic year 2023-24. Successfully completed
by _________________________________________ , Roll No._________________
student of I PUC/ II PUC, Karkala JnanaSudha P.U College, Ganit Nagar, Kukkundoor,
for the partial fulfilment of requirements for the course.

Evaluation Method Max.Marks Marks Obtained

Writing of 5
Presentation 3
Viva Voce 2
Total Marks 10

Signature of the lecturer


Srl. No. Content Page
1 Objective 1

2 Material required 1

3 Theory 1

4 Method of construction
5 Applications
6 More about the function y=sin(x) 5

7 Conclution 6

8 Biblography 7

Class: I PUC

Subject : Mathematics

Topic: Trigonometric functions

Objective: Graph of sinx- Defination, example & Applications

Material required :

Pencil, scale , graph sheet


The Graph of sinx is a wave-like curve that oscillates between -1 and 1 on the y-axis

as x increases from 0 to 2π (or 360°). It is a periodic function with a period of 2π

radians (or 360°) and it repeats itself every 2π units. The shape of the curve is similar

to a wave or a ripple and it has a maximum value of 1 at x=π/2 (or 90°) and a

minimum value of -1 at x=3π/2 (or 270°). The curve passes through the origin (0,0)

Method of construction:

In this graph, the x-axis represents the angle in radians (or degrees), and the y-axis

represents the value of sin(x).

1) Draw a X-axis

Draw a Y-axis with 0,1,-1 ...on it.

3) Mark the origin.

4) Mark the points π/2, π, 3π/2, 2π etc.In short in the graph, the value of 3.14 on the

X-axis represents 180° or π. and 6.28 is equivalent to 360° or 2π.

As we know that sin(π)=0, so the sine curve will intersect at π, 2π, 3π, etc.

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mark the points 1,2,3,4....on the X-axis The sine curve will cut the X-axis at 0 ,

3.14,6.28 etc.

5) Write the values of trigonometric functions of standard angle

Degrees 00 300 450 600 900 1800 2700 3600

x angle in radians 0 π/6 π/4 π/3 π/2 π 3π/2 2π

y =sinx 0 0.5 0.707 0.866 1 0 -1 0

7)As sin(0)=0, so the sine graph starts from the origin.

Mark the points (0,0), (π/6 ,0.5) ,(π/3,0.707), (π/3 ,0.866),(π/2 ,1)

Draw the graph of sinx between (0, π/2 )

As x increases from π/2 to π, the value of sin(x) decreases from 1 to 0.This

corresponds to the graph falling from its maximum value to the x-axis at x=π (180°).

Draw the graph of y = sin x by using the fact that sin(π- x) = sin x . So finally, we

draw it in the interval [π,2π], using the fact that sin(π + x) = -sin x which means that

the graph of y = sin x in [π,2π] is the mirror image of the graph of y = sin x in [0,π]

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As you can see, the graph of y=sin(x) oscillates between the values of -1 and 1 as the

angle x increases. At x=0, the value of sin(0) is 0. As x increases, the value of sin(x)

oscillates between -1 and 1, reaching a maximum value of 1 at x=π/2 (90°) and a

minimum value of -1 at x=3π/2 (270°).


The graph of y=sin(x) has numerous applications in various fields. Here are some of

the common applications:

1. Trigonometry: The graph of y=sin(x) is an essential component of trigonometry,

which is the study of triangles and their properties. The sine function is one of the six

trigonometric functions, and it plays a crucial role in solving problems related to

triangles, such as finding the lengths of sides or angles.

2. Physics: The graph of y=sin(x) is used to represent oscillations and waves in

physics. Many physical phenomena, such as the motion of a pendulum or a vibrating

string, can be modeled using sine functions

3. Engineering: The graph of y=sin(x) is used in engineering to represent signals

and wave forms. For example, electrical engineers use sine waves to represent

alternating currents or voltages in electrical circuits.

4. Music: The graph of y=sin(x) is used in music to represent sound waves. Musical

notes are characterized by their frequency, which determines the pitch of the sound.

Sine waves of different frequencies are combined to produce complex wave forms

that correspond to different musical tones.

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5. Computer graphics: The graph of y=sin(x) is used in computer graphics to create

smooth curves and animations. Sine functions are often used to generate wave-like

patterns or to interpolate between two points in a smooth manner.

6. Waves: The graph of y=sin(x) represents a wave that oscillates periodically

between -1 and 1. This is useful for understanding many natural phenomena, such as

sound waves, light waves, and water waves.

7. Harmonic motion: The graph of y=sin(x) is related to simple harmonic motion,

which is a type of motion that oscillates back and forth periodically. This is useful for

understanding many physical systems, such as springs, pendulums, and musical


8. Signal processing: The graph of y=sin(x) can be used to generate signals with

specific frequencies and amplitudes. This is useful in signal processing applications,

such as telecommunications, audio processing, and image processing.

9. Control systems: The graph of y=sin(x) is used in control systems to generate

reference signals that can be used to control the behaviour of a system. This is useful

in many engineering applications, such as robotics, aircraft control, and power


Overall, the graph of y=sin(x) is a versatile mathematical tool that has a wide range of

applications in various fields, from science and engineering to music and art.

Page 4
More about the function y=sin(x) :

1. Amplitude: The amplitude of a sine wave is the maximum displacement of the

wave from its equilibrium position. In the graph of y=sin(x), the amplitude is

1,because the wave oscillates between -1 and 1. For example, the amplitude of a

sound wave produced by a musical instrument is related to the volume of the sound.

2. Frequency: The frequency of a sine wave is the number of complete cycles of the

wave that occur in one second. In the graph of y=sin(x), the frequency can be adjusted

by changing the coefficient in front of x, such as y=sin(2x) or y=sin(3x). For example,

the frequency of a sound wave produced by a musical instrument is related to the

pitch of the sound.

3. Period: The period of a sine wave is the time it takes for one complete cycle of

the wave to occur. In the graph of y=sin(x), the period is 2π radians, because the wave

completes one full cycle between 0 and 2π. For example, the period of a pendulum

swinging back and forth is related to the length of the pendulum.

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From the graph of trigonometric functions we can observe that the sine and

cosine functions are commonly used to model periodic phenomena such as sound

and light waves, the position and velocity of harmonic oscillators etc.

The sine wave, or sine function, has a special place in electrical and

electronic engineering because of its particular properties.The original

mathematical purpose of the sine and cosine functions was to describe the

relationship, in fact the ratio, of one side of a right angled triangle and the

hypotenuse. Voltages (V) and currents(I) which vary in time (t) according to the

same sinusoidal function as the sides of the triangle described above are

frequently used in electrical and electronic engineering.

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1) NCERT text book of class XI



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