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Advertising campaign n.- an Downmarket adv. 1 go/move Promote v.

[T] 1 to help something

organisation's programme of advertising downmarket to start buying or selling develop, grow, become more successful,
activities over a particular period of time cheaper goods or services (= downscale etc. or encourage something to happen
with specific aims. AmE)
Prototype n. [C] the first form that a
Application - a formal, usually written, Endorse v. [T] If a well-known person newly designed car, machine, etc. has
request for something or for permission to endorses a product, they say in an
do something advertisement how good they think it is. Qualification n. 1 [C, usually plural] an
examination that you have passed at
Apply - to make a formal, usually written, Fake n. [C]a copy of an original school, university or in your profession
request for something, especially a job, a document, valuable object, etc. that is
place at university or permission to do intended to deceive people into believing R and D (also R&D) n. [U] 1 research
something it is the real document, object, etc and development; the part of a business
concerned with studying new ideas and
Awareness n. [U] knowledge or Forecast’ n. [C] a description of what is planning new products
understanding of a particular subject, likely to happen in the future, based on
situation or thing the information that you have now Recession n. [C, U] a period of time when
an economy or industry is doing badly,
Bankruptcy n. When someone is judged Fraud n. [C, U] a method of illegally and business activity and employment
to be unable to pay their debts by a court getting money from a person or decrease.
of law, and their assets are shared among organisation, often using clever and
the people and businesses that they owe complicated methods Redundancy n. (plural redundancies)
money to especially BrE when someone loses their
Headquarters n. [plural] the head office job in a company because the job is no
Billboard n. [C] a large sign used for or main building of an organisation longer needed
Human resources (HR) n. (plural) the Reference n. a letter written by someone
Boardroom n. (C) the place in a company department in an organisation that deals who knows you well, usually to a new
where its board of directors meets with employing, training and helping employer, giving information about your
employees (= personnel) character, abilities or qualifications
Brand image n. the collection of ideas
and beliefs that people have about a brand Interest rate n. [C] the percentage rate Resignation n. [C, U] when someone
used for calculating interest over a officially states that they want to leave
Budget n. (C) a detailed plan made by an particular period of time, usually one year their job, position, etc.
organisation or a government of how
much it will receive as income over a Investment n. 1 [C, U] when money is Segment n. [C] 1 a part of the economy
particular period of time, and how much it put into a business in order to make it of a country or a company's work
will spend. more successful and profitable, or the
money that is put into a business Shareholder n. [C] someone who owns
Cashflow - the amounts of money coming shares in a company
into and going out of a company, and the Launder money/profits v. [T] to put
timing of these money which has been obtained illegally Stock n. [C, U] 1 especially AmE one of
into legal businesses and bank accounts in the shares into which ownership of a
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) n. the order to hide where it was obtained company is divided, or these shares
manager with the most authority in the laundering . considered together
normal, everyday management of a
company. Loan n. [C] money borrowed from a Subsidiary n. a company that is at least
bank, financial institution, person, etc. on half-owned by another company
Commission n. 1 (C, Ul an amount of which interest is usually paid to the lender
money paid to someone according to the until the loan is repaid Turnover n. [singular) 1 BrE the amount
value of goods, shares, bonds, etc, of business done in a particular period,
Logo n. [C] a design or way of writing its measured by the amount of money
Corruption n. [U] 1 the crime of giving name that a company or organisation uses obtained from customers for goods or
or receiving money, gifts, a better job, etc. as its official sign on its products, services that have been sold
in exchange for doing something advertising, etc.
dishonest Tycoon n. someone who is successful in
or illegal Market’ n. 1 [C] the activity of buying business and industry and has a lot of
and selling goods or services, or the value money and power
Counterfeit adj. made to look exactly of the goods or services sold
like something else, in order to deceive 3 [singular] the number of people who Upgrade ¹ v. 1 to make a computer,
people want to buy something machine, program, etc. better and able to
do more things
Credit n. [U] an arrangement with a shop, Marketing n. [U] activities to design and
supplier, etc. to buy something now and sell a product or service by considering Volatile adj. A volatile market, situation,
pay for it later buyers' wants or needs, for example etc. changes quickly and suddenly, for
where and how they will buy it, how example rising and falling without much
Debt n. 1 [C] money that one person, much they will be willing to pay, etc. warning. volatility
organisation, country, etc. owes to another
Meet v. (past tense and past participle
Demand n. [U] 1 the amount of spending met) [I, T] 1 to get together with another
on goods and services by companies and person to discuss something
people in a particular economy
Outsource v. [T] If a company,
Dividend n. [C] a part of the profits of a organisation, etc. outsources its work, it
company for a particular period of time employs another company to do it (=
that is paid to shareholders for each share subcontract) outsourcing n. [U]
that they own
Personnel n. 1 [plural] the people who
work for a company or organisation

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