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Quarterly Reviews of Single-molecule studies of amyloid proteins:

from biophysical properties to diagnostic perspectives
Jinming Wu1, Chan Cao2,3, Rolf Antonie Loch1, Ann Tiiman4 and Jinghui Luo1
Review 1
Department of Biology and Chemistry, Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232, Villigen, Switzerland; 2Institute of
Bioengineering, School of Life Sciences, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 1015, Lausanne,
Cite this article: Wu J, Cao C, Loch RA, Tiiman Switzerland; 3Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB), 1015, Lausanne, Switzerland and 4Department of Clinical
A, Luo J (2020). Single-molecule studies of
Neuroscience (CNS), Center for Molecular Medicine CMM L8:01, Karolinska Institutet, 17176, Stockholm, Sweden
amyloid proteins: from biophysical properties
to diagnostic perspectives. Quarterly Reviews
of Biophysics 53, e12, 1–22. Abstract
In neurodegenerative diseases, a wide range of amyloid proteins or peptides such as amyloid-beta
Received: 8 June 2020 and α-synuclein fail to keep native functional conformations, followed by misfolding and self-
Revised: 21 September 2020 assembling into a diverse array of aggregates. The aggregates further exert toxicity leading to
Accepted: 25 September 2020 the dysfunction, degeneration and loss of cells in the affected organs. Due to the disordered struc-
Key words:
ture of the amyloid proteins, endogenous molecules, such as lipids, are prone to interact with
Amyloid protein; single-molecule techniques; amyloid proteins at a low concentration and influence amyloid cytotoxicity. The heterogeneity
single-molecule fluorescence imaging; single- of amyloid proteinscomplicates the understanding of the amyloid cytotoxicity when relying
molecule force spectroscopy; single-nanopore only on conventional bulk and ensemble techniques. As complementary tools, single-molecule
electrical recording; neurodegenerative
techniques (SMTs) provide novel insights into the different subpopulations of a heterogeneous
amyloid mixture as well as the cytotoxicity, in particular as involved in lipid membranes. This
Author for correspondence: review focuses on the recent advances of a series of SMTs, including single-molecule fluorescence
Jinghui Luo, imaging, single-molecule force spectroscopy and single-nanopore electrical recording, for the
E-mail: understanding of the amyloid molecular mechanism. The working principles, benefits and limi-
tations of each technique are discussed and compared in amyloid protein related studies.. We also
discuss why SMTs show great potential and are worthy of further investigation with feasibility
studies as diagnostic tools of neurodegenerative diseases and which limitations are to be addressed.

Table of contents

Introduction 1
SMTs for biophysical studies of amyloid proteins 2
SM fluorescence imaging (SMFI) 3
SM force (SMF) microscopy 7
Single-nanopore electrical systems (SNS) 9
Solid-state Nanopores 10

SM dual measurements 11
Comparisons of SM optical, force and electrical approaches 12
Contributions to the understanding of amyloid toxicity in lipid membranes 12
Application of SMTs for amyloidosis diagnosis 13
Summary and future perspectives 15

Neurodegenerative disease, characterized by the loss of structure, function or quantity of spe-
cific neurons in the human brain, is a generic term covering a range of incurable and debil-
itating conditions that progressively lead to disorders of our nervous system. A series of
pathophysiological symptoms include memory/cognitive impairment and motor dysfunction,
caused by diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Huntington’s
© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Cambridge disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (Kumar et al., 2015; Gitler et al., 2017). The
University Press onset of the diseases is prone to be prevalent in the middle-aged and elderly at an increasing
rate (Jaul and Barron, 2017). Though many approaches have been introduced with the poten-
tial to understand and treat these neurodegenerative diseases, the outcomes of clinical research
have yet to be assessed. Therefore, novel experimental approaches and insights are essential to
better understand the pathogenesis and to find new therapeutic agents against the diseases.

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2 Jinming Wu et al.

As loss of protein homeostasis (proteostasis) occurs, the pro- were only found at the picomolar levels in human AD brain ento-
teins associated with the nervous system fail to sustain their native rhinal cortex and superior frontal gyrus regions (Lue et al., 1999;
conformation, start to aggregate and deposit in the brain through McLean et al., 1999). Such low concentrations are below the
two different aggregation routes (Hipp et al., 2019). The first route detection capability of conventional biophysical assays. Using
is to form amorphous aggregates, which are usually present in higher (non-physiological) concentration in the assays may result
undefined structures. Alternatively, monomeric proteins aggregate in completely different interactions or pathways that may not rep-
into soluble oligomers and then form highly ordered amyloid resentthe in vivo processes. In addition, the conventional biophys-
fibrils (Dobson, 2003; Selkoe, 2003; Adamcik and Mezzenga, ical techniques such as fluorescence assay and circular dichroism
2018). One of the pathological hallmarks of AD is the finding (CD) (Whitmore and Wallace, 2008; Ruggeri et al., 2015) repre-
of senile plaques deposited in the brain. The core component of sent the averaged data of whole populations, smoothing out the
the plaques was demonstrated to be the insoluble amyloid-beta low ‘noise’ signal from an individual aggregate (Lord et al.,
(Aβ) fibrils (Tagliavini et al., 1988; Fukumoto et al., 1996). 2010). These ensemble methods are therefore not ideal for the
Numerous other neurodegenerative disorders share this common investigation of the energetically metastable, heterogeneous states
pathology with amyloid proteins, such as Parkinson’s α-synuclein of amyloid proteins. To overcome some of these limitations,
(α-syn), Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease’s prion protein (PrP), and single-molecule (SM) amyloid characterization at the physiologi-
ALS’s superoxide dismutase 1 (Chiti and Dobson, 2017). cal concentration is thus of great importance.
Although most disease-related amyloids are assumed to be non- SM techniques (SMTs) have unique advantages of recording
functional, there are some amyloids, found from microbes to the behavior of individual molecules in a heterogeneous sample
humans that are functional, and even disease-related amyloids (Seisenberger et al., 2001; Zhang et al., 2018). The required
can, sometimes, possess functions (Fowler et al., 2007; Pham concentration for most SMTs is close to the endogenous level
et al., 2014; Brothers et al., 2018). Therefore, amyloid proteins (pM to nM). Such conditions assist in the formation of stabilized
can be both protective and destructive, critically dependent heterogeneous and transient oligomers at a time that allows study-
upon the amyloid homeostasis (Chen et al., 2017), which involves ing their structures and dynamics, which are easily hampered or
protein synthesis and folding, conformational maintenance and altered at higher concentrations (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2007).
degradation (Fowler et al., 2007; Hipp et al., 2019). Moreover, the experimental parameters of SMTs can reach a
Amyloid fibril formation has been proposed as a ‘nucleation- nanometer spatial resolution and a microsecond temporal resolu-
dependent polymerization’ process (Chiti and Dobson, 2006), tion (Greenleaf et al., 2007). SMTs may give the appropriate and
where the kinetics falls into three phases: the lag phase, the elon- accurate analysis of transient amyloid aggregates at the SM level.
gation and the final plateau. First, toxic oligomers form in the ini- SMTs can be classified into three types: SM fluorescence-based
tial lag period and may act as a template to nucleate amyloid fibril imaging (SMFI), SM force spectroscopy (SMFS) and
formation in the later phases. Likewise, amyloid fibrils facilitate single-nanopore electrical systems (SNSs). SMFI methods are
the formation of new fibrils through a process of secondary nucle- localization-based imaging techniques that can normally track
ation (Jahn and Radford, 2008; Eichner and Radford, 2011; fluorophore-tagged single particles or vesicles without perturba-
Tipping et al., 2015). A number of studies have indicated that tion (Shashkova and Leake, 2017; Hannestad et al., 2020).
soluble oligomers or protofibrils are the main contributing factor SMFS generally applies the tension or torsion to investigate the
of the cellular toxicity rather than the final-step mature fibrils mechanical responses of biological systems (Neuman and Nagy,
(Klein et al., 2001; Walsh and Selkoe, 2007; Benilova et al., 2008). SNSs allow analyzing the behavior of both small- and
2012). Although consensus has not been reached on the patho- large-sized oligomers in a single nanopore system by recording
genesis of amyloids, a prevalently accepted mechanism states the dwell time and residual current when they assemble into
that the early aggregates interact with lipid membranes, disrupt nanopore (Houghtaling et al., 2018). The principles of these tech-
the integrity of cell membranes, resulting in uncontrolled extracel- niques and their applications on amyloid proteins will be dis-
lular Ca2+ influx and imbalance of other biomolecules (Lashuel cussed in further detail in section ‘SMTs for biophysical studies
and Lansbury, 2006; Williams and Serpell, 2011; Lee et al., of amyloid proteins’.
2017). However, several questions remain to be answered. For Our paper aims to give an overview of the current understand-
example, what sizes of the aggregates are responsible for the dam- ing of the molecular mechanisms involved in amyloid misfolding,
age to cellular membranes? What are the toxic mechanisms by by focusing on SM approaches in contrast to the more commonly
which amyloid oligomers can disrupt cellular membranes? Do used bulk or ensemble methods. In particular, we focus on the
these aggregates thin the membranes, form pores or step-wise application of the three main types of SMTs mentioned above
increase membrane permeability, or a combination? for the characterization of the biophysical properties of amyloid
There are several reasons why these questions remain to proteins. Here, we will briefly state the working principles, bene-
be answered. First, it is difficult to detect individual oligomers, fits and limitations of each SMT, and combined SM dual mea-
because the fibrillation process is a dynamic equilibrium process, surements will be briefly discussed in this review. We will also
giving rise to a highly heterogeneous mixture. The heterogeneity summarize the detailed insights they can give for different species
hinders the analysis of the size, conformation and structure of the of amyloid proteins, the interaction with membranes and their
neurotoxic aggregates. In addition, monomers and small aggre- roles in amyloid diseases. In addition, our paper covers the per-
gates (from dimers to hexamers) in vivo are likely to interconvert spectives of each SMT for the diagnosis of amyloidosis.
in a dynamic equilibrium (Klein et al., 2001; Johnson et al., 2014).
Moreover, at physiological conditions, amyloidogenic proteins
SMTs for biophysical studies of amyloid proteins
exist at a low concentration and vary between intracellular regions
and brain cell types. For example, concentrations of intercellular In comparison to the conventional methods studying ensemble
α-syn might be likely in the low-nanomolar range (Mollenhauer systems, SM approaches provide insights into the heterogeneity
et al., 2008; Hannestad et al., 2020), while the soluble Aβ42 of amyloid proteins and distinguish contributions of different

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Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 3

amyloid oligomers, and therefore hold the potential to gain a real-time individual Aβ40 fibrils growth with a speed-dependent
deeper understanding of the structure and function of different manner and found the constant rate of fibril growth is similar
amyloid morphologies. We subsequently discuss three main with the steady-state enzymatic kinetics. Another study showed
types of SMTs and their variants in three separate sections and that glucagon fibrils grow exclusively by forming branches along
show how these techniques have been relevant to amyloid protein sides of the parent fibril with an angle of 35°–40° (Andersen
studies at the molecular level. et al., 2009), which differs from Aβ fibrils that extend themselves
from the end of the preformed seeds in a linear elongation. By
using TIRF, Patil et al. (2011) revealed three different human
SM fluorescence imaging (SMFI)
islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) aggregation patterns that dem-
Fluorescence imaging is based on the emission of light by a fluo- onstrate the role of secondary nucleation mechanisms where the
rophore. After the excitation of an electron to a higher energy preformed fibrils serve as a new template for fibril formation.
state, the fluorophore relaxes back to the ground state and All these studies illustrate that TIRF microscopy is an effective
re-emits a new photon. A protein of interest can be directly tool to visualize entire aggregates and fibril growth kinetics.
observed with a non-covalent fluorophore or covalent fluorophore TIRF was also applied to depict the permeation of single ves-
after conjunction with a probe (Jaiswal et al., 2003; Keppler et al., icles or cells filled with fluorescent dye by measuring the Ca2+
2003). SMFI techniques visualize the changes of fluorescent prop- influx induced by oligomers on the membranes. After the pene-
erties of labeled proteins such as fluorescence lifetime, quantum tration of synthetic Aβ oligomers (down to 200 pM) into the
yield or polarization to reveal intermolecular interactions, reaction live neuronal astrocyte cells (Drews et al., 2016; Flagmeier et al.,
kinetics and conformational dynamics. 2017), tetramers or larger oligomers were found as the most
Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF), fluorescence res- toxic Aβ oligomer aggregates across the membranes. This suggests
onance energy transfer (FRET), two-color coincidence detection that membrane permeabilization is one of the toxic mechanisms
(TCCD), fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) induced by oligomers. The extracellular chaperone clusterin, anti-
and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) are common body or nanobody that specifically binds to oligomers could pre-
fluorescence-based methods for tracking single particles. For an vent Ca2+ influx induced by synthetic Aβ oligomers (Drews et al.,
overview of the history and some of the recent discoveries in 2017), whereas these inhibition effects are not obvious under cere-
the life sciences made via SMFI, we refer to the review by brospinal fluid (CSF) conditions. This implies that these SM
Shashkova and Leake (2017). In this review, we will focus on assays might be a cost- and time-effective approach before clinical
the implementation of these techniques for amyloid protein trials. Recently, with TIRF, Tanaka and coworkers showed that
studies. Aβ42 oligomers on the surface of live hippocampal neurons
impair the ability of learning and memory in the early stage of
TIRF imaging AD via suppressing the increase of fluorescently labeled (gluta-
TIRF imaging is now one of the most common fluorescence mate receptor) GluA1 number and exocytosis frequency in both
microscopic imaging to track single particles by selectively illumi- post-synaptic and extra-synaptic membranes (Tanaka et al.,
nating one area to minimize background signals. The innovation 2019). The increase of GluA1 is important for the cellular basis
of TIRF has greatly enhanced the signal-to-noise ratio by reducing of synaptic plasticity (Jarosz-Griffiths et al., 2016). Based on
the background fluorescence, resulting in better contrast for this result, a feasible therapy to recover mild memory impairment
detecting single molecules (Schneckenburger, 2005). For TIRF, a could be to target the increase of exocytic GluA1 on neuronal cells
solid–liquid interface with different refractive indexes, such as a and TIRF could be an effective imaging tool to validate this
glass coverslip/slide and a water-based physiological solution, is potential.
needed (Fig. 1a) (Shashkova and Leake, 2017). The incidence A novel approach, label-free scattering microscopy has been
angle with a 90° refraction is called a ‘critical angle’. At larger used to image the surface-bound lipids and detect the specific
angles than the critical angle, the excitation light will not transmit protein-binding to single vesicles without labeling the lipids
through the liquid surface, instead, a total internal reflection of (Agnarsson et al., 2015). Scattering microscopy produces the ‘eva-
the incident light occurs at the interface and an ‘evanescent nescent field’ by optical waveguide instead of using the objective in
field’ is created. The intensity from this field drops off exponen- TIRF. In this method, a more uniform illumination profile is
tially with the increasing distance from the interface whereas obtained. Recently, Hannestad et al. investigated the kinetics of
the depth of penetration can actually be adjusted over a wide monomeric α-syn interaction with different lipid vesicles under
range. Therefore, TIRF imaging can restrict the excitation to flu- both fluorescence and light-scattering emission at the single-vesicle
orophores that are positioned close to the surface, making this level. They found α-syn induces obvious step-wise structural
technique particularly suitable for identifying molecules inte- changes and asymmetric membrane deformation of individual
grated into membranes. phosphatidylglycerol vesicles with a very low α-syn concentration
TIRF has been applied for the direct visualization of amyloid 10 nM (∼100 proteins per vesicle) (Hannestad et al., 2020). The
aggregates. As using covalently labeling proteins might affect pore formation mechanism was not concluded to result in mem-
the aggregation process (Zheng et al., 2018) and it is challenging brane leakage when α-syn binds to the vesicles. This finding
to tag samples extracted from in vivo sources, Horrocks et al. might enlighten the abnormal behavior of monomeric α-syn in
(2016) relied on the addition of a dye (Thioflavin-T (ThT)) that vivo. Scattering microscopy was also used to distinguish misfolded
non-covalently binds to oligomers and fibrils with β-sheet struc- proteins from normal ones in Aβ plaques of an AD mouse brain
tures. Small β-sheet aggregates of α-syn, Aβ and tau in vitro are model (Ji et al., 2018). Aβ plaques were found to form a typical
observed with the sizes <250 nm at the beginning of aggregation core–shell structure that is surrounded by a halo-like shell of
and the enriched oligomers contain on average 25 monomers. lipid-rich deposits (Schweikhard et al., 2019). This result indicates
Amyloid fibrillation kinetics can be tracked as well. In the pres- the ability of scattering microscopy in providing novel perspectives
ence of ThT, Yuji’s group (Ban et al., 2004) clearly observed the into the biochemical constitution of pathological structures.

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4 Jinming Wu et al.

Fig. 1. Schematic illustrations of the basic concept of SMFI techniques. (a) TIRF uses total internal reflection at the interface where an ‘evanescent field’ is produced
and the fluorophores close to the glass surface are efficiently excited by the evanescent field. (b) In FCS method, fluorescent molecules diffuse through a tiny
confocal volume and the fluctuations of fluorescence intensity are detected to determine the number of particles in this area. The autocorrelation function pro-
vides information about the concentration and the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. (c) FRET represents a non-radiative energy transfer between a donor
and an acceptor chromophore molecule via the long-range dipole–dipole coupling when these molecules are in close proximity (left). The donor fluorescence is
quenching while the emission of the acceptor is increasing (right). (d ) TCCD is based on oligomers with two distinct fluorophores but cannot exhibit high FRET give
coincident fluorescent bursts after emitting the photons (left). The fluorescence intensity derived from the two-color channels (red and blue) presents the numbers
of monomers that are labeled in one oligomer (right). (e) FRAP can be used to quantify the recovery of fluorescence intensity over time after a region of interest in a
cell or tissue is photo-bleached with a high-intensity laser and subsequently probed by a low-power laser.

FCS method 2015; Tiiman et al., 2015). Mittag et al. (2014) fitted FCS data
FCS is a quantitative analysis method with the ultimate SM sen- to Gaussian distribution models to clearly distinguish different
sitivity for the detection of fluorescent molecules (Rigler, 2010; Aβ oligomeric species in vitro. They estimated the sizes of differ-
Elson, 2018). In FCS, the fluctuations of fluorescence intensity, ent amyloid types, including monomer (<1 nm) and low-
originating from the diffusion of fluorescent molecules (physio- molecular-weight oligomers (1–5 nm), high-molecular-weight
logical nanomolar to picomolar) through a very tiny confocal vol- oligomers (5–40 nm), protofibrils (40–4000 nm) and fibrils
ume (∼1 μm3) is measured with a high-temporal resolution (4000–20 000 nm). Additionally, Rigler’s group observed that Aβ
(nanosecond time scale) (Fig. 1b). The detected fluorescence real- peptides have a highly cooperative polymerization process
time fluctuations and autocorrelation function provide the ther- where the fibril is predominantly built up from monomers or
modynamic or kinetic parameters such as diffusion coefficient dimers rather than free oligomers (Tjernberg et al., 1999). The
(DC) or time, nucleation boundary radius and the free energy size of small Aβ aggregate particles in vitro is 1.7–2.1 nm and
barrier for nucleation (Medina and Schwille, 2002; Garai et al., big aggregates have sizes of 100 nm or higher (Garai et al.,
2008; Kitamura and Kinjo, 2018). Knowing these parameters 2007). Tiiman et al. (2015) later suggested that the smallest
can assist in developing an exact thermodynamic model of Aβ ThT-visible Aβ aggregates in vitro with a diffuse time ∼200 μs,
aggregation. Moreover, understanding the energy landscape of is comprised of 40–70 Aβ monomers. By directly tracking Aβ42
amyloids may estimate the stability of intermediates, which concentration changes, Novo et al. (2018) found that the critical
could help the quest for a method to reduce its population aggregation concentration of Aβ42 to form oligomers is about
(Garai et al., 2006). 90 nM. Based on this, they suggested that the assembly process
FCS has been used to characterize the amyloids aggregation is spontaneous and cooperative which is similar to the process
process and determine the presence of different oligomeric of surfactants self-assembling and produces the stable micelle-like
species, both in well-equilibrated systems in vitro and more com- oligomers formed from 50 monomers (hydrodynamic radius, Rh,
plicated environments in vivo (Liang et al., 2010; Guan et al., 7–11 nm). In terms of complex samples, with FCS, Pitschke et al.

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Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 5

(1998) detected the very large multimers of single Aβ aggregates et al., 2016). Data revealed both KLC-E and E-KLC have an inhib-
in all CSF samples from 15 AD patients but in none of the 19 age- itory effect on Aβ42 aggregation over a period of time, and KLC-E
matched healthy controls. Funke et al. (2007) also easily differen- shows a much higher binding affinity than E-KLC, which might
tiated three CSF AD samples from the control ones by the pres- result from the spatial conformation of KLC-E.
ence of Aβ aggregates. FCS is also suitable for identifying the
inhibitors of the initial formation of amyloid oligomers by analyz- FRET, TCCD and FRAP techniques
ing the average size and number of oligomeric particles. FRET is one of the most commonly used techniques when study-
D-enantiomeric amino acid peptides were demonstrated to reduce ing physical interactions between two molecules within several
the average size of Aβ aggregates but increase their number nanometers (30–70 Å range), a distance sufficiently close for
(Wiesehan et al., 2008). These results demonstrate the effective- intermolecular interactions to occur (Roy et al., 2008; Schuler
ness of FCS in determining heterogeneous oligomeric species. and Eaton, 2008). The principle of FRET is based on the excita-
FCS can also be used to quantitatively investigate the binding of tion energy transfer from a donor to an acceptor chromophore
amyloid proteins on membranes. Fluorescently labeled α-syn molecule with the reduced donor fluorescence/lifetime and
has been demonstrated to preferentially bind to acidic vesicles increased emission of acceptor fluorescence/lifetime. For protein
(Miraglia et al., 2018). Less bulky head groups of anionic lipids interaction studies, fluorophore-tagged antibodies or fusion pro-
enhance this binding possibly due to the anionic lipids being teins are the two common methods to adhere to the fluorophores
able to pack more closely together, thus producing a high-charge to the interacting proteins.
density (Rhoades et al., 2006; Middleton and Rhoades, 2010). The Based on the direct observation of coincident bursts of oligo-
requirment of binding a single α-syn molecule is a minimum of mer fluorescence, two distinct structural types of α-syn oligomers
30 lipid molecules or a 60-molecule bilayer patch (Rhoades were inferred during α-syn aggregation in vitro (Cremades et al.,
et al., 2006). Additionally, α-syn prefers to bind small vesicles 2012). Oligomers of types A and B, with medium and higher
such as synaptic vesicles, over large multi-lamellar vesicles. It FRET efficiencies, respectively, were found at α-syn aggregation
was suggested that the ideal match of vesicle curvature with different stages. Type B oligomers with a more compact structure
α-syn would be as found in the N-terminal helix (Middleton and proteinase-K resistance were monitored in later aggregation
and Rhoades, 2010). Another study showed that labeled Aβ40 stage, indicating type A might undergo a structural reorganization
and Aβ42 oligomers exhibit stronger binding to neuronal and to form type B. Structural conversion has been assumed to be the
somatic cell membranes than monomers at physiological concen- key step of α-syn aggregation. This result is consistent with the
trations (250 nM) (Sarkar et al., 2013). The negligible binding to hypothesis of the sequential finding of discrete oligomeric inter-
cell membranes by monomers explains why they are non-toxic. mediates in the early stage of α-syn aggregation (Conway et al.,
Additionally, on mammalian cell membranes, the size distribu- 2000). Additionally, they detected toxic α-syn oligomers originat-
tion of small Aβ40 aggregates (2.3 nm average Rh) peaks at both ing from disaggregation of mature α-syn fibrils, suggesting that
tested concentrations of 150 and 350 nM, while only large assem- the disaggregation of fibrils can also be a source of toxic species
blies of Aβ40 (≫10 nm average Rh) appear at a concentration of and result in toxicity (Cremades et al., 2012). This implies that
350 nM (Nag et al., 2010). These results indicate that the forma- attention should also be paid to the disaggregation of fibrils at
tion of large Aβ complexes on living cells relies on Aβ concentra- the final stage beside the toxic forms in the early stage of the
tion. This discovery might partially explain why the Aβ targeting aggregation process. Later, Horrocks and co-workers combined
drugs fail in clinical trials since the much higher physiological fast flow microfluidics with FRET to investigate the oligomeriza-
concentration of Aβ is used in vitro. Recently, Simpson et al. tion of α-syn (Horrocks et al., 2015). Isolating type A from type B
(2020) identified differences of Aβ aggregation and cytotoxicity oligomers by dilution, they discovered that type A dissociates but
between 2D in vitro models (typically culture cells on flat plastic type B stabilizes in the lower ionic strength of the solution.
or glass substrates) and 3D environments, such as collagen hydro- Moreover, type B oligomers from two α-syn mutant forms
gels in tissue culture models. Combined with FCS, they found that (A53T and A30P) displayed different FRET efficiencies, suggest-
the size of Aβ aggregates in 3D collagen hydrogel is 25–200 times ing that the variants contribute to the structural diversity of olig-
larger in diameter than 2D culture, suggesting a vastly different omeric ensembles (Tosatto et al., 2015). By systematic analysis of
aggregation process. It appears that the cytotoxicity of Aβ gets the FRET efficiency values in a wide range of starting α-syn
attenuated in 3D compared to 2D environments. The difference monomer concentration (from 0.5 to 140 μM), the required num-
between crowding and confinement is the main contribution. ber of seeds to affect the initial aggregation was predicted to be in
This discovery might provide another reason for failed Aβ drug the order of 104 species in a single cell (10 μm)3 (Iljina et al.,
screening models that might miss these two factors. 2016b). This demonstrates that FRET is suitable to quantitatively
Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS), which is explore the seeding process of amyloid aggregation. The same
an extension of FCS, was developed by Schwille et al. (1997). In setup also demonstrated that tau protein has a similar structural
FCCS, there are two differently labeled fluorescent species trajectory evolving from type A to type B oligomers prior to fibril
whose concentration and diffusion characteristics are measured formation (Shammas et al., 2015). Combining FRET with the FCS
in parallel. In addition, information about whether the two mol- method, the fraction of small Aβ oligomer containing <10 Aβ
ecules interact can be obtained. The principle is the same with molecules were detectable as low as 2 ± 2% in solution at physio-
FCS, but the overlapping diffraction-limited confocal logical concentrations (Wennmalm et al., 2015). Additionally,
volumes exists in FCCS due to two different lasers focusing Kaminski Schierle et al. (2011) found that labeled α-syn in living
onto the same spot. FCCS has been used to study the interaction worm Caenorhabditis elegans has the slowest decrease in fluores-
of aggregation inhibitors such as antibodies (Bonito-Oliva et al., cence lifetime, followed by in vitro samples, then by neuronal
2019) and kinesin-1 (Zheng et al., 2016) with Aβ peptide. Two cells. It indicates that the aggregation rate of α-syn is
kinesin-1 subunits, KLC-E and E-KLC, were tagged to determine environmentally-dependent with the fastest rate of aggregation
the interaction of kinesin-1 on Aβ peptide at the SM level (Zheng in cells. This result shows that FRET is an effective tool to track

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6 Jinming Wu et al.

the kinetics of α-syn self-assembly in vitro and in vivo, and the incorporated membrane was found to possess reduced membrane
molecular environment should be taken into consideration fluidity, which is indicative of the pathophysiology of disease-
when revealing the nature of aggregation species. affected cells. The reason for membrane penetrations and finally
Recently, FRET has been used to identify the binding of Aβ cell death was suggested to be due to induced membrane
oligomers to the cholinergic nicotinic ACh receptor α7 leakage by the localized aggregates, not due to pore formation
(α7nAChR) (Cecon et al., 2019). Loss of activity of α7nAChR is mechanisms.
believed to impair cognitive performance in AD (Bertrand TCCD technique uses two fluorophores that cannot exhibit
et al., 2015). The result showed that the Aβ binding site on high FRET and which are illuminated by two lasers compared
α7nAChR overlaps with the orthosteric ligand binding sites com- to one laser for FRET (Orte et al., 2010). Monomers tagged
prising loop C with a high-binding affinity (pKD 10.3 ± 0.2). with a single color are only detected by one of the detecting
FRET was also used to evaluate different α7nAChR-related com- channels while the oligomers with two distinct fluorophores result
pounds of interfering with the binding abilities of Aβ to in coincident fluorescent bursts after emitting the photons
α7nAChR (Cecon et al., 2019). In addition, FRET was applied (Fig. 1d, left). The signal of fluorescence intensity derived from
for the screening of various compounds against Zn2+–Aβ interac- the two-color channels presents the numbers of monomers that
tion (Lee et al., 2019). Eight natural inhibitors (out of 145 com- are labeled in one oligomer (Fig. 1d, right). As different oligomers
pounds) were demonstrated to have efficient inhibition effects show different coincident bursts of fluorescence when they diffuse
(>80%) and six of them are capable of decreasing the toxicity through the confocal volume, TCCD is sensitive and quantitative
induced by Zn2+–Aβ on living cells. The two studies indicate to provide the information about the concentration and the stoi-
that FRET is suitable for measuring the binding activity of pep- chiometries of associated molecules in a heterogeneous environ-
tides/metal ions to amyloid proteins and very effective to assess ment. Klenerman’s group used TCCD to trace the oligomer
potential drug candidates against neurodegenerative disorders. ensemble of the SH3 domain from bovine phosphatidylinositol-3-
Zadorsky’s group used FRET to demonstrate that the newly kinase (Orte et al., 2008). The heterogeneous oligomeric species
found amyloid protein Toh1, which is localized in the yeast cell of SH3 with the most cytotoxic properties have a median size
wall, could interact with other PrPs Rnq1 and Sup35. The result of 38 ± 10 molecules. The size distribution of these oligomers
highlighted that the interactions among different amyloid pro- remains constant while their stability is gradually increasing dur-
teins not only occur between molecules with a similar primary ing aggregation. The TCCD method was also applied to deter-
structure but also between proteins that have a close secondary mine the interaction of Aβ peptide with neuroserpin, a member
structure and conformational folds (Sergeeva et al., 2019). of the serine protease inhibitor, which can suppress the toxicity
Besides investigating the interactions of two molecules, FRET is of Aβ peptides (Chiou et al., 2009). It was found that Aβ increases
also suitable to explore the interaction of membranes and amyloid the rate of neuroserpin’s polymerization by forming a weak com-
proteins. Reynolds et al. found that α-syn aggregation appears to plex with neuroserpin. As Aβ is later released from the complex
extract lipids from the membranes making them thinner. These and not incorporated into the neuroserpin polymers, it was sug-
extracted lipids could be the initial step to a more intense disrup- gested that Aβ40 acts as a catalyst to enhance polymerization.
tion of membrane integrity. Larger damage to membranes was Iljina et al. (2016a) quantitatively determined the composition
observed at higher α-syn concentrations, demonstrating the con- of self- or co-oligomer formation of Aβ40 and Aβ42 under phys-
centration dependency of α-syn aggregates on membrane toxicity iological conditions. The main oligomers are Aβ40 at the physio-
(Reynolds et al., 2011). Terzi et al. (1995) reported that Aβ prefer- logically relevant ratio of 9:1 of Aβ40–Aβ42. Dimers are the
entially interacts with anionic membranes and Wong et al. found predominant oligomers when the total Aβ concentration is
more net negative charge increases the binding affinity of ∼1 nM. The oligomerization of α-syn, as well as their co-
low-molecular-mass species of Aβ40 (<10-mer) with membranes. aggregation with Aβ40, Aβ42 and tau, was also determined by
The very weak interaction of Aβ40 with the pure dipalmitoylphos- TCCD (Iljina et al., 2018). At a very low concentration, close to
phatidylcholine neutral liposomes confirms that Aβ40 membrane the physiological conditions, co-oligomerization is more favorable
insertion is highly dependent on the negative charge of the mem- than pure α-syn oligomer formation, but co-oligomers also
brane (Wong et al., 2009). The tight binding of Aβ40 to anionic showed lower lipid membrane disruption than α-syn assembled
membranes was further confirmed by TIRF imaging but with a oligomers.
much lower dissociation constant of the peptide from the mem- FRAP is another SMFI technique to measure molecular mobil-
brane (<470 pM) (Ding et al., 2012), compared to Wong’s report ity and turnover processes. The basic principle of FRAP is that a
(38.8 ± 7.0 μM). The main reason is the very low peptide concen- region of interest in a cell or tissue is photo-bleached with a high-
tration in the latter case (sub-nanomolar), which leads to a very intensity laser and subsequently probed by a low-power laser to
low peptide/lipid ratio. This result indicates that the ratio of pep- quantify the recovery of fluorescence intensity over time
tide/lipid concentration should be considered when calculating (Fig. 1e). The recovery curve provides information about the
the binding affinities of amyloid proteins with lipid membranes. mobile fraction and the DC of the labeled component (Axelrod
In addition to the interaction of membranes with oligomers, et al., 1976). Nonetheless, specific interactions, membrane topol-
the fluorescent lipid membranes were found to directly bind to ogy and viscosity can also lead to differences in DCs (Reits and
fibrils and accelerate fibril formation (Gorbenko et al., 2015; Neefjes, 2001). Thus, great considerations should be taken when
Lindberg et al., 2017). The vesicle lipid–fibril interaction rein- performing FRAP experiments in different cell lines or compart-
forces Aβ42 secondary nucleation at the surface of existing Aβ ments to compare DCs and mobile fractions.
fibrils (Lindberg et al., 2017). The charged plain lipid membrane By counting the number of photobleaching steps, FRAP can
has a similar effect on Aβ fibrillation. Additionally, Widenbrant directly distinguish the labeled Aβ oligomers with a different
et al. (2006) found the Aβ aggregates bind to the giant vesicle number of subunits at a very low concentration (1 nM).
membrane, rapidly cross the vesicle bilayer, then incorporate Combined with confocal microscopy, Ding et al. differentiated
into the interior small vesicle membrane. Meanwhile, the labeled Aβ40 oligomers that were deposited onto a cover glass

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Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 7

and found the size varies from dimers to hexamers, but mainly which showed complete signal recovery (Roberti et al., 2011). The
the dimers, trimers and tetramers. This result is in agreement diffusion constant of α-syn is relatively small (0.03–0.04 μm2 s−1)
with the peak estimation from gel filtration chromatography in living cells, suggesting that the α-syn aggregates remain pre-
(Ding et al., 2009). Nevertheless, some oligomer species such as dominantly immobile. These results demonstrate that FRAP is
pentamers and hexamers are only observed by FRAP but not powerful to investigate the effects of amyloid protein on the mem-
the gel filtration method, indicating the advantage of SMTs on brane fluidity and function.
quantitatively measuring oligomer species. Additionally, the
determination of Aβ oligomer species on lipid membranes can
SM force (SMF) microscopy
also be obtained by forming the lipids on the clean cover glass.
It was shown that the sizes of formed oligomers highly depend Force microscopy (widely, though inappropriately, named as force
on the concentration of amyloids on lipid membranes. At close spectroscopy) is a set of techniques used for the study of individ-
to physiological concentration (2 nM), a large fraction of Aβ spe- ual molecule interactions and the binding forces that include
cies (34%) on supported anionic lipid membranes are trimer/tet- AFM, optical tweezers/traps (OTs) and magnetic tweezers
ramer (Ding et al., 2012). Similar smaller pore-forming oligomers (MTs), which have been extensively reviewed before (Neuman
were observed directly by high-resolution atomic force micros- and Nagy, 2008; Adamcik and Mezzenga, 2012). Here we focus
copy (AFM; Quist et al., 2005), indicating these species might on the techniques that have been used and will be of specific rel-
be the smallest in the membrane and the source of pre-pore form- evance in the future to study single amyloid molecules and their
ing oligomers and neurotoxicity. At a relatively high concentra- interactions.
tion (100 nM), faster oligomer formation and larger size
distribution with a very wide range from around pentamers to SMF–AFM
60-mer were observed. In this situation, the fast forming oligo- AFM is a type of scanning probe microscopy with a nanometer
mers might serve as the nuclei for the direct insertion into a mem- resolution, which mainly relies on Van der Waals interactions
brane or for the initial formation of fibrils and then lead to and Coulomb repulsions resulting in a weak deformation of the
membrane permeabilization (Ding et al., 2012). Additionally, AFM micro-cantilever with respect to the sample surface
combined with TIRF, they found the binding to anionic lipid (Binnig et al., 1986). When the probe approaches and retracts
membranes starts with the monomers and the subsequent incuba- from the substrate in the vertical direction, the changes of canti-
tion leads to the formation of oligomers in the membranes. To get lever position will be systematically recorded and represented in a
a more detailed picture of the toxic mechanism at the SM level, force–distance curve (Fig. 2a). These forces reflect the surface
Schauerte et al. (2010) combined membrane conductivity mea- topography and structure of the biological sample. AFM enables
surements with FRAP to identify the structure of amyloid pro- the visualization of the microscopic surface of heterogeneous
teins when causing membrane-permeabilization. The ability of amyloid oligomers and fibrils under ambient atmospheric and
the oligomers to permeabilize the membrane was determined by liquid conditions, thereby provide information about parameters
simultaneously measuring the conductance as well as their size such as height, diameter and morphology (Adamcik et al., 2010;
distributions. At a low concentration below 10 nM, labeled Aβ Adamcik and Mezzenga, 2012; Ruggeri et al., 2018). For example,
monomers uniformly bind to the membrane while they do not AFM imaging has been utilized to observe different shapes of
induce any detectable conductance. At intermediate concentra- amyloid aggregates under atmospheric conditions, including
tions (from 10 to 100 nM), small oligomeric Aβ species (mainly pore-like and spherical-shaped Aβ oligomers (Connelly et al.,
dimers to 14-mer) are identified and the smallest size of oligomers 2012; Nirmalraj et al., 2020). It was also found that the height
to show a detectable conductivity are hexamers but not dimers. of α-syn oligomers varies from 2 to 12 nm and is dependent on
When the concentration is >100 nM, large Aβ structures and salt concentration (Hong et al., 2011), whereas the height of pri-
large-conductance are detected, indicating the serious interrup- marily formed Aβ oligomers varies from 2 to 8 nm (Mastrangelo
tion of these aggregates on membranes. This observation supports et al., 2006). The height of α-syn fibrils in the air is 17% lower
the pore-formation model where monomers interact with the than those of the same fibrils imaged in liquids and the
membrane surface followed by surface diffusion and then assem- C-terminal tails of α-syn fibrils in liquids show different confor-
ble into pore structures. By analyzing DC curves, the change of mation in different ion concentrations (Sweers et al., 2012).
membrane fluidity, which is important for biological functions Additionally, AFM allows to investigate the effect of lipid compo-
in cell membranes (Vereb et al., 2003; Marguet et al., 2006), sition on amyloids binding to membranes. In the fluid phase, pos-
can also be determined when membranes interact with the amy- itively and neutrally charged lipid bilayers have stronger
loid peptides (Sasahara et al., 2012, 2013; Schreiber et al., 2012). interference with Aβ42, compared to the negative and zwitterionic
hIAPP shows a more dramatic change of average DC signal before ones (Hane et al., 2011). Lipid rafts cholesterol and ganglioside
and after adding it into the lipid bilayer (from 1.07 ± 0.2 to 0.004 GM1 promote the harmful membrane interactions with Aβ
± 0.004 μm2 s−1), compared to Aβ42 peptide (from 0.99 ± 0.1 to (Azouz et al., 2019). All these results demonstrate that conven-
0.07 ± 0.01 μm2 s−1) (Sasahara et al., 2012; 2013). The deposition tional AFM has an irreplaceable advantage in providing morpho-
of hIAPP on the surfaces of bilayers results in the insertion to the logical information of amyloids. However, traditional AFM
bilayers (Sasahara et al., 2014). The membrane mobility decreases imaging cannot show how two molecules interacting with each
considerably when Aβ42 concentration increases from 10 to 20 other affect the aggregation morphology. By tethering individual
μM (Meker et al., 2018). These results address the involvement amyloid peptides/proteins to the substrate and probe, respectively,
of lipids in amyloid aggregation when proteins penetrate the SM force AFM (SMF–AFM measures the internal mechanical fea-
fluid membranes. FRAP has proved also useful for assessing tures of small heterogeneous amyloid oligomers (dimers to tetra-
molecular mobility in living cells. α-syn aggregates in the mers). SMF–AFM mechanically unfolds the native molecule at a
SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells showed a very low fluores- SM level with pN resolution (Rief et al., 1997; Li et al., 1998;
cence recovery signal compared with the area without aggregates, Hugel et al., 2001). The obtained force curves can be used to

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8 Jinming Wu et al.

Fig. 2. Schematic examples of the basic principles of SMF techniques. (a) One single amyloid protein is attached to the functionalized AFM tip and a mica surface
separately. When the probe approaches and retracts from the substrate in the vertical direction, the force–distance curve that is systematically recorded reveals the
protein unfolding pathways. (b) Two single amyloid proteins are tethered to two beads constricted in traps. SMF–OTs exert extremely small forces via a highly
focused laser beam that generates a very strong electric field gradient.

characterize the interaction forces between them or to reveal the to study Aβ14–23 trimers, where a larger rupture force is required
unfolding pathway of oligomers (Yu et al., 2008, 2013; Trexler to unravel trimers, compared to that of dimers (Maity and
and Rhoades, 2010; Kim et al., 2011). Lyubchenko’s group has Lyubchenko, 2016). This explains the different folding arrange-
covalently immobilized the C-terminal of a series of cysteine- ments within trimers and dimers. Yu et al. revealed a dramatic
modified amyloid proteins on both probe and substrate surface increase in rupture events of α-syn interactions in the presence
(Krasnoslobodtsev et al., 2013; Maity and Lyubchenko, 2020). of Al3+ and Zn2+, demonstrating the supportive effect of metal
The pulling strength/rupture forces of monomers between the ions on α-syn misfolding. In addition, dopamine does not
probe and substrate can provide information about the spontane- increase the rupture events and forces, which suggests dopamine
ous dissociation and the resulting off-rate constant, indicative of may not involve in the α-syn dimerization (Yu et al., 2011). Based
the degree of intermolecular interactions and the self-assembly on these results, SMF–AFM can be used as an efficient tool to
of an amyloid protein dimer (Kransnoslobodtsev et al., 2005). It screen drugs or biomolecules that interfere with amyloid aggrega-
has been reported that α-syn dimer has two different dissociation tion in the early stages of the aggregation. Another advantage is
rates (0.25 and 13.2 s−1), implying there might be two distinct that SMF–AFM can be conducted in a broad pH distribution,
pathways of forming α-syn dimers (Yu and Lyubchenko, 2009). which is important as it has been shown that acidic pH dramat-
For Aβ40 dimers, four close rupture forces (∼120 pN) with differ- ically facilitates amyloid aggregation and amyloid monomers and
ent rupture positions from 25 to 45 nm were observed (Kim et al., oligomers in vivo normally occur in an acidic environment
2011). It suggested the formation of different transient misfolded (Pasternak et al., 2004).
states. Aβ42 and Aβ40 display similar rupture forces and rupture As trimers, tetramers and larger oligomers also contribute to
position when probed by SMF–AFM (Kim and Lyubchenko, the heterogeneity of amyloid oligomers in the aggregation process,
2014). The approach further reveals a set of transients of Aβ flexible nanoarrays (FNAs), an extension of SMF–AFM, were
dimers with different conformations, representing diverse mis- developed to investigate the intermolecular interactions of higher
folding pathways of Aβ dimers. In addition, the dimer lifetime oligomeric structures (Tong et al., 2013; Krasnoslobodtsev et al.,
was quantified by combining dynamics force spectroscopy. 2015; Maity et al., 2017). In the FNA setup, amyloid proteins
Compared to dynamic monomeric states, the dimer lifespan of (dimer or monomer) are covalently immobilized within a highly
α-syn and Aβ is unexpectedly high within the range of seconds flexible, linear polyethylene glycol-type polymer on which the
(Yu et al., 2008; Kim et al., 2011; Kim and Lyubchenko, 2014), tethered proteins can interact and form the higher complex
indicating that the stable dimers may act as nuclei in the aggrega- (Maity et al., 2016). The two functionalized ends of the FNA poly-
tion process. Also, the amyloid dimer lifetime value is mer are linked to the AFM tip and substrate, respectively. As the
pH-dependent. α-syn has two different lifetimes at acid pH con- synthesis process of the polymer can control the incorporation of
ditions (4 and 0.8 s at pH 2.7, 1.35 and 0.05 s at pH 3.7) (Yu et al., the monomers, the attached amyloid molecules can be anchored
2008), demonstrating two different pH-dependent α-syn aggrega- to the desired positions within the polymer (Krasnoslobodtsev
tion processes. As for Aβ40 dimer, the lifetime is 0.46 s at pH 7.0 et al., 2015). Then different scenarios can be studied. For example,
and 2.5 s at pH 2.7, respectively (Kim et al., 2011). Aβ42 has a dimer construct can interact with another monomer, which is
slightly different lifetimes (0.1 s at pH 7.0 and 2.7 s at pH 2.7) tethered to the flexible polymer, and this creates a trimer model
(Kim and Lyubchenko, 2014). The results suggest that experimen- to explore the dimer–monomer intermolecular interaction.
tal conditions play a vital role in the aggregation process. As pro- Analysis of the dissociation force of Aβ14–23 trimers showed
tein interactions highly depend on their conformational changes, that the first rupture force of the monomer is ∼48 ± 2.4 pN,
SMF–AFM is suitable for directly detecting the rupture forces to which is slightly lower than the second step of rupturing the
indicate conformational changes of amyloid proteins. It has been dimers (∼53 ± 3.2 pN) (Maity et al., 2018). This demonstrated
shown that the pulling strength of α-syn and Aβ is the weakest at that the dimers are at a more stable state than the dynamic mono-
neutral pH, indicating a random coil structure. At an acidic pH, a mers in the early stage of aggregation. Another example is where a
higher pulling strength revealed the rapid conformation conver- dimer construct forms at the end of the flexible polymer, which
sion to a more ordered, predominantly β-sheet structure allows dimer–dimer interactions to be studied (Maity et al.,
(McAllister et al., 2005). Furthermore, SMF–AFM was applied 2017). The results of the rupture force and lifetime of Aβ14–23

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Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 9

tetramers are close to those of trimers at the neutral pH. However, stability and the height of the energy barrier to unfolding were
the acid condition affects oligomer behaviors with different rup- compared with the monomers, dimers and tetramers. It shows
ture forces and lifetimes. At pH 3.7, the lifetime histogram of that the unfolding forces increase with the growing size of the
the tetramer and trimer has a broad distribution and each fits oligomer, confirming that larger oligomers of α-syn have higher
three Gaussian peaks. Different sets of lifetimes indicate structural complexity.
different intermolecular interactions with distinct structures. A Unlike a single amyloid monomer, it is difficult to manipulate
similar change due to an altered pH was found for the strengths one single fibril by an optical-trapping experiment as amyloid
of the bonds. These results are consistent with the known hetero- fibrils are highly flexible. Dong and coworkers introduced a new
geneity of amyloid oligomers and suggest they can follow different method to tether Sup35 PrP fibrils (Dong et al., 2010). They
aggregation pathways that are pH-dependent. Similarly, the inter- first attached the N-domain of prion monomer variant (NM),
molecular interaction of higher-order oligomerization such as which only contains prion N and M regions, onto the glass.
pentamers and hexamers might be studied. FNA allows dissociat- Then these tethered monomers exert the self-recognition feature
ing the organized oligomers in a stepwise way and provides a to capture prion fibrils in which the attachment happens at the
good way to reveal the interaction of different states of oligomers, end of fibrils. The polystyrene bead was used to capture the
which can contribute greatly to the understanding of the mecha- other end of the fibrils. After applying normal pulling strength,
nisms involved in amyloid aggregation. prion fibrils showed resistance to disruption and maintained fibril
integrity. When exerting much higher forces of up to 250 pN,
SMF–OTs some force-dropping events were monitored before the fibril rup-
Compared to SMF–AFM that probes biomolecules directly, SMF– tured and it suggests that dropping events result from the prion
OTs indirectly manipulate and trap sub-nanometer to micron- intrinsic fold properties rather than from the extrinsic surface
sized dielectric particles by generating a very strong electric field attachments. SMF–OTs’ results support the β-helix model struc-
gradient via a highly focused laser beam that exerts extremely ture for prion fibrils rather than the β-pleated-sheet model.
small forces. SMF–OTs use a high numerical aperture (>1) micro- Based on this method, the mechanical properties of NM from
scope objective to create a stable optical trap to stabilize the vic- prion fibrils were explored and showed that the persistence length
inal dielectric microparticles. The working principle is of NM is much shorter than that of insulin and Aβ fibrils (Castro
illustrated in Fig. 2b. A single molecule, such as a DNA strand, et al., 2011). This result means that NM fibrils are much less resis-
a peptide or protein, is attached to a microparticle (Jagannathan tant to bending than the other amyloids. The formation of point
and Marqusee, 2013). SMF–OTs exert a force of up to 100 pN defects (hinges) of the prion fibril structure greatly reduced the
on particles with a 10−8 N force accuracy, a 10−4 s temporal reso- bending stiffness. Goldmann previously reported that actin
lution and 10−9 m spatial resolution. By adjusting the position of becomes more susceptible to fragmentation when bending
the traps, the force on the molecule can be indirectly obtained decreases (Goldmann, 2000). Thus, SMF–OTs’ results support
through the real-time measurement of three-dimensional dis- the hypothesis that prion fibrils are not rigid enough to be frag-
placement of the particles. In Woodside’s group, the Syrian mented, producing more seeds to function as protein-based ele-
hamster PrP is linked to DNA handles and connected to the poly- ments of inheritance and leading to stronger prion phenotypes
styrene beads (Yu et al., 2012). A single PrP molecule is trapped in vivo (Castro et al., 2011). Other mechanical parameters such
and then the end-to-end extension is traced by exerting the dena- as the axial and torsional stiffness are also deduced by the
turing tension on the PrP. The traps are taken apart at a constant SMF–OTs method. These results provide meaningful guidance
rate to ramp up the force until the monomer PrP is totally for designing novel amyloid-based nanomaterials including scaf-
stretched out. Under force-extension, PrP shows conformational folds and biosensors. Recently, Fränzl et al. (2019) designed a
fluctuations in the folding process with high precision. No par- thermophoretic trap to observe the single amyloid fibril growth
tially folded intermediate is found to regulate the misfolding over rather long periods of time. Analogous to the electric field
event during the native folding process. It suggests that the native gradient in the SMF–OTs, the temperature field gradient was cre-
state or the on-pathway intermediate is not an important factor ated by heating an optically heated, 10-μm-sized chrome ring via
for PrP misfolding. Instead, the unfolded states are found to a focused laser beam. The trapped single amyloid fibril showed
involve three different misfolding off-pathways, which indicate the rare fibril fracture events, confirming the idea of existing sec-
these unfolded states serve as intermediates in the misfolding pro- ondary processes during the growth of amyloid fibrils. With a
cess. SMF–OTs allow the observation of the transient transitions similar concept with SMF–OTs, MTs use the gradient of a mag-
from the unabiding structural fluctuations of the SM folding netic field to manipulate paramagnetic beads (Strick et al., 1996;
trajectory, which makes SMF–OTs a powerful tool to explore Gosse and Croquette, 2002). There are several reviews detailing
the different aspects of amyloid protein misfolding mechanisms. the principles of MTs and their application at the SM level
Based on the above SMF–OTs setup, Neupane et al. (2014) (Gosse and Croquette, 2002; Neuman and Nagy, 2008; Sarkar
found different intermediates with various sizes and stabilities and Rybenkov, 2016). Though the technique of MTs is mature
during α-syn aggregation. They reported that many metastable to handle, to the best of our knowledge, there is no report
α-syn structures are formed from small oligomers with a wide where MTs are applied to characterize amyloid proteins.
range of sizes. By monitoring the folding kinetics of a single
α-syn monomer, small parts of discrete unfolding events were
Single-nanopore electrical systems (SNS)
analyzed by fitting the force-extension curves. The change of con-
tour length in the conformational transitions upon unfolding var- Single-nanopore electrical recording has been developing into a
ies from 10 to 36 nm. These separate unfolding transitions are powerful SM approach to characterize the properties of amyloid
also observed in α-syn dimers and tetramers, indicating the for- proteins (such as structure, aggregation, abundance and interac-
mation of unfolding intermediates with several distinct structures. tion with lipid bilayer or other molecules) within an aqueous
Furthermore, the unfolding forces which reflect the structural solution in real-time. There are three classes of nanopores:

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10 Jinming Wu et al.

biological protein nanopores embedded in lipid layers (such as and A53T) but not the E46K mutant of α-syn caused more bump-
α-hemolysin (α-HL), aerolysin, mycobacterium smegmatis porin ing events than wild-type α-syn, suggesting the two former muta-
A, ClyA and DNA packaging motors), synthetic solid-state nano- tions increase the propensity for misfolding and aggregation
pores (usually in a SiNx, SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2 or graphene mem- whereas the latter does not. Hu et al. (2016) characterized the pre-
brane) or a hybrid of these that consists of a protein channel liminary structural aspects during the aggregation process of
set in the synthetic membrane. The nanopore system confines Aβ25–35 and its reversed sequence Aβ35–25 in a time-dependent
the disordered protein in a nanoscopic environment of the way. Their results showed that Aβ35–25 conforms to a random
pores, providing a method to detect the dynamics of a single pro- coil structure while Aβ25–35 comprises both random coil and
tein in nanoconfinement (Gurnev et al., 2014). Here, we mainly β-sheet structures, which is consistent with the CD spectra mea-
talk about the application of biological and solid nanopores for surements. As the nanopore-based detection is performed in
the detection of intrinsically disordered proteins. aqueous solution, it is well-suited for studying the kinetic interac-
tions between metals and Aβ proteins. Asandei et al. (2013) com-
Biological nanopores pared the Cu2+ binding affinity of Aβ16 derived from human and
The transportation of ions or molecules into and out of cells rat tissues. Compared to peptides from humans, Cu2+ binding of
depends on channels, which are protein pores in the cell mem- Aβ16 peptides from rats showed higher association and dissocia-
brane with a size range of 0.3–10 nm. The typical biological nano- tion kinetics of the peptides reversible interaction with the pore
pore apparatus is composed of two chambers or reservoirs (cis (Asandei et al., 2014). In addition, based on single-nanopore
and trans, as illustrated in Fig. 3a) immersed in an electrolyte experiments the binding affinity of metals to Aβ16 obeyed the fol-
solution separated by a lipid bilayer film that is formed across lowing order: Cu2+ > Zn2+ > Fe3+ > Al3+.
an orifice, and a nanopore set in the lipid bilayer. An electric Gurnev et al. (2014) utilized α-HL nanopore to explore how
potential applied between the two chambers generates an electric α-syn interacts with the lipid membranes at a SM level. It showed
field across the nanopore, which drives charged ions or molecules the N-terminus of α-syn first binds to the lipid membrane, then
to pass through the nanopore (Chen and Liu, 2019). For small the C-terminus enters and finally passes through the nanopore.
unfolded molecules, they are easy to translocate the pore, whereas Additionally, their study of the interaction affinity between
molecules with large sizes, such as aggregates, fibrils or folded α-syn and voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs) revealed
proteins, tend to simply clog the pore or bump into the pore a previously unknown mechanism of mitochondrial outer mem-
and then diffuse away (Madampage et al., 2012). By analyzing brane permeability regulation induced by α-syn (Rostovtseva
the amplitudes, durations and shapes of the events, the size, con- et al., 2015). α-syn is able to block VDACs in a concentration
formational changes and interactions with other molecules can be and voltage-dependent manner and cross the mitochondrial
determined at a SM level. Recently, single-nanopore technologies outer membrane into the intermembrane space when the voltage
have shown great potential for the characterization of individual is above 43 mV. Biological nanopore technologies have been dem-
amyloid proteins (Houghtaling et al., 2018), which will be further onstrated to hold the potential for applications in the design of
discussed. drug screening assays and gaining a deeper understanding of
Zhao et al. (2009) studied the translocation of Aβ10–20 and the aggregation mechanisms of amyloid proteins when investigat-
various short peptides through an engineered α-HL nanopore. ing their interactions with lipid membranes as well as biomole-
Both the dwell time and the change in the amplitude of current cules such as chaperones and metal ions at the early stage of
blockades increase as the length of the sequence increases. A aggregation.
stronger binding affinity was observed between peptides and
pores when more aromatic binding sites were engineered to be
Solid-state Nanopores
present inside the lumen of the pore. Based on the characteristic
currents caused by different lengths and structures of the pep- Although biological nanopores possess extremely high sensitivity
tides, biological nanopores make it possible to study structural and specificity to study structural variations of monomeric amy-
changes when Aβ peptides interact with small molecules. Wang loid proteins, it remains a challenge to monitor the whole process
et al. (2011) probed the different aggregation transitions of of amyloid protein aggregation due to the small volume of a bio-
Aβ42 in the presence of an aggregation promoter logical nanopore, their mechanically fragile nature and their poor
(β-cyclodextrin (β-CD)) and an inhibitor (Congo red (CR)) chemical, thermal and mechanical stability under extreme solu-
using α-HL nanopores to differentiate between fibrils and oligo- tion conditions (Haque et al., 2013). To overcome these limita-
mers. Two populations were observed of Aβ42-CR, namely, one tions, solid-state nanopores, fabricated from synthetic materials,
current amplitude is the same as the events caused by Aβ42 are rapidly becoming an inexpensive and highly versatile alterna-
alone, while the other current is slightly higher, indicating that tive due to their tunable size and shape, ability to be fabricated as
after the incubation with the CR, a new structure emerged in high-density arrays, and the possibility of integrating them with
the Aβ42 protein. For Aβ42-β-CD, barely any events were either an optical detection platform or nanofluidic or other nano-
observed, and the current distribution is in a wide range, suggest- devices (Talaga and Li, 2009). Different fabrication techniques
ing that the detected protein structure is bigger than the α-HL and have been reviewed by Chen and Liu (2019). Yusko and cowork-
thus cannot be captured effectively. Therefore, only bumping ers first reported the use of silicon nitride to detect amyloid pro-
events were recorded as would be expected from large aggregates. teins (Yusko et al., 2011). They coated a solid nanopore with a
Madampage et al. (2012) also obtained similar results when Aβ42 fluid lipid bilayer and controlled the translocation speed of pro-
is aggregated and they investigated the effect of mutation on teins via increasing the viscosity of the coated lipid membrane.
the conformational changes and aggregation propensities. Aβ40 More importantly, this enables us to translocate Aβ oligomers
translocation experiments showed recognizable events corre- and fibrils without clogging the nanopores. Four distinct Aβ clus-
sponding to α-helical structures whereas Aβ40 mutant protein, ters could be clearly distinguished via this solid nanopore, which
D23N, has typical folded β-sheet signals. Two mutants (A30P represent spherical oligomers, protofibrils shorter than the

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Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 11

Fig. 3. Illustration of single-nanopore measurements. (a) The process of single amyloid protein translocation the biological nanopore system (using α-HL as an
example) (Left). (Right) Typical current trace of a single protein across a nanopore. After applying a constant voltage, an open pore current is recorded (①);
once a single molecule has been captured and sliding inside the pore, the current value drops to a lower state (②); the current back to the open pore state
when the molecule completely translocates the pore (③). (b) Solid-state nanopore setup with fluid access channels to a nanopore across a silicon nitride mem-
brane. A typical current event is recorded. The components of (b) are from Servier Medical Art.

effective pore length, protofibrils longer than effective pore length, the imaging method allows us to observe the behaviors of the uni-
and mature fibers (Yusko et al., 2012). It proved the tremendous form and unbranched single fibrils under various optical forces.
heterogeneity of the sizes of Aβ aggregates. Besides lipid-coated Simultaneous imaging contributes to confirming the force-
nanopores, Martyushenko et al. used quartz glass nanopores to dropping events originated from the breaking of the fibril itself.
observe the translocation events of lysozyme fibrils at a low pH Moreover, the microstructures of the constructed single prion
and low-salt concentration. Due to the robustness of these solid- fibril generally show structural non-uniformity such as the inho-
state nanopores over a period of 24 h, tracking the development of mogeneous static curvature of local regions, despite the single
protein aggregation over a longer time period becomes possible fibril being obtained in a biologically homogeneous way (Castro
(Martyushenko et al., 2015). Yu et al. (2019) applied the glass et al., 2011). Together with TIRF imaging, SMF–AFM has been
nanopore to study the dynamic amyloidosis process of Aβ42 pep- implemented to investigate intermolecular interactions of dimers
tides. In addition to Aβ peptides, Zhao’s group identified four or tetramers of the Aβ14–23 peptides (Maity et al., 2017). In an
types of α-syn oligomers as intermediates during the aggregation example of the trimer, the fluorescence burst occurs once the
process and found the aggregation rate of α-syn has been dramat- attached dimer binds to the monomer. The fluorescence duration
ically accelerated by the presence of negatively charged lipids (Hu that represents trimer stability can be monitored by using TIRF
et al., 2016). Combing MD simulation, Bu et al. clarified a molec- microscopy and the rupture force exerted by SMF–AFM would
ular mechanism of N-terminal acetylation of α-syn in decelerating be subsequently recorded. Dimer–dimer interaction has been
small oligomer formation (Bu et al., 2017). However, there is a investigated in the same way as trimers to assemble tetramers.
crucial question about the differences in protein adsorption at At neutral pH, the lifetime and rupture force of trimers are similar
the solid–liquid interface without a lipid coating under such non- to these of tetramers, suggesting a similar structure and assembly
physiological conditions. To address this problem, Balme et al. process for trimers and tetramers (Maity et al., 2017).
(2016) characterized the adsorption influence of three proteins Another dual-measurement experiment was carried out by
(avidin, lysozyme, and IgG) on silicon nitride nanopore surfaces. combining the highly sensitive TCCD with TIRF microscopy to
The data showed that only lysozyme has no specific adsorption study chaperone interaction with amyloid proteins (Narayan
and can be totally neglected. Five parameters of proteins could et al., 2011). TCCD distinguishes the different species of oligomers
be analyzed simultaneously, namely the shape, volume, charge, by the coincident fluorescence bursts in solution, based on the
rotational DC and dipole moment (Yusko et al., 2017). It demon- principle that the numbers of oligomers contribute to sizes of olig-
strated a solid-state nanopores system is a valuable approach for omers with distinct fluorescence brightness signal. These isolated
characterizing amyloid aggregates or fibrils. species are then deposited onto a surface for imaging by TIRF.
For example, two chaperone proteins (clusterin and αB-crystallin)
show strong interaction with small Aβ40 oligomers by forming a
SM dual measurements
stable and long-life complex (Narayan et al., 2011, 2012). By
Combining the benefits of two or more SMTs can provide addi- observing the persistent oligomer populations when the chaperone
tional information about the biological system under investiga- dissociates/degrades the fibrils, αB–crystallin–Aβ40 oligomer com-
tion. Multiparametric analysis can further deepen the collective plex was found to have a 17 ± 2 h half time, which is much shorter
understanding and possibly initiate different solutions to diagnose than that of clusterin with 50 ± 10 h. It suggests that clusterin has a
and treat amyloid-based diseases such as AD and PD. higher binding affinity to Aβ40 compared to αB–crystallin.
The first example of a dual technique is the high-resolution Moreover, the complex of αB–crystallin formed in the disaggrega-
‘Fleezers’, which combines optical tweezers with fluorescence tion (degradation) is more stable than that formed in the early stage
imaging to simultaneously obtain sub-nanometer displacements, of the aggregation, suggesting a structural difference between the
sub-piconewton forces, and fluorescence signals. Marqusee’s two oligomers. Not only to Aβ, clusterin and α2-macroglobulin
group introduced fluorescent imaging to visualize a single prion also bind directly to α-syn oligomers. Each protein possesses differ-
fibril, which was stretched by high force optical trapping ent binding abilities, which was explained by the formation of two
(Jagannathan and Marqusee, 2013). After a single prion fibril different types of α-syn oligomers in the process of aggregation
was tethered to the glass surface via the self-templating feature, (Whiten et al., 2018). Apart from chaperone proteins, the

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12 Jinming Wu et al.

interaction between Aβ and the specific receptor-PrP on live hippo- polypeptide (IAPP), show a pore-like morphology as revealed
campal cells was also investigated using the TCCD–TIRF combina- by AFM and electron microscopy (Lashuel et al., 2002). These
tion (Ganzinger et al., 2014). It indicated that mainly the small Aβ results may explain the pore-like activity of amyloid proteins
oligomers (dimers and trimers) bind to PrP. These examples prove towards lipid vesicles and planar bilayers. In the early 1990s,
that this combination of techniques provides a good way to visual- Arispe and colleagues first incorporated freshly prepared Aβ
ize the amyloid protein interactions with other molecules at the SM into liposomes and observed voltage-dependent ion channel
level, in particular the inhibition process of chaperone proteins that activity after the liposomes were fused with planar lipid
appear to interact with the small oligomers. Furthermore, the pro- 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine bilayer
tective role of the chaperone proteins reminds us that keeping a (Arispe et al., 1993a, 1993b, 1996). The channels exhibited vari-
normal level of chaperone proteins in the brain is a potential ther- ous fluctuations (Arispe et al., 1993a). Also, other freshly pre-
apeutic approach against the development of AD. pared amyloid proteins, including IAPP (Mirzabekov et al.,
TIRF imaging has been integrated with single-channel electri- 1996), β2-microglobulin (Hirakura and Kagan, 2001), and a PrP
cal recording to detect SM diffusion on the lipid membrane. This fragment (Lin et al., 1997), possess very similar characteristics
combination was firstly developed by Toru and Toshio to detect in the measured currents as with the Aβ in the planar bilayers.
the moving paths of single lipid molecules on an artificial lipid These fluctuating and poor reproducible features of electrical sig-
membrane (Ide and Yanagida, 1999). To overcome the problem nals cannot be attributed to the currents from individual events
of unsupported bilayers which would result in high lateral mobil- that may be explored by SM approaches.
ity of lipids and short bilayer lifetime, glass, gels or polymers sup- The SM approaches mentioned in the previous sections, enable
porting substrates were designed (Wagner and Tamm, 2001; the time-resolved detection of individual amyloid
Goennenwein et al., 2003; Tanaka and Sackmann, 2005). protein interaction with lipid membranes, with a possibility to
Currently, droplet/hydrogel interfaces have been utilized to distinguish specific pore formation and step-wise membrane per-
study the membrane protein diffusion in combination with meabilization. Both pore formation and step-wise membrane per-
TIRF microscopy (Bayley et al., 2008) whereas droplet interface meabilization, as schematically illustrated in Fig. 4 have been
bilayers are too far from the surface to allow visualization by observed by different SM methods. For example, Hannestad
TIRF microscopy. This combination provides a good example et al. (2020) found that α-syn induces a step-wise disruption
of how to possibly study protein diffusion in the lipid bilayers. and asymmetric membrane deformation of DOPG (1,2-
Yet, the applications remain to be explored for amyloid proteins. Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol). Aβ aggregates cause the
leakage of the vesicle bilayer and rapidly cross the vesicle
(Widenbrant et al., 2006). As shown in steps 1 and 2 of Fig. 4,
Comparisons of SM optical, force and electrical approaches
these illustrate the step-wise membrane permeabilization by
Besides the working principles and applications mentioned in the local amyloid proteins rather than a specific pore structure. On
previous sections, we summarize and compare the benefits and the contrary, small amyloid oligomers may act as a preformed
limits of SM mechanical, electrical and optical approaches for amy- pore to insert into lipid membranes (as illustrated in step 3)
loid protein studies in Table 1. Like other conventional biophysical (Ding et al., 2012). FRAP experiments suggested that A β mono-
methods, SM approaches possess inherent limits and only disclose mers interact and diffuse within membrane surfaces to cause pore
a few aspects of the complexity of amyloid aggregation. Particularly, formation in lipid membranes (steps 1 and 4) (Schauerte et al.,
the fluorescent label attached to the amyloid peptide/protein may 2010).
alter the traits of the peptide/protein and influence the detailed To further understand the interaction of amyloid proteins with
aggregation process. With real-time and label-free probing, single- membranes, we may compare amyloid proteins with antimicro-
nanopore electrical measurements are mainly limited by spatial res- bial peptides (AMPs) (Last and Miranker, 2013). Comparable to
olution through the single nanopore and need sufficient data col- amphipathic AMPs, amyloid proteins show a strong binding pref-
lection for statistically robust conclusions. In the SM mechanical erence to lipid membranes at a μM range (Matsuzaki, 2007;
measurement, high-resolution optical trapping is not strictly lim- Galvagnion et al., 2015). This binding results in packing defects
ited to any dielectric particle and therefore requests highly homog- and increases the surface pressure in lipid membranes (Li et al.,
enous sample preparation, which remains challenging for amyloid 2012; Chaari et al., 2013). For instance, the thinning of the
peptides/proteins. The discrimination between interactions of the outer acyl chain layer of lipid membranes has been observed in
AFM cantilever with different domains of amyloid protein is still the presence of α-syn, IAPP and Aβ (Hebda and Miranker,
challenging. The stiffness of the AFM cantilever and optical trap 2009; Hellstrand et al., 2013; Li et al., 2016; Korshavn et al.,
may also limit SM studies of amyloid protein where particular 2017). Presumably, the thinning of lipid membranes decreases
care must be exercised under physiological conditions. Some of the entropy and tension of the head and acyl regions of lipid
these limits shown in Table 1 may be overcome by SM dual mea- membranes. Therefore, amyloid proteins theoretically exert the
surements discussed in section ‘Comparisons of SM optical, force thinning of the acyl region to reduce the tension of the bilayer.
and electrical approaches’. Upon individual amphipathic peptides/protein (such as amyloid
protein or AMP) binding to the lipid membranes, its permeabili-
zation occurs spontaneously, possibly, promoted by favorable but
Contributions to the understanding of amyloid toxicity in
not necessarily conformational specific oligomeric pores. In sum-
lipid membranes
mary, the hydrophilic part of the amyloid protein interacts with
Using ensemble techniques, the toxicity on lipid membranes by the head group of lipid membranes. Once the integrity of the
amyloid proteins has been proposed to be due to the formation lipid membrane is affected, specific oligomers form and interact
of a ring-like amyloid oligomer that forms a pore in lipid mem- with the lipid membrane followed by pore formation. However,
branes (Quist et al., 2005). Various amyloid proteins, including if an asymmetric and unstable pore is formed, membrane perme-
Aβ40, α-syn, ABri, ADan, serum amyloid A and islet amyloid abilization can be enlarged by extra amyloid proteins.

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Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 13

Table 1. The benefits and limits of single-molecule methods and the main application on amyloid proteins

Technique Benefits Limits Application on amyloids

TIRF (1) Improved axial resolution (1) Only for molecules near the coverslip (1) Fibrillation kinetics
(2) Minimal out-of-focus fluorescence and lowest (2) Limited image acquisition speed (2) Oligomer size distribution
background (3) Requirement of a fluorescent tag or (3) Molecule diffusion rates
(3) Less bleaching and light stress for living cells component (4) Binding kinetics

FCS (1) Direct measurement of stoichiometry (1) More susceptible to chromatic aberration (1) Fibrillation kinetics
(2) Broadened dynamic range for determining (2) Requirement of a fluorescence tag or (2) Distinguishing oligomeric
dissociation constants component species
(3) Single-molecule sensitivity (3) Binding kinetics
(4) No requirement of physical sample (4) Complex stoichiometry

FRET (1) High-spatial resolution for measuring (1) Need of photostable acceptor (1) Distinguishing oligomeric
intermolecular interaction (2) More influences of environment on species
photobleaching (2) Binding kinetics
(3) Proximity assay

TCCD (1) No restriction of position placement for (1) Production of non-associated molecules in (1) Oligomer size distribution
fluorophores low concentration (2) Binding kinetics
(2) No requirement of physical sample (2) Complex data fitting
separation (3) Requirement of a fluorescence tag

FRAP (1) Quantitative measurement of molecular (1) Influence of the intrinsic photobleaching (1) Molecule diffusion rates
mobility in living cells on signals (2) Identifying oligomer species
(2) Suitable for different membrane systems (2) Unsuitable for large aggregates (3) Protein mobility on
(3) Membrane topology and viscosity effects membranes
(4) Requirement of a fluorescence tag (4) Binding kinetics

SMF–AFM (1) No requirement of a fluorescent tag or (1) Low throughput (1) Folding and unfolding
component (2) Not suitable for characterizing big kinetics
(2) Easy sample preparation and no damage for aggregates (2) Structure changes
the samples (3) The stiffness of cantilever (3) Oligomer lifetime
(3) Higher lateral resolution

SMF–OTs (1) No requirement of a fluorescent tag or (1) Sample heating and photodamage (1) Folding and unfolding
component (2) Not suitable for characterizing big kinetics
(2) Manipulation of single molecules without aggregates (2) Identifying oligomer species
direct contact (3) The stiffness of traps (3) Mechanical properties of
(3) Independent of testing environment fibrils

Biological (1) No requirement of fluorescent tag or (1) Strict environmental requirements for (1) Interaction sites with lipid
nanopores component nanopores membranes
(2) Low cost (2) Requirement of the stable lipid bilayers (2) Binding kinetics
(3) Excellent signal-to-noise ratio (3) Fibrils and big aggregates easily clog the (3) Identifying oligomer species
(4) Size of the pore is fixed

Solid-state (1) No requirement of fluorescent tag or (1) Lipid bilayer is not physiologically relevant (1) Interaction sites with lipid
nanopores component (2) Lower electric performance and low membranes
(2) Low cost signal-to-noise ratio (2) Binding kinetics
(3) Suitable for bigger aggregates or fibrils (3) Identifying oligomer species
(4) Adjustable pore size

Application of SMTs for amyloidosis diagnosis

is normally reduced due to cortical deposits and the level of tau is
There is a need for the development of reliable biochemical mark- increased due to cortical neuronal loss (T-tau) and tangle forma-
ers that allow identifying the onset of amyloid diseases such as the tion (P-tau) (Olsson et al., 2016). Though the enzyme-linked
progression from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to AD immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been widely used to determine
dementia (Trojanowski et al., 2010; Molinuevo et al., 2014). As CSF oligomer levels in AD (Savage et al., 2014), the measured
the most reliable tool for the standard diagnostic procedures level still shows large variability between different studies and
(Mattsson et al., 2013), CSF biomarkers (Aβ42, total tau individual patients (Verwey et al., 2009). This decreases the diag-
(T-tau), phosphorylated tau (P-tau)) have tremendously contrib- nostic accuracy of CSF biomarkers, thus hinders the use and inte-
uted to the clinical diagnosis of MCI to AD due to the high sen- gration of these biomarkers as the routine clinical diagnostics. To
sitivity and specificity (Blennow and Hampel, 2003; Olsson et al., enhance the accuracy of CSF biomarkers, we propose to analyze
2016). It is clear that in AD patients, the level of monomeric Aβ42 the size distributions of these biomarkers and their response to

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14 Jinming Wu et al.

Fig. 4. Illustrated mechanisms for amyloid toxicity in lipid membranes. Amyloid monomers or unstable oligomers interact with the polar head group of lipids and
then thin the acyl chain layer in stepwise membrane permeabilization (steps 1–2). Alternatively,a specific pore forms in lipid membranes (steps 3–4).

toxicity(such as inflammation response, Ca2+ influx, neuronal CSF samples of various neurological disorders but non-demented
death), in addition to the detection of the overall levels of CSF control patients. They confirmed the great variability of oligomer
biomarker. Our suggestion is based on the increasing reports concentration. Another example to improve the time resolution of
that show no significant difference in the total number of aggre- SMTs is combining FRET with fast-flow microfluidics (Horrocks
gated species among AD or PD and control CSF samples et al., 2015), the measurement time of α-syn oligomers in vitro is
(Noguchi-Shinohara et al., 2009; Spies et al., 2009; De et al., tremendously decreased from 3 h to only 5 min. Although these
2019). It indicates that the overall level of aggregates might remain methods have not yet been applied as clinical diagnostic tools,
constant over long periods of time. However, in different stages of the enhanced efficiency could help further establish potential
neurodegenerative disease, aggregates do vary with structures or diagnostic criteria in a very efficient way.
sizes, resulting in different toxicity. Detecting these structural spe- It could be effective to implement CSF biomarkers as a strategy
cific and toxic various aggregates can improve the diagnostic to perform the early clinical diagnosis. However, a lumbar punc-
accuracy as well as the utilization rate of biomarkers. It is labora- ture to collect CSF samples is an invasive procedure, which is the
torial available since SMTs have ultra-sensitivity for identifying other main reason to prevent the broad dissemination of CSF bio-
the heterogeneous oligomers and handling the small CSF volumes markers in the routine. A minimally invasive, cost-effective blood-
and low-working concentrations. Recently, with TIRF micros- based biomarker was suggested as an alternative to CSF analysis
copy, De et al. (2019) found that compared to the control CSF, for prediction of the early stage of AD (Zetterberg and
CSF from patients with MCI have a higher amount of small Burnham, 2019). However, it has been reported that the plasma
Aβ42 aggregates (<50 nm) that could induce higher membrane Aβ42 or Aβ40 level through ELISA between AD and controls
permeabilization, while the CSF from AD patients show a larger has no significant difference (Fukumoto et al., 2003), while
number of longer and matured aggregates (size 40–200 nm) that Janelidze et al. (2016) found the reduced plasma Aβ42 and
could trigger higher inflammation response in microglial cells. Aβ40 in AD dementia stages, compared with cognitively healthy
Horrocks et al. (2016) also showed no significant difference in control individuals. The inconsistent data could attribute to, at
total α-syn concentration in the CSF of PD patients and healthy least in part, the limits of sensitivity of analytical methods.
controls via ELISA, nevertheless, with TIRF, they observed there Additionally, the blood–brain barrier also leads to very low Aβ
is a different number distribution of aggregates with β-sheet struc- concentration in blood (35 pg ml−1), compared to that in CSF
ture. These results demonstrate that SMTs can assist in the feasi- (350 pg ml−1) (Hampel et al., 2018). Thus, ultrasensitive analytical
bility studies to implement size distributions as complementary methods are needed to improve the accuracy of blood-based bio-
diagnostic criteria, besides the existing overall aggregate level in markers for early-stage AD prediction. Recently, Tiiman et al.
CSF biomarker. (2019) identified the Aβ aggregates in blood serum from AD
Additionally, statistical significance is important for establish- patients and found a higher concentration and larger size of
ing any standard diagnostic criteria. High-throughput methods ThT-reactive amyloidogenic nanoplaque compared to healthy
are required when handing multiple samples. Up to now, a high- controls through the SM FCS-ThT method. This result demon-
throughput for determining oligomers via SMTs alone has not strated the feasibility of detecting the actual amyloid states in
been reported, but combining FRET with high-throughput flow the blood that corresponds to the fibrils in the brain. Though
cytometry, Santos et al. (2007) measured Aβ oligomers in 174 only big aggregates (40-mer) were detected in this method,

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Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 15

Fig. 5. Illustrated amyloid fibrillation pathway and SM studies of amyloidogenesis. Oligomers are formed from disordered amyloid monomers in the lag phase,
subsequently assembling into protofibrils and growing into mature fibrils. This process and relevant aggregates can be determined by several physical–chemical
parameters, such as diffusion rate, folding kinetics, fibrillation kinetics and binding kinetics, which are characterized by SM electrical, optical and mechanical

SMTs could be further applied to determine the size of smaller the contrary, in AD samples, mainly aggregates between 40 and
oligomers in the blood. Plasma Aβ40/Aβ42 ratio was also 200 nm are responsible for the increased inflammatory response
reported as a possible surrogate biomarker of cortical Aβ deposi- (De et al., 2019). As for CSF sampled from PD patients, it was
tion (Fandos et al., 2017), yet no SMTs have been applied to char- shown that oligomers and short protofibrils with the size <250
acterize the levels. For mild PD clinical prediction, assessing nm increase reactive oxygen species and finally induce highly cyto-
plasma/serum α-syn monomer concentration shows differences toxicity to neuronal cells (Cremades et al., 2012; Horrocks et al.,
between PD patients and controls (Shi et al., 2010). Thus, the 2016). Conventional gel chromatography method can also be
accurate determination of oligomers of plasma α-syn seems used to measure the oligomer size distribution, but with larger
more promising. As the ultrasensitive methods, SMTs can con- ambiguity, as elution fractions do not match the individual oligo-
tribute to driving this process. Recently, the presence of α-syn mers precisely and it cannot determine larger oligomers
in saliva and tears has been proposed as the new potential biofluid (>10-mers) (Ding et al., 2009). Additionally, the SM fluorescence
biomarkers for PD diagnosis (Devic et al., 2011; Maass et al., and nano-pore systems monitor the structural conversion of
2020). Although their clinical feasibilities need more verification, oligomers in a more dynamic process that barely be observed by
SMTs provide the possibility to detect the low concentrations of the bulk method, like CD spectroscopy. A very typical example
heterogeneous amyloid aggregates. is the finding of the conformational convention of initially formed
α-syn oligomer type A to stable and more compact proteinase-K-
resistant oligomer type B through FRET (Cremades et al., 2012).
Summary and future perspectives
This result demonstrates the important role of structural conver-
SMTs have been increasingly employed to characterize individual sion in α-syn aggregation. SMTs can also identify dynamic small
heterogeneous amyloid aggregates. In the context of neurodegener- fibril formation including α-syn, tau and Aβ (<250 nm)
ative diseases, we have discussed how the different optical, electri- (Horrocks et al., 2016), however, for the larger fibrils and long-
cal and mechanical SM methods provide great insights into the time observation, the traditional methods for kinetics such as
physical–chemical behaviors of amyloid proteins in heterogenic the fluorescence assay (ThT assay) might be more suitable. For
samples. The working principles, benefits and limitations of the observing the shape (height or diameter) of the fibrils or big aggre-
different available techniques were explained and the outcomes gates, conventional AFM exerts more advantages, as the structures
of experiments performed by others were summarized. As ideal of samples are stable and large enough to monitor by the bulk
complementary techniques to the regularly used bulk techniques method. Nevertheless, SMF–AFM focuses on the intermolecular
and overcome some of their limitations, SMTs determine the interaction between two monomers or dimers, contributing to
size distribution and transient aggregates to correspond to the tox- explaining the initial folding and unfolding process at the SM
icity in different stages of neurodegenerative diseases. In CSF sam- level. Additionally, by characterizing the oligomers binding to
ples from MCI patients, the toxicity is mainly due to aggregates membranes, SMTs provide a series of evidence to manifest that
with a size <50 nm, which disturbs the Ca2+ homeostasis. On the permeabilization of cellular membrane induced by amyloid

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