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cage (n) cake (n) calculator (n) calendar (n) • the capital of Italy captain (n) car (n)

car (n) card

calf (n) call (n & v) call for (phr v) • I’ll call (n) • birthday card • credit card • card game
for you at 7. call in (phr v) • She called in to cardboard (adj & n) care (n & v) • take care
see a friend. calm (adj) camel (n) camera (n) of someone (n) • to care (about/for) someone
/ something (v) career (n) careful (adj)
camp (n & v) camping (n) campsite (n) can carefully (ad) careless (adj) car park (n) (Br
(n & mv) canal (n) cancel (v) candidate (n)
candle (n) candy (n) canteen (n) cap (n) Eng) (Am Eng: parking lot) carpet (n) carrot
capital (adj & n) • capital city • capital letter (n) carry (v) carry on (phr v) • He carried on
walking despite the rain. carry out (phr v) •
She carried out the plan according to the
• the capital of Italy captain (n) car (n) card instructions. cartoon (n) case (n) • Would
(n) • birthday card • credit card • card game you like me to carry your case? • I’ll make
cardboard (adj & n) care (n & v) • take care an exception in this case. cash (n) cashpoint
of someone (n) • to care (about/for) someone (n) castle (n) casual (adj) • casual clothes cat
/ something (v) career (n) careful (adj) (n) catch (v) cathedral (n) cattle (n) cave (n)
carefully (ad) careless (adj) car park (n) (Br CD (n) CD player (n) ceiling (n) celebrate
Eng) (Am Eng: parking lot) carpet (n) carrot (v) celebration (n) celebrity (n) cell phone
(n) carry (v) carry on (phr v) • He carried on (n) cent (n) centimetre (cm) (n) (Br Eng)
walking despite the rain. carry out (phr v) • (Am Eng: centimeter) central (adj) central
She carried out the plan according to the heating (n) centre/center (n) century (n)
instructions. cartoon (n) case (n) • Would cereal (n) ceremony (n) certain (adj)
you like me to carry your case? • I’ll make certainly (not) (adv) certificate (n) chain (n)
an exception in this case. cash (n) cashpoint chair (n) challenge (n & v) challenging (adj)
(n) castle (n) casual (adj) • casual clothes cat champion (n) championship (n) chance (n)
(n) catch (v) cathedral (n) cattle (n) cave (n) change (n & v) changing room (n) channel
CD (n) CD player (n) ceiling (n) celebrate (n) chapter (n) character (n) charge (n & v)
(v) celebration (n) celebrity (n) cell phone charity (n) • She works for a charity.
(n) cent (n) centimetre (cm) (n) (Br Eng) charming (adj) chat (n & v
(Am Eng: centimeter) central (adj) central
heating (n) centre/center (n) century (n) cage (n) cake (n) calculator (n) calendar (n)
cereal (n) ceremony (n) certain (adj) calf (n) call (n & v) call for (phr v) • I’ll call
for you at 7. call in (phr v) • She called in to
certainly (not) (adv) certificate (n) chain (n) see a friend. calm (adj) camel (n) camera (n)
chair (n) challenge (n & v) challenging (adj)
champion (n) championship (n) chance (n) camp (n & v) camping (n) campsite (n) can
change (n & v) changing room (n) channel (n & mv) canal (n) cancel (v) candidate (n)
(n) chapter (n) character (n) charge (n & v) candle (n) candy (n) canteen (n) cap (n)
capital (adj & n) • capital city • capital letter
charity (n) • She works for a charity.
charming (adj) chat (n & v
cage (n) cake (n) calculator (n) calendar (n) • the capital of Italy captain (n) car (n) card
calf (n) call (n & v) call for (phr v) • I’ll call (n) • birthday card • credit card • card game
for you at 7. call in (phr v) • She called in to cardboard (adj & n) care (n & v) • take care
see a friend. calm (adj) camel (n) camera (n) of someone (n) • to care (about/for) someone
/ something (v) career (n) careful (adj)
camp (n & v) camping (n) campsite (n) can carefully (ad) careless (adj) car park (n) (Br
(n & mv) canal (n) cancel (v) candidate (n)
candle (n) candy (n) canteen (n) cap (n) Eng) (Am Eng: parking lot) carpet (n) carrot
capital (adj & n) • capital city • capital letter (n) carry (v) carry on (phr v) • He carried on
walking despite the rain. carry out (phr v) •

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