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Name: Pham Thi Hong Minh

Class: K49B-SPA
MSV: 237140231056
Scripts : Why having no friends is okay..
As a kid, I’ve always been envious of girls who are friends with each other, girls who have lots of
friends and I’ve always wanted to be like that but I’ve gotten older, I realized how having no
friends is really ok, it’s really good. When you’re alone, you figure out a lot of things that you
never really known about yourself because sometimes when you’re in group settings, a lot of us
tend to just go with the flow, you go with what your friends want. I want to do this because I just
want to enjoy their company which is completely fine but you don’t realize what u want. U like
this activity because u guys are doing it together right? You have your friends company, you like
their company so hence u like this activity that doesn’t mean u like this activity. When u have no
friends to hangout with,all u have is yourself so u really try to do things that you enjoy, right?.
It’s really obvious like u know we all want friends so ít’s very very normal to feel lonely cuz
sometimes when we feel lonely, it’s like you feel bad about it but u need to understand that is
very very normal to feel lonely, it is normal to want company from people. Instead of pushing the
thought away, I tell myself that this is normal .I am a human being I should want to socialize with
people, friendship can also make u feel lonely just because u’re in a group of people doesn’t
mean u would feel included, right?. Sometimes u’rein a group of people and u feel like an outcast
. You just feel like omg, I feel like nobody here really gives two shit about me like I feel like I’m
just here just to be here. I just want the company of others even though I am not really enjoying
their company so would u rather feeling lonely by yourself or feeling lonely in a group.
Personally I’d rather feel lonely by myself what’s the point of hanging out with people if you feel
lonely. When u’re with friends, you cam become so fixcated on them, you can become so focused
on them that u do’t really care abt what u want…

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