Primary Sources of Website Traffic

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HW: Class-2

 Primary sources of Website Traffic:

The visitors can discover the website in many different ways which are organic, direct, referral and
paid. When a consumer search about the type of product or service in the search engine and select
company’s link considering that their preference match with the content of your website then the
visitor would be considered as organic traffic. Direct visitors type the link of the company in their
address bar directly to reach the website (such as If the visitor gets reference of
the website through any other website, then it would be referral traffic. If the visitors get paid or
incentives for clicking the link of the website then they would be considered as paid traffic. To acquire
such traffic the SEO strategist may consider several approaches which are the following:
1) White Hat SEO: In this approach, the traffic will be diverted to the website through applying
all the rules and regulation of Google or other search engines. This technique can be adopted
by creating rich content and user-friendly website. Applying the White Hat SEO practice, the
SEO experts can ensure that the website will not be banned by Google.
2) Black Hat SEO: Applying the practices which violates the rules and regulation of the search
engine and taking support of dark web is considered as Black Hat SEO. Such as Spamming,
hidden links, misleading contents etc.
3) Grey Hat SEO: These are the techniques which doesn’t strictly goes against the rules and
regulation of search engine. This approach could be a mixture of 50% White Hat SEO and
50% Black Hat SEO. For example, commenting in a tour plan vlog and recommending the
other readers to view the website of ticket booking.
 SEO builds trusts and credibility:
Better quality contents, titles, graphics will increase the curiosity of the consumer. It’s very
important to make sure the content of the product or services are unique by avoiding
plagiarism and content should match with the title as well. Moreover, presenting all
information such as locations of local store, review of users, certifications etc. will increase the
credibility of the website content among the visitors.
 Increase Engagement, Graphic and Conversation
Creative application of SEO, will increase the ranking of the website and thus it will increase
the viewers within short time and make the visitor curious so that they ask questions through
the social media or chat room. This way SEO helps to increase the conversations related to
the product or service in the digital platform.
 Customer is gamechanger:
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it”- Warren Buffett
Customer provides reference or review of the product to several new potential customer. The
content and the work should have quality and it should create an impression on the customer.
A positive review of the website can multiply the viewers and a negative review can easily
threaten the credibility of the company.
 Always being Updated:
The price, feature of the product, location change details etc. needs to be updated as soon as
possible. It’s very important to make sure the price of product in online is matching with the
price in the physical store. For any occasion the company may offer 20% discount on all
product in such case the price of the product must be changed. The website should reflect
real time changes of any content or information.
 Branding:
Branding means understanding the needs, demands and wants of the consumer related to
the product or service and designing the content so that the product can create its own
recognition as brand in the mind of consumer. Hence the title and content should be designed
by studying the mind of the consumers.

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