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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SELF-ASSESSMENT AND REFLECTION ON ATTAINMENT OF STUDENT OUTCOME (a) Student Outcome a _abilly to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engmeenng fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems Name of Student: Fajardo, Darius John Caf, D. Program: BS Civil Engineering Course ENITV12D. Section: ClV231 Ast Term SY 2023-2024 B. REFLECTION: +. Which among the performance indicators you are best at? Slate how the course helped you perform “Use statistics in analyzing dala” because | use stalisties n my course very frequently andi helps me to solve for specific problem in my other subjects. 2. Which among the performance indicators you are weakest al? Suggest some ways on how you think the course could have helped you perform better. “understands the relationship between theory and the problem* because i's hard for me to undersland complex problems especially when it involves multiple formula, because | find it hard fo memorize Ge. ‘of Student NATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ‘SELF-ASSESSMENT AND REFLECTION ON ATTAINMENT OF STUDENT OUTCOME (a) Student Outcome a: —_abilly to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. ‘Name of Student: Fajardo, Darius John Cart, D. Course: ENITV12D Section: CIV234 Program: BS Civil Engineering Ast Term SY 2023-2024 A. SELF-ASSESSMENT: Rate yourself on your attainment of SO (a) based on the performance indicators below: Performance Not attained Attaining Attained 5 Indicators 1 2 3 oe 1. Application of Does not understand the | Shows anearly ‘Applies concepis of mathematics and | application of complete understanding | mathematics and science in solving | mathematics and of applications of science in solving engineering science in solving mathematics and engineering problems | 2 problems engineering problems | sciences in solving engineering problems 2, Interpretation of | Shows no orlitle Shows correct Shows appropriate mathematical and | interpretation of interpretation of some | engineering scientific terms mathematical and mathematical and interpretation of 2 scientific terms scientific terms mathematical and scientific terms 3. Understands the | Does not appearta ——_| Shows some Fully understand the relationship between | grasp the connection | understanding of the _| relaionship between theory and the between theory and the | relationship between | theory and the problem | problem problem theory and the problem | and transtates theory | 2 into engineering applications 4. Use statistics in | Applies no Statistics to | Commits minor erors in. | Correctly analyzes analyzing data the analysis of data | stalistical analysis of | data sets using 3 data statistical concepts Total Score| 9 Percentage Rating = (Total Score /12)x 100% | 75% ja Signature of Student I Date

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