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Kristens Comeback *Prologue*

Home. Kristen never thought it would ever come to this. Her family disowned her, her friends, and most of all her one true love, her first boyfriend since seventh grade. When she went through town, people stopped and stared. Most of them ignored her. Theyve been whispering and gossiping that shes back after what shed done. Kristen finally got home, to the house her mother left her. Kristen never had a family. Kristens mother was the towns richest and sweetest woman in public but at home she was always the harsher with Kristen. Her father always put her down, never acknowledged her, or kissed her. It was always her sister Megan. Kristen didnt want to remember the life she had but it was hard not to flash back to those times. 1985, Megans backyard When Kristen walked through the gate, she heard laughter. She walked around the side of the house and stopped dead in her tracks. Megan and her father, Charlie, were sitting in a chair, Megan on his lap. Kristen yelled Why does she get to be loved?! How come Im not? Charlie said Get out of here and go home! At school Kristen played the meanest tricks ever on Megan. She never stopped until she got sent away for harassing Megan. Mr. Scott, one of the teachers at school who was the youngest at the time, always defended Megan. Kristen couldnt stand it. She never talked anymore, sat with friends, and never ate. Finally, she got sent away for her behavior and never had the reason to come back before now. Present Day Inside the house, it was exactly the same. She didnt realize that there was another house across the street down the road. It was Chris Scott. The teacher at the school, who defended Megan.

Kristen thought she would faint on the kitchen floor. She walked
to the window and watched him as he walked out to get the mail. He was hot, she thought. His short dark brown hair, tan skin, green eyes, and that perfect smile. Chris looked like an angel in jeans and a tight Metallica T-shirt. She walked out and said Do you remember me? Chris looked up and he froze. Kristen? He said. I never thought Id see you again. She thought he was being sarcastic and she was hurt. Nobody wanted her and the disease was not getting better. She started to cry silently, and ran back to the house as nausea hit her. She ran to the bathroom and got sick. After she cleaned herself up she went to lie down. Gently sleep took her. Then she knew nothing else. Chris never had that happen before. He dropped the email off at his house and walked over to see Kristen. He knocked on her door and there was no answer. He walked in. As he was walking, he remembered all the times he had to come here. When he reached her door he knocked and no answer. He went in a saw her in bed, looking pale. He walked over and touched her face. As he did, she woke to the touch. She stared up with those pale green eyes and her light brown hair around her shoulders. When she woke up and things were a little hazy. She asked Where am I? Chris looked confused. He said youre at home in your house. As soon as those words left his mouth, a wave of nausea hit Kristen. She got up and ran to the bathroom. She got sick. And after she heaved, she collapsed.

*Chapter One* Chris was surprised when Kristen collapsed on the floor. He went to her and tried to wake her up. It didnt work. He started to panic. He picked her up and took her to his car. Laid her in the back seat and drove off. When he reached the hospital, the staff took over. Since Megan worked here, he was afraid to talk to her since she worked in the emergency room. He went to sit down in the waiting area. Megan looked up and saw Chris. She went over and sat down next to him. He looked up and saw Megan sitting next to him. He didnt say anything to her. Hey, she said. Hey. Whats up? Nothing. Nothing? Yeah nothing. Whats wrong? Chris just shook his head. He didnt want to talk about it. He just ignored her. Then the nurse who took Kristen came back. She asked him if he could go with her for a minute and he said yes. She took him to Kristens room. She was awake and she was crying. It tore him up inside to see her cry. He went over to her and took her hand. She gripped it hard and after crying for about five minutes, she went to sleep. Chris stayed at her side day and night. He never left her side no matter how hungry or tired he was. When Kristen woke up she saw Chris at her bedside in a chair sleeping. His head on the bed by her and his body bent. She ran her fingers in his hair and smiled. Chris woke up to this. He

looked up and saw that she was awake. He smiled that sweet smile. He pulled the chair closer and smoothed her hair from her forehead. She was really happy that Chris was there. She tried to ask for some water but it didnt come out right. It came out like more of a hoarse whisper. He got the water and soothed her some more. It seemed that the meds were making her tired. Chris called the nurse and told her that Kristen tried to talk. The nurse gave him ice chips and told him to give them to her every time she tries to talk. He said he would. And the nurse left. He sat next to her and waited for her wake up and finally dozed off himself. Chris woke up to find Kristen awake and he asked How are you feeling? she moved her hand saying okay, but not really. He smiled at that. Chris felt bad as he gave her ice chips. He didnt know how to go about this but he did it. They were like that for a few minutes. Then he did the unexpected, he kissed her. He could feel the surprise in his actions. Then he felt her stiffen but then she relaxed. When he pulled back he could see that made her happy. He told her to take a nap and that he would be back soon after he changed his clothes which were in a bag in her room closet. Then he kissed her good-bye and left to change. Kristen was surprised that Chris kissed her. Then kiss her again. She couldnt be happier she thought. Then she thought about how she would tell him about her condition. She hasnt told anyone yet and she was afraid to because she didnt want them to treat her differently and didnt want their sympathy. She didnt know how to tell him. Kristen was worrying to much and she started to get the cramps again and the doctor came running in. Then she knew nothing anymore. Chris just got back in time to see the doctor running for Kristens room. Chris was really worried and he ran to her room to have a nurse push him out. He said whats wrong with her? The nurse said Please, go and sit down, Ill have the doctor come out and talk to you when hes done. With that she left and shut the door. Chris was starting to panic until the doctor came out and sat

by him. He said She doesnt want anyone to know. But I can see youre here for a reason and so Im telling you. She has an uncommon disease that if she worries or gets upset, she will go into shock. So she cant get worried. So when shes trying to tell you whats wrong say, I know. And say its okay or you might put her in shock again. And make sure she takes this medication everyday. Ill let you go and see her now. And the doctor left. Chris was shocked that she didnt tell him before and went to see her, although there really wasnt time in the first place. Kristen hoped she didnt have to go through that again with Chris there. When that started to happen she found out that she loved him. When he came into the room she turned her head and curled up on her side. She started to cry silently. He walked around the bed and held her until her sobs quieted. She looked up and he said I know whats wrong. And Im not going to tell anyone. I promise. Then he kissed her forehead and told her to go asleep. She smiled and did just that. Chris wanted to be there when she woke up, so he went down stairs to get something to eat.

*Chapter Two* Megan was on her break for lunch. She walked over to him and said I hear that Kristens back and that shes in the hospital. I didnt think she would have the nerve to come back. So why is she back? Chris was ticked by what Megan said. Chris said she has a reason and I wont tell you because she deserves better than what she has been through. At age 15 she found out some disturbing news and shes sick. She came back for that reason. And maybe you should find out what her problem is and then judge her. With that he left the Cafeteria. He walked up to Kristens room, took her hand in his and kissed her forehead. He never realized that someone like Kristen didnt want anyone to care for her as much as he does. He thinks that she finally realized that she loves him. He had a smile on his face as he watched her. Two hours later, Megan got off the clock and found Chris watching Kristen. She walked in and he looked up and stared at her. She said can I talk to you a minute? He looked confused and said uhmSure. They walked in the hallway and Megan said how is she? Why do you care? Chris said. Because, I want to know. I dont think I should tell you. Please? No. Its her life; if she wants you to know then shell tell you.

Fine Ill come and see her when she wakes up. Megan left with that said. Chris went back to the room to find Kristen awake and crying. He was soothing her hair and saying things to make her calm down. She finally calmed down and fell asleep listening to his voice. Kristen woke to find Chris and Megan arguing in the hallway. She didnt want to tell Megan right away, so she thought about it and she decided what to do. When Chris walked back in the room, she looked at him with panic in her eyes. She started to tear and try to keep them at bay. He held her for what seemed like forever. When they disappeared she told him, she would like to tell Megan about why she was back. He said that was fine and it was her choice. She was happy he didnt argue with her. They talked until it was time for her meds. Then she went to sleep knowing that Chris would be there. The next morning Megan walked into Kristens room and saw that they were eating and Kristen was looking better than when she first came in. Megan walked to her bedside and went to touch her. Kristen was thinking about how to tell her and didnt want to tell her the wrong way. When Kristen drew back, she hesitated. Chris shot to his feet and said dont touch her. Megan gave a confused look at Chris. She thought he was kidding. So she touched Kristen and she gave Kristen shock. Chris went immediately to the nurses button and told Megan to get out of the room. The nurse settled Kristen down and left. Chris rushed to the bed side and held her hand. She said dont let her in until Im awake again. He said he wouldnt. Then she drifted to sleep. Megan felt terrible that she just did that to Kristen. Chris walked out of the room when Kristen fell asleep. He looked like he could kill someone with his bare hands. He said How could you do that? Shes your sister and now you know what she goes through when shes in pain. She doesnt want you to come back until shes awake. Until then, stay away! Chris walked away and shut her room door. Megan felt really sorry but she got over it. She thought

that was payback at all the things she put her through. Then she started to second guess herself.

*Chapter Three*

Kristen was released five days after that happened. She

entered the house after a week in the hospital. She was glad to be home. She thanked Chris and he reminded her to take her meds, which she did. Chris stayed while Kristen was making herself at home and comfortable. Then he told her hell comeback later or call to see how shes doing. Then he kissed her and then pulled back. She sighed. After he left, she started to get bored. She was thinking of a way to go over his house. Taking up enough courage she went to his house and knocked on the door. He was surprised that she was on his doorstep and said youre supposed to be resting or watching TV. She stared up at him with those pale blue eyes that were hard to resist. And when that didnt work she stared and threw herself in his arms. She didnt let go and he ended up taking her into the house. She didnt want to be alone and scared that it would happen again and no one would be there. She said I didnt want to be home and have that happen again. Please let me stay with you. He couldnt say no to her. So he said yes. He showed her the guest room and where the bathroom was. Then he left her to do her things. She felt really comfortable here. After she was done upstairs she went downstairs. She saw Chris on the couch watching TV. She went to sit next to him on the couch. She realized she was cold and she snuggled up to Chris for warmth. Then she realized she didnt want to leave him. Chris was surprised to have Kristen come down stairs and sit with him on the couch. Then she snuggled up to him. He had no clue why. Then it dawned on him that she was cold. He then put his arm around her and she snuggled up to his side. Chris was happy that she was warm and she wasnt shy. He pulled the throw blanket off from the back of the couch and covered her and him. She yawned and snuggled deeper into him. He smiled and thought I must be the only one she trusts right now. Then he yawned and laid his head against hers.

Kristen woke up to find herself on the couch with Chris and

lying across his chest. She didnt want to move then she heard are you awake? She looked up to see Chris awake and looking at her. She reached up and kissed him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She sighed in his mouth and nibbled his bottom lip. Chris was surprised of the kiss and nibbling and then got over it. He pushed Kristen back on the couch. She looked up with questioning in her eyes. He said We cant do this. He looked at his hands and said You know why we cant do this. It wouldnt be right. Im sorry. He felt sorry for himself and she probably didnt know the reason why. He felt as if he should give her an explanation and then thought better of it. He looked over at her and her head was down. She said Is it because of my condition? she looked worried and her bottom lip was drawn between her top teeth. He said no, its not you its me. Then he thought about what he just said. He thought you ass. That saying is so corny and old. He said I want to but I dont know if youre ready after just coming home from the hospital. She looked upset then said maybe your right. I probably do need to rest. Ill see you tomorrow. Then she left to go to the guestroom. Chris felt like he could have kicked himself right in the ass. He went upstairs of what seemed like two hours later. He checked on Kristen to find that she wasnt there. He went to look in the bathroom and she wasnt there either. He started to panic and took off in search of Kristen. He didnt find her in any of the bathrooms, bedrooms, nor any of the other rooms. Then it dawned on him that she might have gone home. He looked over at her place and sure enough the lights were on in the kitchen. He grabbed a coat and walked over to her house and walked in the front door to see her leaning over the sink. He walked into the kitchen and said Kristen? What happened? she turned and said you dont want me and it seems that no one wants me. NO matter how much I paid for it in my life. She turned away and then she ran to the stairs where her

room laid only five feet away from them. She ran to her room and slammed the door. Chris heard the slam and winced. He started to go upstairs and thought Ill give her some time and then go check on her. He made himself comfy on a chair near the fireplace and waited. However upstairs, Kristen didnt know what to do. She loved the man downstairs and nobody cared about her. So she thought. She was afraid to trust anyone and she had to tell Megan. She didnt think her life could get anymore complicated. She had yet to await something she never had to deal with and it would change her life may be forever. Chris gave her twenty minutes and went upstairs. Her bedroom door was slightly opened and he knocked on the door. She was sitting on the bed holding a pillow against her chest. She looked up and looked away. Chris could tell she was crying by the way the tear stains. So he walked to the bed and sat on the edge. He waited for her to tell him what was wrong. When she blurted what she thought and he listened, then said I care for you. And I love you too. She stared at him shocked and said How do I know? For all I know, you could be lying. He said Im not. Ill prove it. With that he pushed her back and kissed her. She didnt fight so he didnt stop. Then he pulled away and looked down at her. So, now are you satisfied? She nodded her head and he smiled. Now do you want to finish what we started? She said Yes. They stayed in bed for the rest of the night, knowing that they would be together no matter what happens later on.

*Chapter Four*

Kristen woke up in her room with someone in her bed. Then

an arm went around her waist and she realized it was Chris. She turned around and found he was still sleeping. She ran her fingers through his hair and it felt so soft and it was shiny. Her hand trailed along the side of his face, down his neck, and chest. She sighed. She got up and went in the bathroom. She turned on the shower and went in. She felt cold air and the shower curtain opened. Chris stepped in and said You werent there when I woke

up. So Im joining you. Hope you dont mind. Kristen smiled and shook her head. They soaped each others bodies and washed each others hair. After they were done they dried each other off. Kristen was going to make the bed and Chris tackled her from behind saying Why are you going to make a bed that were just going to mess up again anyway? She thought about it and said why dont we get something to eat first? I can make anything you want. He agreed although he didnt want to leave the bed. Downstairs they ate. Chris finished first so he did the dishes and when Kristen was done he picked her up and carried her upstairs. When he was on the platform he paused and said Hmmmm..should I kiss you first and then ravish you or should I do both at the same time? Chris was pondering over the question which took forever to Kristen. She said both! and giggled. He smiled down at her and said both it is. He walked to the bed and set her down and stepped back to look at her. Then he sat on the bed next to her and was looking at her thinking about what a wonderful person she really is and how lucky he is to have her. Kristen waited as long as she could before she pushed Chris down and was on top of him. Her hands traveling down his body and she was kissing him at the same time. She stopped the kiss and said now its my turn to be leader. She smiled and touched him. Chris almost leaped off the bed. His breathing became in shallow gasps and his muscles were constricting. Kristen was over joyed. She never had been loved like this. Chris was the same. That night, neither didnt think it would turn out as great as it did. The next day, Chris woke to find himself trapped underneath Kristen but didnt care. She was sound asleep and he didnt want to disturb her. He eased himself out from underneath her without disturbing her. He went downstairs to make the coffee. He heard a noise behind him and turned. Kristen was leaning against the door jam looking at him. She smiled, walked over, kissed him, Good Morning. He pulled back. Good Morning. He turned to the

coffee and it was done brewing. He poured her and himself a cup. They sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee and eating cereal. The door bell rang and Kristen went to see who was there. It was Megan. Kristen was as shocked as Chris. Come in make yourself comfortable. Kristen sat on the couch with Chris and Megan sat on the chair. Why did you come here? Megan looked a bit uncomfortable and said I want to know what happened at the hospital that day I was there. Chris looked at Kristen and Kristen looked at Chris. I cant be stressed out. You put me in shock because I was already stressing before you came and I couldnt handle it. Megan nodded, as if she understood. Kristen wasnt so sure that she did. Kristen glanced at Chris and glanced back to Megan. I know you never forgave me for what I did but I came back for a reason. I dont know how much longer I have to live and I wanted to be somewhere where people wouldnt care about me. That no one would mourn my death. So thats why I came back. Kristen looked at Chris and said Im going to go upstairs and lie down. Im not feeling to hot. Chris nodded and looked at Megan who didnt say anything for awhile. Finally after about ten minutes she said I wish she had told me earlier. I didnt know that she wanted to die were nobody cared for her and yet you do. Chris looked up and saw her eyes filled with tears that wouldnt be shed. He said I didnt think I would love her and care for her. It was actually a surprised. I dont think I want to live without her. But you should think about it and contact her if you forgive her because I did and I think it relieved her of her nervousness for when she goes to the doctor tomorrow. Shes afraid she will die from it. Megan was shocked to hear that Kristen thought she was going to die over the ulcer and whatever else she had. She nodded and left. Chris went upstairs to see how Kristen was doing. She was sleeping and he climbed in bed with her and was listening to her breathing rhythm and he fell asleep. Chris woke up and it was about 7:30 p.m. and he was alone in bed.

Kristen was downstairs making dinner. He went downstairs to come see Kristen at the stove singing to Kiss This from Aaron Tippin. He smiled and walked up behind her. She leaned back and started swaying against him. He was moving and singingalong with her by the end of the song. He realized in along time that this was the first time he was really happy and the smile stayed on his face the whole night.

*Chapter Five* Early the next morning Chris and Kristen where just sitting down to breakfast when the phone rang. Kristen went to get it. She came back in pale and her complexion scared Chris a little. Kristen what was the phone call about? She sat down and he noticed that her hands where trembling. He reached over and took her hands in his she jumped a little and said, The man on the phone said if I didnt stop seeing you he w-w-w-would-d-d h-h-

hurt you. Tears started in her eyes and he got up went to her and pulled her in his arms. She cried until there were no more tears and she pulled herself away from him and went to the sink to do the few dishes and started cleaning to keep busy. He went up behind her and put his arms around her stilling her movements. He said by her ear, No one is going to hurt me and take me away from you. She sighed and hugged him hard. Dont you have to go to work at the school? She looked up as he nodded. She sighed, Alright, Ill let you go. He kissed her good-bye and left. Kristen was scared that if he went to work that he wouldnt come home. Kristen didnt think she could be this much terrified as she was horrified. She hoped he would come home tonight. Chris was worried the phone call scared Kristen. He didnt want to go to work but he had to. He walked to his classroom and saw the smiling faces of his students. The periods seemed to fly by and he realized there was exactly ten minutes before the bell to end the school day. He smiled and the kids faces seemed to brighten and they wished him a good day. He left and on his way home he stopped at his place to pick up clothes for the next week and half. He went to Kristens house and found her pacing next to the phone. He walked in and propped his shoulder on the door jam listening to her talking to herself. He was amused. Kristen didnt realize that Chris was standing against the door jam. She caught the movement from the corner of her eye. She smiled with a sigh of relief. She ran to him and threw her arms around his neck and tightened her grip. He smile and said I told you I was coming back. She pulled back and said I kept worrying if you didnt come home that you might call. So I paced by the phone waiting. I was so worried that he would call and say that you were gone. I couldnt live with that. He hugged her really tight like he wouldnt let her go for nothing. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. Laid her down and then laid down beside her. She was half on him and half on the bed. She sighed and smiled. He ran his hands through her hair soothing her. If he

paused she would make a sound of protest. The movements made them both sleepy. They drifted off to sleep together. Chris woke to the movement beside him. Kristen was stirring. He snuggled back to her and promptly fell back to sleep in matter of minutes. He was dreaming that Kristen was in the hospital giving birth to their baby girl. They are both really happy that they have a family and she doesnt have to worry anymore. They are so happy like nothing in the world could tare them apart and nothing ever will. Chris was peacefully asleep when they got the call. They were both peacefully sleeping when the phone rang. Since Chris was the closest he picked it up. Then he sat straight up and was talking to who ever the person was. Kristen woke when the warmth was gone and she saw Chris talking on the phone. She put her arms around his waist and laid her head between his shoulder blades. He said yeah. Ill be right there. He sighed and turned around to hug Kristen. Kristen was worried when he didnt say anything about the phone call. Kristen followed him in the bathroom and said What was the phone call about? Chris, whats wrong? He turned around and he looked white as flour. He said I know you dont want to go but we have to go to the hospital because Megan is in the emergency room. She had a little accident with a guy who went into the hospital seeking information about you. She got banged up a little. And since youre her closest living relative they called and said that you were to go to the hospital to sign papers. Kristen was shocked that they called her but she didnt say a word and got dressed in silence. When they got there they went to information and asked where Megan was. They got to where she was being held and walked in the room. Megan was awake and sitting up in bed. Kristen walked to the bed and said why would you want me to come to the hospital after what I did to you when we were young? Megan was looking shocked that she would bring that up. So she said because I forgave you and I wanted you to know I think I understand what you have. I didnt want to believe you and I wanted you to know. Kristen nodded

and said that when Megan was feeling better she would come back but they would talk about what happened to Megan. Chris and her left Megan and went home to find message on her answering machine.

*Chapter Six* The message said I thought I told you to stay away from him? I dont want you to get hurt Kristen but if you ignore my warnings I will take a different route. Youll be next! The message abruptly ended and Chris took a shaken, terrified Kristen in his arms. He held her close and her shakes became quivers. He went to the couch and pulled her down on his lap and just held her.

He was soothing her with loving words. He told her he wasnt going to go anywhere. After awhile Kristen calmed down and they both laid down on the bed upstairs. Chris kissed her temple as she drifted to sleep. He got up disconnected the phone figuring if it was important they would call his cell phone or hers. He went back to bed pulled Kristen in his arms and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow; he was out like a light. Kristens mind was fuzzy for a minute when she woke up. When her mind cleared, she recalled what happened last night. She looked and found Chris snoring, lightly. A smile edge around her mouth and she brushed back the hair that had fallen on his forehead. He mumbled something in his sleep and rolled on his side. The movement brought him closer to her and he started snoring again but louder. Kristen was laughing at him. He was talking in his sleep about why he had to go shopping. Why he was talking about shopping, she didnt know. Kristen figured she would wake him up if she laughed to loud. She got up and went downstairs. The phone was unplugged so she thought Chris must have unplugged it last night. She was making breakfast when Chris woke up. Chris woke up to this heavenly smell. He looked to see if Kristen was there. She wasnt. He got up and took a shower. When he came downstairs he saw Kristen was on the phone and walked up behind her still wet. Kristen turned around and smiled, she said to the person she was talking to shell call back later. She hung up and handed a Chris a cookie she had just baked. Since it was his favorite he reached for another one. She put her hand on his chest. Kristen said youre still wet from your shower. Why dont you go put clothes on? she said with a smile. He said I will right after this. and he swooped down to kiss her and he tasted like a chocolate chip cookie. When he pulled back he smiled at how Kristens face glowed. They were about to kiss again when the door bell rang. She sighed and said to Chris Go put on clothes before they see the body that belongs to me. He laughed at that but did as she asked and went to go find a shirt and jeans. Kristen

went to go get the door when she was sure they couldnt see Chris. When she answered the door she was surprised to find Megan there. Kristen moved aside so Megan could walk in. Kristen walked to the kitchen table and sat down. Megan sat down across from her. There was a long pause of silence. Megan said I think you are in danger because some guy asked if I know where you live. He might have followed me but Im not sure. I know I wasnt much of a sister either but I forgave you and now I want to help you. So you might want to tell Chris. At that moment Chris walked into the kitchen and went to Kristen and kissed her on her head and sat down next to her. Kristen laid her head on his arm since it was around the back of her chair. They continued to talk. After a while Megan left and Chris was waiting for Kristen to tell him what was bothering her. She looked up at him and he could see the worry in her eyes. Kristen wasnt sure how to tell Chris about the man who walked to in the hospital asking for her. She was searching for the right words to tell him when he said, Well, what did Megan say or am I going to have to ask her? She said Megan was on the night shift and a man was there looking for me. She doesnt know what he wanted but she thought it was serious. Chris didnt say anything, just sat there thinking about what Kristen said. He looked up and said I wont let anything happen to you. So dont worry about it. Ill have Wyatt tell the others to watch out for any new comers and ask him what theyre doing here. Wyatt was Chriss brother and worked as the sheriff in town. Kristen was happy but then on the other hand not proud that she put others in danger as well. Chris saw her frown and said to her Its not a big deal, if anyone should be worried it should be you. Not them. I dont think anyone would care what happened to you. Not that Im not saying I dont care. I love you and no one will take you away from me. Kristen believed him and smiled. She was happy to be loved by the same person she loves.

*Chapter Seven* The next few days seemed like a dream to them. On Saturday, they stayed in bed until 12 noon and then they had fun in all the rooms in the house. Kristen was really glowing when their play time was over. She never had that much love or fun. Chris was happy to see her not obsessing over the message but deep down he didnt know what she was thinking. He never new anybody who would go as far as threatening her and telling her what would happen if she didnt stop seeing him. He was happy to see her almost back to normal again. Almost. Kristen didnt want to think about the message. But it happened to slip into her mind more than once. She thinks Chris knows but is not sure. She hopes that it wont happen again. She truly loves Chris and isnt sure how to tell him that she does. Kristen is nervous when Chris is walking through the kitchen doorway. Her palms are getting sweaty, she anxious, and she seems a little embarrassed. Kristen is piecing words and phrases in her mind on how to tell Chris that she loves him. The next thing she realizes is that his arms slip behind her and him kissing her neck and his hands moving up and down her body. She weakens against him. She moans as his hands find her center. Her legs were about to give out before he slide his leg between hers so she was up on his knee. This was pure bliss. Chris was aroused. He wanted to take Kristen now and here but he knew she wouldnt be comfortable. He put her on the counter and kissed her while he turned of the stove which contained their breakfast in the frying pan. He picked her up and carried her to the living room. The couched pulled out into a pull out bed. He pulled out the bed and sat her down on it. He laid her down gently without breaking the kiss and drew back slowly. He moved to sit next to her and started to unbutton his shirt. Kristen moved his hands away as she knelt in front of him and finished the job herself. His hands went up underneath her shirt and unsnapped her bra. When his shirt was off, Kristen started working on his top

button on his jeans. He paused and he pushed her down and climbed on top of her. She smiled and pulled him down for a kiss. She finished working on his jeans and he pulled her shirt off along with her bra. His jeans joined his shirt on the floor. Next was his and her underwear. While they were undressing each other Kristen couldnt help but wonder if he was wearing boxers or briefs today. Boxers were her answer as she drew them off him. In the next five minutes they were panting and gasping. Moaning and saying love words to each other. Then they collapsed and Kristen curled her self around Chris and they fell asleep that way in the comfortable condition with the person they loved. When Kristen woke up she was half draped across Chris and half on the bed. The phone started to ring and she was to comfortable watching him sleep, so she let the answering machine get it. She jerked right up when she heard the voice that scared her not too long ago. He came back. Now she started to panic, what if he came here, or he followed her and when he saw that she was alone he would confront her. Careful not to wake Chris as she moved, she got out of bed. She went to pick up the phone and then it went silent. The message had said I thought I had told you to stay away from him! This is going to be the last warning on your phone, so pay attention. Youre supposed to be with me not him! Dont make me do something I would regret doing to you. Remember what I said! Kristen was shaking and frozen to the floor and didnt realize Chris woke up and heard the message. He rushed over to her. The last thing Kristen heard was Chris shouting her name. Kristen fainted in the kitchen and Chris went to get a wet cloth. He was bathing her pale and sweaty face. He didnt know who would do this for fun or if they actually meant to harm her. Chris was scared now for her as well. He was going to have to talk to her and see if she would move in with him. He thought that was a good idea. He waited on the couch beside her and waiting for her to wake up.

Kristen woke to feeling a cold cloth bathing her forehead. She nudged her head with it and a fresh new coldness replaced the warm one. A hand pushed her back gently among the pillows. She sighed and opened her eyes. Chris was there smiling down at her and she smiled back. Welcome back, sleeping beauty. He smiled and she commented back If I was Sleeping Beauty, would that make you my Prince Charming? He seemed to take an awful long time to decide. She threw one of the pillows at him and hit him in the head. Ouch! She couldnt help herself but a giggle slipped out and that turned into laughter. Chris was looking at her trying to keep a straight face. But the laughter won in the end. They were both laughing when Megan knocked and went inside. The sight of them laughing with Kristen sitting in his lap made her heart lift. She smiled and knocked on the doorway. They looked up and froze as if two deers got caught in a head light. Kristen scrambled of his lap and they looked at each other trying to keep a straight face. It worked. They lead Megan to the kitchen and as she sat down she noticed a message on Kristens machine. She pushed the button and the message filled the room. Chris and Kristen froze then looked at each other and whispered at the same time Shit! Megan couldnt believe that Kristen got this message and turned to look at them. Megan was shocked to find that her sister had some psycho ass person coming after her. Megans cell phone rang and it was her husband Matt. She answered and said Hi honey. Whats up? Matt seemed to hesitate and said I was down at the station and heard about the guy who is following your sister. His wife divorced him because he would go all psychotic on her and stuff. Tell her to watch her back and dont leave without Chris. I love you. See you later. Bye After Megan hung up she relayed the information to Kristen and Chris. Kristen went pale and she hugged Chris in such an embrace she thought his back would break. Chris enveloped her with the same affection. Kristen was still pale and it worried Chris. He assured her over and over again that it was okay. Chris was worried that Kristen would get stressed

over this and said I wouldnt let anyone hurt you. I love you too much to let that happen. Then he kissed her and she smiled. I love you too. Then she kissed him and they broke apart laughing. Megan grunted and the couple looked at her. I dont want to intrude but I was wondering if you guys would like to go out for lunch with me? They both nodded as in yes. They all went to lunch at 12:00. When they were walking past a jewelry store Chris stopped and he said Lets go inside. Megan knew what he wanted and gave Kristen a little nudge into the store. Sure enough, Chris was at the engagement ring glass showcase. The girls went over to be were he was. Kristen looked inside the glass and gasped. The lady behind the counter took out a $2,000 ring. Kristen couldnt believe what he intended to do. She couldnt wait to get home.

*Chapter Eight* Chris bought the ring when Kristen wasnt looking. He had it hidden but he knew that Kristen knew he had it. Chris didnt think anyone saw him when he bought the ring. But, he thinks that Megan saw him by it. He wasnt sure. He wanted to get Kristen to go on a mini vacation. He wasnt sure if he could convince her though. On the way home he was thinking about it. He came up with the perfect idea. They were going to go to the mansion his family owned outside town. The house was on a hill overlooking the clear blue water of the lake. It couldnt be any better. He wasnt sure how he would convince her but he would manage. I did it! Chris thought to himself. He convinced Kristen to go to his friends house. The house is on a few acres. Water front view and the whole enchilada. They went to the house. Kristen liked the fact that there was a pool. She had ideas that she wanted to do in the pool. She intended to make them come true. And before the night is over. Chris had to put the ring somewhere where Kristen wouldnt find it. That was hard. He knew she would be snooping. Then an idea came to his mind. He knew where hell put it in his suitcase where if she went in it she wouldnt see it. Kristen couldnt put a finger on the fact that Chris was acting strangely. She hoped it was good news and not bad. Chris couldnt wait to pin her to the pool deck and kiss her senseless. He hoped she will say yes. Kristen was cooking diner when Chris came behind her and started nibbling her neck. His hands came around her front to pull her back against him. Kristen stamped her foot like a stubborn toddler knowing they couldnt do anything while they were here. She turned in his arms and kissed him. She pulled out of his arms and said What is the big bulged in your pants pocket? Chris didnt answer her. He led her outside and untied her top. Underneath there was her bikini top. Chris new she didnt like for people to see her body. So he took her hand and made her lie down on the deck

chair. He took her mini shorts off and she was left in her bikini. She wasnt too happy about it. Kristen never liked her body when she was in her mid-twenties. So she was really self-conscience. As she tried to get her shorts back on Chris picked her up and dumped her into the pool. She let about a scream and chocked on the water as her head pocked out above the surface. Kristen cast him an evil glare. Chris looked smug and grinned. Chris jumped into the pool and landed next to Kristen. She was laughing as she dunked his head under the water and swam off. Chris gave her sometime to swim away before he went after her. He was still under water as he chased her. He came up behind her so silently. When Kristen turned around the only thing she saw was Chriss eyes above the surface of the water. She gasped and her hand flew to her throat. Chris was laughing his ass off. Kristen turned to get out of the pool. Chris put a hand on her arm and turned her around. She looked up at him with the question of why he found that funny. She said Why can I believe that only you would laugh at something like that. Chris was shocked at how the words cut him so deep. He was looking in her eyes when he said I was only playing around with you and I guess that was too much for you. He got out of the pool and Kristen could tell that he didnt mean what he did. Chris was feeling bad about the whole incident in the pool. He hoped he didnt ruin his chances of marring her. When he got out of the pool, he could tell Kris was following him. He stopped at the bedroom and went to his suitcase to take out clothes. Then he went to the bathroom and turn around to shut the door. Kristen was blocking the way of the door. And she said Im sorry that I wasnt being fair to you. I know that you didnt do it on purpose. I just wanted you to know that I still love you. I hope you will let me join you. Chris nodded and put out his hand as in to say join me. Chris pulled Kristen in when she put her hand in his. He decided to ask her to marry him later. He put on the shower and

went in. Kristen followed him. It took a few minutes to get the chlorine off. When they were done, they went downstairs and they ate their dinner. After dinner they cleaned up and went on the balcony over looking the pool. Kristen was in front of Chris. His hands were on her stomach and her on top of his. They were just standing there starring at the stars. It was a clear night so they could see them easily. He reached into his pocket for the ring. He closed his hand around the ring. He turned Kristen in his arms. He got down on one knee. Kristen put a hand to her mouth and there were tears in her eyes. Tears of happiness. Kristen will you marry me? She smiled and said Yes. Yes I will. Then she jumped in his arms, her arms wrapped around his neck. She was laughing and so was he. He was so happy and couldnt wait to make her his wife. Kristen was so happy. She took Chriss hand and led him to the bedroom. She pushed him down and climbed on top of him. Straddling his hips she smiled down and said So what should we do now? She was pretending to think and Chris took matters into his own hands. He flipped her, so she was on her back and he was on top. He said I dont know maybe this. He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Chris reached up and unraveled her hands. Put them next to her head and held them there. His hands slid down her arms and sides. Then they went up her body. Up her stomach to her neck, then back down again. Kristen opened her eyes. Chris was straddling her hips. His hands were on hers and he was looking down at her. She could see the love in his eyes. She reached up and kissed him. She drew his body down and he entered her. They sighed in pleasure. Kristen could feel the love they had. Chris didnt hide it. If anything he was pretty good at showing it. In the morning Kristen woke up and the first thing she saw was the ring. She couldnt believe it was real. It better be worth it for the price I paid for it. She looked up and Chris was looking at the ring and at her. Its worth it. Believe me. Kristen got up and straddled

his hips. He looked up into her eyes and saw the love she had for him. Chris rolled so that Kirsten was underneath him. He smiled down at her. He kissed her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and hung on for dear life. The kiss ended and he got up. Kristen followed him which was a mistake because he pulled her into the tub and water spilled onto the floor. The water was spilling over the edge as they took their bath. Chris got out first and he took towel, picked Kristen up and dried her off. He rubbed the towel over her body until she was water free. He took her hand and went to her closet. He took out a sun dress with gold strapped sandals. He walked her over to the vanity set. She sat down and looked at him through the mirror. What are you doing? she asked. He met her eyes through the mirror. Doing your hair, he said, you always wear it the same way. So Im going to try something with your hair that my grandmother used to do. He took a comb, combed it out. Then took a curling iron and made her hair wavy, so its not straight and curly either. Then he added volume and hairspray to make it stay. When he was done, she was afraid to look in the mirror. Kristen looked in the mirror and gasped at what she saw. She played with it and touched it. Do you like it? asked Chris. She got up and hugged him. I love it, I absolutely love it! She gave him a kiss and went to get dressed. Chris didnt tell her where they were going. After awhile lying in bed he got up and went to get dressed. Kristen was downstairs. He smelled the food that she was cooking. In the doorway he stood and watched her work about the kitchen. Kristen turned around to find Chris starring at her with a smile. She walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist. His arms closed around her. She sighed and pulled out of his arms. Where are we going today? she asked. He shook his head and said its a secret. She frowned. He knew she didnt like

surprises. When she kept persisting he said youre not going to get it out of me know matter what you do! She knew she wasnt going to win. What they didnt know when they were heading back to the lighthouse someone was watching them.

*Chapter Nine* They were going to the lighthouse that was an hour away. He wanted it to be special. They were going to have a picnic, go swimming, and hang out on the seashore. He was really happy. Kristen was there beside him in the car, theyre hands joined, and her head on his shoulder sleeping. She looked like a sleeping angel. There was a smile on her face. He pulled in to the parking lot. Put the car in park and tried to wake Kristen up. Kristen woke up to find her head on Chriss shoulder and him calling her name to wake up. She smiled and unbuckled her seatbelt. Kristen sat up in the seat and looked over at Chris. Ready? Kristen nodded and got out of the car. Got her things from the back seat met Chris at the front of the car. Holding hands they walked to the beach. Chris set down the long chair and opened it, then went to help Kristen open hers. After the long chairs were set up, they walked down to the water. Walking on the beach by the water was relaxing. They stopped to look at the view. Chriss arm was around Kristens shoulders. With Kristen snuggled up to his side, Chris got an idea. He moved do that he can pick her up and swing her. When a wave was coming in he swung her and she got wet. Good thing they were wearing bathing suits. When her feet touched the sand, Kristen was wet. She looked up at Chris to see the laughter in his eyes. She pushed him when the wave came in. She ran as soon as she pushed him. When Chris could see again, he saw that Kristen was running away from him. He ran after her. Kristen glanced over her shoulder to realize that Chris was gaining up on her. She tried to run farther but to be tackled from behind by Chris. As they fell to the ground in a tangle of limbs, Chris landed on top of her. With theyre breathing ragged and coming out in gasps and puffs, they smiled in each others eyes. There lips met.

Theyre mouths crushed and parted. Teeth banged and tongues met. They sipped each others lips. Chris moved to lean on his elbows and take his weight off of Kristens chest. His waist was cradled between her thighs and her legs wrapped around his waist. Kristens arms made there way to his neck and brought him more fully on her. When Chris came up for air, his breathing was ragged. He put his forehead on hers and looked in her eyes to find her eyes were shinny and happiness was in them. He rolled off of her and stood up. He helped Kristen stand up and hand in hand strolled on the beach with the tides splashing against their legs. Kristen stopped walking and that made Chris pause. He looked back at her and asked Whats wrong? She smiled and pulled her hand. When he stood in front of her she let go and wrapped her arms around his waist. Nothing, she said. I just wanted you to hold me and watch the night fall. Chris wrapped his arms around her and she snuggled up to him. They stood there for about ten minutes and Chris said come on. Lets go back and snuggle in bed. She smiled and agreed. On the way back to the lighthouse, Kristen stopped and with a stick drew a heart with their names in it. Chris smiled at the gesture. They continued walking. When the lighthouse came into view, Chris dropped her hand and ran. Kristen getting the hint ran after him. She was on his tail when they reached the lighthouse. The car was only five feet away. Walking hand in hand, they went to the car and drove home. On the way home Kristen was too tired to stay awake. She put her head back on the head rest and the car ride lulled her to sleep. Chris was watching Kristen fall asleep in stages. As soon as her eye lids closed, he knew she was out like a light. As he watched her, he realized just how much he loved her. His face glowed, her face relaxed, a smile on her face, and her hair loose around her shoulders. She looked like an angel to him. She seemed so peaceful and undisturbed.

When his house came into his sight, he smiled. Having Kristen next to him and not being able to kiss her was torture. He couldnt wait to get in bed. Since Chris didnt want to wake Kristen up, he carried her to bed and took her shoes off. Pulled the covers up and then striped down to his boxers. He wiggled his way over next to Kirsten and laid an arm over her waist. She sighed and rolled over. Her head was on his chest and her arm was around his waist. Chris smiled when she snuggled right up to him. He put his head on top of hers and sighed. Shut his eyes and within a matter of seconds he was asleep. They woke up at the same time. The moment Chris opened his eyes Kristens opened. It was very weird. Never in his and her lives have they woken up at the same time. Chris smiled, Good Morning. He hugged her closer and kissed her temple. She smiled and said Good Morning to you too. She kissed his chin. They lay wrapped in arms and limbs for ten minutes after they woke up. They finally decided to get up, get dress and go downstairs to eat. As Kristen was cooking she got a rush of nausea. She dropped the flipper. Ran to the bathroom and got sick. When she looked up Chris was standing there having a concerned look on his face. That was what she saw last when her head ended up in the toilet again. Chris walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. When he didnt find Kristen there he was worried where she went. When he seen the bathroom light on he went in. He found Kristen throwing up in the toilet. He waited until she was done to go over there. Kristen felt a pair of hands holding her hair back. Then felt a cool cloth against her forehead. She leaned into Chris and the cloth was replaced with new coolness. He helped her to the kitchen and made her sit down.

Chris was worried that she was sick. He got some water and gave it to her. He sat down next to her and brushed her hair away from her forehead. She leaned more heavily into him. He wrapped his arms around her and waited for her to get comfortable to begin. Is this the first time youve been sick? She nodded and burrowed deeper into him. When did you have your due? She looked up at him with wide eyes. He saw how nervous she was to answer him. She said Two months ago, I think. When she looked up again her eyes where dilated. He hugged her and brushed his chin across her head. Kristen was nervous to ask Chris if they could get a pregnancy test. She pulled back and looked up at him. Would you mind if Iwehad a baby? Chris was shocked at how she changed the We to an I. He said Kristen I would love to have a baby. And Im glad that youre the babys mother. Then he kissed her. Well go get a pregnancy test today after I do the dishes. Then he left her to do exactly that. Twenty minutes later, they pulled into the drug store parking lot. She gripped his hand afraid to let it go. They walked down the aisle with the tests and picked one. Checked out and headed home. When Chris pulled into the driveway, Kristen rushed into the house and went straight to the bathroom. She was in there for a good twenty minutes. Then she came out and held her hand out for Chris. He took and stood behind her waiting for the results. They got a plus sign and she started crying. He hugged her and then kissed her. Kristen was so happy that she was bound to Chris in two ways. One they were engaged and in love. Two they were having a baby. The next few days the person who was threatening Kristen with the phone calls was planning on his appearance. Kristen and Chris will maybe be a little more careful, if not it was most likely to have a bad ending.

*Chapter Ten* It was two weeks after they learned they where going to have a baby, that they set a wedding date. It would be in October. Two months later. It was the big day. Kristen was getting dressed and getting ready. Chris was getting his tux and other necessities on as well. The time came to get into place. Chris was waiting at front of the church with his best man and usher. The bridesmaids, matrons of honor, and bride were in place. When Kirsten came walking down the aisle after the last matron of honor went into place. Chris was smiling when he saw her. The gown was a mint green and her hair was down with the veil covering her face. When she reached Chris, Chris flipped the veil and saw how her eyes were glowing. She smiled and winked, he chuckled. The priest started the ceremony. You may kiss the bride. Chris turned to Kristen and kissed her. Cheering and clapping took place as the bride and groom made it down towards the back of the church. At the wedding reception they made their way to the people and then it was time for cake. They fed each other a piece of cake. And the other couples danced. People didnt notice that there was a unwanted guest hidden there. Later that night at the house they where entwined in bed. She was resting on his chest and his hand on her lower abdomen. He could feel a slight bump of the swelling of the baby. The morning sickness calmed a little bit. Now she was sound asleep. His hands were playing with her hair that was spread out behind her. She sighed and snuggled closer. He hoped she wouldnt get sick tomorrow morning. He really didnt want her to move. She felt as if she was destined to be there with him. And as they were sleeping the intruder broke into the house. No alarm, no noise. Kristen woke up and looked at the man that she loved. Chris woke up when she was smoothing his hair back off his forehead.

He stared down at the love of his life. He was lucky to have her love him and he the same with her. They got up and went downstairs to get food. They were sharing eggs and bacon. Kristen was sitting on Chriss lap. Her back was to his front. His arms wrapped around her and her head resting on his shoulder. A noise came from the babys nursery. They looked at each other and went to go look at what the noise was. When they opened the door a hand shot out and grabbed Kristen. Chris froze. He realized he didnt know who the person was. Kristen was scared to death. She was afraid for the baby and Chris. Who are you and what do you want with me? she asked. Her capturer said You cost me so much pain. And you dont get to have the life that I wanted. Kristen was just as confused as Chris was. What do you mean she caused you pain? said Chris. Billy turned to him and said, She cheated on me, then she went away. She never came back and I never saw her again. Chris nodded as if he understood him. He walked slowly over to Kristen. Billys arms tightened around her throat. He stopped. I never cheated on you. You must have mistaken me for someone else. I dont even know you. Billy didnt buy it. The gun was taken away from Chris and he pointed at himself. They both had tried to talk him out of it but in the end they lost. Billy Johnson killed in cold blood in the nursery at the Scotts house. The cops were called and Kristen was checked. It took awhile but they calmed down. By the end of the week the nursery was refurnished and painted and new flooring. All reminders of that night were erased from the room. It took months before the nightmares went away. They finally found the happiness they had before.

They looked so happy from what the town people had seen. But they dont know how happy they are. They cant wait for the baby to come and they cant wait to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. They looked at each other and Chris whispered on her lips Now and Forever my love.

*Epilogue* Kristen! Im home! Chris said as he walked into his house that he now shared with two other people. His wife and his daughter were the most lovable things anyone can have. He walked outside and found them in the pool they put in last year. His daughter was now three. Her mother couldnt have looked more beautiful. As Chris walked over to the side of the pool, Kristen looked up and said Look Melody its daddy! His daughter looked up and saw him. She wiggled to try to get out of her mothers arms. Chris bent down to get his daughter. Chris picked her up and she hugged him. Where you swimming with mommy, baby? She nodded and looked down at her mom in the pool. Chris gave Melody back and went to go change into his swim shorts. When he came back he dived of the edge and swam up behind Kristen. Melody was giggling and Kristen didnt know why. She turned her head and saw that Chriss head was there on her shoulder. She gave a smacking kiss on his cheek. He smiled and circled his hands around her waist. Kristen turned around with the baby in her arms and hugged Chris. He hugged both of his women to him. He gave Melody a kiss on the cheek and Kristen a kiss in the mouth. There was a slow song playing on the radio nearby and he danced with them in a slow circle to the song. Thinking I couldnt have been any luckier. I got the perfect wife and daughter and nothing can take that away from me. Kristen mustve known what he was thinking because she smiled and snuggled closer. The baby fell asleep to the slow movements and there was a smile on her face. Who ever knew that a successful man and a horrible past woman would ever be together due to love? They never thought it was possible but anything can happen.

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