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TOPICS FOR GENERAL ENGLISH 1 – K55 (Units 1-6 Life A1-A2)

1. Talk about yourself or your family.

2. Talk about your favourite possession (bike/ mobile phone/rucksack…).
3. Talk about a room in your house.
4. Talk about a famous place you like (London, Tokyo, Sa Pa).
5. Talk about your free-time activities/ interests/ hobbies.
6. Talk about your favourite food / meal.
7. Talk about a time in the past when you visited an interesting place.
8. Talk about money in your daily life.

1. Ask and answer about personal information.
2. Ask and answer about favourite places (room/ house/ café/ restaurant).
3. Ask and answer about favourite possessions.
4. Ask and answer about past life.
5. Have a telephone conversation about a thing for sale.
6. Have a conversation at the shop/ hotel/ food market/ restaurant.
7. Ask and answer about essential things for travelling.
8. Ask and answer about hobbies.
9. Ask and answer about important dates/ events in your life.
10. Ask and answer about new technology.


Situation No. 1:
Take turns to ask and answer questions about some personal information: first name,
surname, age, job, country, marital status, family relationship.......

Situation No. 2:

Look at the information table about John Lincoln.

Ask and answer questions to complete your table.
Student A Student B
Name: John Lincoln Name: John Lincoln
Job: ............................................. Job: Photographer
Company: BMW Company: ......................
Home: ......................................... Home: Oxford.
Place of work: All over the world Place of work: ................
Language: .................................... Language: English
Normal working day: 9.00 – 4.00 pm Normal working day: 9.00 - …...

Situation No. 3:
Student A: You are in your local town/ city.
Student B: You are a tourist in student A’s town/ city.
Ask and answer questions about the interesting places (places to visit, places to shop, places
to eat, places to relax...) and ways to get to these places for tourists.

Situation No. 4
Take turns to ask and answer about a favourite object in your house (age, colour, brand,
nationality, size, price...).

Situation No. 5
Take turns to ask and answer about a favorite object that you use every day (age, colour,
brand, nationality, size, price...).

Situation No. 6
Take turns to ask and answer questions about a favourite room in your house (things in the
room, their colours, number of things, what you and your family often do there....).

Situation No. 7
Take turns to ask and answer questions about your house (number of rooms, furniture, your
favorite room, what you often do there...).

Situation No. 8
Student A: You are a customer. You’d like a T-shirt. Ask for different colors, sizes, brands
and price.
Student B: You are a shop assistant. Answer Student A’s questions.

Situation No. 9
Student A: You want to buy a used car. Call the seller to get information. Ask about the
colour, age, brand, nationality and price.
Student B: You have a car for sale. Answer Student A’s questions.

Situation No. 10
Student A: You want to buy a used mobile phone. Call the seller to get information.
Ask for the colour, age, brand, nationality and price.
Student B: You have a mobile phone for sale. Answer Student A’s questions.

Situation No. 11
Student A: Your shop has small and medium bags in different colors. A small one is $50
and a medium one is $120. Answer B’s questions.
Student B: You’d like a small bag in the shop. Ask A (the shop assistant) about sizes,
colors and prices.

Situation No. 12
Take turns to ask and answer about your hobbies, using “What”, “When”, “How often”,
“Who ... with...?”, “Why”...

Situation No. 13
Make a conversation by asking and answering about the necessary things you often bring
when travelling (clothes, money, bags, cell phone…..)

Situation No. 14
You are in a hotel room. Have a conversation by asking and answering questions about
the furniture in the room, using “Is there/ Are there…?”, Where/How...?

Situation No. 15
Student A: You are a hotel guest. Ask for information you need and make two requests.
Student B: You are the hotel receptionist. Answer the questions and respond to the

Situation No. 16
Take turns to ask and answer about TWO important occasions/ festivals in Vietnam and the
activities people often do on these days. (Tet holiday, Independence Day, Hung Kings
Commemoration Day…)

Situation No. 17
Think about TWO important dates/events in your past life. Take turns to ask and answer
about them and say why the dates were important. (first/recent birthday, first day at
school/university, a camping trip/ a picnic, graduation day at school…: When, Where, Who,
What, Why important…)
Situation No. 18
Look at the important dates in exploration.

2nd June 1953 News of first men on Everest

12th April 1961 First man in space
20th July 1969 First men on the moon
16th May 1975 First woman on Everest

Take turns to say the events in complete sentences

and ask about the dates when the events happened.

Situation No. 19
Take turns to ask and answer about your last holiday/trip using question words: When?/
Where?/ What…do?.......

Situation No. 20
Take turns to ask and answer about your favourite activities at the weekend.

Situation No. 21
Have a conversation about the abilities and interests with your friend.

Situation No. 22
Have a conversation at a food market.
Student A: You are a customer. You’d like 3 apples and some flour.
Student B: You are a shop assistant. Answer student A’s questions.

Situation No. 23
Have a conversation at a food market.
Student A: You are a customer. You’d like some orange juice and some bread.
Student B: You are a shop assistant. Answer student A’s questions.

Situation No. 24
Have a conversation at a restaurant.
Student A: You are a customer. You order a meal with a starter (soup, fries...), a main
course and an iced tea. Then, ask for the bill.
Student B: You are a waiter. Answer student A’s questions.
Situation No.25
Take turns to ask and answer about your favourite café or restaurant and what you normally
order there.

Situation No. 26
Take turns to ask and answer about an important year in your life, using When, What,

Situation No. 27
Have a conversation about a famous person from the past, using Who, Where, How old,

Situation No. 28
Take turns to ask and answer about a time in the past when you visited an interesting place,
using suggestions:
- Where/ go?
- What/ do?
- Who/ with?

Situation No. 29
Take turns to ask and answer about a time in the past when you were excite about
something, using suggestions:
- Where/ go?
- What/ do?
- Who/ with?

Situation No. 30
Take turns to ask and answer questions about a time in the past when you asked people for
help using suggested words: Where?/What?/Who?/ Why?...
I. TOPICS FOR GENERAL ENGLISH 3 – K54 (Units 5-10 Life A1-A2) – 8 Topics

1. Talk about a famous food from a country you know.

2. Talk about your favourite café/ restaurant.
3. Talk about a time in the past when you visited an interesting place.
4. Talk about money in your daily life.
5. Talk about a festival or special event in your country.
6. Describe a member of your family.
7. Talk about one important technology gadget in your life.
8. Talk about your ideas and advice for learning English.

1. Ask and answer about food and food markets
2. Ask and answer about past life
3. Make requests and responses
4. Ask and answer about trip/journey
5. Ask and answer about appearance/clothes
6. Ask and answer about a festival or special event
7. Ask and answer about your plan for seeing films/ your favourite film maker/ actor or
actress/ a famous person
8. Have a telephone conversation
9. Ask and answer about your English learning
10. Ask and answer about new technology

1. Ask and answer about food and food markets

Situation 1
Have a conversation at a food market.
Student A: You are a customer. You’d like 3 apples and some flour.
Student B: You are a shop assistant. Answer student A’s questions.

Situation 2
Have a conversation at a food market.
Student A: You are a customer. You’d like some orange juice and 5 slices of bread.
Student B: You are a shop assistant. Answer student A’s questions.

Situation 3
Have a conversation at a restaurant.
Student A: You are a customer. You order a meal with a starter (soup, fries...), a main
course and an iced tea. Then, ask for the bill.
Student B: You are a waiter. Answer student A’s questions.
Situation 4
Take turns to ask and answer about your favourite café or restaurant and what you normally

2. Ask and answer about past life

Situation 5
Think of TW important years in your life and the reasons why they are important. Write
down the years but do not write down the reason. Take turns to show the year to your
partner and he/she has to make questions about them (What happened…?/ Why…?)

Situation 6
Have a conversation about a famous person from the past, using Who, Where, How old,

Situation 7
Take turns to ask and answer about a time in the past when you visited an interesting place,
using suggestions:
- Where/ go?
- What/ do?
- Who/ with?
- How/ get there?
- How/ accommodation?
- How/ food?

Situation 8
Take turns to ask and answer about a time in the past when you were excite about
something, using suggestions:
- Where/ go?
- What/ do?
- Who/ with?

Situation 9
Take turns to ask and answer questions about a time in the past when you asked for
helpusing suggestions:- Where?/What?/Who?/ Why?...

3. Make requests and responses

Situation 10
Take turns to request and respond with “yes” or “no”. Ask your partner for help, using “Can
I/ Could you…?”.

Situation 11
Take turns to request and respond with “yes” or “no”. Ask your partner for money, using
“Can I/ Could you…?”.

4. Ask and answer about trip/journey

Situation 12
Student A had a short trip to London.
Student B: Ask student A questions about his/her trip.
Student A: Answer student B’s questions.

Situation 13
Think about a journey you made in the past. Take turns to ask and answer about it, using
- Where/ go?
- What/ do?
- Who/ with?
- How/ get there?
- How/ accommodation?
- How/ food?

5. Ask and answer about appearance/clothes

Situation 14
Take turns to ask and answer about your father/mother (age, job, his/ her appearance).

Situation 15
Take turns to ask and answer about your brother/sister/cousin (age, job, his/ her

Situation 16
Take turns to ask and answer about clothes you are wearing today and describe your
favourite clothes.

6. Ask and answer about a festival or special event

Situation 17
Take turns to ask and answer about a festival or special event in your country.

Situation 18: Look some main information about “Earth Day” Celebration
Student A: Ask questions about the place (name/ time/ place/ activities/ participating price/
participants )
Student B: Answer Student A’s questions

Name Earth Day

Time April 22nd
Place Newmarket Park
Activities Plant trees, clean parks, pick up rubbish...
Price Free
Participant Everyone

7. Ask and answer about your plan for seeing films/ your favouritefilm maker/ actor or
actress/ a famous person
Situation 19
Imagine you are going to a film festival. Choose the film you want to watch, plan your day
and make a conversation about it (name of the film/ type of the film/ time/ place.....)
In cinema 1 In cinema 2 In cinema 3
2-3.30: Animal migrations – 2-3.40 Summer Love – 2-4 The Moon at Midnight – a
a wildlife domentary a romantic comedy from Hollywood action film with fast
Canada cars

Situation 20
Imagine you are going to a film festival. Choose the film you want to watch, plan your day
and make a conversation about it (name of the film/ type of the film/ time/ place.....)
In cinema 1 In cinema 2 In cinema 3
3.55 – 5.25: Life on Mars – 4.10 – 5.30: Animation 2. 30 - 4: Historical Horror –
a Hollywood science-fiction festival – short animation a documentary about the
film films by young film history of horor films

Situation 21
Imagine you are going to a film festival. Choose the film you want to watch, plan your day
and make a conversation about it (name of the film/ type of the film/ time/ place.....)
In cinema 1 In cinema 2 In cinema 3
3.55 – 5.25: The wedding 4.10 – 5.30: Everest – a 2 – 4: Historical Horror – a
and other secrets – a powerful documentary documentary about the history
romantic comady about a about the mountain and of horor films
Chinese family in New climbers

Situation 22
Read the information about the film maker Doctor Adrian Seymour, ask and answer
questions about him.
Film maker Doctor Adrian Seymour
Type of film Wildlife films and documentaries
Film making place Some of the most beautiful and remote parts of the world
Favourite thing TV programmes about the natural world with famous explorers

Situation 23
Take turns to ask and answer about your favourite actor/ actress

Situation 24
Read information about Nelson Dellis, who wins USA memory championship again
names and face he can remember 99
Different numbers he can hear and 300
Years of winning the championship 2011 and 2012
Time he spend practising memory Hours, hours and hours every day
People he teach his techniques to People over the USA

8. Have a telephone conversation

Situation 25
Student A: You’ve got tickets for the musical Jersey Boys tomorrow night. It starts at 8
p.m. Telephone student B and invite him/ her.
Student B: Answer the phone. You are at work. Listen to Student A’s invitation and say
yes. Arrange to meet.

Situation 26
Student A: You’ve got tickets for the film Fast and Furious tomorrow night. It starts at
8.30 p.m. Telephone student B and invite him/ her
Student B: Answer the phone. You are at work. Listen to Student A’s invitation and say
yes. Arrange to meet.

Situation 27
Student A: You are working abroad, but your mobile phone isn’t working. Telephone
Student B from Stars Hotel. Your number is 790 9856 7211. Check student B emailed your
Powerpoint presentation for tomorrow’s meeting.
Student B: Answer student A’s call. Get the information about the hotel (name/ number).
Confirm that you have emailed the Powerpoint presentation for tomorrow’s meeting.

Situation 28
Student A: You are working abroad, but your mobile phone isn’t working. Telephone
Student B from the Embassy Hotel. Your telephone number is 800 7790 0210. Check if
Student A emailed the video for tomorrow’s meeting.
Student B: Answer student A’s call. Get the information about the hotel (name/ number).
Confirm that you have emailed the Video for tomorrow’s meeting.

9. Ask and answer about your English learning

Situation 29: Ask and answer the ways you study English at home, using suggestions:
- How often/ study?
- How many new words/ a day/ a week.....?
- How to memorise the vocabulary/ grammar.....?
- What advice ...?

10. Ask and answer about new technology

Situation 30
Take turns to ask and answer questions about new technology that has changed your life,
using suggestions:
- What?
- Where/When…invent?
- What…use for?

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