(FN 1 THU) Photovoice - Group 1

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FN 1 THU | S1 2023-2024

Photovoice Activity

Group 1
Abesamis, Enzo
Acosta, Pocholo
Antonio, Hazel Jade
Leonida, Florence
Parungao, Jhaylorde

Date of Exhibition: Nov 9, 2023

What it means to be healthy

Group Members Photovoice

1. Pocholo Acosta

Foods no matter how “processed” or not are still being made by people who
make sure to get an ensured product. It’s a healthy mental exercise to
remember to appreciate the foods being placed in front of most especially the
people who make it for us because it’s their hard work that we are able to eat
and enjoy food.
The Grind

There’s this notion now that people film themselves in the gym for clout or to
show off to people online. There is some truth to that but it’s mostly for
self-motivation. My gym coach once said “It’s good to have a healthy amount
of this so-called Narcicism” because it makes you work out harder and allows
you to see your progress.

2. Enzo Abesamis

Healthy, not lonely.

There is much talk about personal health and one’s fitness journey, but I
think it is important to remember that being healthy is not something we
have to do alone. We live in community with others and I believe that we have
to be healthy as a community as well. Together with my family, I embark on
my own fitness journey. Not only is playing sports together good for our
bodies, but it is also a lot of fun.
Health, like wealth, is meant to be shared.
One of the best things in life is a good hearty meal at home and with your
family. Eating together at home means eating the same ulam. In our family,
we take this time to make sure that we are eating well, eating enough, and
eating healthily.
3. Hazel Jade Antonio

Resisting Temptation
Being healthy or eating healthy is not really about restricting yourself but
having the discipline and being aware of what should be enough to take in
your body. Everything that is in moderation is okay. In picture is a Taekwondo
player having a certain weight to maintain therefore moderation what she
takes in inorder to achieve her goal weight.
Good Company, Good food
Being healthy requires an amount of nutrients that you should take in. Eating
with someone increases the amount of food you eat. This can help you get
more of the important nutrients you need for health. Also enjoying the food is
a way you have more options to explore more healthy foods.

4. Florence Leonida
Rest and Recreation
As students, most of the time we spend on a day is allotted to academics,
often making it difficult to find time for doing activities outside such. When it
comes to being healthy, finding a balance between academic work and
recreational activities is necessary. We cannot just spend most of the day
staying in a stationary position and only doing academics—we also need to
do activities that can allow us to move around, stay active, and are at the
same time enjoyable. It is through such recreational activities that we may
strive to be healthier both physically and mentally as such hobbies can serve
as much needed breaks in between our daily routines.

Workouts in Between
As someone who does not always get
the chance to do physical activity on
the regular, I’ve challenged myself to
integrate it into my daily routine.

Other than keeping a balanced diet

and being conscious of the food that
we eat, it is important to stay
physically active in order to stay
healthy. Whether one may have the
means to access facilities to do
physical workouts or simply do such activities at home at one’s pace,
integrating such activities regularly can help in attaining a healthy lifestyle.

5. Jhaylorde Parungao
Labels that Matter

Being healthy begins with

mindful consumption
These nutritional facts we
usually overlook may
provide essential
information about the food
or beverage we buy
regularly. A wise consumer
knows that these labels can
help them to make
informed food choices in
the long run. This allows us to select products that complement our dietary
needs and health goals. By reading these labels, we can better manage our
regular calorie intake, monitor specific nutrients, and make healthier
decisions in general.
Cheaper and better

Do not be fooled by its

meat-like appearance
because the protein I
used for this sinigang
was tofu—a cheaper
and healthier
alternative to meat.

With soaring food prices, some might find it difficult to eat healthy. Not until
resourcefulness comes in handy. Healthy living means finding new and
effective ways of getting nourished whether on a budget or not. And with
trying new things, we make sure that we align them with what our body
needs and what feels right to us.

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