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Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School Choose the correct answer Unit 1 1. Little Susie can’t wait for the baby to be born; she is so excited about having a new... a. son b. daughter ¢ parent 4, sibling 2. We are organising a party for our parents’ golden wedding E @. memorial b. memory ¢. anniversary d. announcement Bo MAPK IS $0 cern} he never offers to buy anyone a drink. «@. stinging b. stingy co miser d. miserable 4, Dhave decided £0 ...nennnnn from my job as | have got a position with a larger company. a. retrain b. retire © fire d. resign 5. After she helped him move house, he sent her a large bouquet of flowers to express his ...mum 2. gradation b. gravity ¢ gratitude d. graft 6. The team captain proudly held the silver sun...uume. over his head as the fans cheered. «@. trope b. tripe & trove d. trophy 7. Ihaven’t got much money at the moment, so I'm living on a tight @. salary b. wage ¢. budget d. gadget 8. When my grandfather was a young boy, he used to............n the fields instead of going to school. @. labour b. rigour ¢ clamour 4. glamour 9. This new advertising campaign should .. . the company’s sales figures. a. paste b, boost 6. post d. bust 10. | can’t concentrate when the TV is on; it’s t00 MUCH e.u.nnn a. diplomacy b. discipline ¢ distraction d. distortion 11. After some ., she agreed to host the end-of-term party. @. imagination b. persuasion permutation _d. persistence 42, There 18.0 o.nn at this company; would you like to apply for the position? @. vacancy b. profession victory 4d. visualization 13. By telling us about her new job, | think she was trying t0 sw... that she was more successful than we could ever be. «. interpret b. imply interfere 4d. infer 14, That girl has her head in the she walks around as if she is in a dream. a. heaven b, clouds 6. top d. show 15, Frank started off as an errand boy in the company, but he slowly worked his way up to the @. heaven b. clouds top d. show 16, All the actors were good, but Chad Schmidt........the show with his excellent portrayal of Hamlet.a. , stole b. robbed mugged d. took 17. Poor Maria! She is working her. . to the bone trying to look after her four children and work full time. a. hands b. brains «toes d. fingers 18. He’s got a new job and a luxurious flat; it’s no wonder he is in seventh @. paradise b. heaven grade d. top 19. | don’t know why he gets on my nerves; he just Seems £0 up the wrong way. a. rob be rub c steal d. annoy 20. If he manages to close the deal on his own, it will be 0... in his cop. @. hair b. leather «head d. feather Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,488 Maadi STEM School 21. She came from a poor background, but now she is rich and famous and has the .... at her feet. @. money b. wealth world d. celebrity 22. 'm working overtime this week because I’ve got a lot of work to do and I need to keep OM nun. OF things. @. summit b. top «zeal d.a lot 23. We are going to need a lot of equipment in order to this experiment. a. carry off b. carry on ©. carry out 4d. carry over 24. Working in the fashion industry is Very j..... as people are often prepared to pay a lot of money to look good. «@. proactive b. profitable ¢ potential d. prosaic 25. I never liked Bill; realise now that | should have trusted my... a. intellect b. inspiration .incivility d. intuition 26. He has taken some painkillers but when the effects ......., his leg will hurt quite badly. @. wear away b. wear down ¢. wear off d. wear out 27. The company gave me this free TV to... for all the trouble | have had. @. compensate b. contribute © compliment d. compromise 28. Amanda usually trusts her ... when she makes a decision; she believes in following her feelings. a. team spirit b. gut instinct ¢. competitive spirit d. quick thinking 29. I didn’t break your stered wu... it was an accident. 2. on purpose bon principle con duty d. on target 30. His sister’s success acted as a(n)... to him and made him work hard in order to keep up with her. a. javelin b, hurdle ¢. obstacle 4. spur 31. He says that he doesn’t feel very well, but | expect he will... if | suggest going out for ice cream. a. mark off b. ride on live out d. perk up 32. His behaviour last night was........; 1 don’t think | will ever be able to forgive him. 2, unavoidable b. unacceptable _c. insurmountable __d. understandable 33. OUF MAIN sue Is to reduce debt by cutting costs. a. objective b. decision . resolution d. desire 34. The discovery of penicillin was a significant medical... «@. revolution b. innovation novelty d. breakthrough 35. Employers are not allowed to discriminate against an applicant because of their social or financial @. past b. background history d. precedent 36. It's important to project a(n) ....... image during an interview. a. upbeat b. positive ¢. optimistic d. cheerful 37. Aspirin was used as a medicine as far as the 5" century BC. a. back b. beyond © behind d. before 38. Competitive is an essential requirement for success in the entertainment industry. @. mind b. thought ©. spirit d. thought 39. The brochure stated the hotel was situated ...... beside the sea. a. direct b. precise right d. exact 40. There is a wide of opinions to choose from with something to suit all tastes. a. degree b. variance «scale d. range 41. They say he inherited his money from @ ou... relative he had never met. @. faraway b. remote distant d. slight 42. Carrie doesn't do her own washing; she....... her little sister to do it for her. a. makes b. gets clets d. puts Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM Schoo! 43. When the workload got too much from him, he gave in and decided to a. allot b. entrust Gassign d. delegate 44. You must complete the Business... course satisfactorily before you can progress to the third year programme. @, Morals b. Values ¢. Rights Ethics 45. For the of rewiring your home, hiring an electrician is a wise move. @.aim b. purpose 6. object d. intention 46. He agreed to give me his car for the weekend on that | helped him write his essay. a. condition b. term rule d. decree 47. The Beatles remain hugely popular among the and the old alike. @. youth ». young ¢. adolescents d. teenagers 48. The manager really wanted Anna to join the company; he believed she would be a valuable... to his team of sales people. @. addition b.accumulation _c. supplement d. appendage 49. Expect seminars and tutorials to approximately 15% of your time at university. a. cover b. receive occupy d. complete 50. Some say that success in today's competitive workplace calls for toughness and .n. a. ruthlessness b. cruelty rudeness d. callousness 51. When he learnt that the assistant manager was retiring, he felt that this was an opportunity he just has to a. grab ». follow . pull d. seize 52. For such an old house, itis in excellent ..1.nn a. state b. condition form d. shape 53. Although I always make a New Year's _ seldom manage to stick to it for more than a month. a. objective b. resolution ¢. decision d. objection 54. The board's to sell company shares to the public met with strong resistance. a, objective b. resolution decision 4. objection 55. As vice president, my main nm. is to increase productivity while improving working conditions. a. objective b. resolution decision d. objection 56. In celebration of their , the entire team stood in the centre of the field and song their national anthem. @. breakdown b, victory achievement d. breakthrough 57. After a decade of dedicated research, the scientist finally made the wn... he had been striving for. a. breakdown b. victory c.achievement _—_d. breakthrough 58. To salute her life-long in the entertainment field, a huge reception was held in her honour. @. breakdown b. victory Gachievement ——_d. breakthrough 59. Business should be a required course for the students enrolled in the MBA programme. @. values b. ethics rights d. valuables 60. Itis imperative for children to acquire strong moral ...... at a young age. @. values b. ethics rights d. valuables 61. A good manager can make a business profitable while still respecting the ...... of the workers. @. values b. ethics rights 4d. valuables 62. The young poet said that he got his ........ from the beauty of nature. a. ambition b. possession inspiration d. obsession (63. His... with money and power might have made him a millionaire, but he is not a happy man. a. ambition b. possession ¢. inspiration d. obsession Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM Schoo! 64. In order to get ahead in the advertising industry, one must have a strong vw... to succeed. a. ambition b. possession «. inspiration d. obsession 65. King Albert's reign was one of peace ANd @. luxury b. prosperity ¢ prospectus d. fortune 66. They say that he made his wn... through good luck and the help of influential acquaintances. a. ambition ». fortune ¢ inspiration d. obsession 67. In these days of economic decline, owing more than one vehicle is considered a ... a. ambition b. luxury d. obsession 68. The idea for a computerised house had first been considered as far... as the late 50s. a. beyond b. before ¢ behind d. back 69. For the ... of managing your finances, hiring an accountant is money well-spent. @. purpose b. object aim d. intention 70, Situated wun... beside the lake, the villa has gone on sale for £ 750, 000. a. direct b. precise right d. exact 71. The in-house regulations to all employees, regardless of status. @. happen b. occur apply d. agree 72. A job advertisement for a programmer wn... his eye, and he decided to apply. 2. gripped b. caught c seized d. struck 73. For a 10-year-old car, itis in excellent sme a. state b. form <.presentation _—_d. condition 74, The heavyweight champion got the over his opponent in the last round of the match. a. advantage b. disadvantage —_c. promotion d. reputation 75. She went to work in a restaurant tO w.nn. experience as a chef. @. win b. earn gain d. take 76. Although he is incredibly wealthy now, when he first came to this country he... a living as a dishwasher. a. got b. gained won d. earned 77. He's very well-paid for his freelance writing, but he also ....... a salary from the bookshop. a. gets b. gains wins d. obtains 78. She earned a(n)........ a5 a tough businesswoman by sticking to her principles and never backing down from the competition. @. advantage b. reputation salary d. living 79. | don't think there is a vacancy in the company at the moment, but you could ring my boss . @.. on second thoughts b. on target ¢. ona budget d. on the off-chance 80. | think I'l take Sarah to a fancy restaurant for her birthday. _ let's have a surprise party at home. @., On second thoughts b. On target ¢. Ona budget d. On the off-chance 81. Chris owns a line of successful boutiques in the UK, and, believe it or not, she manages them completely @.. on second thoughts b. on target on her own d. on the off-chance 82. We're pleased to announce that our proposed sales figures for the year are right .. @.. on second thoughts b. on target ona budget d. on the off-chance Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4 &8 Maadi STEM School 83. I'd love to go to the house-warming party with you, but | am and really can't afford a gift. @.. on second thoughts b. on target ¢. ona budget d. on the off-chance 84. Her employer's persistent enthusiasm for the new scheme her resistance to it a. wore down b. wore away wore out d. wore on 85. A trainee his superior's orders quickly and efficiently. a. carries off b. carries on . carries out d. carries over 86. The minister ..... with the ceremony despite the noise from the back of the church. a. carried off b. carried on ¢. carried out d. carried over 87. Ata very young age she determined what her career goals were and set out to a. carry them over _b. carry them off ¢.carry them out d. carry them on 88. Unfortunately, the difficulties he was having at WOrk wv... into his personal life a. carried off b. carried on ¢. carried out d. carried over 89. After the shock of being made head manager slowly . James went about settling the difficulties between members of his staff. a. wore off b. wore away wore out d. wore on 90. AS the day wun, the graduate became more and more excited about the upcoming ceremony. a. wore down b. wore away c. wore out d. wore on 91. The champion runner liked to joke that he over a hundred pairs of trainers before he won his title. a. wore down b. wore away wore out d. wore on 92. To everyone's disbelief, the Jamaicans... the trophy in the men's bob-sledding event. a. carried off b. carried on ¢. carried out d. carried over 93. 'm sure you'll get the position. Now stop pacing or you'll the polish on the floor. a. wore down b. wore away ¢. wore out d. wore on 94. Due to the success of her latest CD, the young dive had the world at her @, fingers b. feet c legs d, toes 95. My grandfather, who was a poor farmer, worked his fingers to the to send his children to university. . skin b. hand ©. bone d. nails 96. Nowadays, people are so busy up with the Joneses that they forget to enjoy life. a. keeping bracing ¢. competing d. running 97. His ability to keep on top Of son.» in the large company made him a successful manager. a. others b. colleagues c. employees d. things 98. Over the years, Sue has worked her way up to the in the law firm. @. summit b. zeal «top d. court 99. Yasmin Yehia's international prize is a feather in her a. nest b. chicken cap ac 100, It was a rough........ and a lot of people on the ferry were seasick. a. travel b. voyage trip d. crossing 101. Losing weight is a great way to your confidence. boost b. push ¢ shope d. foster 102. The number ...... You can get out of these figures is in the millions. a. complications b. permutations —_c. transformations _d. incarnations. 103. Having to travel so far to work and back every day is beginning to wear me a. off b. through «down din Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1,2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 104. Even though it started to rain, Pete carried ...... watering the garden. @. through bein cover don 105. Even though Joe tries to be nice, he always rubs me up the WrONg w.u.n a. side b. way end d. time 106, Iwas thinking of going out tonight, but 07 ..u.u.u. thoughts, it might be better to stay in. «@. stronger b. second ¢ better d. deeper 107, John's face WAS or.nn when he heard he had won first prize. glistening . glaring ¢. beaming . flashing 108. Rob 0 good an impression at the interview that they offered him the job on the spot. a. made b. passed sent 4d. offered 109, Although he wasn't the star of the film, Keanu Reeves wm.» the show. a. took b. robbed grabbed d. stole 110. My boss expects his instructions to be carried wu... to the letter. a. out bin coff . down 11 As the day wore ..... I began to feel more and more uncomfortable in their company. a. out bon c off d. down 112 My parents have always disapproved ....... my friends. No one was ever good enough for them. @. out bon cof d. off 113. ‘felt ashamed. myself for losing my temper like that over nothing. @. from b. on cof d. off 114 Ann isn't very keen .nn.ux. camping; she prefers staying in hotels. bon cin d. about 115. Lorna never benefited her parents’ wealth; she's always had to work for a living. at bon cin d. from 116. Jwasn't involved ...... the argument, so | have no idea what it was about. ot bon cin dof 117. _Joanne's diet consists... junk food and fizzy drinks; no wonder she's overweight. oat bof off d. from I strongly object being forced to pay for carrier bags in supermarkets. at into d. towards The airline compensated us in full... the loss of our luggage. @. about be with for d. towards 120. At last, a 5-0 victory gives England's supporters something to about. a. shout b. scream © roar d. moan She was feeling on top of the when she got the first prize. ‘mountain b cliff world d. hill "Was Helen pleased about getting that job?" "Pleased? She was on CIOUd swum!” sik b. seven eight d.nine The new president was greeted by an crowd. static b. ecstatic exterior d. eccentric 124, They were with grief when their baby died. a. overwhelmed overloaded ¢ overacted d. overrated 125. He's trying t0 .orennne memories of the accident. a. find out b. set out ¢. block out d. give out Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,488 Maadi STEM School 126, His economic policies have won widespread wn... for reducing government debt. a, maze b. pride freeze d. praise 127. Those children are well... «. disciplined . displayed ¢ disqualified d. disorganised 128, The letters had been placed iP rn. piles, one for each letter of the alphabet. a. disorganised —_b. organized ¢. disciplined 4. organic 129, There are tests which can establish a baby's genetic... tournament b. endowment d. endurance 130. He's about money. a. possessive b. processing ¢. obsessive d. obstetric 131 The latest promotional material is all part of a recruitment... a. drive b. derive ¢. deprive d. driving 132. The education director is... in his attempt to obtain additional funding for the school. «. prescribing b. persecuting personalizing. persevering 133, The aim of the association is to the skills of traditional furniture design. propel b. perpetuate ¢. perplex d. persevere 134 1'll never get all this work done in a week - I'm not... ! human b. humane ¢. humanitarian d. superhuman 138. It is a group providing .. for STEM students. a. self-help b. self-assembly _c. self-absorption _d. self-awareness 136, Since the recent improvements to the service, the buses are running like a. clock b. clockwise ¢. clockwork d. anti-clockwise 137. They have finished v.n.un the legislation. a. formulating b. regulating ¢. formatting 4. fortifying 138. Companies are going to have to be more about environmental management. @. productive b. predictive ¢. proactive d. indicative 139, Many wvnnnnn Customers are waiting for a fall in prices before buying. potent b. essential ¢. potential d. potentate 140. It's tough fora woman to get sur... in politics. @. away b. out ¢. ahead d. down 141 It's @ good idea to read... ona company before going for an interview. a. out up cin d. ahead 142. APE YOU vraran @ lOt of people at the party tonight? a. anticipating b. participating —_—_c. compensating _d. fascinating Unit 2 1. After | was assigned my own personal .. the equipment worked. w», he showed me around the gym and explained how «. instructor b. advisor ¢. teacher d. tutor 2. The fishing 1... was conveniently located within walking distance of a well-stocked lake. a. tent b. host «lodge d. hotel 3. We enjoyed a lovely packed lunch in the refreshing of the fragrant wood. «. isolation b. barrenness infertility d. solitude Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM Schoo! 4. The group opened the concert with a rousing «1... of the hit song that made them famous. a. rendition b. edition translation d. interpretation 5. The film was a real It had the audience gasping in suspense till the very end. «@. dliff-hanger », blockbuster c. box office hit. bestseller 6. After his 10-mile wu... over rough terrain, John was glad to see the inn come into view. «. pilgrimage b. trek © voyage d. cruise 7. The showed the visitors the new exhibits that had been donated to the permanent collection. a. dean b. curator ¢. prefect . governor 8. We stood on the....... of the liner as it pulled away from the pier. «@. platform b deck «stage d. sidewalk 9. After missing an easy shot, the player threw her ....... angrily on the ground. a. net b, racket © court d. umpire 10. He spent hours in his... every evening developing rolls of film. @. camera b. darkroom Glens d. tripod 11. Place your foot on the and swing your other leg over the horse's back. a. saddle b. stirrup «bit d. bridle 12, Because of her fear of heights and the swinging motion of the seats, Linda has never been persuaded to get on a... @. carousel b. roller coaster ¢. big wheel d. water slide 13. My grandmother is a fanatic about her favourite; she laughs and cries with the actors as though they were real people. a. documentary —_b. chat show 6. soap opera d. cartoon 14, Be sure you drain the spinach in the wu... before you spread it over the sheets of pastry. whisk b. grater ¢. saucepan d. colander 15. The sound of the fisherman's voice was barely over the roar of the waterfall a. silent b. audible ¢ raucous d. deafening 16, The studio Was... as the young artist worked at her sculpture. a. silent b. audible ¢ raucous d. deafening 17. The couple's 1... laughter destroyed the romantic atmosphere of the elegant restaurant. a. silent b. audible raucous d. vociferous 18. The roar of applause at the end of the concert was. a. silent b. voiceless . vociferous 4. deafening 19. The film was full of violence; | saw found seeing it was such @ ...-.. experience that | came out of the cinema feeling completely drained. @. harrowing b. agreeable ¢ enjoyable d. delightful 20. To my relief, the long train journey was more........ than | had expected. a. disconcerting _b. distressing ¢. agreeable 4. harrowing 21. It was slightly ....0.. to see everyone else at the party was younger than me. a. disconcerting —_b. upset terrifying d. harrowing 2. It was really to see the terrible poverty endured by people living in the shanty town. a. distressed b. distressing ¢ agreeable d. upset 23. The on Blossoms filled the air with a delightful perfumed scent. «. fragrant b. delicate pristine d. fanciful 24, Peaches haVe wun. skins which are easily bruised. «@. fragrant b. delicate . pristine d. strong Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,488 Maadi STEM Schoo! 25. The wn» traffic was further hampered by large crowds of sightseers. @. moving b. flowing slow-moving _—_d. fast 26. Be careful; there is... traffic on the roads this morning. a. moving b. heavy ¢.slow-moving ——d. light 27. Only by enforcing ..... regulations was it possible to keep the forest safe from carelessly caused fires. a. strict b. unjustified extreme 4d. temperate 28. The workers are holding ....... regulations to protest against... regulations. @. lawful b. legal justified d. unjustified 29. The coastline is off-limits to boaters and fishermen. a. littered b. messy . pristine d. untidy 30. The park was with bottles and cans after the concert. «. pristine b. littered ¢. gnarled d. blackened 31. Critics were not impressed with the reviewer's ....... interpretation of such a serious book, «a. impressive b. serious ¢ literal d. fanciful 32. The wns. meaning of "television" is "seeing from distance." @. unreal b. serious literal . fanciful 33. Bright green moss hung in sheets from the ....... branches of the old apple tree. a. gnarled b. blackened . pristine d. littered 34. The folds of the curtains were... with dirt. @. gnarled b, blackened ¢ pristine d.clean 35. The sun shone brightly on the ... stream that ran parallel to the road. @. gnarled blackened . sparkling . winding 36. There is a very long, ....... path leading up to the house. @. gnarled b. literal . sparkling . winding 37. The climate of the Arctic has little to offer tourists in search of a suntan. a. extreme b. temperate ¢. moderate , mild 38. Nowadays, tourists enjoy the climate of Egypt. a. extreme b. temperate sizzling d. blistering 39. The farmhouse we stayed in was completely... the beaten track a. off bof from @. for 40. Our capstone project was achieved of af sn... budget. a, shoe b. shoestring « test plan 4d. exhibition 41. Reading between the .......,'d say he is not happy with the situation. @. pages b, books lines d. words 42. 1am sure he will come late to the meeting. | can read him like a @. reader b. story c text . book 43. I can't believe | have made the grade. Let's go out and paint the town .. a. blue bred green d. black 44. We didn't pay for the meal. It was on the a. house b. flat ¢ palace d. lodge 45. The clown sang a duet with the talking horse, Which .... the house down every night. @. grabbed b. fetched ¢. brought d. knocked 46. After he was caught copying from his colleague's paper, he had to face the sun a. movie b. music . scenario d. series 10 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 47. Oh let Your nn. down for once! a. nose b. eyelashes ¢. moustache 4d. hair 48. A faster-played sport would keep the audience on the ....... of their seats. a. edge b. centre ¢. bottom d. top 49. Travellers differ from tourists in that they prefer getting off the beaten un... t0 holidaying at popular holiday spots. a. road b. track © street d. court 50. The most amazing thing about this year's Oscar winning film is that it was MAde 1.» @ shoestring budget. ain b. by from d.on 51. Don't believe everything you see in travel brochures; read ..... the lines before you make your final decision. @.on b. above ¢. between d.under 52. I can't believe | got a promotion! Let's go out and paint the wun... red. @. house b. town country d. wall 53. To make up for the poor service, the restaurant owner told us our drinks were ... the house. @. from on cat 54. The trip wasn't all bad. At ...... we got to visit plenty of interesting ruins. a. list b. least large d. present 55. lam very busy at work at......., but when things relax a bit | am going to go on a cruise. a. least b. large present . nowadays 56. Dave is... odds with John over what CDs to bring to the graduation party. ain b. from con 57. Although I love getting lost in a good novel, at....... [ust lke to sit and listen to classical music. a. odds b. times ¢ glances d. moment 58. At snus found my passport tucked away in the zipped compartment of my suitcase. @. last ba list «late d. latest 59. From the sly look on the taxi driver's face, | knew....... a glance that he couldn't be trusted. ain b. from con 60. The S'colock news reported that the escaped prisoner was still at «@. prison b. jail «loose 4. large 61. Due to the bazaar in the city centre, traffic WaS At @ nun for two hours. a. loss b. stop ¢. standstill d. stoppage 62. 1am really ata end now that the Christmas holidays are here. «@. loose b. loss clost d. loosing 63. Steven invited some friends over and was totally at a as to what to offer them to eat. a. loose b. loss lost d. loosing 64. Brewer escaped from prison last year and has been On the sm. ever SINCE, a. loose b. loss c. lost d. loosing 65. Itis a small house, but at it has a garden. a. list b. least large d. latest 66. Twelve prisoners are at ....... following a series of escapes, «. prison b. jail ¢ loose d. large 67.At the government is beginning to listen to our problems. a. last b. list «late d. latest a Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 6B. At ooueunee She is working abroad. a. least b. large ¢ present . nowadays 69. 1am at dn... to know how I can help you. a. loose b. loss lost d. loosing 70. | usually prefer staying at home to going out, but at... !:g0.0n a picnic with my friends. a. odds b. times glances d. moment 71. They are at nue ver the funding of the project. a. odds b. times loss d. large 72. The negotiations between the two countries are currently at a a. loss b, stop ¢ standstill d. stoppage 73. He could tell ata. that something was wrong. a. glance b. glimpse ¢. look . wink 74. If you find yourself at a........ end, you could always clean the bathroom. «a. loose b. loss lost d. loosing 75. If a criminal or a dangerous animal is on the ......, they have escaped from prison or from their cage. «@. loose b. loss large 4d. loosing 76, We put ou... Our tent before it got too dark to see what we were doing. up b. up with «down 4d. off 77. We put... our picnic, hoping the next day would be overcast. up b. up with «down d. off 78, After what you put her wn, I'd be surprised if she ever went out with you again. @.up b. through «down d. off 79, Stop putting the travel agent .......; it wasn’t her fault we missed our flight. up b. up with down d. aside 80. | know you love cooking, but | don't know how you put... the mess afterwards. a.up b. up with down 4. off 81. He managed to put... enough money to buy a car. @.up b. up with down d. aside 82. It's great that I've got the internet, but my computer set me... a month's pay. @. back bin off d.out 83. If drowsiness Sets wn. Stop taking the medication immediately. a, back bin off d. out 84. Could you please put the CD'S ......... in the same order that you found them? up b. through down d. back 85. If we set at dawn, we should arrive at the island by noon. @. back bein c off d. of 86. They are going to put a hotel ....... where the museum used to be. up b. up with down 87.1 can't put going to the dentist any longer. up b. up with «down d. off 88.1 am SOrTy tO pit YOU eurunun» this ordeal. up b. through down 89. Why did you have to put me wn... in front of everybody like that? up b. up with down d. off 2 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 90. | Can put nn. the house being untidy, but | hate it if it's not clean. up . up with . down 91. | put ...... a little every month for a deposit on a house. up b. up with «down 92. Buying that car must have set you ... a. back off d. out 93. if you get bitten by a dog, you have to make sure the wound is properly cleaned, or an infection could set... a. back bin c off d. out 94. Would you put the books........ when you have finished with them? a.up b. through «down . back 95, They have just set... on @ round-the-world cruise. a. back bin c off d. through 96. The boys have gone on a fishing with their father. @. trip b. journey trek d. hike 97. The band gave a rousing wn... of the Stone's classic "Brown Sugar”. «. translation b. execution rendition d. edition 98. His voice was barely... above the loud music. a. listened b. audible loud d. clear 99. | think you need a jacket; there Is d ....... breeze blowing outside. @. chilly b. frosty frigid 4d. glacial 100. He stood on the wu... of the ship and watched the seagulls dive for fish. floor b. ground . platform d. deck 101, The resort boasts @........ Beach and crystal clear sea. «a. pristine b. pure ¢. faultless d. untouched 102. The brother and sister were at........ over who would get to inherit the beach house. a stand still b.aloose end large d. odds 103, Guests are required to state for smoking or non-smoking accommodation upon booking. a. likeness b. care ¢. preference d. inclination 104. The city was under... for six months before it finally fell. «a. blockade b. cordon «closure d. siege 105, Itis impossible to travel in the ....u. heat of the desert. bubbling b. smoldering ¢ blistering 106. enjoy taking a bath as soon as | get home from work. a. restful b. gentle ¢. soothing d. mild 107. Frank has been the of the local history museum for over 10 years now. @. curator b. escort dean d. conductor 108, He found the fact that Suzan had been saving money secretly quite discordant b. discontenting disconcerting —_—_d. discouraging 109. The ceiling-high bookcase swayed for a few seconds, then crashed to the floor with a @, vociferous raucous ¢, boisterous d. deafening 110, Use the sou. to drain spaghetti, but make sure that you do it quickly enough so that it doesn't go cold. whisk b. colander ¢. saucepan d. grater 2B Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 111. After congratulating his team, the coach left, allowing the player to let the en. down for awhile. @. hair b. heads hearts d. souls 112. Turn to page 24 to find out at a which courses are available to you. look b. glance « stare d. glimpse 113, Mrs. Robinson great pride in her cooking. a. gets b. finds has d. takes 114 Sleep is. to our health, and lack of it can lead to many illnesses. a. needed b. required essential d. desirable 115, The aircraft experienced severe during the final approach, but the pilot kept his cool and landed it safely. «. turbulence b. instability cunsteadiness —_d. wavering 116. The road Was Very wennnee. 05 @ result of the overnight frost. «. slippery b. slick . slimy d. greasy 117. Following the accident, Sheila has been advised to take it... for a while. careful b. slow ¢ gradual d. easy The company #5 nu... investigation for suspected tax evasion. into b. under con din How do YOU wu... that he got that job without any experience? . suppose b. presume ¢ hypothesize d. believe The organizers expressed their at the poor attendance figures. dissention b. disturbance ¢ discourse d. dismay The notion of organ transplant ...u.uu. most people. a. avoids b. warns repels d. rebukes 122. Visiting the famine victims was a experience. a. harrowing b. worrying ¢. stressing d. terrorizing Job retraining in middle age is a/4M n.n.n.. for most people. unapproachable b. disheartening ¢. daunting . demoralizing Asking the staff to take a pay cut was a/an suggestion. @. absurd b. abstract ¢. abnormal d. absent 125, Negotiations between the union and the management are at a @. stoppage b. pause hurdle d. standstill 126, We are putting ....... our summer holidays until the weather gets a bit better. a. off b. down ©. through d. back 127, The car must have set Joe quite a bit; it's top of the range. a. off b. down © through d. back 128. | thought I'd like living in the country, but it wasn't long before boredom set and! was back to the city. a. off b. down cin d. back 129. Parents aren't always to blame their children's bad behavior. a. at b. for cin d. because 130, The fil i based wun the book of the same name. b. for con din 131 If you are allergic vu nuts, you should stay clear of Chinese food. a. to b. for con din 14 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,488 Maadi STEM School 132, Let's get going before the rain sets ato b. off con 133. They are setting .. early to beat the rush hour traffic. b. off con din 134. I'll never forgive her for what she put ME wvurnn a. off b. down ©. through d. back 135, Karen's husband is always putting her uv... in public. It's so embarrassing. off b. down ¢ through d. back 136. Romantic novels provide a/an....... from reality. a. escape b. escaping c escapist d. narrow escape 187, AAM cernones I something that helps you to forget about your usual life or problem. a. escape b. escaping escapist d. narrow escape 138. The supporters watched in... aS their team lost 6-0. a. dismal b. dismiss ¢ dismantle d. dismay 139, Aid workers were said to have been filled with by the appalling conditions that the refugees were living in a. dismal dismiss ¢. dismantle d. dismay 140, It must be... to see all your children grown up and happy. a. grateful b. grating . gratifying d. gratitude 141. tis, to note that already much has been achieved. @. grateful b. grating gratifying d. gratitude 142, The success rate in the exaM WAS wr. high. gratifyingly b. gratifying «sadly d. miserably 143. | shall be left with many memories of the time | spent in India. a. endemic b. endangered during d. enduring 144, We must encourage if the company is to remain competitive. innovative b. innovator innovation d. novice 145, Many people fee! bewildered by the speed of technological «. innovative b. innovator ¢. innovation d. novice 146. Growing boys have appetites. a. ravenously b. ravenous ravish d. raven tam _ where is supper? ravenously b. ravenous ravish d. raven twas hungry. a. ravenously b. ravenous ravish d. raven 149, The coat has a special surface that moisture. @. repeats b. repels ¢. pushes d. repeals 150, The defenders wun. the attack without losing any men. a. repeated b. repelled . pushed d. repealed 151. Similar poles of magnets ... each other, and opposite poles attract. @. repeat b. repel distract d. repeal 152, The road was covered With ..... Of glass from the shattered window. fragments b. fragrances fractions d, fractures 153, A sons i5.@ mall piece of something that has broken off or that comes from something larger. . fracture b. fragrance ¢. fraction d. fragment Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 154, Such prejudices cannot be corrected easily. a. ingredient b. ingrate ¢. ingrained d. close-grained 155. The belief that you should own your house is deeply .... .. in British Society. a. ingredient b. ingrate c. ingrained d. close-grained 156. The young cubs hungrily .......... the deer. a. devolved b. devoured c. devoted d. devalued 157. She is a very keen reader; ShE ............. one book after another. devolves b. devours c. devotes d. devalues 158. The government know they have to carefully on this issue. a. tread b. trade ¢. trad d. treat 159. Before the days of automation, they used to............. grapes to make wine. a. tread b. trade :. trad d, treat 160. Yuck! Look what I've just int! a. trodden b. traded c. trad d. treated Unit 4 1. My grandmother died at the old age of 92. 15 10, @, mature b. elderly ageing ripe After a lengthy period of care at home, she was first admitted to hospital, then to a home. a. nursing b. nurse nursery d, nurture Medicaid finances health care for poor families, many of the disabled and many elderly home patients. @. nursing b. nurse nursery d. nurture Eat less and exercise more if you want to live to a ripe age @. young b. mature cold d. ancient A. n-wheels service was started in Keyingham in 1963, which still operates and serves up to 20 people twice a week. a. food b. beans males d. meals Part-time workers were more likely to work for an employer who did not offer an occupational PENSION snr a. scheme b. skim » schema d. skimp Ihave less than a year to go before enn a. retire b. retirement retreat d. retard Tickets are available from Meadowbank Sports Centre on priced £3-£10 with reductions for under 16s and a. POAS b. APOs . PAOS d. OAPs The gang has struck at several homes in Monaghan, Cavan and Armagh stealing money from «@. pension b. pensioners ¢ mentioners d. mention Washington State gave its Schools for the 21st Century....... to any rules that stood in their way. @. waivers b. wavers waves d. wives 16 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 11. But while Stockton councillors yesterday agreed to put £19,000 towards the costs, Middlesbrough said they could spend no more than £10,000. a. cash-stripped _c. cash-strain d. cash-strained 12. The vast majority, 95 percent, of deaths certified as due to were among those aged 65 +. a, demerara b. demerit demand d. dementia 13. The couple found themselves by photographers as they left the church. @. hound b. hounded ¢ hounding d. hind 14, When her daughter didn't arrive, she became increasingly ur. a. agitate b. agitating agitated d.aged 15. must admit that before my baby was born I was very about motherhood. @. apprentice b. apprehend ¢. comprehensive d. apprehensive 16. He suffered from the kind of hypersensitivity which, unchecked or unguarded, would have... him. a. incarcerated b. incapacitated —_c. incarnated d. inactivated 17. Improved sewage and water services were in preventing disease. @. invective b. invaluable inveigle d. invalid 18. The couple were introduced to each other by @ van.» friend. @, mutant b. mutated mutual d. muted 19. He had the gun pointed at my head. | was absolutely. «. petrified ». petrifying c perify d. petrolhead 20. Before the attack I'd received several phone calls. a. threatened », threadbare «¢ threatening d. certified 21, Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh advised us to avoid costly, ........ Solutions to our capstone challenge. a. time-consume _b. time-consumed_¢. time-consuming _d. timekeeping 22. Although living to a ripe old ........ can only be a good thing, it brings with it a large number of problems that we have yet to deal with properly. a. age b, time © person a. life 23, Nursing un... all need more investment if we wish our elderly to live as fulfilled and independent a life as possible. a. flats b. apartments © floors d. homes 24, The meals-on-....... service and many other services would not have had to be cut. a. cars b, motors wheels d. whales 25. Young people today are encouraged to start saving with personal ..... schemes as early as possible. «@. pension b. passion © penal d. mansion 26. Start saving now to ensure an adequately financed a. retire b. retirement retreat d. retard 27. Providers should pay special to preventive services for elderly immigrants. a. attention b. intention © attendance d. extension 28. Most health plans must cover a set of services, like shots and screening tests, at no cost to pensioners. . previous b. progress ©. preventive d. prevented 29. Dozens of. are hoping that they will be provided better health care services. . pension b. pensioners ¢. mentioners . mention 30. Many OAPs have been reduced to.......... and are petrified that they may be going to jail a. OAs b. OAP ¢. teens d. tears v7 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,488 Maadi STEM School 31. The cash-strapped pensioners are in receipt of a full bin @. waver b. waiver c. weevil d. fever 32. An agitated 82-year-old man With ........ also had to face the civil summons for the alleged debt ofter returning from care. a. dimension b. dime ¢. demean d. dementia 33, His son said, "This is an appalling situation where elderly people are being... for cash even though they are in receipt of a full waiver. @. hound b. hounded ¢. hounding d. hind 34. Ronny Jones was found guilty of the wn... of @ 15-year-old girl @. murder b.embezzlement _c. trespassing d. vandalism 35. Federal prosecutors have established that corrupt private contractors and government officials ‘more than $ 2.5 million from the department. a. kidnapped b. murdered c. embezzled d. trespassed 36. We nearly ran over a couple of who walked out in front of the car. «. jaywalkers b. kidnappers ¢. trespassers d. hijackers 37. She denied murdering her husband but pleaded guilty t0 wren» « @. murder b. manslaughter —_c. womanslaughter d. innocence 38. Finding some walls covered in graffiti, the policeman accused them of @. fraud b. slander littering 4d. vandalism 39, Shreds of plastic, old iron, glass, animal bones both sides of the path. a, littered b. embezzled «. trespassed d. murdered 40. Landale is calling for more laws to protect consumers against nou. a. trespassing b. fraud ¢. vandalism d. littering 41. The spread like wildfire and was only checked when the drunk who invented it confessed in a magistrates court. @. vandalism b, murder . loitering d. slander 42. A policeman suspected him for, and he couldn't justify why he was at that place for hours. «. loitering with pretend b. loitering with intent ¢. loitering with intend d. loitering with a tent 43, Preston was a victim of a three months ago. a. fugging b, mugging ¢. rugging d. running 44, She threatened to sue the magazine fOr .nm « @. vandalism b, murder ¢. manslaughter d. libel 45, Terrorists have a French officer and are demanding $400,000 from the French government. «a. loitered b. trespassed murdered d. kidnapped 46. Carlson was fined $1000 for wn... on government property. «. trespassing b. murdering ¢. kidnapping 4. jaywalking 47. Because she was a minor without a prior record, the young teenager was let off with a «@. capital punishment b. court warning _. prison term d. probation 48, The US is one of the last countries in the Western world which still imposes ...... for murder. @. capital punishment b. court warning —_c. prison term d. parole 49. Due to good behavior, the inmate was released on sentence. su after having served only a third of his @. capital punishmentb. court warning _¢. prison term d. parole 50. Many say that imposing a ‘on people who speed is an inadequate form of punishment. «a. revocation of a privilege b. fine ©. parole d. prison term 18 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 51. The actor was ordered to do sixty hours of. after being arrested for fighting in a public place. «a. revocation of a privilege b. court warning ©. community service d. capital punishment 52. Considering his long criminal history, the judge sentenced the thief to a 10-year 2. community service b. capital punishment c. prison term d. court warning 53. It is forbidden for those on to leave the city or country of residence. @. parole b. probation ¢. community service d. fine 54, ssmmnmen iS effective in that it restricts your right to do something that you normally do for granted. «a. revocation of a privilege b. court warning ¢. community service d. capital punishment 55, We need an executive order t0 wun. federal contracts of businesses that hire illegal workers. a. trespass b. vandalize revoke d. execute 56. The men each received a 30-year prison ... a. jail b. probation semester d. term 57. The 31-year-old rap executive has been in jail since October for violations. a. fine b. parole ¢. probation 4. capital punishment 58. Hubbell went to prison for 18 months and is now out on a. community service b, capital punishment court warning d. parole 59. This whole... ... thing is becoming a real pain in the neck for a civilized society. «@. revocation of a privilege b. court warning ¢. community service d. capital punishment 60. He was banned from driving for 6 months and ordered to do 200 hours of. «a. revocation of a privilege b. court warning ¢. community service d. capital punishment 6LA will be imposed for overstaying your visa. a. fine b. parole ¢. probation d. copital punishment 62. | was stunned by the news, and my initial wu. WAS anger. @. react b. reactant reactor d. reaction 63. The murder of the young girl .......@ violent reaction from her family. «@. originated b. produced c. developed d. raised 64, The project has been put off because they couldn't find a location, a. due b. suitable valid d. right 65. STEM students are known t0 wn. Challenges at their capstone projects with unique professionalism. @. order control d. handle 66. She fears envy, so she tries to her kids out of sight. a. cover b. pack c keep d. hold 67. There was a dramatic... in his attitude towards investing in oi a. change b. turn c. switch d. swing 68. Three shots were heard being before the murder was discovered. @. thrown b. aimed pulled . fired 69. Jana found a big sum of money in the street and handed it in to the police. She is really honest; she isa a. scarcity b. unavailability rarity d. shortage 70. The future ..1.u. of the company was discussed at the meeting. . way b. line ¢. plan d. direction 19 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,488 Maadi STEM School 71. If you get enough sleep, your body well. . practices b. serves ¢. functions d. exercises 72. The company's plan to build a new factory in the area... very strong reaction from the public. @. originated b. produced ¢. developed d. raised 73. The plans for the new shelter were abandoned because @ ....... location could not be found. a. due ». suitable valid d. right 74, He is KNOWN £0 wn. Challenges at work with unique professionalism. @. order bun ¢. control d. handle 75. Maria's boss told her that personal items such as photographs should be out of sight. a. covered b. packed kept d. held 76. There has been a dramatic... in the public's attitude towards borrowing from banks. @. change b. turn . switch d. swing 77. The witness said that he heard two shots being ....... before seeing two men running down the street. @. thrown b. aimed pulled . fired 78, Ted went to the police and handed in the money he found in the street; honest people like him are a snmnen nOWAdOYS. @. scarcity unavailability ¢. rarity d. shortage 79. The board held a meeting to discuss the future of the organization. a. way b. line ¢. plan d. direction 80. Vegetable fats, not as harmful as animal fats, can nevertheless result in gaining weight. a. though b. yet even d. still 81. If you take regular exercise, your BOdY w.nun. more effectively. a. practices b. serves ¢. functions d. exercises 82. It will be, as usual, the taxpayer who will be the bill. «a. footing b. legging ¢. handing d. chewing 83. Photographer Christopher Occhicone spent months following a group of addicts who live on the conn Of Society. a. fridges b. friends ¢. fringes d. brings 84, One day, after years of violent abuse from her husband, she took the law....... her own hands. a. by b. with ¢. into d. onto 85. I nnn tO birds with one stone and picked the kids up on the way to the station. a. killed . caught ¢. threw d, murdered 86. The convict threw himself on the....... of the court when he pleaded guilty. @. fancy b. mirth mercury d. mercy 87. There have been new procedures to w..n.. the generation gap. a. block 6. fill: ©. bridge d. merge 88. We hope for a world where the rule of law, not the law of......., governs the conduct of nations. @. wood b. jungle . circus d. judges 89. Taking money out of the hospital's budget for this is simply ........ Peter to pay Pau a. embezzling b. stealing ¢. robbing d. frauding 90. He made a... 0n the stock exchange. He made a lot of money in a short time, @. murder b. killing ¢. manslaughter d. gap 91, He never donates money to foreign organizations; he thinks....... begins at home. a. donation b. donating ¢. charitable d. charity 20 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,.4&8 Maadi STEM School 92. As usual, we the taxpayers will end up for the new animal shelter that the government is so busy boasting about. «@. footing the bill b. robbing Peter to pay Paul ¢. making a killing d. taking the law 93, Soon after the thief had selling his stolen goods, he was arrested for robbing the computer shop. a. footed the bill b, robbed Peter to pay Paul . made a killing d. taken the law 94, Why not and have unemployed people plant trees in areas that have been devastated by fire? «. foot the bill . take the law into our own hands ¢. rob Peter to pay Paul d. kill two birds with one stone 95. In many inner-city area, ...... prevails. The police have little or no control. «. the law of the jungle b. on the fringes of society ¢. generation gap 4d. cultural gap 96. Vagrants, being both homeless and jobless, lve .. «. the law of the jungle b. on the fringes of society ¢. generation gap d. cultural gap 97. My grandad never contributed to international aid groups. He always said that ... and that England had enough poor people to help. «a. rob Peter to pay Paul b. charity begins at home . foot the bill d. take the law into your own hands 98, Many Third World countries are borrowing from the World Bank to pay off their national debts; to my mind simply a case of. - a. robbing Peter to pay Paul b. bridging the generation gap ¢. footing the bill d. taking the law into your own hands 99, My community is attempting t0 s..m.u.m. by having its youth group members put on shows at the local retirement home. a. rob Peter to pay Paul b. bridge the generation gap ¢. foot the bill d. take the law into your own hands 100. Knowing that his guilt was obvious, the young delinquent ,, hoping for a lighter sentence. a. robbed Peter to pay Paul b. threw himself on the mercy of the court ¢. footed the bill d. took the law into your own hands 101 Despite his rage at being assaulted by his employer, the victim did not. but waited patiently for the outcome of the trial «a. rob Peter to pay Paul b. throw himself on the mercy of the court . foot the bill d. take the law into his own hands 102. ‘The newspaper reported that Wynn and his legal .. Set up a separate company to handle the settlement, which helped hide the payment. 2. guides b. representatives presenters d. barristers 103. Legal neuen. are lawyers specialized in a specific field of the law and are employed to prevent their clients from any legal implications or consequences. a. guides b. representatives ¢ presenters d. advisors 104. She accused her employer of unlawful dismissal and Won the uu... a. condition b. case d. cash d. cascade 2 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 105, v-mnesnn i$ an instruction made by a court telling someone what they can or cannot do. a. Court case b. Court order d. Court discussion 4d. Court debate 106. Refugees are accorded special protection under ... . law. @. economic b. native d. domestic d. international 107. Under the un. law, no one is allowed to photograph military areas. a. military b. native c. domestic d. international 108. is a record of a person's criminal history. World record —_b. New record ¢. Police record d. Phonograph record 109. Local people are calling for a police into the accident. a. inquiry b. inquire request d. require 110. Her husband was serving a life ..for murder. 4. jail b. prison ¢. sentence d, clause DUD Life snnsnean 18 any sentence of imprisonment for a crime under which convicted persons are to remain in prison either for the rest of their natural life or until paroled. a. jail . prison imprisonment d. clause 112. The minutes continued: The Cabinet then discussed the question of the abolition of punishment. @. capital ¢. town 4d. major 113. There must Be @ ea...» punishment for drug dealing. a. heavy b. weighty severe d. several 114 Everyone is against the clock to get things ready in time. @. running b. marathoning —_¢. going d. racing 115. Have you ever done anything that was against your better euru.? a. judgement b. judge ¢. decision d. opinion 116. She managed to win the trophy against all «@. things b. odds rods . muds 117 This is the second time I've been passed ...... for promotion, out bon cover d. away 118. SOFrY to Ct ...nm YOU, but there are one or two things | don't understand. @.0n bin cin on d. back 119, Several major hospitals are cutting staff at the moment. ain b. back inon d. back on 120, Pearly passed num. when | saw alll the blood. a. out b.on cover d. away 121 By getting the design right, you can cut accidents, ain b. down c.inon d. down on 122 When his wife died, he cut himself other people. off b. off from cover d, away on 123. I'm trying to CUt serum. Caffeine. ain b. down cin on . down on 124, She's terribly upset because her father passed last week, out b. down cover d. away 125. Her father passed ....... last month and left her a big fortune. a. out bon «down d. over 2 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM Schoo! 126. The woman alleges that her employers passed her wun... promotion because she was pregnant. a. over b. over for away d. out 127 Could you pass it Laura when you've finished reading it? on b. over conto d.overon 128 A is a legal representative who officially accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a court of law. «. barrister b. judge «. solicitor d. prosecutor 129. A is a low-ranking police officer. @. barrister b. constable juror d. prosecutor 130, A someone 15.0 lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares documents (e.g. wills) and cases. «a. barrister b. judge «. solicitor d. prosecutor BBL A vnsune iS @ lawyer who represents clients in the higher courts of law. a. barrister b judge ¢. solicitor d. prosecutor 132 A is a person (not a lawyer) who can act as a judge in a local criminal case. barrister bs. justice of the peace c. solicitor d. prosecutor 133. A ssn iS. one of twelve members of the jury, made up of members of the public, whose duty is to hear the cases for and against the accused and reach a verdict of guilty or innocent. «@. barrister b. constable juror d. prosecutor 134, A is a legal professional who presides over a court of law. a. barrister b. judge ¢. solicitor d. prosecutor 135, The prisoners sou during the night. reached a verdict b. broke out of prison made an arrest d. passed a law 136. He tooka against the exploitation of young children. @. posture b. verdict stand d. stack 137 The police this morning at the corner shop. arrested b,madeaprison —_c. did an arrest d, made an arrest 138. The accused is going to... his crime if he is found guilty a. pay b. pay for ¢. imprison d. imprison for 139. ‘The children wanted to. the trouble they caused. a.domends for _b. make mends for _c. do amends for d. make amends for 140. We must ..... to protect the environment. do our bit b. make our bit ¢. do our bits d, make our bits 141. Mr. Smith took the....... for the vandalism that his son caused to the school. a. frame b. blade «blame d. game 142 Ifyou run a red light, you will a. reach averdict — . paya fine © pay attention d. pass a law 143, Mie suns, the law two weeks ago. a. damaged b. broke down c. passed d. broke 144. ‘The parliament... three laws last week. 2. damaged . fragmented ©. passed d. broke down 145, To avoid any misunderstandings, my boss van.u.. the law. broke passed ¢. put down d. laid down 146. After having _ John Hexter was released yesterday. «. laid down the law b. served time in prison c. pleaded guilty d. reached a verdict. 23 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM Schoo! 147. He was served with a...... when he kidnapped his daughter. @. warrant b. warranty prison 4. jail 148. When you wu... @ crime, you must be punished for it. @. make b. commit © pass d. break 149, The jury has nnn @ verdict. @. arrived b. paid reached d. formed 150. The accused could not ... to support his case. reach a verdict b. pass a law ¢ plead guilty d. give evidence 151. The suspect was seen........ with intent outside of the jewellery store. . lying b. loitering waiting d. standing 152 The careless driver was charged with . @, manslaughter b. killing murder d. homicide 153, ThE vane asked the judge to impose a life sentence because of the severity of the crime. @. accuser be critic ¢ prosecutor d. juror 154. The decision to build a nuclear reactor in the area... @ very strong reaction from the local community. a. raised originated ¢ developed d. produced 155. Paul's ability to ....@ challenge made him the perfect candidate to head up the new sales division. @. control b. handle run d. order 156. Several members of the environmental group were arrested at the scene. a. force b. stressing ©. compelling d. pressure 157. David Sylvester is considered to be d wv... authority on modern art. «. leading bs. first ©. premier d.main 158. Amnesty International is an internationally recognized ....... organization. @. humanitarian b. people's ¢ human d. popular 159, Travellers should have no problems finding assistance as the organization is... in several other European countries. a. acted for b. represented embodied d. stood for 160. The documentary skillfully depicts a nation... crisis. ain b.on under dat In Britain, ....». authorities are responsible for handling the budgets of public services. regional b. native ¢. local d. resident 162. You'll have to go into the bank if you want money, the cash machine isn't correctly. «@. practising b. serving ¢. exercising d. functioning 163, It's time the government....... a stand against tax evaders and began prosecuting them. a. had b, took d. gave 164, I'd like to make wun. for crashing your car. Let me pay for the repairs. improvements _, corrections amends d. adjustments 165. I don't want to sound like I'm........ the law, but if you don't keep the noise down, you will have to leave. @. putting in ». laying down ©. passing over 4. giving over 166. The painting's value goes ........ economic measurement; it also has sentimental value. «. far from b. ahead of ¢. beyond d. outside 167. _ It's the government's responsibility to ....... for the sick. a. care b. treat ¢. guard d. cure 24 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM Schoo! 168, SharON nen the old man when she did some volunteer work at the shelter. a. friend b, became friends . made friends 4d. befriended 169. Nathan is taking part in a research ...... on the effects of GM foods. a. job b, task & mission d. project 170, ‘America holds elections every four years. «. presidential b. president presiding d. presided IL Business is neu. in the convenience food industry. blowing b. booming . bustling d. bursting 172. A police... said that an investigation would be launched into the incident. a. spokesperson _b. speaker c envoy d.agent 173. Building on this part of the island is «a. disallowed b. precluded ©. barred d. prohibited 174. Sniffer dogs are able to locate survivors beneath the rubble with @. precision b. correctness ¢.meticulousness d. exactitude 175. punishment has been abolished in most countries of the world. Major b. Final ¢. Copital d. Foremost 176. Politicians today have to be highly. articulate . artful articulated d. artistic 177. The managing director has just arrived and he looks as though he ...... business. @. wants b. does means d. has 178 I've agreed to work at the dog shelter twice a week on a(n)....... basis. @. voluntary b. unpaid c free d. optional 179. There are reductions for... citizens and students. «a. pensioner bold ¢. major d. senior 180. The government has voiced its commitment to ........ opportunities in the workplace. 2. equal b. similar ¢ unbiased d. same 181, svmmnnanes My better judgement, | agreed to lend him my car. On b. Against «Under d. For 182. Unemployed people tend to feel cut......... from the rest of society. ain b.on «down d. off 183, Roy was passed for promotion in favour of a younger collegue. a. off b. down away dover 184 When my parents passed w.n.u., the left me the house and a sizeable amount of money. a. off b. down away d. into 185. George decided to take the law......... his own hands and find the culprit. a. off b. down away d. into The doctor advised Liz to cut....... on fatty and salty foods. off b. down away into If you break ...... of prison, they will add another year to your sentence. a. off b. down away d.out Itwas a race the clock to get everything ready in time for the conference. over b. down away d. against 189. Overexercising can lead........ muscle strain and a weakened immune system. ato b. down away d. into 190. Very few scientists are willing to go......... the establishment for fear of losing credibility. a. down b. against away d.over Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School Unit 8 1- Companies are prohibited... from firing staff without good reason. a. by chance b. by the way ¢. by law d, by the book 2- Tony had to take extra classes in order to his school work. a. keep to b. keep up with . keep back d. keep on 3- Ihave been asked to alist of all those who are willing to work overtime this week. a. compile b. condense condemn d. compel 4- Ihope the meeting doesn’t....... for too long; | have an appointment at four o'clock. @. drag down b. drag out drag in d. drag on 5- Julie has been working on her homework... all evening; she really makes an effort with her studies. a. assessment assignment «. tutorial 4. finals 6 Carl has been given a... pay increase, so he is able to afford a new car. a. severe b. substantial © spontaneous _—_d. sheltered 7 Treally must ....... my tennis skills before the match on Saturday. a. flick through —_—b. pluck out ¢. brush up on d. pull down 8 Ihave told him time and time again not to the younger children, but he just doesn’t listen. a. coax b. bribe ©. coerce d. bully 9- Ican’t stand the way Robert thinks he is better than everyone else; he is so... @. arrogant b. exuberant ¢. voracious d. opinionated 10-| don’t know why you asked Sam to... the journey; he’s always getting lost. a. irrigate b. cultivate ¢. navigate d. secrete 11- To be successful in any field usually requires a. perseverance —_b. persecution . prescription 4. persimmon AR MEWS eons that he would fail his exams as he had hardly studied at all. a. inexact b. inexpert ¢. inevitable d. invariable 13- Without a ,, It was impossible to tell which way we should be going, a. compass b. campus ruler d. watch 14- She is 50 nosy; she is always trying to in other people’s affairs. a. middle b. meddle c mettle d. merge 15- It was extremely .. ... to see Kate get her degree, especially as | had helped her with her studies throughout her course. 2. gratifying b. gratifyingly ¢. gratified d. grateful 16- Richer countries should do more to help the victims of .. . in third-world countries. @. feminine b. femininity ¢ famine . family 17- Even though he was rich and successful, he did not uu his working class roots and always remembered where he came from. a. miss b. dismiss ¢. disable d. disagree 18- There is a. of staff at this school, which means that classes are much larger than they should be. a. shortage b. stoppage shorthand d. shortness 19- Why don’t we do something s-ssney lke throwing a party tonight! a. simultaneous _b. spontaneous ©. spooky 4d. sporadic 25 26 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 20-It is hard for us to understand how... the universe really is, because our brains cannot conceive of such great distances. @. minute b. tiny ¢. extravagant d. immense 21-All homes should be fitted with a to ensure that people have an early warning in the event of a fire, a. smoke detector b. sprinkler system c. multiplication table 4d. kitchen machine 22: Only minor changes should be made at the nnn Stage as you should only be checking for typing errors. «a. editing b. scanning ¢. proof-reading d. cramming 23-We can’t that the operation will be successful, but there is a 95 percent chance that it will work. @. guarantee b. assuage ¢. encompass d. think 24- The term “let someone go” is often used 45 (1) on...» for firing someone. «@. slogan b oxymoron ¢. euphemism d. contraband 25-I can’t stand talking to people who never listen to my point of view. «@. bigoted opinionated ¢ arrogant d. greedy 26- Steve has SUCH @ wu... appetite; he never stops eating! «@. voracious b. wide wretched d. perverse 27- He was sure he had failed his exam, so he was delighted to find that he had passed ... - a. with flying colours b. the grade ©. by heart d. by the sideway 28-Can you help me to memorise this passage? I have to learn it for tomorrow's lesson. a. by chance b. by and large ©. by law d. by heart 29- Without a degree, it can be hard to get your foot in the . of any business these days. @. way b. grade ¢. door d. gate 30-| can’t believe the teacher didn’t like my essay; | put my heart and 2... into writing it. a. mind b. spirit soul d. fingers 31- Now, you need to make a good impression on your new teachers, so mind os a. the grade b. with flying colours ¢. by heart d. your P's and Q's 32- Stanley knows all about history, so why don’t you pick his... questions? .. instead of asking me all these «@. attention b. information brains d.eyes 33- There’s no way Gary will get lost; he knows the WoOds liKE woneun + a. his fingers b. the back of his hands. —_c. the book d. the streets 34-Ben didn’t get a promotion. Even though he works hard, he just doesn’t make. a. the grade b. the degree «job d. decision 35-The naughty children were suspended from school in the hope that it would teach them a. by heart b, by the book calesson d. the grade 36-All our travel arrangements fell By sn: when the airline company went bankrupt. a. the way b. the wayside ¢. the book d. and large 37-A: liked the music. B: The was written by Elton John. a. script b. lines ©. score d. writing 38-She didn't go to university; she got her MA through distance ... «@. schooling b. learning . education d. teaching 39-The government will pay the ...u... fees for those who go on to train as teachers. «. tuition b. schooling ¢ teaching d. learning 27 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 40- Linda passed all of her exams with flying a. ease b. colours © speed d. looks A1- We engaged i110... debate on the causes of truancy. a. vivid b. alive living d. lively 42-Pete says he doesn't need to study because he is awfully good at. : @. jamming b. cramming ¢. cramping 4. ramming 43- Go through this document and ...... any discrepancies with a coloured marker. a. show up b. stress emphasize d. highlight 44-If you want to draw a perfect circle, you'll have to use a @. drawer b. roller ruler d. compass 45-In order to carry out this experiment, you need @ test smu... and Bunsen burner. a, tube b. cylinder © hose 4. pipe 46- The information contained in this guide book is too to be of any use. @. archaic b. antiquated cearly d. outdated 47-| didn't realise Jane had such a singing voice. a. pleasurable b. pleased . pleasant d. pleasure 48- my grandfather didn't have a(n) . education, but he was an avid reader. a. standard b. formal 6 official d. prescribed 49-Shirley gets away with handing in her homework late because she's the teacher's... @. bird c pet 50-Although she was dedicated, Tina failed to make the as a professional dancer. a. success b, top grade d. mark 51- Among the sun. at the fair there is an aromatherapy and massage tent. «a. attractions b. appeals ¢. temptations d.enticements 52-If you think you have a(n) ........ complaint, please put it in writing and address it to the complaints department. @. lawful b. authorised legitimate 4d. permissible 53-Alll the major heads of state were present at the ........ of the agreement. @. sign b. signature . signing d. signal 54- Ed knows London like the back of his ........ He used to be a cab driver. a. head b. hand mind d. life 55- Applicants are required to pay a small registration w....u. of £ 15,00 towards administration costs. a. cash b. prize «fee 4. bill 56- They don't need to advertise; they get most of their business by word of @. mouth b. legend myth d.ear 57-Grey rarely goes out; he spends most of his time in books. @. sunk b. immersed ¢. submerged 4d. captivated 58-To be a good vet, you have to have a a, thought b. stroke d. feel 59- through the brochure and see if anything takes your fancy. a. Flip b. Flock «Fly d. Flick 60- During the war, many histori... were pulled down by the invaders. a. headstones b. memorials ¢. tombstones d. monuments 61- If you want to park in this street, you'll have to apply for a parking ... a. licence b. card certificate d. credential 28 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 62-The school board are disappointed with this year's poor A-level . a. degrees b. outcomes results 4. qualifications 63- The suspect claims he WAS w..... into leaking the information. @. made b. convinced c pressed d. coerced 64-It was obvious he was Only wu... interest in my proposal. a. affecting b. pretending . forging 4. copying 65- Many «nnn. Of reptiles are popular as pets a. varieties b, types . forms d. species 66-As far as the weather is concerned, we can expect d ....... performance of last year's low temperatures @. repeat revised recurring d. persistent 67-It's important to Keep wun with developments in teaching methods. a.up b. back con 68-The Chairman's speech dragged... until it was time to leave. ain b.on cout d.down 69-A few people will be kept. will have to go. in the accounts department, but the rest of the administrative staff up b. back con 70- Inspector Lynch insists on doing everything ........ the book. He's a stickler for rules and regulations. @. with b.on cin 71-1 don't know what you're worried about; there is nothing ....... it. Just jump! a. with bon cin 72- Professor Frost is ....... the old school; he believes in discipline and respect. bin cof d. from 73- We discovered the hotel quite ........ chance when we lost our way. a. with b.on cin 74- If you want your business to succeed, you have to Keep wun @ plan. a. with bon cin 75- Don't let your friends drag you Stand up for yourself. ain b.on cout . down 76- The exam results were, and large, pretty good this year. a. with bon cin 77- The school is thought to be highly innovative in that it implements a system of continUOUS wun tO determine grades. a, tests b. assessment « finals d. quizzes 78- One could hear the sound of lively coming from the room where the philosophy class was being held. @. quarrel b. debate «talk d. argument 79- My brother, who wants to join the clergy, has just entered a . a. seminary b. university ¢. course d. college 80-It was inevitable that the would be well-attended as it was being given by the renowned professor, Kurt Reimann, @. seminar b. lecture tutorial d. seminary 81- There's no way I'll be able to come. I've got to hand in a two thousand Word... on the Russian Revolution by Monday afternoon. a. assignment b. project ¢. paragraph d. essay 29 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 82- Stephen was caught... from his fellow student's test paper and was expelled. @. copying b. plagiarising «. stealing 4d. robbing 83-/f you're really interested in applying, ask the university to send YOU @ wu... for the upcoming year. @. prospect b. syllabus . prospectus d. curriculum 84-1 must say for a woman who is supposed to be articulate, the Dean's welcoming speech was quite @. boring b. pleasant moving d. inspirational 85- The life of Anne Sullivan, Helen keller’s teacher, serves as a(n) vu... message to all of those who work with the diabled. @. boring b. pleasant ¢ spatial 4d. inspirational 86- The head girl's words were Very nu, and several of her fellow classmates were in tears before she finished. @. boring b. pleasant moving d. organized 87-The kindergarten teacher had a(n) singing voice, and as a result her young students loved the time they spent learning new songs. «@. boring b. pleasant ugly d. pleased 88- Most schools in the country have opted to teach .... Greek as opposed to ancient Greek. @, modern b. advanced cnew d.old 89- The elderly professor was let go as he refused to change his........ teaching practices. @. modern b. advanced cnew d. archaic sorry, but our institution seeks to maintain a traditional standard; your ideas are just to. . for us, a. ancient b. conventional advanced d. suitable 91- The reference book was published over 20 years ago, so some of the information it contains is probably rather @. modern b. advanced cnew d. dated 92- My parents earned a(n) ........ income and were unable to send me to music classes. @. extravagant . substantial . immense d. modest 93- Her... praise embarrassed the child so badly that he refused to draw any more pictures in art class. @. extravagant b. substantial natural d. normal 94-To the head master's delight, each and every one of his pupils was accepted into Oxford university. @. extravagant b. little immense d. modest 95- Although he paid a(n) amount of money for his daughter's education, she has never held down a steady job. @. extravagant b. little ¢ moderate d. modest 96-In the past, many history books were .... towards those countries that had lost wars. a. biased b, tolerant open-minded based 97-You may well have a PhD in philosophy, but to my mind you are both....... and racist. a. based b. tolerant open-minded d. bigoted .98- My grandfather is very opinionated about certain things, but at least he iS... of co-educational schooling. a. biased b, tolerant ©. bigoted d. based 99- His .u.ueuen attitudes towards progressive education won him a position at the prestigious college. «. biased b. bigoted open-minded —_d. based 30 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1,2,4&8 Maadi STEM Schoo! 100- John's excuse for not doing his homework was that he had been too tired, but the teacher this as nonsense. a. dismissed b. denied ignored d. refused 101- — Gable's theory a lot of interest from the scientific community. pulled b, took attracted d. engaged 102- ‘The of new technology is bound to revolutionise the function of the classroom. @. approach b. entrance opening d. advent 103- Writing is generally considered @ More wn... task than reading. a. severe b. thorough demanding d. critical 104- The library will be in the old building on Bridge Street. sheltered b. housed included d. contained 105- earning has proved highly popular in remote parts of Australia and Canada. a. Post graduate —_b. Higher c. Long-distance 4. Compulsory 106- Inthe UK schooling lasts up until the age of sixteen. a. Post graduate —_b. Higher ¢. Long-distance d. Compulsory 107- Nowadays, 0... Certificate does not necessarily guarantee a place in the job market. a. school-leaving compulsory ¢. long-distance d. 2-year 108- Please forward the £ 100 ..u.uu-w. fee along with your completed application. «. tuition b. registration learning d. schooling 109- Stella already has a Bachelor of Arts, but she is now working towards attaining a degree. a. first-rate b. school-leaving _c. long-distance d. Master's 110- My father opened a bank account for me on the day | was born to ensure that | would PeCEWVE O suru education. a. compulsory ». formal c. higher 4d. post-graduate 111- — NowlI've got this job abroad, | think | had better take 0 en... course in Spanish. refresher b. post graduate —_¢. compulsory d. higher 112- twill take him at least a year to €47M Gn...» diploma in child psychology. a. Post graduate —_b. Higher ¢. Long-distance 4d. Compulsory 113- Now Johnny, if you're coming to see your sister in the school play, you're to be quiet and a. make the grade 'b, mind your P's and Q's . pass with flying colours d. be of the old school 114- _Ican remember as a child the difficult time | had learning multiplication tables .. a. by heart b. by memory c. by brain d. by mind 115- Don't mind your father. He and believes that some jobs are just not meant to be done byaman. a. as easy as one, two, three b. of the old school . the teacher's pet d. with flying colours 116- The children jeered their classmate in the school yard with the cruel chant of, " Suzie wo.uu-!" a. is the teacher's pet b. is of the old school ¢. 15 as easy as on, two, three d. made the grade 117- Everybody here is fine , and Steve has just finished his finals, Which R€ v.n.0.m @, made the grade b. passed with flying colours c. knew like the back of his hand d. learnt by heart 31 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,4&8 Maadi STEM School 118- If you don't study harder, there is no way that you will. a. make the grade b. learn by heart ¢. be the teacher's pet d. be of the old schoo! 119- I've been studying this list of historical dates for hours, and | a. am of the old school b. am the teacher's pet ¢. know them like the back of my hand —_d. mind my P's and Q's 120- There's nothing to geometry; it a. is the teacher's pet b. is of the old school c. is as easy as on, two, three d. made the grade 121- Her plans to become a teacher fell by the........ when she was forced to drop out of school to look after her younger siblings. @. way band large ¢ chance 4. wayside 122- BY the sun, did you know that Susan finished at the top of her graduating class? a. way band large chance d. wayside 123- By ,, found my old school uniform while | was cleaning out the attic. book band large chance . wayside 124- We heard about the private sch00! BY s...nn « book b. and large word of mouth — d. wayside 125- If we are going to do this right, we'll have to do it by : «a. the book band large ¢ chance d. wayside 126- Don't worry if you don't understand the theory behind it; you'll catch on by . way band large and by 4. wayside 127- BY wmmneuey the number of people leaving school without obtaining a qualification is not on the rise. a. way b. and large ¢. the book d. the wayside 128-— BY ven, all institutes of learning must be equipped with smoke detectors and sprinkler systems. @. chance b. the wayside word of mouth — d. law 129- You've had all the advantages in the world. Why would you get involved with that man when he'd only drag you ? a. down bout con din 130- your study plan throughout the academic year and you're sure to do well. Keep back b. Keep to ©. keep on 4. Drag down 131-—— Inorder to... Your classmate during your recovery, you'll have to do a lot of revising at home. @. keep back b. keep to ¢. keep on d. keep up with 132- The teacher managed to drag a confession......... the naughty pupil b.on out of d.down 133-1 REED nouns 10% of my pay each week for when Tommy attends university. ato b. up with con d. back 134 Why did you the fact that you had never graduated in front of your new boss? drag on b. dragin ¢. drag out of d. keep on 135- The Lecture vrennones Well into the afternoon. a. dragged on b. dragged in ¢ dragged out of | d. kept on 136- The college kept the elderly gardener......... even after he was too old to do much work. ain b. back con d..up with 32 Upstream C1 Revision Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh Units 1, 2,488 Maadi STEM School 137- The arrogant young man managed to....... the information that he had three post-graduate degrees. @. drag in b. drag down . keep back d. keep on 138- As the long winter ......., the poor student pored over her text books night after night. dragged on . dragged in dragged out of | d. kepton 139- Even though he worked a full time job while getting his diploma, Sam managed to his studies. a. keep back b.keepupwith —_c. keep on d. drag in 140- —Agood lecture will the syllabus in order not to confuse students. a. keep back b. keep upwith _c. keep on d. keep to 141- Just admit you plagiarised your essay; he will you sooner or later anyway. a. drag it out of b. drag it in ¢. drag it on d. drag it down 5E lale og! STEM Gb BU chtol Cent hare pies Maadi STEM School

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