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‘THE INDIAN SCHOOL, KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN SECOND TERM EXAMINATION, JAN-2023 CHEMISTRY MARKS: 70 Time: 3 hours Read the following instructions carefully. a) There are 35 questions (6 pages) in this question paper with internal choice. b) SECTION A consists of 18 multiple-choice questions carrying 1 mark each. ¢) SECTION B consists of 7 very short answer questions carrying 2 marks each. d) SECTION C consists of § short answer questions carrying 3 marks each, ¢) SECTION D consists of 2 case- based questions carrying 4 marks each. f) SECTION E consists of 3 long answer questions carrying 5 marks each. g) All questions are compulsory. hh) Use of calculator is not allowed. SECTION A The following questions are multiple-choice questions with one correct answer. Each question carries 1 mark. There is no internal choice in this section. 1 The aqueous salt solution of KBr is- a)acidie b)basic c)neutral_—_d) None of these 2 The number of moles present in 36 gms of carbon is~ @2 W)15 ©5 @3 (At. Mass of C=12u) 3 Whatis the pH of a 0.10 M solution of barium hydroxide, Ba (OH)z? (@) 11.31 (6) 11.7 (©) 13.30 (4) None of these 4 The entropy of a perfectly crystalline solid is zero at . a)20K, b)0K c)273K —d)273°C 5 Solution which resist the change in pH when small amount of acid or base is added is called. a) Ideal solution b) buffer solution c) solid solution d) None of these 6 Ammonia behave as-- (a) Lewis Acids (b) Lewis Base (c) Aprotic Acid d) Neutral Compound 7 The significant figures in 34000 are——— @2 )5 @6 @4 8g For the reaction CO(g) + Clz(g)-----> COCIh(g), the value of Ke / Kp is equal to ——-—-~ (@RT (b)(RTY ()VURT (1.0 9 Elements of s-blocks and p-blocks are collectively called a)Alkali metals b)Alkaline carth metals c) Transition metals d) Representative elements 10 The electrons of the same orbitals can be distinguished by (@) Principal quantum number (6) Azimuthal quantum number (©) Spin quantum number (@ Magnetic quantum number 11 Which of the following orbitals cannot undergo hybridization amongst themselves (A)3d,4s (B)2s,2p (C)4s,4d_—(D) 3s, 3p, 45 12 Calculate the oxidation state of the underlined atoms : a) HpSOx b)IO3" 13 Find the molecule in which the underlined atom’s oxidation state is not zero. a) CsHi205_b) Fer03 0) CioH22011 -. . a 14 Which one of the following sets of ions represents a collection of isoelectronic species’ (Atomic nos.: F = 9, Cl= 17, Na= 11, Mg = 12, Al= 13, K= 19, Ca = 20, Sc = 21) (@) K’, Ca”, So®*, Cl () Na’, Ca”, So", F- (©)K*, Cr, Mg”, So* (@Na*, Mg™, AI*, Cr 15 Questions 15-18 a. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion. b. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion. ¢. Assertion is true but the reason is false. d. Assertion is false but reason is true Assertion: Noble gases have positive electron gain enthalpy. Reason: Noble gases have stable closed shell electronic configuration. Assertion: For Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum, the value ny = 2 and n; =3, 4, 5... Reason: ‘The value of nz for a line in Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum having the highest __ wavelength is 6 n; Oxidation involves loss of electrons and reduction involves gain of electrons. eason: The overall reaction in which oxidation and reduction occurs simultaneously is ed redox reaction. rion: The oxidation state oxygen in Na.O> is equal to 1. : In all peroxides Oxygen is -1. q SECTION B "questions with internal choice in two questions. The e short answer type and carry 2 marks each. nis ball of mass 60 g moving with a velocity of 10 Sp and 6d subshells. the enthalpy change for the reaction: Hs (g) + Bra (1 s : g) — 2 HBr(g). Given the bond enthalpies Hz, Bry and HBr are 435 kJ mol”, 192 kJ mmol ad 368 kJ mol respectively. i, What are the atomic numbers of elements whose outermost electrons are ___ Tepresented by (a) 3s'(b) 2p* ii, Two particles A and B have wavelength XA = 5 « 10"? m and 2B = 10 « 10!°m. Find their frequencies. For the reaction at 298K, 2A+B—>C; AH=800kJ mol", AS = 0.4 kJ K" mol ‘At what temperature will the reaction become spontaneous considering AH and AS to be constant over the temperature range? OR The combustion of 1 mol of benzene takes place at 298K. After combustion CO2 and HO are formed and 3267 kJ mo!" of heat is liberated. Calculate ArH? (CoH). Given: At? (H2O) = -286 kJ mol", A¢H°(CO2) = -393 kJ mol B Predict the sign of AS for the following changes: (@_ Freezing of water. (ii) C(graphite) — C(diamond) Gi) Ho(g) at 298 k and 1 bar — Ho(g) at 298 k and 10 bar (iv) Hi(g) + h(g) > 2HI(s) Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of CH;OH (1) from the following data: CH,OH() + 3/2 02 (g) + COz (g) + 2H20 (1); Ac H® = -726 kJ mot" C (g) + O2 (g) — CO2 (8); Ar 393 kJ mol” Hy(g) + % O2 (g) > H20 (0); Af H® = -286 kJ mol 25 ‘Sb +HNOs >Sb:03 +NO+H,0 Find the oxidation and reducing agents from the given reaction, SECTION C This section contains 5 questions with internal choice in two questions. The are short answer type and carry 3 marks each. ‘true or false for the following statements ( At.No of Cr=24) iii, Mol L™ iv, independent, of temperature 4i)The density (in g mL“) of a 3.60 M sulphuric acid solution that is 29% HySOx (Molar mass = 98 g mol) by mass will be....... a) Accompound made up of two elements A and B has A = 70%, B = 30%. Their relative number of moles in the compound is 1.25 and 1.88, calculate: (i) Atomic masses of the elements A and B (ii) Molecular formula of the compound, if its molecular mass is found to be 160. +) State law of definite proportion, (1 mark) |) Write two points of difference between sigma and pi bond. , OR Which hybrid orbitals are used by Carbon atoms in the molecule (CHs-CH=CH-CH. Draw the resonance structure of CO;* [ ZofC=6,0=8 B=6,] Bris paramagnetic while C2 is not. Give reason of NH3 and NF which is more polar. Explain with the help of dipole moment. angle of H:O is 104.5° while that of F,0 is 102°, Explain why? unds do not conduct electricity in solid state. oR of the following in each pair has larger bond angle HO, HpS (iii) CHs, CoH formed? On what factors it depends? SECTION D ns are case-based questions. Each question has an internal ‘each. Read the passage carefully and answer the theory, acids are substances that dissociates in nd bases are substances that produce hydroxyl ions. definition of acids and bases. According to tance that is capable of donating a hydrogen ion of accepting of a hydrogen ion. According which accepts electron pair and base conjugate acid-base pair is Assign reason for the following; NHs is freely soluble in water while PH; is not. }Hs0" GDHCOs'sHeCOs Gi) S04", F804 Gy NH NH _ Which among the following is not Lewis acid ( AICIs (ii) Co™ (iii) Mg* (iv) NHy 4) The conjugate acid of CN" NS 2 OR Read the given passage and answer the questions 1 to 4 that follow: Ina chemical Reaction chemical equilibrium is defined as the state at which there is ‘no further change in concentration of reactants and products. At equilibrium the rate of forward reaction is equal to the rate of backward reaction. a) Does the number of moles of reaction products increase, decrease or remain same ‘when each of the following equilibrium is subjected to a decrease in pressure by increasing the volume? ® PCA, (g) == PCIe) + ClL(g) ii) CaO() + CO,(g) — CalO,,(s) i) 3Fe(e) + 4H,0(g) > Fej0(6) + 4H,(@) hy do we say chemical equilibrium is dynamic in nature? nd the passage given below and answer the following questions: A period is a int ee periodic table. Although groups generally have more significant ‘trends, there are regions where horizontal trends are more significant than 5 trends, such as the f-block, where the lanthanoides and actinoides form horizontal series of elements, Elements in the same period show radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity. ‘across a period, atomic radius usually decreases. This occurs © element has an added proton and electron, which causes the er to the nucleus. This decrease in atomic radius also causes ease when moving from left to right across a period. The is, the more energy is required to remove an electron. ‘same manner as ionization energy because of the nucleus, Electron affinity also shows a slight ‘of a period) generally have a lower electron Fa period), with the exception of the noble compared, Element Z is having larger does not have noble gas configuration ii iii) I iv) Same distance in all of these atom O} ee Be te highest first ionization energies of the groups listed, i) Alkali metals ii) Transition metals iii) Halogens iv) Noble gases The correct order of electronegativity 18 ~~----—~ . e i) Cl> F>O>Br ii) F>0>Cl> Br iii) F> Cl> Br> O iv) O>F>Cl>Br OR e) Explain the term Ionization enthalpy.(Choice is given only between question d ore) Section E ‘The Following Questions Are Long Answer Type And Carry 5 Marks Each. Two Questions Have An Internal Choice. For the reversible reaction Nz (g) + 3Hz (g)¢? 2NHs (g) At 500°C, the value of Kp Is 144x107 Atn’®, Find the Ke value. Calculate the p" of 10° M HCI solution. State Lewis concept of acid and base. OR The Values of Ksp of two sparingly soluble salts Ni(OH)2 and AgCN are 2.0 x 10" and 6.0 x 10” respectively. Which salt is more soluble? Explain Calculate the p! of a solution obtained by mixing 50m! of 0.2M HCI with S0ml Of 0.4 M NaOH solution. State Henry's law. Calculate the lattice enthalpy of KCI from the following data by Born Haber's . Enthalpy of sublimation of K = 89 kJ mol Enthalpy of dissociation of 244 kJ moI" Ionization enthalpy of potassium = 425 kJ mol” Electron gain of chlorine = -355 kJ mol Enthalpy of formation of KCI =-438 kJ e First Law of Thermodynamics. (ii) Define Entropy. What is the effect ture on Entropy? OR constant for a reaction is 10. What will be the value of AG? 1, T= 300K. of combustion and standard enthalpy of formation e in both case. ng and anti-bonding molecular orbitals.(2 Points of atomic orbitals to form octet, No of B=6,S=16.F=9,0=8,N=7)

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