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BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009730 on 8 October 2019. Downloaded from on March 12, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Is there a ‘best measure’ of
patient safety?
Ann M Borzecki,1,2,3 Amy K Rosen1,4,5

Center for Healthcare Despite consensus that preventing patient literature for existing administrative data-­
Organization and
safety events is important, measurement based indicators, review by clinical expert
Implementation Research,
Bedford VAMC Campus, of safety events remains challenging. This panels, consultation with coding experts
Bedford, Massachusetts, USA is, in part, because they occur relatively and empirical analyses to assess the statis-
Department of Health Law, infrequently and are not always prevent- tical properties of the measures, such as
Policy and Management, Boston
University School of Public able. There is also no consensus on the reliability and predictive and construct
Health, Boston, Massachusetts, ‘best way‘ or the ‘best measure’ of patient validity. They were intentionally devel-
safety. The purpose of all safety measures oped to favour specificity over sensi-
Department of Internal
is to improve care and prevent safety tivity. As such, the indicators have various
Medicine, Boston University
School of Medicine, Boston, events; this can be achieved by different exclusion criteria designed to decrease
Massachusetts, USA means. If the overall goal of measuring the likelihood of including patients in
Department of Surgery, Boston patient safety is to capture the universe
University School of Medicine, whom a complication is very unlikely
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
of safety events that occur, then broader to be preventable, as well as having a
Center for Healthcare measures encompassing large populations, well-­specified denominator. (Prior to the
Organization and such as those based on administrative inclusion of Present on Admission (POA)
Implementation Research, data, may be preferable. Acknowledging
VA Boston Healthcare coding in US claims datasets in late 2007,
System Campus, Boston, the trade-­ off between comprehensive- patients with various secondary diag-
Massachussetts, USA ness and accuracy, such measures may be noses were also excluded.)4 Additionally,
better suited for surveillance and quality to better compare hospitals and reflect
Correspondence to improvement (QI), rather than public
Dr Ann M Borzecki, Center for the fact that some patients are at higher
reporting/reimbursement. Conversely,
Healthcare Organization and risk for a complication than others, risk
Implementation Research, using measures for public reporting
adjustment is used to compare indicator
Bedford MA 01730, USA; and pay-­ performance requires more
​amb@​bu.​edu rates.
narrowly focused measures that favour
The ‘flagship’ medical record or chart-­
Accepted 25 September 2019 accuracy over comprehensiveness, such
based system, NSQIP, was established by
Published Online First as those with restricted denominators or
8 October 2019 the US Veterans Health Administration
those based on medical record review.
(VA) in 1994 over concerns of higher
There are at least two well-­established
patient safety measurement systems mortality rates and substandard surgical
available for use in the inpatient setting, care in the VA. It was designed to promote
namely the administrative data-­ based QI of VA surgical care by providing reli-
Agency for Healthcare Research and able, valid and comparative information
Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Indica- regarding 30-­day surgical outcomes, such
tors (PSIs) and the medical record-­based as morbidity and mortality, across all
National Surgical Quality Improvement facilities performing major non-­ cardiac
Programme (NSQIP) measures.1–3 The surgery.1 Trained nurse reviewers prospec-
►► http://​​dx.​​doi.​​org/​​10.​​1136/​ AHRQ PSIs, publicly released in 2003, tively gather medical record information
are evidence-­based measures designed to from a select sample of all eligible oper-
screen for potentially preventable medical ations.1 The programme’s success led
and surgical complications that occur to establishment and launch of a similar
© Author(s) (or their in the acute care setting. Since they use programme in the non-­ VA setting by
employer(s)) 2020. No
administrative data, they were originally the American College of Surgery (ACS)
commercial re-­use. See rights
and permissions. Published by designed as tools for use in case finding for in 2004, known as ACS-­NSQIP.5 Use of
BMJ. local QI efforts and surveillance, as well this programme has been expanding; it is
To cite: Borzecki AM, as for internal hospital comparisons. They currently being implemented in at least
Rosen AK. BMJ Qual Saf were developed using a rigorous process nine countries, including Canada, for
2020;29:185–188. beginning with a thorough review of the benchmarking and QI purposes.5

Borzecki AM, Rosen AK. BMJ Qual Saf 2020;29:185–188. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009730    185

BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009730 on 8 October 2019. Downloaded from on March 12, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
In the current issue, McIsaac et al examined the accu- data into their study.8 9 Although we are not aware of
racy of a new set of administrative data-­based PSIs devel- any similar validation studies using the ICD-10 version
oped using Canadian International Classification of of the AHRQ PSIs (ICD-10 is considered to be a more
Diseases (ICD)-10 coded data.6 7 The ‘new’ PSIs identify specific diagnosis-­based coding system than ICD-9),
complications of care that arise after admission using a we know from this prior work that an important
diagnosis timing variable (‘diagnosis type’) present in the reason for the seemingly low accuracy of the PSIs
administrative data which indicates whether the diag- has to do with fundamental differences in defini-
nosis is pre-­existing or occurred after admission (poten- tions of medical record-­based versus administrative-­
tially representing a complication of care). They were based safety events.9–11 Despite overlap conceptually,
designed to improve on some of the recognised limita- PSIs (both the new and old) and NSQIP measures
tions of the AHRQ PSIs. Namely, they were designed to have different definitions that reflect the method of
be more comprehensive (covering more complications) development as well as the data sources used. For
and applicable to a larger population of patients (they do example, the AHRQ PSI perioperative haemorrhage
not exclude populations at higher risk of a complication) or haematoma (previously known as ‘postoperative’)
than the AHRQ PSIs.6 Unlike the AHRQ PSIs, they do gets mapped to the fairly specific NSQIP complica-
not specifically try to account for the potential prevent- tion of postoperative bleeding requiring transfusion of
ability of an event; instead, they look for administrative greater than or equal to 4 units of blood. In the new
data-­based codes that may represent suboptimal quality PSI set, ‘haemorrhage’ gets mapped to this compli-
or unsafe care. They also use a global denominator but cation along with postoperative stroke which can be
they can be applied to a particular population of interest. haemorrhagic or ischaemic.12 Despite the difficulty
Additionally, while the AHRQ PSIs are risk-­adjusted, the in mapping NSQIP complications to PSI events, even
new PSIs are not; only observed rates are calculated. in the validation work done by both AHRQ and our
Finally, the new PSIs were created through a slightly VA group, in which we used medical records as the
different process than the AHRQ PSIs.6 Rather than ‘gold standard’ to validate diagnosis codes, coding
starting with the literature in the area, the developers system limitations (especially lack of POA codes and
identified all administrative codes representing condi- coding specificity, eg, many codes associated with
tions arising after admission.6 These individual codes complications were not specific with respect to timing
were then rated by patient safety experts with respect to and could be used for preoperative or postoperative
their likelihood of being related to a patient safety event events) as well as coding errors, accounted for many
and then grouped into categories (eg, hospital-­acquired of the false positives; similar problems contributed to
infections). These categories were not mutually exclu- a large percentage of false negatives.13–15 Although our
sive such that codes could be assigned to more than one groups considered relatively few cases to represent
category. documentation errors, other researchers have found
McIsaac et al compared the accuracy of events iden- that documentation quality affects coding accuracy.16
tified by the new PSIs to those identified by NSQIP Notably, these prior PSI validation studies led to
(considered the ‘gold standard’).7 Only 7 of 17 PSI modifications of the ICD-9 coding system to improve
categories mapped to a specific NSQIP complication the specificity of codes relevant to several of the AHRQ
and in some cases, a given NSQIP complication was PSIs. A more recent study of the AHRQ PSI Postopera-
mapped to more than one PSI. Of the overlapping tive Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
complication categories, overall, they found low to found that inclusion of POA data and the presence
moderate positive predictive values (PPVs) and sensi- of more specific ICD-9 codes resulted in improved
tivities, and high specificities and negative predictive PPVs, from 43%–48% to 81%–99%.17 Although no
values of the new PSIs compared with NSQIP. Compli- US studies have examined the validity of the ICD-10
cations with the worst agreement included those version of the AHRQ PSIs, one study using an ICD-10
related to fluid management and respiratory issues. based international version of the AHRQ PSIs with
With respect to the specific comparisons, among the POA coding examined five PSIs and found fairly high
overlapping categories, they did not report which PPVs for four of them (62.5%–86%).18
specific events the PSIs identified that NSQIP did not. How does the study by McIsaac et al contribute to
However, of the non-­overlapping categories, the PSIs the existing literature?7 We think an important contri-
picked up several gastrointestinal complications while bution of this study is that it demonstrates that even
NSQIP identified events such as wound disruption with both the more specific ICD-10- based measure-
which the new PSIs did not. ment system and the equivalent of POA coding (diag-
As the authors note, prior investigators have nosis timing), the new PSI measures still suffer some of
compared the AHRQ PSIs to NSQIP data and similarly the same limitations as the AHRQ PSIs that originally
found generally low sensitivities and low to moderate used an ICD-9-­based system without POA (which was
PPVs.8–10 These two previous studies used the AHRQ added later to improve criterion validity). While this
PSI measures based on ICD-9 codes; Romano et al new PSI system also has the potential advantage of
lacked POA data while Cima et al incorporated POA enhancing our ability to measure the universe of safety

186 Borzecki AM, Rosen AK. BMJ Qual Saf 2020;29:185–188. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009730

BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009730 on 8 October 2019. Downloaded from on March 12, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
events (ie, the new PSIs are broader with respect to the care is now delivered in the outpatient setting, the
numerator and denominator compared with AHRQs, field of patient safety measurement needs to expand
thereby identifying more events), without knowing to capture this setting as well. Continuing to ‘reinvent’
more about the specifics of the events, it is hard to the wheel with development of new inpatient PSIs—
determine whether they are true positives and/or if that in the end have some of the same limitations as
they represent potentially preventable events. Use of a the older PSI measures—is a commendable journey,
global denominator may capture many events that are but one not likely to significantly advance the patient
not preventable due to patient-­related or procedure-­ safety field. It is time to take the road less travelled.
related factors. Furthermore, only three countries
currently have datasets with timing diagnoses, so inter- Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this
research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or
national use of such a system is relatively limited. not-­for-­profit sectors.
We were surprised at the high rate of complications
Competing interests None declared.
identified by both the new PSIs and NSQIP (18.7%
Patient consent for publication Not required.
and 22%, respectively). Although this does not negate
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer
the authors’ findings, these rates are higher than those reviewed.
of other studies. For example, Cima et al reported a
complication rate of 7.4% using NSQIP data at one US
hospital; Mull et al found a rate of 6% in a national References
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Veterans Affairs' NSQIP: the first national, validated, outcome-­
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