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Ahasan Habib
Project Design Report
Ahasan Habib
Date- 17/08 - 18/08

In this design report, I will provide a comprehensive overview of the website construction process for Shopif, a dynamic e-commerce platform designed to empower businesses in the digital marketplace. This report outlines the company's needs and
objectives, the processes involved in creating the website, relevant information processes and technology, as well as the interdependencies of these processes.

Welcome to Shopify, the game-changer in the world of e-commerce. Let's break it down – e-commerce is all about buying and selling things online. And Shopif? Well, we've revolutionized how businesses work in this digital age, and we've been doing
it since 2006.

So, why did we dive into this e-commerce adventure? It's simple – we saw a need. Businesses, just like yours, needed an easier way to sell things online. With technology racing ahead, we wanted to create a platform that bridges the gap, making it
simple for absolutely anyone to build, manage, and expand their online store.

Our mission is crystal clear: we're here to equip entrepreneurs and businesses, regardless of their size, with the tools they need to shine in the online world. We believe that businesses should be able to reach customers worldwide effortlessly and
keep growing. In a world that's constantly evolving, Shopif stands strong as your ally, focusing on customers, user-friendliness, and staying ahead with the latest technology trends. Think of us as your partner for success in the digital realm.

Companies Construction process-

Lets dive into our website construction process, the website construction process for Shopif involved several essential steps to ensure a user-friendly and visually appealing online platform. Beginning with the planning phase, the team focused on
defining the website's purpose, target audience, and key features. This step helped outline the overall structure and layout of the website.

Once the planning was complete, the design phase began. This involved creating wireframes and mockups to visualize the website's appearance and layout. The color scheme, typography, and visual elements were carefully selected to align with
Shopif's brand identity and create a cohesive user experience.

After finalizing the design, the development phase commenced. Using modern web development technologies, the website's front-end and back-end components were built. Responsive design techniques were employed to ensure the website would
function seamlessly on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Content creation was another crucial aspect of the construction process. Engaging and informative content was crafted to convey Shopif's services, values, and mission clearly. High-quality images, relevant videos, and compelling text were integrated
to capture visitors' attention and communicate Shopif's offerings effectively.
Throughout the construction process, regular testing and feedback played a vital role. The website was thoroughly tested for functionality, compatibility, and responsiveness across different browsers and devices. User feedback and usability testing
were also conducted to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement.

In the final stages, the website was optimized for performance and speed, ensuring fast loading times and a smooth user experience. Security measures were implemented to safeguard user data and protect against potential threats. Once all
elements were in place, the website was launched and made accessible to the public.

Overall, the website construction process for Shopif was a meticulous and collaborative effort, involving planning, design, development, content creation, testing, and optimization. The result is a user-centric, visually appealing, and functional online
platform that reflects Shopif's commitment to innovation and excellence in the e-commerce industry.

Companies needs and participants-

Shopif's journey began with a clear recognition of the evolving needs in the e-commerce landscape. The company's core purpose was to provide businesses of all sizes with a comprehensive, user-friendly, and innovative platform to establish, manage,
and expand their online presence. This purpose was driven by a deep understanding of the challenges faced by businesses in the digital marketplace and a commitment to supporting their growth.

To achieve this purpose, Shopif identified several key needs:

User-Centric Approach: Shopif has created a website that prioritized user experience. That involved developing an intuitive interface, seamless navigation, and engaging content that resonated with both business owners and potential customers.

Information Dissemination: The website effectively communicated Shopif's services, values, and mission. Clear and concise content informed visitors about the range of opportunities offered, the company's approach to technology, and the benefits of
partnering with Shopif.

Service Catalog: Shopif recognized the importance of showcasing its diverse range of trendy services. The website showcased a comprehensive catalog that outlined each service's features, benefits, and potential impact on businesses' online

Client Engagement: Shopif aimed to establish a direct line of communication with potential clients. The website \ provided contact information, inquiry forms, and interactive features to encourage visitors to engage with the company and seek
personalized solutions.

Credibility and Trust: Building trust among visitors was crucial. The website highlighted Shopif's expertise, experience, and successful track record in the e-commerce industry. This involved featuring company testimonials, featuring top clients, and
information about the company's team.

In line with these needs, the participants in the website's construction process included designers, developers, content creators, and marketing strategists- all led by Ahasan Habib. Each participant brought their unique expertise to the table,
collaborating to design an impactful and informative online platform. The website's purpose was to serve as a virtual gateway for businesses seeking innovative e-commerce solutions, a hub of information and inspiration that communicated Shopif's
commitment to excellence, technology, and client success.
Hardware and software-
In developing the Shopif website on the Wix platform, a harmonious interplay of hardware and software components was vital. Wix's tools facilitated every step, from collecting company data through user interactions to displaying content.

To begin, data collection utilized online forms, with Wix's backend systems storing data in relational databases. This symbiosis of hardware (servers) and software (database management) allowed efficient data storage. The collected data was then
organized through Wix's Content Management System (CMS), enhancing the ease of content structuring. Hardware (servers) and software (CMS) combined for efficient content management.

For analyzing data, they used Wix's analytics tools. The hardware and software teamed up to turn data into useful insights. Handling orders involved e-commerce tools, integrating hardware (secure payment gateways) and software (order processing)
aspects for a smooth customer experience.

Transmitting data efficiently leveraged Wix's content delivery networks (CDNs) and encryption. This combined hardware (CDNs) and software (encryption) to ensure secure and speedy data transfer.

The website looked great thanks to Wix's responsive design. Servers delivered content while software used smart design algorithms, making sure the site worked well on any device. In simple words, Shopif's website was a mix of hardware and
software, showing off how well Wix's platform could bring together info and technology.

Processes involved in creating the website-

Collection of Company Data:

To start, a thorough assessment of Shopif's existing resources was conducted. This involved extracting information from internal documents, company records, and various research . Details about services offered, team members' profiles, past
projects, and client feedback were gathered. This process aimed to capture a comprehensive overview of Shopif's expertise, capabilities, and accomplishments.

Organizing the Data:

After collecting all this data, the next step involved organizing it in a structured manner. Information was categorized into sections such as "Services," "Team," "Projects," and "Testimonials." Within each section, data was further classified to ensure
logical grouping. This organization was pivotal in making data retrieval efficient and enabling a user-friendly browsing experience for visitors.

Analyzing and Preparing Content:

Before content was published on the website for the public, a careful analysis of the collected data took place. This analysis ensured that the content was accurate, consistent, and aligned with Shopif's brand voice. Content creators crafted engaging
narratives, highlighting Shopif's strengths, values, and mission. Descriptions were tailored to resonate with the target audience (all businesses needing an online store) and convey the company's expertise in e-commerce solutions.

Storing and Retrieving Data:

The organized and prepared data was stored in a secure database. This database system allowed for structured storage, facilitating quick retrieval of specific information when required. This architecture ensured that relevant data could be accessed
without delay, contributing to a responsive and user-friendly website.

Processing Requests and Orders:

Interactive functionalities were integrated to facilitate communication between Shopif and potential clients. Contact forms were strategically placed to encourage visitor inquiries and service requests. Furthermore, order submission mechanisms
enabled clients to easily initiate project requests. These features streamlined the engagement process and enhanced user experience.

Transmitting and Receiving Data:

Real-time communication was enabled through secure data transmission protocols. Live chat functionality allowed visitors to interact with Shopif's team members in real time. Contact form submissions were securely transmitted to ensure client data
privacy. These communication features enhanced engagement by offering immediate assistance and personalized responses.

Displaying Data on the Website:

The organized, analyzed, and prepared data was strategically presented on the website. Attention was given to user experience (UX) design principles, ensuring that information was displayed in visually appealing layouts. The user interface was
designed to guide visitors through the website seamlessly, making it easy for them to explore services, learn about the team, and access relevant resources to help them pick the best service that suits their needs.

Frequency of Modifications:
The website was built using a content management system (CMS), empowering Shopif to make regular updates and modifications. This flexibility allowed the company to keep the website current and relevant. As Shopif introduced new services,
completed projects, or achieved milestones, the website content was updated accordingly through the “Publish Site” option . This iterative process ensured that visitors received up-to-date and accurate information.

Through a collaborative effort of designers, developers, content creators, and quality assurance specialists- all led by Ahasan HAbib, the Shopif website emerged as a dynamic representation of the company's expertise and values. By meticulously
collecting, organizing, analyzing, storing, and displaying data, Shopif's website became an effective tool for showcasing its commitment to excellence in the e-commerce sector.

Understanding of the processes and their integrated nature-

Creating the Shopif website was like piecing together a puzzle where every part fit snugly. It all started with gathering information – the building blocks of the website. Shopif carefully collected data from various sources, like interviews and
documents, to understand itself better. This step set the stage for the entire process, as accurate data formed the foundation.

Recognizing that the quality of the end product relies on the foundation of accurate and well-organized data, Shopif embarked on a meticulous journey of data collection. This initial step set the tone for the entire process, forming the bedrock upon
which subsequent stages would build. By collecting data from internal documents/reviews, research, and existing resources, Shopif showcased a holistic approach to understanding their own strengths, values, and accomplishments.

The subsequent task of organizing this data showcases a keen awareness of user-centric design principles. The data's strategic categorization into sections such as "Services," "Team," and "Testimonials" reflects an intuitive understanding of how
visitors navigate and consume information on a website. This careful arrangement underscores the importance of user-friendliness and efficient data retrieval.
The way Shopif analyzes and prepares content shows how well they understand their target audience's needs. The tailored narratives and descriptions not only convey the company's expertise but also exhibit a deep understanding of what resonates
with potential clients. This process bridges the gap between raw data and meaningful content, reflecting a comprehensive grasp of content strategy.

Shopif uses technology to handle requests and orders, demonstrating clearly how they are thinking about how people want things done today. They've added tools like live chat and contact forms for instant communication and personal responses
which helps potential customers to reach out to shopif with ease. This shows they get how people like to interact online and use tech to make things smooth.

The iterative and dynamic nature of the website, thanks to its content management system, is a testament to Shopif's recognition of the ever-evolving nature of their business. By facilitating regular updates, Shopif demonstrates a forward-thinking
understanding of the need to reflect real-time changes, be it in services, projects, or milestones.

In essence, the comprehensive execution of the website creation process reflects Shopif's deep grasp of not only the individual processes but also the intricate interplay between them. This integrated approach resonates with a company that values
user experience, data accuracy, technological sophistication, and adaptability. The website's final form stands as a tangible representation of Shopif's holistic understanding of these processes and their harmonious integration.

Dependent processes -
The processes involved in creating the Shopif website are intricately interdependent, each relying on the others to ensure a seamless and cohesive outcome. These dependencies are a testament to the holistic approach taken by Shopif in crafting
their online presence.

The data collection process serves as the foundation upon which subsequent stages are built. Without accurate and comprehensive data about the company's services, team, and testimonials., the content creation process would lack substance and
relevance. The quality of data collected directly influences the effectiveness of content, illustrating how data collection is a necessity for meaningful content creation.

Once data is collected, the process of organizing it becomes crucial. The organized data serves as the backbone for the website's structure. Without a clear arrangement of sections such as "Services," "Team," and "Testimonials," the content would lack
coherence and users might struggle to find relevant information and correct navifation. Thus, the organization process hinges on the availability of well-collected data.

The subsequent analysis of the collected data informs the content creation process. Analyzed data guides the creation of tailored narratives, descriptions, and graphics that resonate with the target audience. Without the insights gained from data
analysis, the content might miss the mark and fail to effectively convey Shopif's expertise and value proposition.

Storing and retrieving data in databases is vital for processing requests and orders efficiently. The seamless functioning of contact forms, live chat, and client inquiries relies on accurate and easily accessible data. If data retrieval is compromised due
to poor database management, customer interactions could suffer, undermining user experience and potentially leading to missed opportunities.

The processing of requests and orders directly impacts the transmission and reception of data. When users interact with the website—submitting inquiries, filling out contact forms, or placing orders—the smooth functioning of these processes
relies on the proper integration of data transmission protocols. An interruption in data transmission can disrupt the entire user journey, highlighting the interconnectedness of these stages.
Ultimately, the display of data on the website is closely tied to all preceding stages. The frequency of modification of displayed data underscores the continuous nature of the entire process. When content is updated due to changes in services,
projects, or team information, it triggers a chain reaction that reverberates through data collection, analysis, storage, and display.

In summary, the processes involved in creating the Shopif website are deeply interdependent, with each stage relying on the successful completion of the preceding ones. This interconnectedness is a testament to Shopif's holistic approach, ensuring
that every aspect of their website functions harmoniously to deliver a compelling user experience and convey their brand identity effectively.

To conclude-
-In this report, I've explained how we built the Shopif website, step by step. We gathered data, organized it, and created content, all with the goal of making it easy for businesses to shine online.

-Our website creation was a team effort, involving designers, developers, and content creators. Each step relied on the other, showing how everything fit together.

-We focused on what our users need. From collecting data to making the website, everything was about making it user-friendly. We used technology to process requests and orders smoothly.

-Our website stays up-to-date, reflecting our commitment to excellence. The Shopif website shows how all these steps work together, like puzzle pieces, to create a successful online platform.

Project Log Book

Date Name Design Decisions Creation of Content/Features Modifications to the System Alternative Ideas Considered Results of Testing and

12/07/2023 Ahasan Habib Discussed the color scheme for the After thoughtful considerations, I Changed the colors and theme until it I was going to use red but it doesn't -got compliments from my
user interface, finalized using shades finalized a combination of calming suit my company align with my company's goal of front choice
of blue and black shades of blue and elegant black. This portraying trust, professionalism, -website is working
design decision aimed to create an and reliability and empowering smoothly
inviting and professional platform. entrepreneurs and small businesses
in the e-commerce realm.

15/07/2023 Ahasan Habib As the days progressed, I delved into Created multiple company logos and I actively sought feedback, leading Was gonna only do a symbol but also -logo fits perfectly on my
the world of branding, embarking on slogans with different symbols and me to switch to a different logo put my company name on the logo website and matches my
the creation of a unique company color. design that better resonated with my theme and morals
logo and a compelling slogan brand's vision. I changed up and
finalized with a big s and the name at
the bottom

17/07/2023 Ahasan Habib Research about my company and My dedication to understanding my Changed up the guidelines and added Was gonna made a video for the logo -website is working
thought of different fronts and company's identity drove me to more strict ones. description but didn't smoothly
research about logo background create a comprehensive "About" page. -website guidelines
Here, I shared insights into my matches my goal
company's goal and what we provide -logo design description
and how we started and the logo's looks good and accurate
background and the reasons behind
its design. Aligning the logo's color
scheme with my company's central
theme was a crucial step in
establishing a consistent brand
identity. I also had a section
highlighting all our guidelines

23/07/2023 Ahasan Habib Recognizing the significance of I crafted a detailed "Team" page. Each While I contemplated adding team Was gonna only have 6 stuff but --website is working
showcasing my team's skills and team member's profile underwent members' availability, I decided created 10 and researched even smoothly
achievements, I discussed with my meticulous detailing, and I optimized against it to maintain a clean and further -members page looks
friends to come up with stuff and photo sizes and layout for a polished uncluttered look. presentable and am proud
their details and research about their presentation. of my work
biography and found pics

1/08/2023 Ahasan Habib With August's arrival, I focused on Added Statistics and a dedicated Was gonna do it online but a strategic N/A -website is working
enhancing the front page's workshop space made their debut decision to conduct workshops smoothly
engagement factor. I did a bit of which tells u upcoming events, in-person was driven by my desire to
research on my company and what to designed to captivate visitors' forge deeper connections with
put on the front page attention. Additionally, showcasing a clients.
list of top clients aimed to build

1/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Venturing into the realm of blogging, I introduced a "Blog" page to Had to redo the upcoming events Was gonna add 20 blog but did 15 -website is working
I researched on blogs and companies chronicle company activities and because the first ones were not smoothly
upcoming events upcoming events. This move was customer friendly activities -blogs are very engaging
influenced by feedback and a keen and sounds very productive
understanding of customer
preferences. Streamlining the
upcoming events to match customer
expectations was crucial for driving
engagement and attendance.

3/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Continuing my journey, decided to do I revisited the "Team" section, adding Subtle adjustments to photo sizes In the midst of this, I contemplated -website is working
more work on the ‘team’ section further depth to each team member's and layouts elevated the visual appeal including the availability of each smoothly
profile. Incorporating details about of the page. Also reduced some words team member, ultimately deciding -member page looks clean
their past business experiences , to present a clean look not to implement this feature to -all details are accurate
their biography to showcase the maintain simplicity. and suit each member
team's collective expertise.

4/08/2023 Ahasan Habib As my project progressed, I realized Research guided me in crafting a Changed the layout multiple times I was going to put videos of all my -website is working
the importance of compiling a catalog catalog page that showcased a range until it suits my theme and layout. services but did pics instead to keep smoothly
of services. of services for potential clients. The Changed the color from purple to it simple and presentable -all services working fine
layout underwent multiple iterations, white to give it more of a professional -all service navigate
reflecting my commitment to a look perfectly
user-friendly and visually appealing

4/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Further expanding the catalog. I I enriched service offerings and Deleting one service that was no N/A -website is working
discussed the services am going to descriptions to align with industry longer relevant was essential in smoothly
add to my catalog trends and demands.Added 5 services maintaining a relevant and up-to-date -all 5 service look good and
but no info about them. service lineup. are very trendy

5/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Diving deeper into the services, I Added 3 more services to my catalog Ended up deleting one and adding a Was gonna do 10 but did 8 only -website is working
undertook comprehensive research to and started writing descriptions. new one smoothly
provide potential clients with detailed Ensuring transparency and trust -All description looks
information and too see which through informative descriptions accurate
services are trending became a priority, contributing to a
positive user experience.

7/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Mind map what else to put on the Added the payment , online and in Removed in person service because Was gonna make 1 service in person -website is working
services and took high designs person service, allocated each am trying to make it fully online but it doesn't line up with my goal smoothly
member to each service and time -service details are fully

8/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Embracing innovation and technology, Started on writing a draft after doing Was gonna write an essay but thats N/A -website is working
I embarked on crafting an engaging extensive research on video-making boring so i started on working to smoothly
video that captured Shopif's techniques laid the groundwork for a make a video to make it more -Video starting looks good
tech-driven spirit. video that effectively conveyed engaging but need more work
Shopif's innovative approach.

9/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Continuing my video creation journey, Added information to how we Edited the video to sync with my Was gonna make a information vid -website is working
I focused on seamless integration and innovate technology and added more speech and be as smooth as possible. but ended up doing a person talking smoothly
effective editing. info to the vid.The video served as a Picked a different person to add to -speech sync with video
dynamic medium to bring Shopif's my video. -vid is fluent and clear
technological prowess to life, offering
an engaging and relatable experience
for the audience.

11/08/2023 Ahasan Habib As the video reached its final stages. I I meticulously refined the editing, Edited the video a bit more to add a Was gonna add pics of my company -Website is working
future looked into video editing syncing audio with visuals, and short intro but didn't smoothly
fine-tuning the overall flow. Initial -Video came out as i
feedback highlighted the video's expected
success in communicating Shopif's
tech-driven innovation.

13/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Recognizing the need for legal A strategic decision to alter the Changed the color to match my Was gonna change the color but -website is working
considerations, I embarked on company's name and logo showcased original design but changed the logo stayed with my original idea smoothly
research related to copyright my commitment to ethical practices and the name. -Logo and name are legal
regulations. and intellectual property protection. -fits my theme

15/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Expanding Shopif's outreach and The creation of a "Job" section and an Instead of “job” i put a pencil icon on Was gonna put a link to a perfect -website is working
refining the hiring process became a application form aimed to attract my job page resume but didnt up doing it smoothly
priority. potential talents. The pencil icon -fits my theme
served as a visually appealing -format looks nice
representation of the application

15/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Discussed on how customer can Effortlessly connecting with I ended up using an “email” icon for it Was gonna put it on the main page -website is working
easily reach us and decided to make customers took center stage as I to make it stand out and it's easy to but didn't. smoothly
an individual page for that introduced a "Reach Out" page. spot. And I also added a customer -Fit my theme
Strategically positioned, it offered information section to help us sort -gonna help boost company
easy access to company information them out and see what they need and sales
and a map for navigation, enhancing want. -its now really easy to
user experience. It also lets contact us
customers email my company

16/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Turning my attention to financial Created a company budget for Also added the expenses and added Was gonna do all the calculation -Budget sheet look clean
aspects, I analyzed the company's January, February and March and all company expenses under it. and using google sheet math but did it and organized
budget for three consecutive months. added income. This financial overview found out each month's net profit. using calculator -its look presentable and
offered valuable insights into easy to read
financial health, guiding resource
allocation and growth strategies.

16/08/2023 Ahasan Habib Checked all the booking for the 3 Booking details for the three-month Added a “paid or unpaid “ section to N/A -Booking details looks
month and analyzed them period were meticulously organized in keep track of my companies budget clean and organized
a comprehensive spreadsheet. -all customer details look
Incorporating payment statuses accurate and completed
added transparency to budget
tracking, ensuring efficient financial

17/08/2023 Ahasan Habib With a comprehensive design report Started writing a report on my Got a template from my teacher so Was gonna add a video of my N/A
in mind, I reviewed the project's company and added all relevant had to make some modification like company but didn't do it
journey, aligning design decisions, information including text , diagram adding all 7 process and how they link
content creation, system and graphs. with each other
modifications, and alternative ideas

18/08/2023 Ahasan Habib As the project drew to a close, I Refining the report and ensuring its N/A N/A Results of testing and
conducted a final review of the design accuracy, I solidified Shopif's journey feedback highlighted the
report and website. of innovation, technology integration, importance of clarity,
and customer-centric design. cohesive branding, and
user-friendly interfaces,

Reference- (all images are from wix/ all website info are made up-inspired by shopify ) - contact-3 ]
Preliminary IPT Textbook
Tools used to Collect Data
Tools used for processing data
- Collecting
- Organizing
- Analyzing
- Storing and Retrieving
- Processing
- Transmitting and Receiving
- Displaying
-Miss kounsals help
-Help from Eyal for my Project Log Book

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