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QA Quality Assurance

Using Y-Connectors in String Inverter Systems

t Solar Power International female branch connectors rated this approach, let us review some
last year, a sales representa- for 30 A, as well as overmolded practical considerations.
tive for one of our distribution Y-connector assemblies with optional Code implications. NEC Section 690.9
partners inquired: “Why do so many inline fuses. Many eBOS companies requires overcurrent protection for
of my customers order 30 A fuses in also offer customizable Y-connector PV modules or source circuits, except
their source-circuit combiner boxes?” assemblies. What these connectors when there are no external sources of
This is a good question. After all, most and assemblies all have in common fault current, or when the short-circuit
crystalline silicon (c-Si) PV modules is that they have two inputs and one currents from these sources do not
have a short-circuit current (Isc) output, allowing installers to make exceed the ampacity of the conductors
rating in the 8–9 A range and carry plug-and-play parallel connections and the maximum series fuse rating.
a 15 A–series fuse rating. This is so within the array. To make a parallel connection ahead
common that source-circuit combin- Until recently, paralleling source of a combiner box, designers need to
ers typically come standard with 15 A circuits within an array was most account for potential sources of fault
series fuses. Occasionally, an engineer common in thin-film applications. currents as well as the module manu-
might specify 20 A fuses to account for Compared to c-Si PV modules, thin- facturer’s series fuse ratings. Generally
thermal derating. However, 30 A fusing film technologies tend to have a speaking, parallel connections within
assumes an Isc of roughly 18 A, which higher Voc and a lower Isc. As a result, the array require Y-connector assem-
is an unprecedented series fuse rating it behooves integrators to use wire blies with inline fuses. In effect,
for today’s PV modules. harnesses with inline fuses to parallel designers need to relocate 15 A series
So why do integrators request com- thin-film PV source circuits prior to fuses from the combiner box out into
biners with 30 A fuses? The answer is landing them in a combiner box. This the array wiring.
not a function of module ratings per practice is cost-effective because it Since parallel connections
se, but rather of how system integra- improves conductor utilization within increase current, designers also need
tors deploy these modules. Specifically, the array and limits the number of to evaluate conductor ampacity
more and more installation companies combiner box inputs. between the Y-connector and the dc
use special Y-connector assemblies to Designers can apply these same combiner or inverter-input wiring
parallel PV source circuits in the array principles to c-Si PV arrays. After all, box. To achieve the desired cost sav-
field as a way to optimize electrical touch-safe fuseholders in combiner ings, integrators need to be able to
balance of system (eBOS) costs. or inverter wiring boxes are generally parallel source circuits within the
30 A rated, whereas most PV mod- array without unnecessarily incurring
About Y-Connectors ules have a 15 A series fuse–rating. the expense of larger-diameter con-
Most industry veterans have seen par- Therefore, integrators may be able ductors. To avoid having to step from
allel branch connectors or Y-connector to improve project economics by 10 AWG to 8 AWG copper conduc-
assemblies at conferences or pictured using Y-connectors to parallel a pair tors, for example, designers should
in trade publications or product cata- of source circuits ahead of these fuse- avoid or minimize situations that
logues. For example, both Amphenol holders. Before evaluating the poten- require conductor ampacity adjust-
and Multi-Contact offer male and tial cost savings associated with ments according to Article 310. The
Co u r t e s y S o l ar B O S

Y-connector An example of a Y-connector assembly with integral inline fuses is shown here.

16 S O L A R PR O | July/August 2016
two most common ampacity adjust- In some
ment scenarios relate to the number cases, equip-
of current-carrying conductors (see ment manu-
Table 310.15[B][3][a]) and distance facturers

Co ur te sy Ya sk a w a – So l e c tr i a So l a r
above the roof (see Table 310.15[B][3] require an
[c]). When paralleling source circuits allowance for
within the array, therefore, it gener- heat dissipa-
ally makes sense to limit the number tion where
of conductors bundled or grouped fuseholders
together to no more than three and to are fused at
maintain a distance above the roof of 30 A. The con-
at least 12 inches. cern is that a
Manufacturer limitations. While lack of space
most of the finger-safe fuseholders for between Figure 1 To facilitate cooling and prevent overheating, manufac-
10 mm by 38 mm fuses found in com- fuseholders turers may recommend alternating input conductors, as shown
biner boxes are manufacturer rated can cause a here, so that every other fuseholder has a 30 A fuse and the rest
for 30 A, the busbars connected to fuseholder of the inputs remain unused, with the fuses removed.
the fuseholders are not always to overheat,
capable of carrying 30 A of current. potentially applications. However, it may become
Integrators should check with the melting the plastic and causing a an issue under continuous loading at
combiner or inverter manufacturer to fault. This is not an issue when inputs full power with 30 A fuses. Landing
ensure that the product is compatible are fused at 15 or 20 A, as is typical of input conductors on alternating
with the use of 30 A fuses. most string inverter or combiner box fuseholders, as shown in Figure 1, and

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removing the unused fuses is one way c-Si PV source circuits. If technicians Method,” SolarPro, April/May 2014.)
to improve heat dissipation. have access to a 15 A–rated I-V Integrators can reduce material costs
Commissioning and maintenance. curve tracer only, they will need to even further by combining leapfrog
From a commissioning and main- isolate the source circuits entering wiring with Y-connectors.
tenance perspective, incorporating a Y-connector and trace each I-V Case study. To illustrate, let us
Y-connectors into the PV array wir- curve individually. consider a hypothetical example
ing does compromise convenience where the basic building block for a
somewhat. After all, landing individual Cost Reductions large-scale PV array is a 50 kW string
source circuits in combiner boxes The reason system integrators are inverter that is processing power from
provides commissioning agents and willing to make a small sacrifice in a 240-module array table. Each array
service technicians with a convenient convenience is that the proper use of table is mechanically configured two
means of isolating individual circuits, Y-connectors reduces installed system modules high by 120 modules wide
both to validate proper installation costs. The savings are twofold: material and wired electrically with 12 parallel-
and to establish baseline performance savings associated with a reduction in the connected 20-module source circuits.
parameters. Using Y-connectors total length of PV Wire within the array The wire whips are long enough to
pushes some of the parallel connec- field, and labor savings, since installers do accommodate leapfrog wiring. A main
tion points into the array, which can not have to make as many terminations service road runs north and south
complicate some routine maintenance in source-circuit combiners. along the east edge of the array.
and troubleshooting procedures, such To realize the maxi-
as taking Voc measurements on a mum PV Wire savings,
single source circuit. installers need to locate The reason system integrators are willing
Arrays fielded with Y-connectors both poles of each PV
may also require specialized diagnos- source circuit at roughly to make a small sacrifice in convenience is
tic tools. After array commissioning, the same spot within the
source-circuit voltage measurements array table. Using the that the proper use of Y-connectors reduces
are less important than I-V curve leapfrog wiring method
traces, as the latter provide more illustrated in Figure 2 is a installed system costs.
insight into array health. To capture good way to accomplish
I-V curve traces on source circuits this. Where module wire
paralleled using a Y-connector, service whips are long enough to accom- As shown in Figure 3 (p. 20), the
technicians must have access to an modate leapfrog wiring, this method total length of PV Wire per array table
I-V curve tracer rated to process the eliminates about 30–60 feet of PV is a function of both inverter place-
combined short-circuit current of Wire per source circuit compared to ment and array wiring. Locating the
both strings. At present, the Solmetric daisy-chain wiring, with the reduction inverter at the east end of an array
PVA-1000S is the only handheld I-V depending on string length (which is table, as assumed in Option 1, pro-
curve tracer offered with an optional largely a function of nominal system vides service technicians with optimal
30 A measurement capability. With voltage). Leapfrog wiring alone can inverter access for O&M purposes but
this 30 A–rated PV Analyzer, techni- reduce material costs by as much as requires the most PV Wire per inverter.
cians can perform an I-V curve trace $20,000 on a 5 MW PV system. (See Mounting the inverter in the middle of
in a combiner box on two paralleled “Cost-Saving PV Source Circuit Wiring an array table, as shown in Option 2,
dramatically reduces PV Wire require-
20-module PV source circuit connected in series using leapfrog wiring
ments, but complicates array service-
ability. Service technicians will have
a harder time reaching each inverter.
It may also be impractical or undesir-
out to able to run ac conductors within the
combiner array field. Option 3, which combines
mod. 20 mod. 19 mod. 18 mod. 3 mod. 2 mod. 1 leapfrog wiring with Y-connectors,
provides the best of both worlds as
Figure 2 Where wire whips are long enough, installers can use the leapfrog wiring it allows for optimal inverter place-
method shown here to colocate both poles of the PV source circuit, which facilitates ment and reduces the use of PV
the use of Y-connectors to parallel source circuits within the array. Wire significantly. C O N T I N U E D O N P A G E 2 0

18 S O L A R PR O | July/August 2016

Option 1—Leapfrog wiring with inverter at end of array table 4,140 feet, #10 PV Wire
Co ur te sy Ya sk a w a – So l e c tr i a So l a r

Option 2—Leapfrog wiring with inverter at middle of array table 1,800 feet, #10 PV Wire

Option 3—Leapfrog wiring plus Y-connectors with inverter at end of array table 2,070 feet, #10 PV Wire

Figure 3 This figure details the PV Wire requirements for three possible array table configurations. All three options assume
leapfrog wiring. Inverter placement accounts for the difference between Options 1 and 2. Option 3 adds Y-connectors at
20-module intervals to parallel adjacent source circuits within the array.

As compared to Option 1, the all offer Y-connector assemblies with to add six pairs of fused Y-connector
combination of leapfrog wiring and integral inline fuses. When purchas- assemblies (12 Y-connectors x $20/
Y-connectors in Option 3 effectively ing an all-in-one solution, integra- each), the net material savings per
reduces the homerun conductor tors should order extra assemblies array table are roughly $174 ($414 less
length within the array by half. This for O&M purposes; in the rare event $240). Labor savings are estimated
setup does not offer a free lunch, that one fuse blows, they will need to at 1 hour per array table and reflect
however, as the cost to purchase replace the entire assembly. the fact that installers will spend less
Y-connectors and inline fuses off- Table 1 estimates the total mate- time managing homerun conductors
sets some of the PV Wire savings. rial and labor savings associated within the array (saving roughly 45
While it is possible to purchase with deploying array-table configu- minutes) and will have to make only
inline fuseholders and unfused ration Option 3 rather than Option half as many dc terminations at the
Y-connectors separately and plug 1. Assuming that 10-gauge PV Wire inverter (saving roughly 15 minutes).
them together in the field, it is gener- costs $0.20/foot, you can save more Assuming a labor rate of $80 per
ally more cost-effective to purchase than $400 per array table by adding hour, the total material and labor
an integrated assembly. Companies Y-connectors at the end of each savings are $254 per array table,
such as Amphenol, Eaton, Shoals adjacent pair of source circuits (2,070 which extrapolates to $5,080 per
Technologies Group and SolarBOS ft. × $0.20/ft.). While it will cost $240 MWac ($0.005/W).
Of course, every array is differ-
Estimated Savings per Array Table ent, and material and labor costs
vary from region to region, so results
Amount Unit cost Extended cost may vary. However, this case study
is a good example of the type of
PV Wire (10 AWG) 2,070 ft. $0.20/ft. $414 analysis that can help reduce costs,
improve profits and win more proj-
Y-connectors 12 (six pairs) $20 ($240) ects. According to GTM Research, the
utility-scale solar market in the US
Labor 1 hr. $80/hr. $80 will approach 12 GW in 2016. If each
one of these large-scale projects could
Material and labor savings per 50 kW inverter $254 reduce eBOS costs by a half cent per
watt, the industry as a whole would
Estimated savings per MW $5,080 save $60 million.
—Eric Every / Yaskawa–Solectria
Table 1 Using Y-connectors within the table depicted in Figure 3, Option 3, nets Solar / Lawrence, MA /
material and labor savings of $254 per array table and more than $5,000 per MWac.

20 S O L A R PR O | July/August 2016

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